

1. I know one of the          (child)
2. She looks very           (worry).
3. My pen is           (good) than yours.
4. Thank you so           (many).
5.           (I) brother often helps           (I) with           (I) English.
6. Li Ming is on           (Mary) right.
1. Can you           English?
A. speak     B. say     C. talk     D. tell
2. Kate asked us          about her.
A. not worry     B. don't worry     C. not to worry     D. didn't worry
3.           takes her about twenty minutes
A. That, get to      B. It, get to      C. This, to get     D. It, to get
4. Mr. Smith lives in           city of Nanjing.
A. a     B. an     C. the     D. /
5. —My sister was ill yesterday 
A. Sorry, I don’t hear     B. Excuse me
C. I' m sorry to hear that     D. No, I didn't know
6. The little boy is happy          his parents.
A. to see     B. sees     C. seeing     D. saw
7. In          hospital, she          there.
A. /, work     B. a, works     C. the, work     D./, works
8. If it          rain tomorrow, I will visit the Great Wall.
A. don’t     B. will not     C. doesn't     D. is
9. How long will it          me there?
A. get     B. bring     C. take     D. carry
10. I won’t let you ______.
A. go     B. to go     C. going     D. went
1. I go out to play. I finish my work. (用not.., until 连成一句)
I                   out to play        I finish my work.
2. May I ask a problem? (作否定回答)
         , you _______.
3. Jim is going to Nanjing next month. (对划线部分提问)
          is Jim going next month?
4. Which do you prefer, English or math? (同义句)
Which do you                    , English or math?
5. We are staying in Tibet for weeks. (对划线部分提问)
                            you staying in Tibet?
6. They are going hiking on October 1st. (对划线部分提问)
                    they         hiking?
7. He rides his bike to the bus station. (同义句)
He                  the bus station
8. Most students go to school on the school bus. (对划线部分提问)
                most students          to school?
A: Hi, Lin Ming. Come and           basketball with me.
B: Sorry, I can’t. I           do some washing first.
A: Oh,          you have to? You           do it after supper.
B: I'm afraid           . Yesterday my mother asked me            wash my clothes. She'll be back soon.
A: All right. I'll go and           Jim. Is Jim at home?
B: Yes. But he can't          it today. His mother is ill. He          to look after her.
A: Oh, dear! Everyone is so busy.
Lucy: Hello, Kate. Ann is ill. Let's go and see    1  .
Kate:   2   ! Let's go. (Now they are   3   Ann's room.)
Lucy: Hello, Ann, are you better? 
Ann: hello, I am   4   , thank you. It's very nice of you to come to see me.
Kate: Ann, we’re going to visit a factory tomorrow.
Ann: Oh, are you? Are you going by bus    5    by bike?
Kate: We're going to see    6    old workers. He    7    to us.
Lucy: He's going to tell    8    his hard life(生活) in the old days and his happy life today.
Ann. It's a pity(遗憾); I can t go.
Lucy:   9    we’re going to tell you all about it.
Ann:  That’s Ok.
Kate. Well, it’s time    10    go now. Look after yourself.
Ann: Thanks for coming. Goodbye!
(  ) 1. A. she     B. his     C. he     D. her
(  ) 2. A. That's all right     B. Right     C. All right     D. That's right
(  ) 3. A. on     B. in     C. at     D. to
(  ) 4. A. very better     B, much better     C. good     D. best
(  ) 5. A. or     B. so     C. but     D. and
(  ) 6. A. an     B. /     C. a     D. the
(  ) 7. A. talks     B. going to talk     C. is going to talk     D. is talking
(  ) 8. A. us     D. us with     C. about     D. we about
(  ) 9. A. Thank goodness     B. Don't worry     C. Very good     D. Don't be late
(  ) 10. A. go      B. for us to     C. for     D. for us
一、1. children   2. worried   3. better   4. much   5. My, me, my   6.  Mary's
二、1~5  ACDCC   6~10  ABCCA
三、1. don’t go, until   2. No, must’s   3. Where   4. like better   5. how long are
       6. When are, going   7. goes to, by bike   8. How do, go
四、play  have to  do  can  not   to  ask  make  has
五、1~5 DCBBA          6~10 ACCBB
1. take the subway _________         2. 到达 _________
3. how far _________                4. 决定于 _________
1. ______ is it from here to your home?
A. How long      B.  How many      C. How far      D. How much
2. I have ______ this weekend.
A. anything to do      B. nothing to do      C. do something      D. do nothing
3. ______ does it take you to get from home to school?
A. How many      B. How long      C. How much      D. How far
4. No. 10 Middle School is not far ______.
A. from      B. away      C. long      D. more
5. What does the sign ______?
A. say      B. speak      C. write      D. talk
6. ---How do you come to school. Walk or ride a bike?
A. Yes, I walk       B. No, I ride a hike      C. Ride a bike      D. Walks
7. Going to school by boat is a lot of more fun than ______.
A. by bus      B. take a bus      C. by a bus      D. taking a bus
8. It is difficult to hear the teacher ______ the cars outside.
A. because      B. because of      C. though      D. in spite of
9. ---Would you like to study at the School of the Air?
---Yes, ______.
A. I would      B. I would like      C. I'd like      D. 1 would like to
10. My parents ______ TV when they were my age.
A. didn't have      B. had no      C. hadn't have      D. A or B
A. He rides his bike.
B. How does Gary get to school?
C. It takes about fifteen minutes.
D. How far is it from his home to school?
E. It's about two miles.
F. His bike? How long does it take?
1. ______     2. ______     3. ______     4. ______     5. ______     6. ______
Miss Wang is twenty-three years old. She lives on the ninth floor in a   1   building in the   2   of the city. She lives with her   3  . Her father and mother are both doctors. They work in the same   4  . Miss Wang works in an office. Every morning she and her parents get into the   5   and leave their home at a quarter past seven and get back   6   at about ten to six.
Miss Wang works very   7   in the office. The office is about three hundred metres from the building. So she goes there on foot. She has   8   friends in her office.  They often come to her house to   9   her. Sometimes they all go to the park near   10   office on foot.
(   ) 1. A. small     B. long     C. short     D. tall
(   ) 2. A. middle     B. back     C. front     D. side
(   ) 3. A. friends     B. drivers     C. parents     D. doctors
(   ) 4. A. factory     B. hospital     C. school     D. farm
(   ) 5. A. lift     B. car     C. room     D. ladder 
(   ) 6. A. family     B. home     C. building     D. house
(   ) 7. A. busy     B. free     C. easy     D. hard
(   ) 8. A. only     B. no     C. many     D. much
(   ) 9. A. play     B. go     C. see     D. watch
(   ) 10. A. their     B. our     C. your     D. his
One day, a woman is teaching some young children. She wants them to know something about animals. She puts many pictures on the blackboard and there is a kind of animal on each picture.
"Which animal is eggs' father?" she asks, but nobody answers.
"Which animal is a hen's husband?" she changes(改)the question, but the answer is the same.  Still nobody answers.
"All right! Which animal wakes you up(叫醒)every morning? He gets up when the sun gets up.  He wakes you and calls again and again until you get up. What's it?" 
"I know," one of the children stands up and says, "Mothers!" 
"No!" the woman is very unhappy. "Don't you know?"
"Yes, we know." the other children answer. The teacher smiles.
Then one of the boys asks in a low voice(小声), "What's the answer?"
1. The woman is teaching children ______.
A. animals      B. mothers      C. children's mothers      D. pictures
2. The woman asks ______ questions and the answers are the same.
A. one      B. two      . three      D. four
3. The children say "yes" because they ______.
A. know the right answers       B. know hens
C. don't know hens      D. don't want the teacher to be unhappy
4. The right answer is ______. 
A. hens      B. mothers      C. pictures      D. cocks
5. Why is the teacher unhappy? Because ______. 
A. the child is right      B. nobody answers
C. she doesn't know the answer      D. the child doesn't know the answer
一、1. 乘地铁   2. get to   3. 多远   4. depend on
二、1~5 CBBBA       6~10 BDCCA
三、1. B   2. A   3. F   4. C   5. D   6. E
四、1~5 DACBA       6~10 BDCCA
五、1. A   2. C   3. D   4. D   5. D

