

Knowledge Audit (David Skyrme Associates)

Our Knowledge Audit service identifies the core information and knowledge needs and uses in an organization. It identifies gaps, duplications, flows, and how they contribute to business goals.

Why and When?

A Knowledge Inventory (sometimes called an information audit) is a practical way of getting to grips with "knowing what you know". Applying the principles of information resources management (IRM) it identifies owners, users, uses and key attributes of core knowledge assets. It is often carried out in conjunction with a Knowledge Management Assessment as a baseline on which to develop a knowledge management strategy. Indicators that a knowledge inventory would be worthwhile include:

  • managers and professionals feel the symptoms of ‘information overload‘
  • it is difficult to find quickly key information and knowledge needed to make key decisions
  • useful sources of information and knowledge are frequently stumbled across by accident
  • duplication of information gathering activities is taking place across different departments
  • questions are raised about the value of information systems or information management (library) investments.
  • in organizations and industries with a strong R&D function


The output of our Knowledge Inventory will deliver the following benefits:

  • identification of core knowledge assets and flows - who creates, who uses
  • identification of gaps in information and knowledge needed to manage the business effectively
  • areas of information policy and ownership that need improving
  • opportunities to reduce information handling costs
  • opportunities to improve coordination and access to commonly needed information
  • a clearer understanding of the contribution of knowledge to business results.

Our proven approach is based on:

  • Our in-depth understanding of the best practice in knowledge inventories
  • An integrated approach that looks hard at the relevance of knowledge in business activities
  • Data collection methods that sort out essential knowledge from the mass of detail
  • Use of appropriate knowledge mapping tools and techniques
  • Access to a world-wide network of IRM specialists
  • Excellent analysis and writing skills
  • Proven experience in conducting knowledge inventories

What We Do

Our Knowledge Inventory does not attempt to develop a comprehensive inventory of knowledge assets, but works on the basis of developing a prioritized list of assets. These are identified by analyses of core business processes and critical management decision areas. A typical cycle includes:

  • Analysis of key documents e.g. plans, process models and descriptions
  • Analysis of current information systems
  • Interviews with representative cross-section of staff
  • Information requirements questionnaires
  • Analysis of information and knowledge flows
  • Development of knowledge maps
  • Creation of an action plan.


Deliverables are tailored to client‘s requirements but typically include the following:

  • A Core Process / Knowledge Chart
  • Supplier / User Matrix
  • A knowledge map or tree
  • An initial set of information standards
  • A sample set of inventory records
  • A detailed report, including charts, diagrams and tables of knowledge assets.

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