


Unit 3   What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?
SectionA (1a一2c)
A 卷
1.一个飞碟___________________       2.在图书馆前面 ___________________ 
3.在理发店__________________        4.冲澡出来 _____________________
5.电话聊天___________________       6. 理发   _______________________  
7.睡懒觉_____________________       8.飞行博物馆 __________________
1. He usually ________ (read) a newspaper after supper.
2. The woman ________ (finish) cleaning the house just now.
3. What ________ they ________ (do) at this time yesterday?
4. Do you find it easy ________ (ride) a bike.
5. I ________ (fly) a kite when it began to rain.
1.________ the girl was shopping,the alien got out.
2.The boy was walking down the street ________the UF0 arrived.   
3._______the teacher came in,we were talking.
4.________the twins were watching TV somehody knocked on the door.
5.Han Mei was cooking dinner _________his father was listening to music.

B 卷
(  ) 1.When will the young man_______the shopping center?
A.get  B.arrive to  C.reach at  D.arrive at
(  ) 2.What_____you______when l came in?
    A.are;doing    B.did;do  C.was;do  D.were;doing
(  ) 3.----______was she when it started to rain?   ----At schoo1.
A.What  B.Where  C.How    D.Why
(  ) 4.Teachers always stand  _______  the classroom.
A.behind   B. in front of   C.in the front of   D.in
 A:So can you________me________you saw here today?
 B:Well,I was walking down Center Street _________ a UFO _________.
 A:_______ did it land?  B:________ here.
 A:So what __________ next?   
C:An alien got _________ the UFO.
A:What _________ you  _________  ?
C:When the alien got out of the UFO? I________shopping.
1. I was eating lunch when the UFO arrived.(否定) 
I _________ __________ lunch when the UFO arrived.
3. The girl was shopping when the alien got out.(一般疑问句)
_________ the girl __________when the alien  got out?
4. I was  cutting her hair when the accident happened.( 提问)
    _________ ___________ you _________ when the accident happened?
5. The Greens  were watching TV at 8:00 yesterday.(提问)
_________ _________ the Greens___________ at 8:00 yesterday?
6. The man was walking down the street.  The weather began to snow.

C 卷
  1. 当我在厨房做饭的时候,我听见有人敲门。
  2. 那时,我正站在图书馆前面。
  3. 当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。
  Dr Martin Luther King’s murder_________(take)place about thirty years ago,before many Americans ____________(出生).However,in more recent times most Americans remember what they _____________(do)  when the world Trade center in NewYork was destroyed by terrorists(恐怖分子).  Even the date—September l1,200l  h_________ meaning to most Americans.   
Not all events in history__________(be) as terrible as this,  of course many Americans also ___________(say) they remember (当人类第一次在月球上走时,他们在干什么)__________________________________________________ on the moon on July 20,1969.In more recent history,most Chinese remember what they they were doing when Yang Liwei b_____________  the first Chinese astronaut in space.Yang went into space on October 15,2003. His flight around the Earth 
l ___________ 22 hours.When he ____________(return),he became a national hero in China,and became famous all over the world.  




英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题
①     They were talking       the phone .
②     I was      the barber’s chair .
③     The boy was walking       the street when a UFO landed .
④     I had a very unusual experience      Sunday .
⑤     The alien visited the Museum       Flight
1. in front of    in the front of
(1) My sister is sitting _______ the classroom to see the sun.
(2) My sister is sitting _______ the classroom to read English with her classmates.
2. when  while   as
(1) ______ I was walking on the street, I met my old friend.
(2) She was singing ______ she was walking.
(3) I was walking on the street _____ I met my old friend.
(4) They were reading English ______ I stayed at home.
(5) They were talking ______ I arrived.
3. get out of   get into   get on   get off
(1) After he ________ the taxi, he _______ a car to the school.
(2) We ________ the bus and _________ another one to train station.
(3) When I _____ the shop, I saw an old woman _____ the restaurant.
4. take off  land   take down   put on
(1) I _______ my clothes after getting up.
(2) The plane _______ when people came in.
(3) A UFO ________ on the playground, many children ran to see it.
(4) Please ______ your coat, it is very hot outside.
(5) The picture is too old, please ______ it ______.
5. in the tree  on the tree
(1) There are some apples ________.  (2) There are a few birds _________.
6. every day   everyday
(1) They read English _______.
(2) They read _______ English after work.
7. hear about /of     hear from   hear
(1) He ________ his brother was ill yesterday.
(2) He __________ his brother last week, because his brother _______ his illness in hospital.
英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题
1. in front of, in the front of   2. While, as /while, when, when /while, when  3. got out of  got into, got off  got on, got out of  get into /getting into; got into  get out of /getting out of  4. put on, took off, landed, take off, take  down  5. on the tree, in the tree   6. every day, everyday  7. heard, heard from  heard of/about

