


1试卷分I 卷(1-8页)和II卷(9-12),考试时间90分钟, 共120分。
2 请在II卷上填写姓名,考号及班级。
3 请将I 卷的答案选项填写在II卷的答题卷中,II卷的答案直接写在卷上, 考试结束直接交II卷。
第I 卷(共60小题, 计70分)
一 听力试题。(共25小题, 计30分)
请你先在题中选出答案, 听力测试结束后再将答案写在答题卷中
(一)看图听句子, 选择与画面内容意思一致的选项, 每组句子听一遍。
  1 (A B C ) 2 ( A B C )       3 ( A B C )         4 ( A B C )
(二) 听句子, 选择正确答语, 每个句子听两遍。
5. A. Yes, not much.            B. No, he hasn’t             C. Yes, I have. 
6. A. I study by using it.        B. I’m feeling bored          C. I like English very much.. 
7. A. Two years ago.            B. Since last year            C. In two years
8. A. For ten years.             B Very beautiful             C.Ten years ago
9. A. Yes, I did.                B. I ride a bike.              C.I remember.
10. A. No, not at all             B. Thank you.               C. over there
(三) 听五组小对话及对话后的问题, 选择正确答案,每组对话听两遍
11. A. She went to the science museum ten years ago.
   B. She went to the science museum in Beijing.
   C. She has been to the science museum once.
12. A. Because English is very easy.   B. Because English is too hard.
   C. Because English is boring.
13. A. London             B. Paris                   C. Canada
14. A. Because she doesn’t like students.
   B. Because students don’t concentrate on their study when they get together.
   C. The children may become bad.
15. A. He wants to have a chance in the supermarket.
   B. He wants to volunteer in the hospital.
   C. He wants to work in the restaurant.
(四) 听一段长对话, 选择能回答问题的正确答案。 对话听两遍。
16. What is the most important thing, when you pratice your spoken English?
A. The most English words.   B. The pronunciation.
C. To believe yourself.
17. Is it very bad when we speak wrong English?
   A. No, never mind.     B. Yes.
   C. I don’t know
18. Do the others laugh at you when you make mistakes?
   A. Yes, I think so.
   B. It doesn't matter.
   C. No, instead they will encourage you.
19. When we learn English _______ .
   A. we worry about our pronunciation.
   B. we should be always active in practice.
   C. we should be as good as the native speakers.
20. If you are brave enough _______ .
   A. You will be a brave person.
   B. You will be good enough.
   C. You will make great progress in your spoken English.
(五) 听短文, 将短文补充完整。短文听两遍。
   Welcome to the wonderful museum. This month we are 21. ______________ a special show about machines from different countries. You can find the ways machines were used to help people 22. ______________  years ago. How did the Germans make 23. _____________ cars? How did the grandfathers in 24. ______________  use their farming tools? When did the Americans try to make their 25. ______________?And when did the Spanish make comfortable shoes in their factories? You will find the answers.
二 选择填空。 (共15 小题, 计15 分)
从每小题A, B, C, D 中选出一个能填入句中空白处的 最佳答案。
26. -- __________ have you __________ a student?
   __ For eight years.
     A. When, become                     B. How often, been
     A. How long, become                  D. How long, been
27. __ I’ve never seen the film.
   __ Me, __________ .
     A too                               B. neither          
C. have                             D. so
28. Did you ___________ English?
A. used to like                         B. use to liking
C. use to like                          D. liked
29. I don’t know _____________ to deal with the problem?
A. what                             B. how         
C. if                                D. that
30. They will have no trouble ___________ their life.
A. changeing                         B.to change    
C. change                            D. changing
31. You can ___________ if you don’t know the meaning of the word.
A. look up the dictionary                B. look up it in adictionary
C. look it up in a dictionary              D look for it in a dictionary
32.Over three quarters of the population in the world ___________ Chinese.
A. is          B. are     C. have           D. has
33. ___________ you ever________with her parents?
A.Do, argue                           B. Have, argued
C. Did, argue                          D. Have, argue
34. He likes sports such as ____________ .
A. swim                              B. singing        
C. swimming                          Ddrawing
35. – I ____________ what I want to do after school.
