



1.      The teacher asked the students to____a storyabout a trip to the moon.

A.get up  B. turn up  C. clean up D. make up

2.      When did your uncle____in Shanghai?

The day before yesterday.

A.arrive  B. get  C. reach

3.      I hear Yang Yan make an English speech at thegraduation ceremony yesterday.


A. So she did; so did I    B. So did she; so I did 

C. So she was ; so I was  D. So was she; so I was

4. I’m sure I will get good grades (成绩) in the graduation exam.

   A. be satisfiedwith  B. be angry about  C. bi tired of  D. be worried about

5. If I were a teacher, I would allow my studentsto____by themselves.

  A. make aliving  B. make decisions  C. make much noise

6. Don’t____the people in trouble.Try to help them.

  A. hear of  B. go over C. laugh at  D. look like

7. I’ve____all the photos,but I still can’t find the oneyou need.

  A.opened up  B. set up C. cared for  D. looked through

8. Is the girl really that woman’s daughter? She doesn’t____herat all.

  But sure she is.She looks like her father.

  A. takeafter  B. look after  C. run after

9. How can we make people know the latest movie The Cityof Life andDeath?

  We can____someposters.

  A.put off  B. put up C. put on

10. We need to____a time to have a talk now!

   What abouttomottow? I an too busy today.

A.    put up B. fix up  C. use up  D. look up

11. They had to____the 800-metre race because of the badweather.

   A. put on  B. put off C. get on  D. get off

12. Tom,____yout T-shirt right now!It looks so dirty.

   Sorry,Mum.I wasplaying football the whole afternoon.

   A. take off  B. take on C. put off  D. put on

13. Once a year, people take part in____Lightsactivity to help save energy.

   A. Show off  B. Turn off C. Take off  D. Put off

14. Excuse me, when does Flight CZ3391 take off?

   One moment,please. I’ll____it____.

   A. look; up  B. take; away C. give; back  D. turn; down

15. A group of volunteers go to the Green Lake Park to____litter every month.Shall wejoin them?

   A.stay up  B. put up C. show up  D. pick up

16.It’s a difficult time, but we will never____hope.

   A. careabout  B. pick up  C. think about  D. give up

17. When did China____Shenzhou VII, do you remember?

   In September,2008. The astronaut Zhai Zhigang took the Chinese first spacewalk.

   A. send up  B. send out C. put up  D. put out

18. You have never been to Hong Kong Disneyland,have you?

   ____, I have.

   A. First ofall  B. By the way  C. As a result  D. In fact

19. Where is Mrs. Wilson?

   I saw her in thelibrary____.I’m not sure if she is still there.

   A. rightnow  B. just now  C. at once D. so far

20. ____can you be ready , Andy?

   In ten minutes.

A.    How nuch B. How often  C. How long  D. How soon


1. The plane from Shanghaito Pariswill____in an hour.

A.take up  B. take away  C. take out D. take off

2. Amy, I’ll be om holiday for a week..Could you helpme____my dog?

A.look for  B. look at  C. look after D. look over

3. By studying hard and not____,you will succeed .

A.giving up  B. hurrying up  C. looking out  D. trying out

4. Qingdaois such a lovely city that I ____it when I first visited it.

A.knew about  B. fell in love with  C. found D. noticed

5. Lots of  people in ourcity____the old and the disabled. They usually offer their seats to them onbuses or help them cross the road.

A.care for  B. take care  C. agree with D. take pride in

6. We do hope the people in Sichuan will soon____their troubles.

A.go over  B. turn over  C. get over D. look over

7. ____do you water the plants?

  Twice a day.

A.How long  B. How soon  C. How often D. How much

8. After discussing , the students____some good ideas towork on the project.

A.put up  B. set up  C. caught up with  D. came up with

9. What is your brother going to be when he ____?

A.wakes up  B. grows up  C. stands up D. hurries up

10. Excuse me. Could you please____for us? We’re thirstyand tired.

A.make money  B. make a living  C. make coffee  D. made trouble

11. Do you have this kind of MP4?

   Sorry,we____yisterday. You can come next week.

A.wrote them down  B. tried them on  C. took them off  D. sold them out

12. Students often____books from the library.

A.return  B. keep  C. lend D. borrow

13. Don’t worry! I’m sure you’ll____your classmates ifyou are kind and friendly to them.

A.catch up with  B. agree with  C. get on well with  D. make friend with

14. These problems are too hard to____. Will you give mesome advice?

   There are manyways, but the most important is to have a careful plan.

A.work out  B. look out  C. hand out D. put out

15. He____a piece of waste paper, and put it into therubbish bag.

A.picked up  B. threw away  C. looked for D. handed in

16. My teachers have helped me a lot and I’m____them.

A.worried about  B. surprised at  C. afraid of D. thankful to

17. You shouldn’t____your hope. Everything will bebetter.

A.give up  B. fix up  C. cheer up D. put up

18. He stopped playing baseball in 1998____his illness.

A.because of  B. at the end of  C. next to D. instead of

19. The shoes are very nice. I’ll take them.

   But you must____ first. I think the size is a bit small for you.

A.payfor them  B. try them on  C. put them on  D. take them off

20. A survey shows that children in UK are the unhappiest, though it isamong the richest countries in the world. ____ , lots of money doesn’t mean ahappy childhood.

A.As a result  B. That is to say  C. For ixample  D. Above all


1.Hello! May I speak to Mr.Smith?

____,please.He’s answering another call right now.

A.Goon  B. Come on  C. Keep on D.Hold on

2.My pet dog sometimes makes lots of noise and ____ mewhen I do my homework.

