


 Test of unit 3 , Grade 3      Class________   Name_______    No._______

I.           听力 20%

1. 请听句子,选择与之相应的图画(5%

















2. 请听对话,根据其内容完成下列任务(5%


(    )6. What shouldn’t the boy do at his house?

        A. Watch TV.   B. Play computer games.   C. Spend time with friends.

(    )7. When should the firl be home at night?

        A. By 9:30 pm.   B. By 10:00pm.   C. By 10:30 pm.


(    )8. Anna failed her tests.

(    )9. Anna went to school by bus.

(    )10. Anna was late for class today.

请听短文,选择最佳答案 10%

(    )11. What do the students think of theiruniforms?

         A. Cool    B. Ugly   C. Nice

(    )12. The students _____ to wear their ownclothes in school.

         A. are allowed     B. are not allowed    C. have

(    )13. _____ think that it’s good to study ingroups.

        A. Parents    B. Teachers    C. The students

(    )14. What does the speaker want to be whenhe’s older?

        A. A teacher    B. A good student     C. A doctor

(     )15. What did the speaker do last week?

          A. He went to buy a new coat.   B. He went to visit his teacher.

          C. He went to a primary school andhelped teach the children.

II.         单词拼写 (10%)

1.    Do youhave a driver’s l____________?

2.   I don’tknow if it is bad for my health to have my ears p____________.

3.   Agroup of v___________ will come here this Friday.

4.   It isvery important to c___________ major when you go to university.

5.   Mostof teenagers in Americahave p____________ jobs.

6.   Whathe said sounds impossible, so I d__________ with him.

7.   Only English-Englishd____________ should be used.

8.   I can’tc____________ on my studies with all that noise going on.

9.   Followingthe national news we have the l___________ news and weather,

10.   Weare p___________ his play next week.

III.      根据上下文填空 , 一空一词 10%

A: What’s the___________,Peter?

B: I think I’mgoing to _________ a math test, Dad.

A: You are? Why?

B: Well, I_________ the bus and I had to walk to school.

A: So?

B: I’m not allowedto get to class _________, and there was a big test today.

A: And you_________ allowed to take the test.

B: That’s right. ButI know I could __________ the test.

A: Well, Peter,the school has to have __________, you know.

B: I know. But Ishould be allowed to take the test later. It’s _________.

A: I ________.Maybe you could talk to the teacher after school.

B: Yeah. Maybe if I__________ what happened, she’ll understand.

IV.        翻译下列句子 (20%)

1.    彻底打扫一次房间怎么样?

What about ________ __________ the room?

2.   约翰家有许多家规,彼得家也是这样。

   John has a lot of familyrules. _______  ________ Peter.

3.   当喜剧演员出场时,观众变得嘈杂起来。

   When the comedy actors came out, the audience _______  ______.

4.   我没机会和她谈话。

   I _______ ______ ______________ to talk withher.

5.   你应该停止戴那个愚蠢的耳环。

You should _______ __________ that silly __________.

6.   几天前,我和我的朋友们谈论起我们在学校的准则。

_______ ________  _________, my friendsand I ________  ________ the rules_________ _________ _______ in school.

V.           用所给词的适当形式填空 (10%)

 be allowed to,  instead of,  at that age,  be strict with,  be good for, 

 at present,  think about,  have… off,  learn…from,  stay up

1.    Hisfather asked the teacher to ______________ his son.

2.   ______________,computer is the most important tool for the people in the world.

3.   Whatdo you _______________ your trip to London?

4.   Visitors______________ take photos here.

5.   Studentsshould ______________ each other.

6.   I’m sobusy. I do not ________ a day __________ for two months.

7.   Sometimesit _______________ your health to drink some wine.

8.   Youare too heavy. I think you have to eat more vegetables _____________meat.

9.   Theparents allowed their children _______________ for their favorite programme.

10.  He was very shy to talk to the girls_________________.

VI.        阅读理解(5%


   Ted Robinson has been worried all the week. Last Tuesday he received a letterfrom the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Tedwondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterdayand he is not worried at more.