   -- When __________ you ___________ it?
     A. have decided, did, decide             B.decided, did, decide
     C. have decided, have, decided           D. decide, do decide
36. Everything is __________ when spring comes.
A. wake                              B. asleep       
C. awake                             D. waking up
37. – Where’s Tom?
   -- He ___________ the library.
     A. went to                            B. has been to
     C. will go                            D. has gone to
38. She’s an adult, so she can finish the work __________ .
A. easily                              B. easy        
C. good                               D. successful
39. To our __________ , he has passed the math test.
A. surprised                            B. surprising
C. excited                              D. surprise
40. The sign “No photos” means that people ___________ to take photos here.
A. don’t allow                          B. are not allowed
C. are allowed                          D. allow
三. 阅读理解。 (共20小题, 计25分)
●Being safe in your everday life needs knowledge(知识).If you remember the following information,your life will be much safer.
●Always notice the environment around you.You shouldn’t walk alone outside.Makesure where the public phones are. If anything dangerous happens,you can find them easily.
●Your bag should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting it on your back.When a bus is full of people,it is easy enough for a thief to take away the things in the bag on your back.
●If you are followed by someone you don’t know,cross the street and go to the other way,let the person understand that you know he or she is after you.Next,don’t go home at once.You are safer in the street than you are alone in your home or in a lift(电梯).
●If you have to take a bus to a place far away,try to get to the stop a few minutes earlier before the bus leaves.This stops other people from studying you.On the bus,don’t sit alone.Sit behind the driver or with other people.Don’t sleep.
41. Which of the following is NOT safe when you are out?
A.Go home alone late at night.
B.Make sure where the public phones are.
C.Don’t get to the bus stop too early.
D.Always notice the environment around you.
42.You’d better put your bag __________when there are too many people on a bus.
A.on your back                      B.beside you
C.in front of you                     D.behind the driver
43. When you are followed by someone on your way home,you should__________to make yourself safe.
A.run home    B.find a lift and go in 
C.turn back and walk towards him or her at once
D.cross the street and go to the other way
44. When you take a bus alone,it’s safe for you ___________ .
A.to sit behind the driver or with other people,but not to sleep
B.to talk with the driver    C.to call your friends
D.to get off the bus at once
45. What can you learn from the text?
A.How to notice the environment around you.
B.How to be safe in your everyday life.
C.How to cross the street.
D.How to use the public phones.
It was half past five in the afternoon.Mr Jones closed his shop,bought an evening paper and then walked to the nearest bus stop,After a few minutes,a bus came.Mr Jones got on it.He found an empty seat in the front of the bus and sat down in it.He opened his evening paper and began to read it
After a few minutes,a woman got into the bus. She came and stood in front of  Mr Jones .Mr Jones looked up,put his paper into his pocket and then got up out of his seat,but the woman pushed him back into it again.Then she said to him,“Please don’t stand up.I’m a working woman,and I don’t want men to give me their seats in the bus.”
46..One afternoon,Mr Jones closed his shop and went home    .
A.by plane        B.by train         C.by bike        D.by bus
47. .In the bus,Mr Jones sat        .
A.in front of the bus                   B.in the front of the bus
C.near the back of the bus              D.at the back of the bus 
48..The woman didn’t want to      .
A.stand near Mr Jones                  B.push Mr Jones back
C.read Mr. Jones’ paper                 D. take Mr. Jones’ seat
49. Mr. Jones put his evening paper in his pocket and wanted to ___________ .
   A. get out of the bus                   B. push the woman back
 C. get up out of the seat                D. find another seat
50. .Mr Jones thought that      .
A.men should give women their seats in buses
B.men shouldn’t give women their seats in buses
C.women should give men their seats in buses
D.women shouldn’t give men their seats in buses
The world is not only hungry, it will also be thirsty for water. About 97% of water on the earth is sea water, or salty(咸的)water. Man can only drink or use the other 3% of the fresh water(淡水) which comes from rivers, lakes and underground.
