



 (   ) 1.Kids won’t go to school. Theywill study _____ home ______computers.

 A. in, in  B. at, on   C. at , by   D. at; from 

(   ) 2. --Will there be fewer trees?   --_______________.

A. Yes, there will.         B. Yes,they will.  C. No, there aren’t.       D. No, they won’t.

(   ) 3. Some scientists think that it may take ____________ years to make robotslook like people, and do the same things as us.

 A. hundreds of   B. two hundreds of   C. two hundreds   

(   )4. I think you should _______ some money _______ your friends.

A. borrow;for   B. borrow; from   C. lend; from   D. borrow; to

(   )5. My friend has the same haircut __________ I do.

A. as   B. like  C. seem   D. looks like

(   ) 6. If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ___________.

 A. take it away            B. take them away   C. take away it            D. take away them

(   ) 7. It is foggy(多雾的) today. The plane can't        .

A. land    B. landed     C. take off      D. taking off

(   ) 8.Last year I was often ill, but now I am        good health.

A. at       B. of        C. in             D. under

(   ) 9.Lisa was supposed        her homework before nine o'clock. But shecouldn't.

A. tofinish    B. to finishing    C. finish        D. finishing

(   ) 10.He goes to school early on workdays ____ Saturday and Sunday.               

A. except       B. besides      C. and       D. beside 

(   ) 11.We’ll stay at home if it _______ tomorrow.

A. willrain    B. rains       C. rained      D. raining

(   ) 12.Paul told us he wasn’t mad ______ Marcia anymore.

  A. in           B. at         C. on           D. with

(   ) 13._______ the boy was walking down the street, the UFO landed.

    A. While       B. After        C .Before       D. until

(   )14.The Yellow River is one of ________________in the world.

 A. the longest river        B. the longest rivers   C. the long river           D. long rivers

(   ) 15.Sally asked________________________.

A. how can sheget to the zoo.     B. how she can get tothe zoo.

C. how she could get to thezoo.   D. where was the zoo.

单选1-5 BAABA   6---10 BCCAA  1115 BBABC  




What they said




Good at writing


Do well in listening


Can do better


Dear John,

Thingsare fine here. I finished my mid-term exams last week, and I got my report cardtoday.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What about you? Write soon.





Things are fine here. I finished my mid-term examslast week, and I got my report card today. My math teacher said I washard-working. I am happy to hear that. My Chinese teacher said I was good atwriting. My English teacher told me that I did well in listening. As for myphysics, I had a really hard time with it this semester. But my physics teachersaid I could do better. I agree.

What about you? Write to me soon.



(  )21.There will be _______ pollution in the future 

in the world. 
   A.more     B.many      C.fewer     D.few

[   ]22. Kids won’t go to school. They willstudy _____ home ______computers.

       A.in, in   B. at, on   C. at , by D. at; from

[   ]23.People will live ______ 200 years old inthe future.

       A./   B. be   C. to be  D. in

(   )24. What do you think Mike will be___fiveyears?

A.after   B.in    C.for     D.before

[   ]25. ---Will there be fewer trees? ---__________.

A.Yes, therewill.    B.Yes, they will.

C.No, there aren’t.  D.No, they won’t.

[   ]26.Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese __________.

       A.scientist       B.computer programmer

C.astronaut      D.engineer

[   ]27.There were _________ people in the park.

       A.hundredsof    B.two hundreds of

C.two hundreds   D.two hundred of

[   ]28.He _________ know where her house is.

       A.maybe B.may be  C.may  D.must be

[   ]29.He doesn’t have any money, _________.

      A.too B.also  C.either  D.neither

[   ]30.I think you should ______ some money______ your friends.

      A.borrow; for   B.borrow; from

C.lend;from    D.borrow; to

[   ]31.My friend has the same haircut _______ Ido.

       A.as  B.like   C.seem   D.looks like

[   ]32.Don’t run ________ shout ________ the party.

       A.and; at   B.or; in  C.and; in   D.or; at

[   ]33. If you bring snacks to the party, theteachers will _____________.

      A.take it away   B.take them away

C.take awayit   D.take away them

[   ]34.I’m going to _____ time with mygrandparents this vacation.

        A.spend  B.take   C.cost   D.pay

[   ]35.If you play sports ______a living, yourjob will sometimes be very dangerous.

      A. for  B. at   C. by   D. of

[   ]36.I think it would start a _________ habitif you copy my homework.

