





(2008-04-27 22:53:52)


(山西三)上庄,润城,张壁 Shanxi 3 Shangzhuang, Runcheng,Zhangbi
一、徒步上庄村 位于山西省祁县峪口乡的上庄村古有“小北京”之称。传说本村一
Walk to Zhuang village Located in the Yukou town in the Qi county in Shanxi province,
the Shangzhuang village possesses a name“small Peking”. It is said there is an ancestor
who once was an officer in Beijing and returned to his old home town in full glory to do
construction which is according to the style of Peking. So it comes the name.
1 《没有主人的房屋》 路边无人居住的房屋,沉默地守望着老城。
House without owner The house without owner living by the road keeps watching the old city.  
2 《老房子》 古朴的木质老房,居然还有几根大的石柱支撑,很是奇怪。
Old house In surprise,the old,simple and unsophisticated wood house has several big stone pillars supporting. 
3 《闲暇的当地居民们》 The local residents’leisure time
4 《清静的小院》 二、三层阁式小楼,雕梁画栋,做工精细,兼具北方民居和南方水乡民居特色,有极高的艺术品位。
Quiet yard The small building with 3 floors has beam with carving and painting which has both north and south style of folk houses. How refined the quality of art is.
5 《“忠”》 每当看到这个“忠”字,我都能够联想到那个“万众一心”的年代。
Honest Every time I see this word“Honest”(Zhong),I can remember the past time. 
6 《樊圃》 许多木质门额上的文字经过几百的风吹雨打,已经字迹难以辨认。
Fanpu The words on the wood board exposed to the wind and rain are hard to identify.  
7 《门廊上的树》 也许在很久以前,鸟儿衔来的种子,在墙头已长成了大树。
The tree on the stoop Maybe long ago,the birds take the seed on the wall,so it grows up.  
8 《老民居》 Old folk houses
9 《司农第》 司农第,相当于现在农业部长的故居。
Sinongdi Sinongdi,refers to the former residence of the minister of agriculture of the
10 《古镇小景》 A scene in old town 
11 《古镇的街道》 Streets of ancient town 
12 《古朴人家》 古朴人家的门口,绿意盎然。
Simple and unsophisticated family At the gate,it is simple and unsophisticated,green is much in the yard. 
13 《居仁巷》 Juren lane
14 《门楼》 古镇上这座古朴的门楼,已经变成了垃圾堆放点.
Gateway This old gateway in this ancient town is becoming trash storage.
15 《砖砌的城墙》 砖砌的城墙上,被岁月风蚀得坑坑洼洼,特别有层次,形成一种残缺的美。
Brick city wall The brick city wall becomes bumpy after years’Aeolian erosion. Its special levels can be seen as kind of beauty of deformity. 
16 《古镇生活》 街边的河道有正在清洗衣物的村民。
Life in old town There are villagers washing clothes in the riverway by the road. 
二、润城镇 润城镇位于山西省阳城县城东七公里处,早在战国时期已是韩赵相争的
Runcheng town Runcheng town is located about 7 kilograms far from the east town of Yangcheng county in Shanxi province,and in Zhan Kuo period it was the key town that Han and Zhao fighting for,so it was called young town or small town. As smelting is prosperous here,it once was called“Ancient town of smelting”,and the present name comes from the 38th year of Jing emperor in Ming dynasty.
1《 润城民居》经过几百年的风吹雨打,许多院落门楣上的木雕匾额已经腐朽裂缝,
Folk house in Runcheng Exposed in the wind and rain,many wooden boards on the yard door have been rotted and is hard to recognize the word,so I cannot get many yards’name. 
2 《一家子出行》 这位老兄的车技,那可是相当的高超呀!
All families go out This guy must ride excellently. 
3 《坦然的小贩》我正逮机会拍摄他们,不料,他们却主动叫我给拍张照片。有很多人,好像非常在意自己的肖像权,而他们给我的感觉特别坦然!
Calm peddler I catch the chance to take photos of them but they come to ask for photos that I took. Most people care so much about their right of their own images but they make me feel calm.
4 《小吃店兼修车铺》 看来多种经营是可以不同行业的!
The snack food shop also mange mending bicycles So multi-operation can be in different industry.
5 《街景》 Streetscape
6 《公路边的民居》 汽车长期碾压公路的扬尘,已经蒙蔽了古民居原来的秀美。
Folk houses by the road The dust caused by passing cars has covered the natural beauty of ancient folk house.
7 《乱》 古镇、移动通信、培训学校、垃圾堆与人。
Messy Ancient town,China Mobile,training school,trash and people. 
Zhangbi ancient castle Zhangbi ancient castle is a small village,which is located on the loess hill 10 kilometers far away from Jiexiu city. It is built nearby tableland and ditches with three surfaces facing ditches and one surface leaning hill. So,the topography is remote and dangerous. Zhangbi village is like a castle facing the open land and back to mountains,high at south side and low at north,which is also a well-remained ancient village castle combining military,living,producing and religion together.
1 《老城门洞》古村堡门由青砖、红砂石砌成,墙高门厚,将整个村子包围得严严实实。大有一夫当关,万夫莫开之势,是理想的驻防之所。
Old city gate The gate of old village is made of flashed brick and red sand stone with high and thick wall which surrounds the village. This let me think about one sentence in a poem:If one man guards the pass,ten thousand are unable to get through. So this is really a perfect place for garrison.  
2 《老墙》 Old wall  
3 《南北主干街道》走在被称作“龙街”的主街上,石头铺就的老街坑坑洼洼,周围的旧房子仿佛让人置身于遥远的历史中。
Main street of south and north Walking on the so-called“ Dragon street” which is not flat because it is built with stone,I can see the old houses around seem to be in the history long ago.
4 《城门洞里的毛驴》 毛驴的铃铛声,在幽静的古堡里“叮当”了千年。
Donkey in the cave The bell of donkey rings in this quiet castle. 
5 《永春楼》这座门楼就是永春楼,位于贾家巷巷口,建于砖券石拱门上,永春楼的门窗面朝巷内,龙街一侧则全部用青砖砌死,具有非常明显的防御性。
Yongchun building This gateway is the Yongchun building,which is at the entry of Jiajia Lane and built on the brick archway. The window and doors of Yongchun building both face to the inside of the lane. The other side o“f Dragon Street” is built with dark blue brick and there is no exit,so it will be defensive. 
6 《青霭》 城门上有“青霭”两个字,我不解其意。
Qing’ ai I do not understand the two words.  
7 《甜甜的大西瓜》 夜里住进旅馆,我喜欢买个甜甜的大西瓜,两三块钱,比买瓶饮料还便宜。一边看电视,一边掏着吃,特别爽!
Sweet big water melon Staying at hotel in night,I like to buy a sweet and big water melon for 2 or 3 yuan which is cheaper than some drinking. Watching TV while eating,so cool.





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