The sea is very big. Look at the map of the world, there is more sea than land. It covers(覆盖) three quarters of the earth. It looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But is can be terrible when there is strong wind.
Some parts of the sea are very deep(深) . There is one place near Japan. It’s nearly 11 kilometres deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometres high. If we put that mountain into the sea at that place, there would be 2 kilometres of water above it!
The sea is saly. There is one “sea” called the Dead Sea(死海). The dead Sea is not a sea. It’s a big lake in the Jordan Valley. It’s the saltiest. It’s near the city of Jericho. It’s about 80 kilometres long, between 4.8and 17.7 kilometres wide. The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea. The sun is hot there and the water is salty. Fish can’t live in the Dead Sea and plants can’t grow near it. People can’t swim well in the Dead Sea, but they can float(漂浮) on the water. The water is very blue and the air is clean. In winter people come to the Dead Sea to enjoy the sunshine.
51.Does the fresh water come from rivers. lakes and underground?
A. No,it doesn’t                      B. Yes,it does.
C. Yes,it doesn’t                      D. No,it does.
52.The deepest place in the sea is near        .
A. China       B. India       C. America       D. Japan
53 The passage(文章) tells us the sea covers          of  the earth.
A. 3%         B. 25%        C. 75%          D. 97%
54. The Dead Sea is         .
A. 11 kilometres deep                B. 2 kilometres wide (宽)
C. 80 kilometres long                D. 17.7 kilometres high
55. According to (根据) the passage, which of the following isn’t true?
A.The Dead Sea is the saltiest sea in the world.
B.The world will be thirsty for water.
C.The sea looks beautiful when the sun is shining on it.
D.The river Jordan runs into the Dead Sea.
 People all over the world eat rice.Millions of people in Asia, Africa,and South America live on it. Some people eat almost nothing but rice. Rice is a kind of grass. There are more than 7 000 kinds of rice.Most kinds are water plants. Farmers grow rice in many countries, even in the south of the United States and in eastern Australia.
China is the world’s largest rice-growing country. In 2003, China grew 166 million tons of rice. But it is not easy to feed the world’s largest population . In the 1960s, thousands of Chinese died because they didn’t have enough food to eat. In the 1970s, Yuan Longping, a Chinese scientist, grew a new kind of rice called hybrid(杂交) rice. It makes 20% more rice than any other kind. Hybrid rice is a stronger plant , unlike ordinary rice . It can grow in lots of water or in not much water. It doesn’t easily get diseases or worms.
Today, half of China’s rice plants are Yuan’s special hybrid rice.China uses Yuan’s hybrid rice to grow much more rice than before . Yuan is known as the Father of Hybrid Rice. He won the World Food Prize for his work to help feed so many people.
根据短文内容回答问题, (请将本题答案写在II卷指定位置)
56. Which country grows the most rice in the world?
57. Is rice grown in lots of countries in the world?
58. Yuan Longping’s hybrid rice can’t make more rice than the others, can it?
59. What is Yuan Longping known as?
60. How many kinds of rice are there in the world?
1 请在II卷上填写姓名,考号及班级。
2 请将I卷的答案选项按顺序填写在II卷的答题卷中,II卷的答案直接写在卷上, 考试结束直接交II卷。
部分 第I 卷
                 第II 卷

  四 五 六 七 八 
第II卷答题栏  70分
一. 听力部分:30分 1-20 每小题1 分, 21-25 每题2 分。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21. ____________   22. ____________   23. _____________ 
24. ____________   25. ____________
二. 单项选择: 15分,每小题1 分。
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
三. 阅读理解:25分 41-55每题1分, 56-60每题2分.
