

新目标英语考点 九年级1-15单元

新目标英语考点 九年级1-15单元

Unit 1 How do you study for a test
重点语言结构:verb + by with gerund
make flashcard
make vocabulary list
listen to the tapes
ask … for help
study for a test
work with a group
practice conversations
practice doing sth.
(in) this / that way
ask … about
the best way to do sth.
learn / study sth. by doing
specific suggestions
for example / for instance
take … as an example
read English magazine
memorize the words
pop songs
help a little / be a little helpful
study grammar
have / has been learning
have / has been + 现在分词
have / has been + 过去分词
for six years
= since six years ago
watch / (或其它感观动词) sb. do / doing sth.
find +宾语+形容词
join the English club
at school 在上学
at the school 在学校
improve one`s English
get practice
have fun
have conversations
not at all
get / be excited about
end up doing
end up
speak in Chinese 用汉语说
speak Chinese 说汉语
make a mistake
do a survey
do a survey about doing sth.
ask questions
answer / reply to the question
write vocabulary lists
keep an English notebook
watch English-language TV
pronounce words
spell words
spoken English
written English
how to use
get … right
forget to do / doing sth.
remember to do / doing sth.
talk to / with sb.
first of all / at first / firstly
to begin with
later on
be afraid of
be afraid to do / of doing sth.
be afraid that 从句
speak in class
laugh at
make sentences
start / begin to do / doing
the secret of doing sth.
decide to do sth.
take grammar notes
enjoy doing
be impressed
go out
be + adj. + (for sb.) to do sth.
try to do / doing sth.
look up (in a dictionary)
think of / about / over / out
deel with (how)
do with  (what)
learning tools
need (to) do / doing sth.
make / be sure to do sth.
make / be sure that
make / be sure of + n. / pron.
match the context
unless = if not
worry about
affect sth. / sb.
one / some / most / all of
be angry with sb. / at sth.
time goes by
see sb. do / doing sth.
each other (两者间的互相)
one another (三者或三者以上之间的互相)
last for long
a lesson for
learn to do sth.
complain about
change … into …
try / do one`s best to do sth.
with the help of
regard … as …
have … as …
look on … as …
make a mistake

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.
语法:used to do
used to do / be (过去常常)
be / get used to doing(习惯于)
terrify & terrified
be afraid / terrified of
be afraid / terrified to do
be afraid / terrified that …
over here
wait a minute
wait a while
wait a moment
play the piano
play football
be / become interested in
be alone
alone = by oneself
be lonely
How / What about …?
go to sleep / fall asleep / be asleep
with … on / off
be on a team
all the time = always
chew gum
get up / go to bed
stay in school
all day
all night
all day and all night
spend / take / cost 用法与区别
1. 花费对象不同
spend; pay; cost 
spend; take 
2. 主语不同 
spend; pay
3. 介记号搭配不同
Spend … on + 名词、代词
Spend in doing
Pay … for
It take sb. time do to sth.
not … any more / longer
no more / longer
chat with
have to do sth.
must do sth.
1. have to 侧重客观
must 侧重主观
2. have to 有各种时态变化
must 没有变化
do one`s homework
go to bed
stress out
join sb.
study for a test
cause trouble
15-year-old 做定语         
15 years old 做表语         
注意两句中写法及 year 的形式
afford to do sth.
He as well as his parents ….    
He with his parents ….
这两个结构中 he 是主语,与 with 及 as well as 后的无关
as … as one can
as … as possible
get into trouble
in the end / at last / finally
send … to …
head teacher 班主任
headmaster 校长
be necessary for sb. to do sth.
to one`s surprise 令某人惊讶的是
to one`s joy 令某人高兴的是
help sb. (to) do sth.
even though
though 与 although   
though 一般不放在句首
although 可放在句首 
take pride in …
be proud of
be the pride of
pay attention to
pay more attention to
pay no attention to
a top student
It`s + adj. for sb. to do sth.
be able to do sth.
can do sth.
be able to 需要努才能达到的能力
can 更侧重的本能
be able to 有各种时态形式
can 只有原形和过去式两种形式
give up doing sth.

Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes
语言结构:should be allowed to do sth.
allow sb. to do sth.
情态动词+ be +过去分词
go out
go out with
to have part-time jobs
have / get +宾语+过去分词
ask sb. to do sth.
get / have one`s ears pierced
driver`s license.
enough 修饰名词时,前置后置均可
at night
in the evening
cut one`s hair 与 have / get one`s hair cut
stop to do sth. 停下去做
与 stop doing sth. 停止做.
主语+ seem +不定式
主语+ seem + to be + adj.
It seems that ….
on weekends
need to do sth. (need 是实义动词)
need do sth. (need 是情态动词)
need doing sth.表示被动
spend time (in) doing
spend time on sth.
instead of sth./ doing sth.
stay at home
on school night
by 不迟于
by the end of 不迟于…… 末
go shopping
clean up
get to / arrive at / in; reach
fail a test
the other day
talk about
wear uniforms
every day 每天,做时间状语 everyday 每天的,做定语
be good / bad for
come / go back / return to
a pair of jeans
look good on sb.
at least
have … off
reply to
agree with
get in the way of
as much as they can / want
professional athlete
make decisions food for
the importance of.
care about / for
have a chance of doing / to do sth.
be serious about
stay up (late)
be strict with +人
be strict in + 事
talk (about) the rules
concentrate on sth.
be good for (doing) sth.
learn from
learn sth. from sb.
at present = now / at the moment / right now
volunteer to do sth.
have an opportunity to do sth.
be a good experience for sb.
in the way (of …) 碍事
being a professional runner
happen to sb.
happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

Unit 4 What would you do?
主语 + would + 动词原形
If + 主语 + 过去式(be 用 were)
主语 + would + have + 过去分词
If + 主语 + had + 过去分词
语言结构:使用 should 为他人提供建议
give sth. to sb. / give sb. sth.
v. + adv. & v. + prep.
put … in …
in the order
medical research
a circle of
be confident to do sth.
have confidence to do sth.
be late for
come late to
bring a present / gift
at the party
worry about
be worried about
take a small present
talk to / with …
talk about …
give advice
what if → What would you do if …?
enjoy the party
get nervous
get pimples
look terrible
the night before …
take an exam
so … that … not → too … to …
so … that … → enough to …
help with
lots of / a lot of …
take a walk
help sb relax
feel shy
let sb. do sth.
speak in public
like to do / doing sth.
be like
give / have a speech
in front of
the whole
all the …
with / without permission
be in a movie
ask sb.`s permission
start to do / doing sth.
introduce sb. to sb.
introduce oneself to sb.
invite sb. to … / to do sth.
have been studying (现在完成进行时)
talk in front of …
at (lunch) time
a bit shy
a lot
next month
the month after next
last month
the month before last
want sb. to do sth.
represent sb. to do sth.
be sure (that) …
in fact
come top in the school exam
let … down
be terrified of doing sth.
believe sb.
believe in sb.
come up with
get out of
more than / over
face sb. / sth.
come out
give advice on / about
cut oneself
by accident
cover sth. with sth.
press hard
see a doctor
hurry to do sth. / do sth. in a hurry
call the hospital
get help
burn oneself
running water
stop doing  / to do sth.
offer sb. sth. / offter sth. to sb.
at a party
of course
talk to sb. about sth.
the dangers of smoking
hide sth. from
internet friend
agree to do sth.
go along
ask for advice
the newspaper article
That`s a good idea.
buy … for …; buy sb. sth.
put the money in the bank
Lucky you = How lucky you are!
would love to do …
everybody else
keep sth. in …
have fun
a personality survey
bother sb.
in the slightest
not … in the slightest
plenty of
get along with
know (v.)
known (adv.)
knowledge (n.)
knowledgeable (adj.)
first aid
a hospital nearby
a nearby shelf

Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.
语法:must, might, could and can`t 的用法及区别,表示判断,现在和过去及可能性大小
情态动词 + 动词原形
情态动词 + be + 现在分词
情态动词 + have + 过去分词
He must a teacher, isn`t he?
He must have come here, didn`t he?
语气强烈的否定判断不用 mustn`t,而用 can`t。
belong to 与 have
hair band
Oxford University
use up
turn off / down / on / up
must / may / can / could / might be
the only
classical music
whose bag do you think it is?
at the picnic
is always doing sth. 总是在做……
what`s happening?
run for
kind of
in the sky
what is going on?
there be … doing …
there be … to do
get out  
must be doing sth. (对正在进行动作的判断)
change a lot
be used to do sth. 被用来做
与 be used to doing 的不同点
that`s right.
everyone learns a different way.
be allowed to do sth.
on school nights
shop for clothes
make me a good student
be interviewed by …
it must be teenagers having fun.
escape from
be careful of
get on / off
worry about sth. / sb.
too much + 名词
much too + 形容词
count … to …
make up …% of the …
final exam
because + 从句
because of + 名词或代词
call the police
in an ocean of
pretend to do sth.
pretend that ….
preferring / preferred
prefer … to …
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.
would rather do sth. than do sth.
(sing) along with
dance to …
remind sb. of sb. / sth.
take … to …

Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.
先行词 + 关系代词 who / whom / whose / which / that
先行词 + 关系副词
when / why / where
1. 只能用 that,不能用 which, who 的几种情况:
1) 先行词是人又是物;
2) 先行词是不定代词:anything, something, everything, nothing, all, the one 等词;
3) 先行词被最高级修饰;
4) 先行词被序数词修饰;
5) 先行词被 just, very, only 等强调词语的修饰。
2. 只能用 which, who 不能用 that 的两情况:
1) 非限制性定语从句;
2) 整句话当先行词。
4. 只有 that, which 在当定语从句中的宾语时可省略,其它情况下的关系代词都不能省略。
5. 只能用 when, where,不能用 that, which 的情况:关系代词在从句中当状语。例如当 live, work, study 等不及物动词的状语,而当从句动词是 visit, spend, build, buy 等及物动词时就应用 that, which。
on display
to be honest
stay away from …
be in agreement
tag question
one`s own + 句词
get sth. for sb.
That would be great.
latest movie
make movies
look for (entertainment)
stay at home
watch TV
be sure to do sth.
see the exhibition
in the world
on earth
less successful & more successful
the least successful & the most
用 less / least 和 more / most 做比较
interest sb.
as much
whatever you do,
whatever = no matter what
… ever = no matter …
over = more than
as the name suggests,
lots of energy
energy (n.) energetic (adj.)
have a great time
a great place to visit
be lucky to do sth.
for + 时间段
since + 时间点
English course
taste smell 等用作系动词 + good
here`s part of …
stay healthy
heath (n.) healthy (adj.)
prefer not to do sth.
take care of
be in agreement
in laboratory test
type of
burnt food
agree that 从句
be fine to do sth.
a balanced diet
remind sb. of sb. / sth.
take … to …
be important to sb.
look for
It does have a feature.
do + 动词原形表示强调
be sure to do sth.
over the years
nothing better
feel 只能做表语
sick 能做表语和定语
have a great time
have to
suit / fit
to tell the truth.
instead of sth. / doing sth.
It`s nice of you. 注意 of,for 及 to 的区别
It`s nice of you. (nice  和 you 有主谓关系)
You are nice.

Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?
语法:if + 条件状语从句
hope to 引导表示愿望的句型
take it easy = Don`t be nervous.
Niagara Falls
Eiffel Tower
Notre Dame Cathedral
in general
provide sb. with sth.
provide sth. for sb.
come true
look at
would love (= want very much) to do sth.
go on a vacation
would like to do sth.
be stressed out
on a beach
that sounds peaceful.
hope to do sth.
Hope sb. to do sth.(这样说是错的)
one day / sometime
sometime, sometimes 及some time, some times
visit + 地点 = call at + 地点
visit + 人 = call on + 人
one of + 形容词最高级
so … that …
so that … => in order to
be interested in doing sth.
what / how about doing sth.
pay … for
have to do sth.
go out
answer the phone / door
take a message
leave a message on …
call back
be out of
find out / find
a nature tour
depend on
be fun for …
consider doing
the capital of
cost a lot of money
be convenient to do sth.
take a train 动词短语,做谓语
by train 介词短语,做状语,交通工具前没有冠词。
in general
translate sth. for sb.
translate … to …
take a trip
in the east of …
in 用于表示在……之内
on the east of …
on 用于表示相接壤
to the east of …
to 用于表示相隔
provide sb. with sth.
travel to …
cook meals
give sb. some suggestions
be away (延续性离开)可和时间段用
leave (终止性离开)不能和时间段连用
sail across
dream about …
in the future
in the past
the finding of
start (to) work
as soon as possible
help (to) do sth.
provide better lives
continue doing sth.
go on doing sth.
go to university
according to
all kinds of
work as (translators) 从事……
quite a few
be willing to do sth.
achieve one`s dream
have a good education
find a good job
on the one hand
on the other hand
dream of …
be important to do sth.
hold on to your dream
travel around
cost / spend / pay / take 表示花费的区别
unless = if not
take a trip
mind one`s doing
take in = understand
the answer (key) to the question
It seems that …
dream of
go on a trip
hold on to …