   At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found.Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a smallvillage four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train.

   Ted was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused 感到有趣),too , because he neverexpected 指望thebicycle to be found . It was stolen twenty years ago when Ted was a boy offifteen.

   Answer the questions:

 1. What happened last Tuesday?


 2. What was he told at the station?


 3. What are the police doing with the bicycle?


 4. Why was he surprised and amused?


 5. How old was Ted when his bicycle was stolen?


VII.      完形填空 (10%) (提示:请把答案填在答题线上)

1._____ 2. _____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____

       6._____ 7._____ 8._____ 9._____ 10._____

 There were noclasses that afternoon, so Henry went to a __1__ shop near his home. The shopsold many jackets. He looked __2__ them and at last chose a very nice one. He__3__ it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a __4__. At that timehis friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn't seen each other for a longtime. They were so __5__ to meet again that they forgot __6__ else. Soon theywere busy talking on and on happily.

It was nearly six o'clock, __7__ they decided to goand have dinner together. Henry picked up the bag, and walked __8__ the door ofthe shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the __9__.Henry looked at him in surprise at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn'tpaid for it. He said __10__, gave him the money and them left the shop with hisfriend.

   1. A. fruit    B. book       C. food      D. clothing

   2. A. up       B.for         C. after    D. at

   3. A. put      B. tried      C. got       D. turned

    4.A. bag      B.cup         C. car      D. pocket

   5. A. worried  B. interested  C.pleased   D. anxious

   6. A. nobody   B. anybody     C. something D.everything

   7. A. though   B.so          C. because  D. but

   8. A. towards  B. through     C. outof    D. round

   9. A. dinner   B.bag         C.jacket    D. ticket

   10. A. goodbye B. yes         C.hello     D. sorry

VIII.   选择 (15%)

(    ) 1. When did you ________ the station?

        A. arrive    B. get to   C. arrive in    D. got to

(    ) 2. Sometimes I’m _____ in class. Whatshould I do?

        A. sleeping    B. sleepy   C. slept    D. sleep

(    ) 3. I agree with some ideas and disagreewith __________.

        A. another   B. others  C. the other   D. other

(    ) 4. Your personality show ________ coolyou are.

         A. how   B. what  C. where   D. why

(    ) 5. They do ______ they want to do and don’tcare if other people like it or not.

         A. where   B. if  C. what   D. how

(   ) 6. ____ the job ____ by Lucy or by John? Tell me the truth,please.

         A. Has finished     B. Has beingfinished

          C.Is finish          D. Has beenfinished

(   ) 7. Plays ______ twice a month in that theatre.

         A. put on     B. often put on   C. was put on       D. are put on

(   ) 8. Water ______ into ice.

   A. will changed  B. must be changed  C. should change  D. can be changed

(   ) 9. A strange sound ______ yesterday evening.

          A. washeard            B.hears    C. heard          D. is heard

(   ) 10. Do you like the skirt ? It _______ soft.

          A. isfeeling       B. felt         C.feels                D. is felt

(    ) 11. We got to ______ that she perhapswouldn’t come after all.

          A. realize   B. thinking  C. remember   D. thinking of

(    ) 12. Miss Brown is very strict ____ herwork.

          A. with   B. at  C. in   D. to

(    ) 13. My father read a novel, and ________.

          A. so do I   B. so I do   C. so I did    D. so did I

(    ) 14. I am not allowed to go out on schoolnights, _______.

          A, either    B. too  C. also    D. still

(    ) 15. Everyone is tired. Let’s ______ tohave a rest.

          A. want    B. allow  C. stop   D. need

IX.        写作 (5%)


smoke, wear earrings, play computer games, choose one’sown clothes, have longer vacation.












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