  A.shows  B. disturbs C. remembers  D.refuses

3.When will Han Han’s new book____?

  Sorry, I don’tknow. I’m looking forward to his new book, too.

  A.come on  B. come out C. come in  D.come over

4.What a nice model ship!

  Thankyou.It____me three days to make it.

  A.paid  B. spent C.took   D.wasted

5.While traveling to Canada,youshould give yourself a day to ____the time and know the way nearby.

  A. used to  B. be used to C. use to

6.Something is wrong with his ears.

  He can’t____anything.

  A.hear  B. see C. watch  D. touch

7.Linda, when shall we take a walk?

  After I finish____the dishes.

  A.wash  B. washed C. to wash  D. washing

8.The visitors ____lions ____meat.

  A.feed; on  B. feed; to C. give; to  D. eat; from

9.____those lights,please. Don’t use so much energy.

  A.Take off  B.Put on C. Turn off  D. Turn on

10.Since May 12th, relief(救援)soldiers____thousands of people’s lives inthe earthquake(地震)areain Sichuan.

  A. havesaved  B. have seen  C. have found

11.Don’t____too late, or you’ll feel tired in tomorrow’sclasses.

  A.stay up  B. wake up C. get up  D.give up

12.I don’t know where Wenchuan Countyis.

  Let me ____ a mapof Chinafor you.

A.take  B.bring  C. fetch  D. carry

13.Don’t____our hopes. Things will be fine soon.

  Yes.We shouldlearn to be brave when we are in difficulties.

  A.cheer up  B. give up C. clean up 

14.The main unit____all the computer’s electronics.

   A.contains  B. shows C. uses  D. helps

15.When Mary couldn’t see her mother, she began to cryand ____ her.

   A.look for  B. look after C. look at

16.Try to give its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t____yourdictionary all the time.

   A.work on  B. take on C. keep on  D. depend on

17.You’d better hurry, or we’ll be late for the plane.

   Don’t worry. Theplane will____in two hours.

   A.take in  B. take away C. take off  D. take out

18.Could you show me how to ____ this new recorder?

   A. operate  B. listen C. look  D. learn

19.Dear, the phone is ringing. Could you ____it?

   A.hear  B. receive C. answer

20.Sorry,Mr.Green. I____my English book at home.

   That’s OK,butdon’t forget next time.

   A.forgot  B. forget C. left  D. kept

21.Did James speak to you this morning?

   No,he____me, buthe didn’t notice me.

   A.passed  B. saw C. greeted  D. knocked

22.What’s up?

   I can’t standthe noise outside. It’s nearly___me mad.

   A.keeping  B. turning C. causing  D. driving

23.Where did you go after we left the library yesterday?

   I went downtownand___my aunt’s on my way home.

   A.playedwith  B. called at  C. waited for D. looked after

24.Excuse me. Is the nixt bus stop far from here?

   Not very far. Itonly____ you five minutes on foot.

   A.spends  B. costs C. takes  D. gets

25.Don’t forget to ____Thank you when someone has helped you.

   A.speak  B. tell C. say  D. talk

26.Great changes have taken place in this city.

   Tight. Many moderntall buildings have been____these years.

   A.turned up  B. put up C. shown up  D. fixed up

27.How long have you____your watch? It looks new.

   Only about threeweeks.

   A.had  B. bought C. received  D. borrowed

28.Why don’t you take the T-shirt,Linda?

   I have only $10.I can’t ____it.

   A. borrow  B. afford C. sell  D. bring

29.The red suitcase costs more because it ____ leather.

   A. makes of  B. made of C. is made of  D. is making of

30.Bob, may I ____your MP4?

   Sure. But you’dbetter not ____ it to others.

   A.lend;lend  B. lend; borrow  C. borrow;borrow  D. borrow; lend

31.I tried to ____ you at home several tines,but no oneanswered the phone.

   I was travelingaround last month.

   A.touch  B. reach C. receive  D. meet

32.The little boy____as soon as it was dark.

   A. comedown  B. come in  C. came over D. came out

33.Whose guitar is this?

  It ____ Alice. She plays theguitar.

  A.might be  B. must be C. can belong  D. might belong to

34.This pair of shoes is too expensive. Can you____me thepair over there, madam?

   A.make  B. send C. show  D. take

35.The little boy____his seat to the old lady on thecrowded bus.

   A.offered  B. brought C. lent  D. took

36.He ____ less time reading stories about film starsthan before.

   A.takes  B. spends C. costs  D. pays

37.Jimmy, your books are everywhere on your desk.

   Oh, sorry. I’ll____rightnow.

   A.put themaway  B. put them up  C. put them on  D. put them down

38.James is really a good student.

   Yes.Everyteacher ____ highly of him.

   A.says  B. talks C. speaks  D. tells

39.In winter people usually keep flowers in their housesto ____them from the cold.

   A.produce  B. provide C. protect  D. plant

40.He has failed several times, but he won’t ____.

   A.go on  B. come on C. get up  D. give up

41.It’s time for us to listen to the news. Would youplease ____ the radio?

   A.turn on  B. turn off C. turn down

42.The man ____ his coat as soon as he walked into thewarm room.

   A.took away  B. took down C. took off  D. took on

43.We’d better hurry, I suppose.

   Don’t worry. Wehave enough time to ____ the next train.

   A.hold  B. catch C. ride  D. pick


(一)1—5DAAAB    6—10CDABB    11—15BABAD    16—20DADBD

(二)1—5DCABA    6—10CCDBC    11—15DDCAA    16—20DAABB

()  1—5DBBCB    6—10ADACA    11—15ACBAA    16—20DCACC



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