Unit 8 I`ll help clean up the city parks.
give out
clean-up 与 clean up
put off (doing) sth.
set up
think up = come up with
take after
fix up / mend / repair
give away
put up
hand out / in
work out
at once
part of speech
would like to do sth.
help do sth.
clean up
give out food
cheer up
put … to good use
coach … for …
be similar to …
each of  …
less than
whether … or not
(传统语法是不允许 if 和 or not 连用的。)
fetch = go and bring
for sure = you see
promise to do sth.
a photo of sb.
sb.`s photo
call up = ring up
such as …
plan to do sth.
at the food bank
help homeless people
be blind in the … eye.
v. + 宾语 + 介词 + the + 部位
in (the) hospital
help sb. with
volunteer in … program
come up with
tell … about …
put off (doing sth.)
from (now) on …
write down
put signs
That`s a good idea.
hand out
after school
call up
ask sb. to do sth.
talk with / to …
like you said
run out of (money)
a way of doing sth.
be home to sb.
volunteer time to do sth.
leave school 离开学校
leave school for the last time 毕业
finish school / graduate
spend … doing
sing … for …
not only … but …
learn … about …
thank sb. for doing sth.
send … to …
send … for …
send for …
for sure
make + obj. + adj.
fill … with …
full of …
face challenges
answer the telephone
help … out …
be able to
train sb. to do sth.
fetch sb. sth.

Unit 9 When was it invented?
结构:be + 过去分词
be 是助动词,有人称、时态和数的变化。
1. 双宾语的被动语态
2. 省 to 的不定式要还原
be used for
light bulb
microwave oven
by mistake
mistake … for …
by accident
fall into
in this way
knock into sb.
might have been (对过去判断)
in those days
afford sth.
hand-held calculator
in the dark
the style of
in bad mood
cut … thin / thick
sprinkle … on …
give sb. time to do sth.
all day / night
in the world
not … until …
till 与 until
until 可放在句首
I waited until it was dark.
I won`t leave until it is dark.
an ancient Chinese legend
for some time
a little more than
be at college
create a game to be played
the safety of
knock into
fall down
divide … into …
teach sb. how to do sth.
it is believed that …
it is reported that …
it is said that …
take part
the popularity of
dream of doing sth.
while doing …
show … around …
the aim of …
notice sb. do / doing sth.
alarm clock
boiled water
boiling water
the number of …
a number of …
fill in … with …
take … class
be enjoyed by …
send back
open fire
be made of 加材料(能看出)
be made from 加材料(不能看出)
be made by 加动作执行者
be made in 加地点
knock at …
the history of …
move towards …
a chef called / calling …

Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.
had + 过去分词
by the time
go off
run off
on time 按时、准时
in time 及时
break down
show up
April Fool`s Day
set off
get married (不可接时间段)
be married(可接时间段)
marry sb.
a piece of
stressed out
what happened?
get in the shower
what a pain!
get out of
take a shower
get dressed
run all the way
get to
leave … at home
no wonder …
get back to …
walk into
a costume party
fool sb.
the next day 第二天
next day 明天
stay up
stay up … doing sth.
wait for sb. to do sth.
come out
run off to
start do do / doing sth.
give sb. a ride
land on
move across
wake … up 把……唤醒
wake up 醒来
get dressed
dress up
dress sb.
can tell 表示判断
as … as …
not as … as …
not so … as …
so … that
hundreds of
set off across
the whole country
thousands of
flee from
no more
stop doing
as much / many … as … they can
invite sb. onto …
marry sb.
only just
make it
convince sb. of sth.
convince sb. that

Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restaurant are?
语法:用 Could you please 礼貌的提问
Where, how 和 if 引导的间接疑问句
Can you tell me where the bookshop is?
Excuse me, …? (开头)
Thank you.(结尾)
hang out
water slide
dress up
hand in
could you please …?
on … street
go past
go down / along
on one`s right / left
thanks a lot
no problem
how to get …
go straight ahead
a drug store
take … to …
turn left / right
take … turning on the left / righ.
the corner of … and …
take the elevator to …
dress up as …
may be (动词)
maybe (副词)
between … and …
kinds of
a lot of fun things for sb.
as well as
talk to sb about
why not
prefer doing sth. to doing sth.
spend money
take a vacation
take … lessons
on the beach
ask for information
correct English
make requests
the way sb. do sth.
sound rude
be alright(= all right) to do sth.
Lend (向外借) 借出
Borrow (向里借)借入
lend sb sth
include sth.
such as …
lead in to a question
trouble sb.
in a way
in order (not) to do sth.
in order that 从句
offend sb.
learn about
be / become good at
at the mall
take a right
much more polite
You can find it.
You can`t miss it.