英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION B第二课时达标测试题

1. We know many ________ (hero) in the movie.
2. We know the two ________(kid) _________ (kid) us.
3. The teacher asked us ______ (keep) the windows ______ (close).
4. The shop is _______ (close) today.
5. I had my hair ______ (cut) in the barber shop yesterday.
6. My parents ________ (fly) to Shanghai last week.
7. I ______ (shop) when I saw A UFO _______(land).
8. Please read the _______ (follow) sentence.
9. The students sit on the chairs ________(silence).
10. I _______ (buy) some fruit just now.
11. I happened _______ (see) my teacher on the way to school.
12. I was _____ at the ______news very much (surprise).
13. When Mr Green was in his room, his family _____(be) with him.
14. The boy was sitting at the ________ (doctor).
英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTION A 第二课时达标测试题
一、1. heroes  2. kids, kidded/are kidding  3. to keep, closed  5. closed  6. cut   6. flew   7. was shopping, land   8. following  9. silently   10. bought   11. to see   12. surprised, surprise /surprising  13. were  14. doctor’s

英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTIONC 第二课时达标测试题
1. A car accident happened to the man just now.
  A car accident ______  ______ to the man just now.
2. Please stay silent in class.     Please stay _______  _______ in class.
3. The school closed yesterday.
  The school ______  ______  _____ yesterday.
4. They flew to Beijing.         They _____ to Beijing ______  ______.
5. When I arrived, he was eating supper.
  ______ he was eating _______, I arrived.
6. What’s the meaning of this word?
  What ______ this word ________?
  What do you ______  ______this world?
7. He asked someone to cook the lunch.      He _______ the lunch ______
8. He bought some clothes from the shop.
  He ______  ______  ______ in the clothes shop.
1. When I returned, I saw him ___ on the bed.
  A. laying  B. lying   C. laid   D. lie
2. You can see many beautiful flowers ___ in the park.
  A. somewhere  B. anywhere  C. over there  D. here and there
3. Xiao Hong is scared of ____ English.
  A. learn    B. learns   C. to learn   D. learning
4. When it ______ tomorrow, I will stay at home.
  A. rain   B. rains  C. will rain   D. rained
5. There are ten ______ young people in the playground.
  A. hundred  B. hundreds  C. hundred of   D. hundreds of
6. What ____ she _____ this time last Friday?
  A. did, do  B. is, doing   C. was, doing  D. were, doing
7. Lucy ___ out of her room _____ I arrived.
  A. got, when  B. was getting, while  C. got, while  D. was getting, when
8. _____ strange man he is!
  A. What   B. What a   C. How   D. How a
9. He left the room and then ____ into another one.
  A. gets   B. got   C. was getting   D. to get
10. He is ______ seeing the UFO.
  A. surprised at   B. surprised of  C. surprising at  D. surprising of
11. Let’s not go ____. It’s dangerous outside.
  A. to anywhere  B. anywhere  C. somewhere  D. to somewhere
12. Who will _____ the sick children?
  A. look for  B. look up   C. look after   D. look out
13. --____ did it arrive here?    --- Last night.
  A. When   B. While    C. Where   D. How
14. Shanghai is a very beautiful city and I ______ it very soon.
  A. fall in love with    B. fall in love about
  C. felt in love about   D. feel in love with
15. He runs as ______ as his brother.
   A. fast  B. faster   C. quick   D. quicker

