



1.How do you learn English

I learn English by _________.

A. listen to cassettes          B. speak it  C. listening to cassettes            D .ask the teacher

2..This is the best hour I can _________ I_________ in the past twelve years.

A. know; have had  B. remember; had   C .think of; have had  D .think out; had

3.He speaks too quickly_________.

A. understand                    B. write them down   C. to understand             D. and write

4.We still couldn’t decide _________ with our difficulties in learning English.

A. how to do              B. how to deal   C. what to deal         D. what to solve

5.How did you get there yesterday?_________.

A. Take a taxi      B .By walking C On a car      D.I walked there

6. English is popular around the world _________computers.

A. from                      B. into                          C. for                           D. around

7.As time _________,we know each other better.                                                   

A. goes by                  B. passes by                 C. went off                   D. going by

8.Tony thinks it is easy _________ English.

A. study                           B. learns                       C. to learn      D. studies

9.I know Lillian Li enjoys _________out with English-speaking friends.

A. go                                B. went                        C. gone          D. going

10.Why don’t you _________your teacher for help?

A. ask                        B. to ask                       C. asking                      D. asks

11.Why did you quarrel with your mum?

She was always _________ a little guy.

A.  regarding me as    B. Thinking me as  C. treating me like D. thinking of me like

12.When I spoke English, people there always laughed _________me.

A. at                   B. in        C. over           D. from

13. When I was a child, I used to ___________ strawberry.
  A. liking    B. like   C. liked   D. likes
14. It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.
  A. seems     B. looks  C. looks as if  D. seems as if
15. He is afraid of ___________ strangers.
  A. see   B. seeing    C. saw    D. seen
16. I used to have short hair but now I have _____ hair.
  A. curly     B. long   C. straight     D. yellow
17. I don’t like going out . I’m very _______.
  A. funny     B. quiet    C. quite    D. active

18. My sister likes music. My father used to take          her to the _______.
  A. museum   B. amusement park   C. concerts    D. hospital
19. Don’t ___________ about things so much. It will make you stressed out.
  A. afraid  B. terrify  C. terrified D. worry
20. I used to be shy. I couldn’t ___________________.
  Aalone B. speak in front of a large group C. say anything D. try

21.The biggest trouble I came across _________ English was how to learn the words by heart.

A. to study                    B. studying                   C. in study                    D. study

22._________ you remember me .I’m Dania, your childhood friend?

A. dont                            B. Dont              C. Do not                            D. do not

23.You’re Paula,_________?

     A. are you                            B. do you       C. aren’t you               D. dont you

24.People _________ change. But I don’t think our friendship change, either.

A. sure                         B. surely                       C. be sure                            D. be surely

25.You used to be really little fat,_________ you?

 A. did                           B. Didn’t               C. didn’t                       D. Did

26.Martin hated _________ when his mother sent him to a boarding school.

A. it        B. her                           C this                           D. that

27.His father makes a living           driving a taxi.

A  by                B  with             C for                   D  through

28.Girls are usually           of spiders and insects.

A  sure             B  terrified           C  made                D  kinds

29.Children often make mistakes          spelling.

A  for                B  in                C  on                 D  at

30. No children           to watch this kind of movie because it’s too scary.

A. should allow   B. shouldn’t be allowed   C. should be allowed   D. don’t allow

31 ——Do you always spend lots of time      playing computer games?

——No, but I spend much time         my homework.

    A. on; in          B. on; on          C. in; on            D. in; in

32 like writing my own original sentences           the grammar I’ve learned.

 A. use                   B  to use              C  used                 D  using

33.You should           the new words that you don’t know how to spell.

A  look for              B  look after           C  look up             D  look down

34.Did you           play the computer games?

A  used to               B  use to              C  usedn’t to             D  use

35.Do you have any trouble           the foreigners?

A  to understand   B  understand          C  understanding    D  understood

36.Mary won’t go and Peter won’t go ,____.

A. too            B. also              C. either            D. neither

37.----What have you done ______the bananas?
   ----I have given them away.
    A. at              B. in             C. with           D. on

38. The_______ should be taken good care of. They are too young.

A. one-year-old    B. one-year-olds   C. one-years-old     D. one-year-old child

39. -------Where is Mrs. Jones?  She is wanted on the phone.
  --------She isn’t in the office. She  ________ to the hospital.
    A. has gone      B. has been        C. went        D. goes
40. I think ________ vocabulary lists ________ us a lot.

A. Make, help        B. making, helps            C. makes, helping     D. making, help

41. —— Can you tell me what to wear at the party?

   —— If I            you, I            the blue jeans.

A. am; will wear     B. was, will wear   C. were, would wear    D. were, wore

42. You should concentrate             your work.

        A. in         B. at         C. on            D. with

43.Stars can’t            in the daytime.

        A. saw       B. see         C. seen          D. be seen

44. Parents should not be too strict           teenagers.

        A. for       B. with        C. in             D. on

45. If I          you , I’d wear a shirt and the tie.

        A. was       B. am         C. were           D. is

46. A: I finished my work..      B:             

        A. So do I.     B. So does I.        C. So have I.         D. So did I.

47.How are you getting along             your neighbor?

