



1.      将来人们会有机器人吗?_________ people have _________?

2.      我应该做什么?_________ ___________ I do?

3.      当飞碟到达时你正在干什么?

________ _________ you _______when the UFO _________?

4.      他说我学习努力.He said I _______ ______________.

5.      如果你去参加聚会,你会过得很开心.If you go to the party, you’ll____ ____ ____ ____.

6.      你收集贝壳有多久了?________ _______ have you _____ _____ shells?

7.      你介意把音乐声关小一点吗?Would you mind _________ _________ the music?

8.      你为什么不给她买条围巾呢?________ _______ you get her a scarf?

9.      你曾去过游乐园吗?________ you ever ________ ______ an amusement park?

10.  今天是个好天气,不是吗?It’s a nice day, _________________ ?

11.  你能给我一些建议吗?Could you ________ me ________ ________?

12.  他迷恋上了电脑.He fell ______ _________ _______ the computer.

13.  她可以说英语和汉语.She _______ _________ ______ speak English and Chinese.

14.  将来会有更多的污染.There will _______ _________ _____________.

15.  哪一个国家会在下一届世界杯中胜出?________ ________ will win the next World cup?

16.  他们不想在电话中谈论那件事.

They don’t want to talk about it________ _______ ____________.

17.  罗斯不想和她的表兄吵架,因为他是她最好的朋友.

Rose doesn’t want to ____________her cousin, because he is her________ _________.

18.  父母应好好照顾孩子.Parents ________ take good ______ _____ their kids.

19.  勿进!她正在睡觉._________ _________! She issleeping.

20.  你可以向你的哥哥借些钱.You could ________ some money _______ your brother.

21.  当外星人出来时,女孩正在购物.The girl was shopping when thealien ______ ____.

22.  他站在同学们前面.He is standing _____ ________ _____ his class.

23.  当飞机起飞时,你在做什么?When the plane ________ ________,what were you doing?

24.  喝杯咖啡怎么样?________ _________ drinking a cup of coffee?

25.  首先,你应该说对不起._______ _____ _____, you should say you’resorry.

26.  他说他对汤姆很生气.He said he _______ _______ ______ Tom.

27.  我告诉她我将在第二天去公园.

I told her I __________ go to thepark ______ _______ ________.

28.  他说他擅长口语.He said he _______ _______ ______ speaking.

29.  当我长大后,我将环游世界.

When I ________ _______, I will________ _________ __________________.

30.  高中毕业后,我想上大学.I want to _______ _______ __________ after Ileave high school.

31.  请拿走袋子,我不想它在这儿.Please ______ _____ the bag, Idon’t want it here.

32.  那位老人以卖报纸谋生.

That old man went to sellnewspaper to _______ _________________.

33.  你如果迟些起床,你会上学迟到的.

If you get up late, you _______________ ________ _______ school.

34.  他在数学方面做得较好.He can ________ _________ in math.

35.  有许多著名的预言从没有实现.

There are many famous predictions thatnever ___________________.

36.  在我7岁的时候,我得到了这件礼物.I get the present ______ _______ ______ ______.

37.  顺便问一下,你的爱好是什么?______ _____ ______, what’s your hobby?

38.  自我8岁以来我就一直在学习弹吉他.

I’ve ______ ________ the guitar_______ I _______ seven yearsold.

39.  昨天我们闲聊了一会儿.We had a __________ _________ yesterday.

40.  你介意不在这里唱歌吗?Would you mind ______ _______ here?

41.  请你不要插队好吗? 我们都在排队等候.

Could you please ______ _____________ _______?

We are all________ ________________.

42.  有人在我工作的时候跟我说话,我会很生气.

I _____ ________ when someonetalks to me while I am working.

43.  不同的人喜欢不同的礼物.Different _______ like different _____ _____ gifts.

44.  她花了大量的钱买学习用品.She _______ too much money _____ school things.

45.  我有足够的时间去完成这项任务.I have ________ _______ ______ ______ the task.

46.  我从没去过上海.I ______ ________ ______ _____ Shanghai before.

47.  是因为我的英语说得好才使我得到了这份工作.

____ was because I spoke Englishvery _______ ________ I couldget this job.

48.  事实上我想去拜访我的朋友._______ ________, I want to visit my friend.

49.  我曾去过北京,并在那里呆了七天.

I have ______ ______ Beijing andhad ______ ________ for 7 days.

50.  别忘记带上雨伞.Don’t forget to ______ an umbrella _______ you.

51.  你是新生,不是吗?You’re ______ here, _______ _______?

52.  比尔和我相处十分融洽.Bill and I _______ _______ _______ well.

53.  每天这个时候交通都十分拥挤.The ______ is very _______ at this time every day.

54.  我们一直等了一个小时.We’ve been _________ _________ an hour.

55.  不要在教室里踢足球,好吗?Don’t play soccer in theclassroom,______ ______?


Many of your favourite stars                   Taiwan.

56.  我的CD机出毛病了,你能帮我修好吗?

There’s                            my CD player. Canyou put it right for me?

57.  与朋友和谐相处使我们感到很愉快。

We                            to get on well with ourfriends.