       A.good  B.bad  C.well   D.wonderful

[   ]37.I finished my __________ exams lastweek.

       A.end of year     B.end-of-year  

C.year-of-end     D.year-end

(   )38.She said she ________ a party for Marcia. 
      A.is having  B.was having C.has D.will have
(   )39.They ________ TV at ten o’clock last night. 
       A.was watching     B.were watching  

C.watched            D.watches

(   )40. ________ I was watching TV, the telephone 

       A.While      B.When     C.What      D.Why
(   )41.You should ______ a new pen for your sister.
       A.buy   B.to buy   C.buying    D.bought
(   )42.If it ______ tomorrow, we’ll go to the park. 
        A.don’t rain          B.won’t rain 

C.rained              D.doesn’t rain 

(   )43.---My bag is         style.

---Maybeyou should buy a new one.

A.out of  B.out for C.out from D.out

(   )44.If you are famous,people will follow you_____.

A.somewhere    B.anywhere C.everywhere

(   )45.I was ________to see the police at my home yesterday.

A.surprised  B.surprising C.interesting

21---25ABCBA  26---30 CACCB  31---35 ADBAA 36---40 BBBBA     41---45 ADACA



 16. Nothing is____________ if you work hard. (possible) 

17. Now I’d like to knowyour ____________ about the future, boys and girls. (predict) 

18. I’m sorry I didn’tfinish ___________ (write) my composition.

19. Zheng Chenggong and LinZexu were both great ___________ in Chinese history. (hero)

20. I couldn’t find mypencil case ___________ (somewhere). I must have left it at home. 

21. I said I didn’t thinkit was a good idea for __________ (she) to copy my homework. 

22. The comedy made us___________ (laugh). 

23. Mr Li had a __________(quickly) breakfast and went to work.

24. You’d better take partin some __________ (organize) activities.  25. The kids need time and___________ (free) to play.


26. There ______ any poorpeople in China in fifty years, I think. A.aren’t            B.don’t have         C. won’tbe            D. won’thave

27. ---- When ______ theteacher _________ back from Beijing?    ---- Next Sunday afternoon.   A. will, come         B. dose,come        C. did,come           D. will,coming 

28. You ________ return thebook now. You can keep it till next month. A.can’t             B. mustn’t          C.needn’t            D. may not

 29. ---- Could I seeyour dictionary?     ---- ______________. Here you are. A.Yes, you could.      B.Sure.           C.Sorry.            D. It doesn’t matter 

30. ---- May I put my bikehere?     ---- No, you ______________. You should put itover there. A. couldn’t           B. needn’t          C.mustn’t           D. won’t

 31. What ____________at nine o’clock last Sunday morning.? A. was youdoing       B. were youdoing     C. are they doing     D. does we do 

32. What were you doingwhen the UFO ____________? A.arrived            B. arrives            C.gets             D.reached 

33. All the students weresweeping the floor _________ they heard a man ________ “help”. A. when,shouting      B. while, toshout     C. when, to shout     D.while, shouting 

34. ---- Excuse me, may Ispeak to Mr. Smith?     ---- Sorry. He ________ work here__________. A. didn’t, any more    B. didn’t,either      C. doesn’t, rither    D. doesn’t, any more 

35. The teacher told him__________ again. A. notlate            B. no belate for      C. to be notlate       D. not to be late 

36. No one knows____________ in fifty years. A. what will our life belike              B. what is our life like C. what our life will belike              D. what our life is like 

37. ---- I don’t know if he____________ . ---- He will come if it _____________. A. comes; won’train                   B. will come; doesn’t rain C. comes; doesn’train                  D. will come; won’t rain 

38. He ____________ betterin English if he works harder. A.do              B. does           C.will do            D.is doing

 39. Henry went to thebeach last weekend, and ______________ . A. so wasI          B. so Idid          C. so Iwas           D. so didI 

40. If you eat ________ sugar,you will get fat.     A. muchtoo         B. toomuch         C. toomany          D. more 

41. You don’t like thepicture. I don’t like it, ________ . A.too             B. also            C. either            D. still 

42. Maybe you should ___________.A. call up him        B.call himup        C. call onhim        D. call him in 

43. These movies aresuitable for ________ only. We kids should not go to. A.adults           B.children           C.adult            D. girls 

44. He could do nothingexcept __________ TV. A.watch            B.watches           C.watching          D. will watch 

45. How __________ I was atthat time!     A.surprised          B.surprise           C.surprising         D. surprises


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