

八年级下册Units 1-5点拨

八年级下册Units 1-5

   1. Do youthink there will be robots in people’s homes? 你认为人们家里将来会有机器人吗?

   【点拨】 There be句型的一般将来时,可用There will be ... There is going to be ...。例如:

   There will/ is going to be a basketball match this evening. 今天晚上有一场篮球赛。

   2. Will peopleuse money in 100 years? 100年后人们还用钱吗?


   He will beback in three days. 他将在三天后回来。

   3. I’lllive in Shanghai, because I went to Shanghai last year andfell in

love with it. 我将会居住在上海,因为我去年到上海去了,而且喜欢上了它。

   【点拨】 fall in love with是一个固定短语,意为“喜欢、爱上”,通常指突然间爱上某人或某物。例如:

   They fellin love with each other. 他们相爱了。

   4. On theweekends, I’ll be able to dress more casually. 在周末,我可以穿得更随便些。

   【点拨】 dress作“穿”讲,意为“穿衣”,后面不能接表示衣服的词,但后面可接人作宾语。例如:

   Get up anddress quickly. 快起床穿衣。

   The girlcan dress herself. 这个女孩能给自己穿衣服了。

   5. Therewere many famous predictions that never came true. 有很多著名的预言根本没有实现。

   【点拨】 come true是一个固定短语,意为“实现、成为现实”。例如:

   After manyyears’ hard work, her dream has come true at last.


   6. Somescientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.




much, few, little等表示数量的词修饰时,也要用so。例如:

   I’ve neverseen such beautiful flowers. 我从未见过这样漂亮的花。

   7. I needto get some money to pay for summer camp. 我需要得到一些钱来为夏令营付款。

   【点拨】 pay for意为“付款”,“为……付款、付钱”,一般要用人来作主语。例如:

   How muchdid you pay for the book? 买这本书你付了多少钱?

   8. No, hedoesn’t have any money, either. 不,他也没有钱。

   【点拨】 either作“也”讲时,一般用于否定句中;too, also作“也”讲时,用在肯定句或疑问句中。

   9. I needsome money to buy gifts for my family. 我需要一些钱给我家人买礼物。

   【点拨】动词buy后面可以接双宾语,即buy sb. sth,也可用buy sth. for sb.来表达。

   10. Everyoneelse in my class was invited except me. 除了我之外,我班其他人都受到了邀请。

   【点拨】 except是介词,意为“除……之外”,即从整体中除去,不包括在内。例如:

   He worksevery day except Sunday. 除了星期天外,他每天都工作。

   11. Youleft your homework at home. 你把作业落在家里了。

   【点拨】表示“把某物忘在某地”,要用“leave + 某物 +地点”。而forget表示“忘记”时,一般指忘记某事,不与地点连用。例如:

   I left mykey at school. 我把钥匙忘在了学校。

   I’m sorry Iforgot his name. 对不起,我忘了他的名字。

   12. Whatwas the girl doing when the UFO took off? 当飞碟起飞时,那个女孩在干什么?

   【点拨】 1) 过去进行时由“was /were

+动词的现在分词”构成,表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内正在进行或发生的动作。常与过去进行时连用的时间状语有at that moment, at this

time yesterday, at nine o’clock yesterday等以及由whenwhile引导的过去时间状语从句。例如:

   I was doingmy homework at eight o’clock last night. 昨天晚上八点我正在做作业。

   What wereyou doing when your friend came to visit you? 当你的朋友来看望你时,你在做什么?

   2) 句中的take off意为“起飞”。take off还有另一个意思是“脱下”。例如:

   Please takeoff your dirty clothes. 请脱下你的脏衣服。

   The planetook off ten minutes ago. 飞机10分钟前就起飞了。

   13. Youwere supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it.


   【点拨】 be supposed to意为“理应;应该”,后面跟动词原形,相当于should。例如:

   Everyone issupposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 在汽车里每个人都得带上安全带。

   14. If youdo, the teacher won’t let you in. 如果你那样做,老师不会让你进去。



   If it doesn’train tomorrow, we will go the park. 如果明天不下雨,我们就去公园。

   15. If youbecome a professional athlete, you’ll be able to make a living

doing something you love.如果你成为一名职业运动员,你就可以做你喜爱做的事来谋生。

   make aliving (by)意为“以……谋生”,介词by后面可接名词、代词、动词-ing形式,有时by也可省略。例如:

   The youngwoman makes a living by singing. 这个年轻的妇女以唱歌谋生。





  ()1. There______ thousands of volunteers serving in Beijingin August 2008.


   A. willhave B. are going to have

   C. are D.will be

  ()2. I hearthat he will be back _______ two weeks’ time. (2008广东省)

   A. at B. inC. after D. for

  ()3. Qingdao is such a lovelycity that I _______it when I first visit it.


   A. knewabout B. fell in love with

   C. found D.noticed

  ()4. Can you_____ your little brother? I’mbusy now.

   OK. I’ll do it right now. 2008湖北咸宁)

   A. wear B.put on C. dress D. in

  ()5. Could you help me do some cleaningtomorrow?

  —If I_______, I will do it. (2008辽宁12)

   A. am freeB. will be free

   C. willhave time D. had time

  ()6. It was__________ music that I lost myself in it. (2008江苏泰州)

   A. such abeautiful B. so beautiful a

   C. sobeautiful D. such beautiful

  ()7. If youdon’t want to _______ for plastic bags in most supermarkets,

you’ll have to bring your own shopping bag.(2008山东临沂)

   A. spend B.take C. pay D. cost

  ()8. I haven’t seen Bob for a long time.

   I haven’t seen him, ______.(2008四川成都)

   A. too B.either C. instead

  ()9. Myfather will ________. (2008内蒙古乌兰察布市)

   A. buy anew book me

   B. buy anew book for me

   C. buy anew book to me

   D. buy anew book at me

  ()10. All the clerks went home _________Mr.Wang. Why?

  —Because hehad to finish his work.


   A. exceptB. besides C. without D. beside

  ()11. Thismorning I went to school in such a hurry(匆忙) that I _______ my

notebook at home.(2008福建厦门)

   A. left B.forgot C. lost

  ()12. Were you at home at 9 o’clock lastnight?

  —Yes, I_______ a shower at that time.(2008吉林省)

   A. took B.was taking

   C. wastaken D. am taking

  ()13. Theplane from Shanghai to Paris will _______ in an hour. (2008上海市)

   A. take upB. take away

   C. take outD. take off

  ()14. From whatwe get, we can _______ a living;what we give, however, makes a


   A. get B.make C. take D. have

  15. 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。每空限填一词。


  I wish towatch the 2008 Beijing Olympics. My dream has __________ __________

now. 2008甘肃兰州)


  Keys: 1~5DBBCA6~10 DCBBA11~14 ABDB 15. come true

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