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56. __________________________________________________________________  
57. __________________________________________________________________
58. __________________________________________________________________
59. __________________________________________________________________
60. __________________________________________________________________
第II卷  50分
四. 根据首字母、音标和汉语意思写单词,补全句子。(10分,每小题1 分)
1. There are four __________(季节) in a year.
2. Chinese people are _________ /breiv/ and hard-working.
3 He has passed the driving test and got a l___________ .
4. At last they __________ (认识到) friendship first, competition second.
5. People shouldn’t __________ /weist/ water any more.
6. It was s__________ of you to leave the window open when you left.
7. At p__________ , more and more people like reading books.
8. China __________(成功) in holding the Olympic Games in 2008 .
9. It’s our __________ (责任) to protect our environment.
10. Do you know the __________ /’si:krit/ of success?
五、选词填空, 并用其适当形式。 (8分,每小题1 分)
instead of,         stay up,         achieve,        not allow,  
  take,             pay,            used to,        laugh
1. She’s an excellent girl. Her mother always __________________ pride in her.
2. They will go to Shanghai __________________ Beijing.
3. I __________________ be short, but I’m tall now.
4. Smoking ______________________ in the hospital.
5. Have you __________________ attention to your pronunciation?
6. It’s impolite to __________________ at people when they are in trouble.
7. The girl was sleepy because she __________________ until 11 o’clock last night.
8. If you study hard, you ___________________ your dream.
六、 完成句子: (10分,每小题1 分) 
1. 你去过北京吗?
2. 不要害怕犯错误。
_____________________________________ when you speak English.
3. 对学生来说, 专心学习是必须的 。
 It’s_____________for students _______________________________
4. 学生应该遵守校规。
5. 我们应当通过使用英语来学习英语 。
  We should learn English ____________________________________
6. 他爸爸戒烟了。
7. 我过去常常内向。
_______________________________________________ the line.
9. 学生不允许上课迟到。
10. 在过去的十年里中国发生了巨大变化。
China _____________________________ in the _______________
七、 从所给的单词或短语中选出合适的,补全短文,有两项是多余的。 (7分,每小题1 分)
  is,         get,        opportunity,      be,      lose my way,  
  chance,    all the time,    foreign,       live,    
Maybe you already have 1. _______ teachers in your school to teach you English.But he or she will not stay to speak English with you 2._______,right?During the travel study.you have to speak it every day and almost everywhere because you are in an English-speaking country!
It also gives you a 3. ________ to let you live alone and make you learn how to 4. ________,What should I do if I 5. ________ in a foreign country?How can I buy what Iwant with my poor English?You have to 6. ________ clever and you decide them by yourself.
In a word,you can 7. ________ a lot from the travel study.
八、 书面表达:(共15 分 )
威海风景秀丽,气候宜人, 是一个最适合人类居住的城市, 请你写一篇英语短文, 向你的朋友介绍一下威海, 并欢迎他们来威海观光旅游。 字数为80字, 要求至少用上下列词和短语。
   in the last few years,     friendly,      pollution     
   change,               sea food,     there be
   Have you ever been to _______________________________________________


一 听力部分:
   1—10题:BACAC   ABCAA
   11—20题:ABCBA   CACBC
   21—25题:21. having      22. one hundred  
23. the first     24.China     25. planes
二 选择填空:
   31—40题:CBBCA   CDADB
三 阅读理解:
   41—50题:ACDAB   DBDCA
   56—60题: 56. China    57. Yes, it is.    58. Yes, it can.    
59. He is known as the Father of Hybrid Rice. / The Father of Hybrid Rice.   
60. More than 7,000 kinds of rice. / There are more than 7,000 kinds of rice. 
四 词汇:
   1. seasons   2. brave   3. license   4. realized   5. waste   
   6. silly    7. present    8. succeeded   9. duty   10. secret
五 选词填空:
   1. takes   2. instead of    3. used to   4. is not allowed 
   5. paid   6. laugh   7. stayed up   8. will achieve 
六 完成句子:
   1. Have you ever been to Beijing?
   2. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes / of making mistakes.
   3. necessary   to concentrate on (their) studies / studying.
   4. Students should obey (the) school rules.
   5. by using English / it.
   6. My father has given up smoking.
   7. I used to be quiet.
   8. My mother is against chatting on
   9. are not allowed to be late for class / get to class late.
   10. has changed a lot    past/ last ten years.
七 补全短文:
   1. foreign   2. all the time    3. chance   4. live   
   5. lose my way    6. be   7. get

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