

转载 & 翻译 | 包揽一切的YYDS,泯灭了多少汉语表达的丰富滋味


How much richness of Chinese expression has the “universal” YYDS dissolved?
Recently, lots of simple and crude Internet buzzwords keep popping into our vision. The most powerful ones probably are:
“yyds” (G.O.A.T. = the greatest of all the time);
Just a little bit of small excitement can make (young) people say “啊我死了 (ah I am gonna die, abbreviation according to pinyin)”; 
They can say “大无语” (big speechlessness) about everything difficult they meet;
When things get a little better they’ll say “杀疯了” (It’s so amazing/tragic that it kills me);
Whether it is praise or mockery, saying a “绝绝子” (absolutely  impressive/ funny/ amazing/ outrageous, etc.) can’t be wrong...
As for “笑死” (lmao - laughing my ass off), “美爆” (extraordinarily beautiful), “丑哭” (something is so ugly that it makes people cry, extremely ugly) and so on, you cannot escape from them as long as you are a web user.
In fact, such buzzwords are not newly emerging linguistic phenomena. This type of Internet slang has had its own position in the “List of top Internet slang” over the years, such as “我太难了” (Life is so hard for me), “奥利给” (new way of saying 加油), “洪荒之力”(mysterious great power inside a human), etc. Just that they were solely developed within several Internet communities or leagues, but now they are going viral. They are vastly booming.

What do these buzzwords have in common? Why have they become an unstoppable linguistic fashion trend? What impacts do they have on Chinese expressions?


Its a widespread phenomenon that people are reluctant to give up unless they come up with new shocking words, phrases or sentences (语不惊人死不休” was originally from the great ancient poet 杜甫, which was created to describe his attitude of pursuing perfection in his poetic language. But here the author uses it ironically). This is where little value of expressing is left.
The semantic commonality of the buzzwords mentioned above is that they are all extremely exaggerated and that they rely on extreme expressional style to come into widespread use. In fact, expressions of great intensity are also common in everyday language. Related words are “很”, “非常”, “特别”, “极其”, “厉害” and so on. But Internet language has two distinctive features: Firstly, the large amount of emerging extreme expressions with strong exaggerations; Secondly, the overuse of superlative forms, which leads to serious semantic devaluation.


In human society, “death” is something that everyone fears. And the taboo of death makes people avoid talking about “death”. Therefore, in everyday language, “death” & “claim one’s life” are only used, usually negatively, when it comes to extreme events that rarely happen. That’s when we say “ 'die’ of exhaustion”, “deadly busy”, “poor to death”, “deadly painful” and so on. However, in Internet slang, “life and death” is no longer “at stake” (“生死攸关” is 成语). People easily “attempt suicide”. They can easily “cry to death”, “laugh to death”, “be amazed by beauty to death” and “be shocked by ugliness to death”. Even“啊我死了” (啊a我wǒ死sǐ了le - Ah I’m gonna die) can be an everyday byword. It’s hard to know how many times a person can experience “death” and then “come back to life” in a single day.


In the world, an “explosion” happens with a sudden burst of sound, light and energy that has a great sensual impact. As a result, a number of exaggerated uses of the words such as “explode”, “crack”, “blow up” and “destroy” have developed, becoming Internet extreme expression “darlings”. 
“This study brought the whole world to an 'explosion’!”
“Shock! Such statements are 'destroying’ our view of the world, life and value.”
Such horrible headlines of public articles are everywhere.
“I’m cracking up”, “Explode right away”, “Acting skill is blowing up”, “Reputation is bringing to a packed house”, etc. are also overwhelmingly spoken out. “Smoke and fire” are pervasive in the talk.


In the world of mythology, gods and goddesses (divine beings, mortals, fairies, Chinese “Xian”) represent supreme powers beyond the reach of earthly beings. But in Internet language,  gods and goddesses are also dragged down to earth by netizens and applied to the extreme expression.
 In school, there are “the king of study” and “the god of study”.
In the entertainment industry, there are “god”, “goddess” and “little fairy”.
In news reports, there is “divine unfolding” and “divine turns”. 
Of course, the divine power is indestructible. They are all “yyds” (G.O.A.T.).
These extreme expressions have a greater freshness and impact than the traditional degree adverbs because of their vivid metaphorical features, but they also bring about an “inflation” in the linguistic world. In the economic world, the constant issuing of large amounts of money leads to soaring prices and the currency becoming increasingly worthless. In the linguistic world, the floods of extreme expressions, overused without distinction, leads to a “semantic devaluation” - words lose their definitive connotation and even become merely a tone.
Let’s review the evolution of “yyds”. It first appeared in the E-sports scene and was used by game presenters to praise their players for their amazing game-play skills. It later entered the fandom and was used by fans to show praise for the outstanding performance of their idols. After “yyds” went beyond its original field, its contexts of use kept expanding and could be used to praise not only individuals, but also countries, institutions and organizations, and then events, ideas and products, etc. Everything can be a “god”. Correspondingly, the barriers to “be 'god-ed’ ” are also lowered. With even a little advantage, a new “yyds” can be born. For example, “Class 14, Grade 9 yyds!” (slogan of author’s son’s class), “Saltwater Popsicle yyds!”, “Black Cat Detective (a Chinese cartoon) yyds!” ... By this point, “yyds” has become nearly nonsense, mainly used to release emotions and without much value of expressing.