        A. for         B. with             C. /               D. by

48. You always come up with good solutions           people’s problems.

        A. in          B. of               C. to              D. for

49. Teenagers should be allowed            their own clothes.

        A. choose      B. choosing          C. to choose        D. chose

50. Don’t go out to play games          school nights.

        A. at          B. for               C. in              D. on

51. He should stop            that terrible hat.

        A. to wear     B. wear              C. wearing         D. wore 

52. I know we get            sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other.

        A. noise        B. noisy            C. noisy           D. noisily

53. There          plenty of students who wants to speak English.

        A. is           B. be                C. are            D. have

54. You would also rather        at home and read a good book than       to a party.

        A. stay/go       B. to stay/to go        C. staying/going   D. staying/to go

55.It took him          morning to check out          information.

        A. the whole/all the   B. whole the/the all  C. the whole/the all  D. whole/all


56. _______ present our vacations are too short.

A. At          B. On        C. From      D. For

57.You have to be 18 years before you _________ to drive a car.

A. are allowed                    B. are             C. allowed             D. allow

58.The children often take time to do things like_________.

A. volunteer         B. to volunteer              C. volunteers  D. volunteering

59.I think art is very interesting.

_________.Music is more interesting than art.

A.I don’t agree       B.I think so     C.I agree           D. I don’t know

60.Anna is _________ to drive a car.

A. calm enough      B. enough calm   C. enough to calm     D. calm to enough

  61.I don’t have a present. What if _________brings a present?

A. everyone other                                             B. anyone other

C. everyone else                                               D. else everyone

62. If a friend said something bad ______ you, what would you do?

A. about      B. on       C. for        D. to

63..If I were you, I’d talk _________someone _________looks friendly.

A. to; what       B. for; who        C. to; who            D. for; what

64.What do you think of the football match?

 A. How do you think of   B. How do you like  C. What do you think  D. What do you like

65.This question is ______ easy, all the students can answer the question.

  A. too much             B. too many        C. much too         D. many too

66.This book ______ Tom’s father’s, because his name I son the book.

A. maybe              B. may be          C. must be           D. must

67.Who does this T-shirt belong ______?

A. in                 B. on              C. to                D. of

68.We had a lot of delicious food ______ the picnic.

  A. on                 B. in              C. at                D. of

69. He ______ be a history teacher.

  A. used to              B. be used to       C. use to be          D. be use to

70Please try ______ English if you want to learn English well.

  A. practise             B. to practise       C. practicing         D. practices

71We should talk in English as ______ as possible.

  A. much              B. many           C. more             D. a lot

72.What do you think “anxious” ______?

A. mean              B. means          C. meaning           D. meant

73.I’d like to go with you, ______, my hands are full.

  A. but                B. otherwise        C. however           D. or

74He doesn’t ______ to be a scientist.

A. pretends            B. pretend          C. pretendly          D. pretended

75.The monkeys escaped ______ the zoo yesterday evening.

A. on                 B. of              C. from             D. out

76.It is ______ of a problem to be poor than to be dishonest.

  A. more               B. little            C. much            D. less

77.He ______ would do great thins should not attempt them all alone.

  A. whom              B. who            C. whose            D. which

78.Tonny is afraid ______, because he was bit by a dog.

  A. fly                 B. to flying         C. flying             D. of flying

79. The woman said she saw the thief ____from the shop.

  A,  escaped  B. escape  C escapes  D. to escape

80.If I ______you, I would give some flowers to her.

 A. am   B .was   C ,are  D .were

81.You’d better not read today’s newspaper because there is _________in it.

 A. something interesting B. anything new C. important thing D. nothing special

82He pretends _______this thing.

 A. not know B. not knowing C .not to know D .to know not

83.The  headmaster _______be in the office because the light is off.

 A. can’t   B might  C. could  D. must

84.In  the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____she could ask for help.

 A. that   B. from whom  C .whom  D .to whom

85.It’s too late ,I ________go home now, or my parents will be angry with me.

 A, have to   B. have   C. may .   D. can

86.It’s so cold and  you’ve walked a long way. You ________be  tired. Have a rest. please.

 A .can’t   B. might   C .must    .C. can

87The books belong to ____.    A. him   B. his   C. he's   D hers

88. ---Must I finish my homework now?-- No, you ____. You may have a rest first.

  A. mustn’t   B. can’t    C. may not   D. needn’t

89-Why is the man running in the street?  --He _____ for exercise.

A. might run    B. might be    C. might be running

90 We were late for class ____ the heavy rain. 

A. because    B. because of   C. so

91I didn't come to school yesterday____ I had to look after my grandmother at home.

A. because    B. because of    C. since

92.You should be careful ____ the dog that doesn’t bark. A. of    B. for   C. on

93--What is behind the tree?  --There must be a dog ______ there.

A. to sit   B. sit   C. sitting

94 there is something in this box.  

 A. May be    B. Maybe    C. May

95The oral test makes up20____ the final exam.   

 A. on   B. to   C. of

96A serious accident ____ her and she was badly hurt.

A. happened to    B. was happened to   C. was happening

97. A woman ______ a camera over there is Tom’s mother.

A. on  B has  C with

98 Do you know ___________?

A  What will he do next    B.  What he will do next

C. where does he usually go   D. Where might he go

99 The boy used to spend time __________his classmates.

A. chat with    B chatting with  C  to chat with   D on chatting with

100_______ is happening in our neighborhood.

     A. Something strange   B. Strange things   C Strange Something


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