58.  在第二次世界大战期间五千多万人失去了生命。

 million people                            during WorldWar .

59.  大陆的变化非常大,林先生迫不及待地要回家乡看看。

The changes of the mainland are sogreat that Mr Linto his hometown.

60.  我们家乡的巨变令他们惊奇万分。

They                  the great changes in our hometown.

61.  你打算参加下周举行的运动会吗?

Are you going to _______________________________nextweek?

62.  他们的汽车变旧了以后,他们宁愿买辆新的,也不愿修理旧的。

When their car becomes old,they          buy a new onerepair it.

63.  我的朋友已经决意辞职,自我创业。

My friend               to          his job and to begin his ownbusiness.

64.  连战对大陆的成功访问激励了越来越多的华人为祖国的未来作贡献。

Lien Chan’s____________________        the Mainlandof China___________________________ _____________the future of their motherland.

65.  11·她在中国所见到的情景使她感到惊异。

She was _______ at  _____________ she saw in China.

66.  台湾是中国最大的岛屿。Taiwan is the ________________________________ of China.

67.  我喜欢走着去那儿,不喜欢乘公开汽车。I _______ to walk there _______ than go by bus.

68.  斯诺克新星丁俊辉说他在比赛中没有感到多大压力,因为他把比赛看作是练习。The snooker new star Ding Junhui said hehadn't felt much stress during the match because he   _____________ it as  _________________.

69.  专家们说学生的书包重量不应该超过他们体重的百分之十到百分之十五。

Experts say students should ___89 backpacks _____________ more than 10-15percent of their own body weight.

70.  今天比昨天热得多。_________________________________________________

71.  让我们去游泳吧。_________________________________________________

72.  这些照片是去年在北京拍的。_________________________________________________


73.  我希望毕业后在这家公司找到一份工作。_________________________________

74.  南极终年积雪。The South Pole _________________________ snow


75.  在你们离开教室之前,要确保所有的电灯都关了。

_________________ all the lights_____________________ before you leave the classroom.

76.  .连战和宋楚瑜访问大陆期间,他们对大陆的巨大变化感到惊叹。

During their _________________________the mainland, Lien Chan and James Soong ___________________________ the greatchanges here.

77.  据说这是大本钟第四次停止运转了。

______________that this is thefourth time the Big Ben has ________________________.

78.  他已决定长大后要当一名医生。

He has ________________________ tobe a doctor when he_____________________.

79.  我们需要的是不断努力,不放弃。We need to ______ working _____ it, not give up.

80.  它们被用于喝酒吗?We they ______ ______ drinking?

81.  他说以前他从未看过一场另人如此兴奋的比赛。

He said he had never seen __________ exciting match before.

82.  我讨厌说得多做得少的人。I hate people who talk _______ but do ___________.

83.  吉姆从小就认识我。Jim has known me _______ ________ he was a child.

84.  那个老师经常把学生看作自己的孩子吗?

85.  他关心别人胜过关心自己。

86.  他说话声音太小了听不见。

87.  应当有礼貌地和老年人说话。

88.  他们认为努力学习是成功的关键,

89.  令我吃惊的是,他算出了那道数学难题。

_______________________, he wasable to work out that math problem.

90.  他们正忙着准备妈妈的生日晚会。

They were busy_______________________ their mother’s birthday party.

91.  我对别人的秘密毫无兴趣。I _______________________ others’ secrets at all.

92.  了解怎样交友对我们来说很重要。It is important for us to know __________________________ with  others.

93.  如果你想买这件夹克,你可试穿一下If you want to buy the jacketyou____________________________________  __________or you'll miss the early bus.

94.  (快点,不然你会错过早班车的。)I have a better idea, althoughI_________  _________you.

95.  (虽然我同意你的意见,但是我有更好的想法。)

The room was_________  __________people when I got there.

96.  (当我到那里的时候,屋里已经挤满了人。)

Computers will become much smallerand more useful_________the_________.

97.  (将来,电脑会变得越来越小,越来越有用。)

We must not______  ______others when they are in trouble.

98.   (当别人身处困境时,我们不能嘲笑他们。)



1 你在悉尼有多久?__________________ you___________ in Sydney?

2 他今天不是和你在一起吗?__________ he _________________today?

3 杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。Hangzhou _____________________ theWest Lake.

4.       全年的天气既不太热也不太冷。

It is ___________hot_____________cold____________________.

5.  两本书都没有趣。_________________________________is interesting

6.  他们俩都不认识我。___________________them ________________ me.

7.我既不学法语,也不学日语。I study __________ French  ____________ Japanese.


________________ foreign__________in our school_______________.

9.他们虽穷,但却善良。They are kind_________________________________.


________________students____________________near the river.

11.一个16 岁的女孩放弃了她的学业。

A ________________girl_________________ her____________.

12.我来这儿已有两周了。I_________________________________two weeks.


He can______________________Japanese _________________French.


I_______ already__________________________ the city______________.


I like_____________________________ , _________________summer.


___________the weather___________,youcan always find him________________ football.


Don’t _________________________.He________________________.

18.我们的朋友遍天下。We______________________________________ the world.


I can _________the_________________________________________.


I ___________ that he_________________________________.

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