1. 你怎样到学校?
2. 我是坐地铁去学校的。
3. 你的家到学校有多远? 
4. 图书馆到超市有1英里。
5. 写作业每天占你多长时间?(用形式主语)
6. 每天写作业占我2个小时。(用形式主语)
7. 你(住的地方)离学校有多远?
8. 我(住的地方)离学校有2英里。
9. 许多学生能讲英语。(a number of)
10. 我下周五要离开长安到广州。
11. 别为数学考试着急。(maths test)
In English, people don't u  1  talk much. You can go on a bus, or in a t 2, and everyone sits looking out of the w 3   .
Often they read. They read books and n  4  . But they don't talk much. W  5  you meet English people, they o 6 talk about the weather. So you can say, “N  7  weather for the time of year!” Someone may a 8, But it was a l 9 cold yesterday.
Talk like this, and English people will think,“How f  10  you are!”
Please write an article . Tell us how your good friends get to your school every morning. (注意第三人称单数的用法). And tell us how far your friends’ homes from school .
1. How do you get to school?
2. I go to school by subway.
(或:I take the subway to school .)
3. How far is it from your home to school ?
4. It is one mile from the library to the supermarket .
5. How long does it take you to do your homework ?
6. It takes me two hours to do my homework .
7. How far do you live from school ?
8. I live 2 miles from school .
9. A number of students can speak English .
10. I am leaving Chang An for Guang Zhou next Friday .
11. Don’t worry about the math test .
3. window
8. answer
9.little“a little”作状语,表程度。
10. Friendly
三、 略。 

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