16. What happened ____ you?
   A. to   B. with    C. in   D. for
17. I didn’t think _____ making ____ with him.
  A. out, friends   B. about, a friend  C. up, a friend  D. of, friends
18. -- I was doing my homework at nine yesterday evening. What about you?
   -- I ______.
   A. sleep   B. slept  C. was sleeping  D. am sleeping
19. ______ cold weather it is!
  A. What   B. What a   C. How   D. How a
20. I was surprised ____ the accident.
   A. hear  B. heard   C. to hear    D. hearing
21. I first met Mary three years ago. She ____ at a radio shop at the time.
   A. has worked   B. works  C. was working  D. will work
22. What is she _______ English over there, Tom?
   A. saying in   B. speaking in   C. telling about  D. talking with
英语学科八年级下册第三单元SECTIONC 第二课时达标测试题
一、1. took place   2. in silence   3. didn’t have lessons; had no classes; didn’t open up  4. went  by air /plane   5. While, dinner   6. does mean, mean by  7. had, cooked   8. did some shopping
二、1-5 BDDBA  6-10 CDBBA  11-15 BCAAA  16-20 ADCAC  21-22 CA

Unit 3 SectionB(1-2c)
1 The cat is__the tree.
A in    B on     C  at     D sit
2 _I come to your home yesterday afternoon,but nobody was in .
_Oh ,we __some shopping in the supermarket.
A  has done B did C was doing D are doing
3 Don’t talk __eating
A  while    B  when  C  after   D and
4 It’t so hot in the room.Please__your sweater
A taking off B  putting away  C  take off D  put on
1 Tell me about __(it),John.
2 While I__(walk)to school,I saw a cat in the tree.
3 It was really __(scared)
4 While I__(climb)the tree ,a man saw me.
1 因此我停止爬树。
So I stopped____ the tree.
2 当我步行到学校时,我看到树上有一只猫。
I saw a cat__  __  __ while I was  __ to school
3 昨天晚上九点他正在和朋友讨论他们的计划
He __  __  __ his plans with his friends at 9:00 last night.
4 那是他的树并且他对我喊叫。
It was his tree and he __  __  me
1 The man shouted __me.
A  to    B  at    C  on     D  in
2 What __when your mother called you up?
A are you doing       B  did you do
C you were doing      D  were you doing
3 I was waiting for a friend__it begin to rain heavily
A while      B  when    C  because    D so
4 _Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?
_Yes .It happened when I __pass the market.
A walk B  am walking C  will walk D was walking
1 So I stopped __(climb)
2 It wanted __(jump)down
3 While he was taking the photo ,the cat__ (go)up the tree again.
4 Yesterday I __ (take)some photos in the park.
1 然后那人报了警。
Then the man__  __   __.
2 记者照了一张照片。
The newspaper reporter__   __   __.
3 当我爬树时一个人看到了我。
While I __   __  the tree ,a man __  me.
4 我从树上跳了下来。   
I __  __ from the tree.
1 I was drawing a horse__the teacher came in
A while     B as     C when    D since