Extreme expression is an important means of compensating for the emotional communication lost online.
The unstoppable popularity of extreme expression in Internet communication is largely rooted in the dramatic changes in the way language is used and spread.
The rapid development of social networking media has greatly expanded people’s social life. Before social networking developed and got mature, our oral communication was with a limited number of friends and family members, written communication was mainly a one-way reception of standard expressions in newspapers, and the frequency of use and speed of spreading of particular phrases were very limited. For a linguistic expression to become a buzzword, it often had to be passed on by “Word of mouth” and traditional media over a long time before it got into the public market. However, the buzzwords that originated in the pre-Internet age were often beautiful, elegant or even literary, and would survive for a long time or even enter the lexicon and become an integral part of modern Chinese.
In the internet age, everyone has hundreds of thousands of social friends, and everyone is creating their own things and expressing self social media like WeChat, Sina Weibo, QQ and so on. A new linguistic usage through exponential “infection”, can go viral over the country in just one or two days. According to the pragmatic rule, the more frequently a language form is used, the more universally it’ll be used, but at the same time the more serious the semantic generalization and devaluation will be, and the novelty will soon vanish. Hence countless extreme expressions come and go, but no one endures. The rapidity and frequency of change and iteration give us the impression that extreme expressions are overwhelming and unstoppable.

There is another very important feature of the spreading of Internet communication - the two parties are not in the same physical space and are not able to exchange information on the spot. This means that nonverbal factors such as expressions, gestures, postures and intonation, which are mainly used to communicate emotions, cannot be perceived. The main purpose of communication is to “express emotions and convey meanings” (表情达意 is 成语), and online communication can “convey meaning”, but “expressing emotions” is greatly lacking. In order to make up for this, the Internet language has developed a number of unique means of conveying emotions, such as a variety of emojis and memes, such as “haha”, “huh”, “oooh” and other uses of onomatopoeia. If we take a closer look, we will find that extreme expressions are also an important means of compensation for the lack of emotional communication online. In addition to their high semantic degree, extreme words are used to express emotions more. Words such as “god”, “cry”, “die”, “mad” and “explode” are all figurative and emotive. To say that a person is a “goddess” is not only to praise her outstanding ability, but also to express admiration; to say that one is “dying of laughter” is not mainly to say that something is funny, but rather to express one’s strong emotions. Because these emotions cannot be expressed effectively on the spot, they can only be conveyed through exaggerated semantics circuitously.



The loss of richness in expression is accompanied by the loss of precision in expression.

The widespread use of extreme words is certainly a consequence of the nature of online communication, but it clearly has a range of impacts on our daily language expressions.
First of all, if the highest degree is used to describe any situation, then the value of the strength of expression is lost. The world is full of diversity, things are various, and people are very different. If they are all depicted in a single “奥里给” or “yyds”, while losing the richness of expression, we are also losing the precision of expression. It is just like inflation. In the end, any small-denomination currency will become paper trash and be withdrawn from circulation, while large-denomination currency will no longer be able to objectively measure the value of goods, leading to the final collapse of the entire economic system.
Secondly, a large number of extreme words are also “crude and shoddy” in morphology, without linguistic beauty and wisdom. “yyds” and “啊我死了” are just abbreviations of pinyin, “夺笋” and “碉堡” are just undernourished homo-phonic games, “笑死了”, “美哭了”, “杀疯了”, “我太难了” are simple catchphrases. “Words without deepness and art cannot go a long way”. “The renaissance and the evanishment can just be a flash”. After a party, what is left can be only rubbish all over the floor.
What is even more alarming is the profound effect that the overuse of extreme words can have on our mental activities. Language is not only a tool for communication, it is also a tool for thinking. Language is not only a tool for thinking, but it can also change how we think. This process is being done in an invisible and nuanced way, which can shape a generation’s thinking quality without being noticed.
The overuse of extreme words induces simplification of the way of thinking. The language we rely on to observe objects and think about them - if the language is simple and vulgar, so does the mind. And if all that pops into our heads are extreme words, we will no longer be able to identify the fine differences between objects or appreciate the complex relationships between things. Language imposes simple expression patterns on us, and we become slaves to it without being aware of it. We no longer strive for brilliant writing, for the inimitable style, for perfection, for the ultimate, because the universal “yyds” has it all.
The overuse of extreme words also leads to a tendency to over-emotionalize mental activities. What seems important is no longer the essence of things, but the release of subjective emotions, which inevitably leads in the long run to the expression of emotions over facts, or even to the neglect of facts, putting instinctive emotional reactions above serious rational thinking.
咬文嚼字(to bite words and chew characters (idiom)), the taste of life is “bitten” and the quality of thinking is chewed. Let’s stop and take time to think before the buzzwords come out of our mouths: is there a more apposite and refined expression instead?

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