Unit 12 You`re supposed to shake hands.
语法:用 be supposed to 表示应该、被期望
be supposed to 相当于 should
shake hands
drop by
after all
pick up (v. + adv.)
make noise
table manners
be / get used to doing
learn … by oneself
be supposed to do
in most countries
invite for
be excited about doing
leave for
how to behave at table
give sb a lesson
a lesson on
stick … into …
point at
be allowed to do sth.
be relaxed about time
make a plan to do
walk around
the land of watches
after all
make sb. feel at home
bother sb
be different form
put … on …
at first
be rude to
be full
put one`s hands in one`s lap
crowd one`s mind
write in English
e-mail English
a new kind of
written English
look unfamiliar to sb.
have conversations with friends
each other / one another
get bored
be formed by using
sound like
the advantage of doing sth.
should have asked
go out of one`s way
be used to
cut up
make a toast
maybe not
can`t stop laughing
go out of one`s way to do sth.
Table manners
make sb. feel at home

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.
语法:make 的用法,用 wish 表示祝愿
keep out
pros and cons
aim at
for instance
to start with
So am I. 与 Neither / Nor am I.
肯定用 so, 否定用 neither 或 nor
So I am. 与 Neither / Nor I am.
肯定用 so, 否定用 neither 或 nor
make + obj. + adj.
have fun
last night / the night before
as usual
make + sb. do sth.
sound like
restaurant science
make food
make money
in the modern world
the quality of the product
at other times
at all
be home
leave sb. a note
walk to
in class
ask sb. for sth.
bring … with
write about
the art of doing
buy sb sth.
pretend that
pretend to do sth.
take off
of course
to make things easier
would rather
in some cultures
It`s the thought that counts
not … at all
so … that …
compare … with
compare … to …
leave sb. a message
to be honest

Unit 14 Have you packed yet?
现在完成时have、has + 过去分词
already (肯定句、疑问句)
yet (疑问句、否定句)
just, ever, never
in the last / past …
so far,
since + 时间点
for + 时间段
clean out
be off
so far
go for walks
thanks to = because of
pack sth.
street map
put … in
in ten minutes
right now
most of the jobs
turn off
win an award
make a music video
have a convert
of one`s own
on one`s way
do some shopping
chat to
love doing
listen to
tell sb about
collect water from a well
feed the animals
live on
in the last 12 months
make a hit CD
appear on CCTV
go on a world tour
in the top ten
have a number one hit
be back to
overseas Chinese
come to do sth.
as part of
in search of
look for
in … area
visit … sights
daily activities
have a memory of
believe strongly
the purpose of
give … the chance to do sth.
a big step for sb.
look forward to doing sth.
find out
suit sb.
chop up
some day
lead … into …
be off
are leaving
answer to sb.
believe in

Unit 15 We are trying to save the manatees!
语法:表示度量 长、宽、高、厚等
present simple
present progressive
present perfect
care for
in the pond
call + 宾语+宾补
in the cage
on earth
there used to be
very many of
at this point
pass laws to do sth.
It`s about 10 metres long.
It weighs about 10 kg.
10 pounds of sth.
turn off
save electricity
be interested in
what else
it says that
It`s said that …
stop doing
go food shopping
live close to
write to
be against
be for
in one`s life
be suitable for
once a day
a place where
a reason why
be writing to say …
be for / against (doing) sth.
be kept in …
educate … about doing …
care for
look after / take care of
urge sb. to do sth.
What else =
What other things
two more
another two
ride in cars
hear of
hear from
get / receive a letter from …
build … out of …
recycled material
pull down
be glued together
be an inspiration to
us all / all of us
we all / all of us
raise money for
present perfect
present simple
passive voice
be suitable for …
national flag
thanks to …
so far
some day
lead singer
clean out
to start with
at times
for instance
go out of one`s way to do sth.
on business


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