2 What  __to lilei last night?
A happened            B  was happened
C is happening        D  to happen
3 The story __a rainy night last June
Ahappened on B happened in C took place on D took place in
4 I__when the telephone rang
A cooked B  am cooking C  was cooking   D cook
1 I had a bad day.(改为感叹句)
__  __  __  __I had !
2 While I was walking to school,I saw a cat in the tree.(划线部分提问)
__  __ you see a cat in the tree?
3 It wanted to jump down.(同意句转换)
 It __   __ to jump down.
4 The cat jumped down ,too. (同意句转换)
The cat __  __ down.
1 当他照相的时候,那只猫又一次爬到树上。
While he __  __  the photo ,the cat __ up the tree again.
2 发生了什么事?
What ______?
3 昨天我在街上碰巧见到了他。
I__  __  __  him in the street yesterday.
4 我看到树上有一只猫。
I saw a cat __  __  __  .
Unit 3 SectionB(3-4b)
1 They __to Beijing last Saturday.
A  go B are going C went D were going
2 When I __my homework last night,my mother was cooking,
A  was doing B were doing C is doing D are doing
3 The man got out the house and __ away.
A  ran B  run C runs D rans
4 I looking for my book everywhere ,but I couldn’t fing it __.
A  everywhere B  anywhere C somewhere D nowhere
1 I __ (read)a book at 9:00 last night.
2 I __ (visit)the writer last Sunday.
3 While she was talking on the telephone.Davy_(meet)another dog outside the station.
4 I think about __ (help)my mother.
1 上周日他们去了纽约.
They __  __ New York City last Sunday.
2 Linda到处找不到Davy.
Linda couldn’t __ Davy __。
3 Davy在火车站外面遇到了另一条狗。
Davy __  __ dog outside the station
4 上个星期天11你在哪里?
__ were you __ __11:00am last Sunday?
B 卷
1 While she was talking on the telephone,Davy met __dog outside the station.
A  other B  the other C another D others
2 Linda walked around the station and__Davy’s name.
A  call B calls C  called D calling
3 What about __home together.
A  go B goes C gong  D to go
4 I __ lunch with my mother at 12:00 yesterday.
A had B  have C is having D was having
1 He was jumping and __ (run)with his sister .
2 The girl was __ (shop)when she saw a car accident.
3 Don’t __  (shout)!I can hear you.
4 The man __(call) the police yesterday.
1 他没有考虑到火车站外面去看看
She didn’t think about __  __the station.
2 当我进来的时候我看到了一条大黑狗。
I __ a big black dog when I __ in.
3 但Linda最终看到Davy的时候,他正在和另一条狗又跑又跳。
When Linda finally __ Davy,he __   __   and __with another dog. 
4 昨天晚上9点你在做什么?
What __ you __ at 9:00 last night?
Teacher :What  __ you doing at 10:30 last Sunday morning?
Jim :    I  __ making a model plane in my dedroom.
Teacher :  __ was your sister  __  at that time?
Jim :She was  __  with the cat .
Teacher :Were your parents  __  TV?
Jim :No,they were  __  newspapers.
Teacher :What  __you going to do this Sunday? 
Jim :We are going  __ visit Hangzhou.
 Teacher :I hope you’ll  __  a good time.


英语八班级下Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
宁阳二十中 贾衍荣
1. He had a car a----- and stayed in a hospital.
2. .My father is o --- fifty years old.
3. The tall building was destoryed by t----.
4. The girl has two b---- big eyes and a round face.
5. Yang Liwei is a national h---- in China.
This was one of the most --- --- in --- Chinese history.
 This story --- --- about thirty years ago.
This building --- --- --- some terrorists.
9.2003 年10月15日对每位中国人都有意义
October 15,2003--- --- ---each Chinese.
They sat there --- ---.
1.accident 2.over 3.terrorists 4.bright 5.hero 6.important events modern7.took place 8.was destoryed by 9.had meanimg to 10.in silence



英语八班级下Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
1. It’s twelve now .Let’t  stop------lunch
A. have  B.having C. had D.to have
2. When I walked ----- the station ,I saw the accident----.
A. past,to happen  B.passed, happened
C.past, happen    D. past, happening 
3 Father ---- a newspaper when mother ---.
A.was reading ,returned  B.was looking , returned
C.was  seeing, was returning D. reading ,returned
4   .The children-----a P .E. class on the playground when it suddenly began to rain.
    A. have    B. are .having   C. . had   D.were having
5.  .The students put down their pens when the teacher ---- them to stop writing.
A. said  B. spoke  C.told  D. talked
6. My ---(fly) to Shanghai will take off in ten minutes.
7. We were having fun when the bell-----(ring).
8. He always ----(forget) things when he was young.
9. A ticket was ----(buy) by me just now.
10. I listened carefully,but----(hear) nothing.

1.D  2.C  3.A  4.D  5.C     
6.flight  7.rang  8.forgot  9.bought  10.heard



英语八班级下Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?
1. My f---- to New York takes off from Beijing International Airport.
2. It was raining when the plane l---- in London.
3. Tom died yesterday. Do you know who m------ him.
4. The moon goes around the e------.
5. The students play basketball on the p------ after school.
6. 女孩在购物当她看见汽车事故.
The girl was shoping when she saw --- --- ---.
7. 当铃响的时候 我们正在操场上玩.
We were ----- ------in the playground when the bell ----.
8. 他们记住他们正在做什么当他们听说这件大事的时候.
They remember what they were doing when they ---- ---- the event.
  Man first ---- ----- ----- ---- ---- July 20, 1969.
10.Tom 看望生病住院的姑姑.
   Tom visited aunt --- ---.

1.flight 2.landed 3.murdered 4.earth 5.playground 6.a car accident 7.having fun rang7.heard about 9.walked on the moon on 10.in hospital

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