




 一、Words. A.Complete words based on the sentences.

1. Mybike was broken.May I b___________ yours?

2. Weshould keep quiet in the l___________.

3. Hainan Islandis so beautiful that it a_____________

   large numbers of tourists to come.

4.Everyone is responsible to p___________ our environment.

5.What's the w__________ like today? I want to know w___________

   it is fine or not.

   B)Fill in the blanks with the given words.

1. Thisfilm is the __________________(popular) of the three.

2. I amsorry for _______________(come) late for the meeting.

3. Itis not possible for us to finish____________(build)

   the new school in such a short time.

4. Doyu know the girl? She is a friend of my ___________(sister)

5.There's a boy ___________(cry)  in theroom.Let's have a look.

6. Areall the ____________(foreign) from the U.S.A?

7. Allthe children are very happy on _____________(child) Day.

8. Thebaby was ___________(sleep) when I came in.

9. Unit1 is ____________(little) difficult than Unit 2.

10.Theyare _______________(friend) to us than you.

11.Jim'sfamily think that ____________(travel) by train is much

   ____________(cheap) and far___________________(enjoy) than

   travelling by air.

12.Nom___________ what the weather is like,you can always find

   surfers ______________(ride) the waves.

13.Itlies _________ the northeast of the island.The p______________

   of HainanIsland is 7 million.It is the_____________(two)largest island in China.

14.JackBooth is a serious ___________(surf),he surfs three times a

   day if p__________ in b_______ winter andsummer.

15.Hewas a___________ at all k________ of fishes and colours.

16.Haikou is the c__________ of Hainan Province.

17.Welived in a d___________ room.

18.Ithink Chinese is much ________________(interest) than any

   other subject.

19.The boss made us______________(work) for twelvehours,but he only

 p_________us ten dollars.

   二、Complete thesentences with Verbs.

1. --I________________(buy) a beautiful pen.

   --When _______ you ________(buy) it?

2.While the Reads __________________(have) supper,the bell rang.

3.He_____________(not,write) letters before,but he___________

   (write) a letter to his pen-friend now.

4. Theman ____________( die) last year.He _______________ (die)

   for a year.

5. You______________(get) well if you take the medicine.

6. Mymother told me that the light _____________(travel) much faster than sound.

7. Howlong ________ you __________ a teacher?

   I ______________ a teacher since I______________(leave)school.

8. Letme know if you ________________(lose) the key to the door already.

9."_________ you ___________(read) the book before?""yes.I_________

   (read) it last month."

10.Tellme how long the meeting ___________________(last) tomorrow.

11.Coustouwas interested in ___________(dive) into the sea,

12.JimGreen __________________(be) in Chinafor two years.

13.Lastweek he_____________ (travel) to Chengduwith his family.

14.Theykept ______________(watch) the beautiful scenery out of the window.

15.Theconductor kept ___________ (offer) them water.

16.Ayoung man practised ________________(speak) English with Mr Green.

17.Hemade a contribution to _____________(protect) life in the sea.

18.Hewarned people ________________(not, pollute) the seas.

19.Hethought that it was important ____________(save) the

   environment under the sea.

20.Heecouraged everyone ____________(take) part in _____________

   (protect) the lakes,rivers and seas.

21.He'sspent too much time _____________ (make) friends.

22.Thebox is too heavy for the girl __________(carry).

23.Couldyou tell me if it ___________ (rain) tomorrow?

24.WhenI came into the classroom,I saw him _________(write) a letter.

25.Someone______________(take) away my book.It isn't here now.

26.Ann'saunt ____________(go) to Englandalready.She ______________

   (be) back in a week.

27.--________youever ________(be) abroad?  -- No,never.

28.Emma__________________(finish)the book,so you may take it.

29.Where'sthr radio? ________you ________(return) it to Lucy?

30.Linda__________(make) a lot of friends sincce she _____________

   (come) here last year.

31.Beijing____________________(change)a lot in the last ten years.

32.--________you________(have)your lunch?

   --Yes,I __________(have) it at school.

33.They______________(visit) a few cities so far.

34.--_________you_________(finish)your homework?


   --When _______you__________(finish) it ?

35.There________________(be)a hospital for ten years.

36.________youever ____________(hear) the spory about Bill Gates?

37.Jimisn't here.He _____________(not,come) back.

38.Mary_____________(sing) three songs already.Let her _________ (have) a rest.

39.Theold man _______________ last year.He_________________ for a year.(die).

40.Ourcity _______________(change) a lot since 1990.

41.I_____________(lose) my pen.________you__________(see) it anywhere?

42.Pleasedon't go out to play football.You________________(not,

   finish) your homework yet.

43.--I________just___________(find)my English book?

   --Where ________ you _________(find) it?

44.They__________________(not,hear) of that thing yet.

45.We_______________(know)each other for aboput two years.

46.--Howlong________you______________(be) a teacher?

   --I____________(be) a teacher since I_____________(leave)school.

47.--Excuseme,Bob! May I borrow your bike?

   --Sorry,Mike.It isbroken.I_____________(lend) it to Uncle Wang

     He_______________(mend) it now,I think.

48.Hesaid that light ______________(travel) in straight line.

49.The teachertold us that the earth ______________(go)

   around the sun.

50.Sheasked me why I _________________(not,finish) my homework.

51.Sheasks me when I _________________(get) up every day.

52.Itis a month since Jim _____________(come) back.

53.Nomatter when you _______________(come),you can search the Internet.

54.We'vecome __________________(learn) English.

55.Thankyou for _______________(lend) your dictionary to me.

56.In1943 he ____________(invent) a machine __________ (make) it

   possible ________(allow) people______________(breathe)

   under water for a long time.

Sentence change.

1."How does he go to school every day ?" He asked me.

   He asked me __________ _________ __________to school every day.

2."Don't say it like that."he said to me.(句子)

   He ________me _________ _________ say itlike that.

3.Study harder,or you will fail the exam.(为复合句)

   ________ ________ ________ studyharder,you'll fail the exam.

4. Tomhas never come late to school.(义问)

   Tom has never come late to school,_________________?

5. MissGao left an hour ago.(句子,句意不)

   Miss Gao ________ _______ _______ ________an hour ago.

6. MrSmith has lived there since he moved there.(划线)

   _______ ________ ________ has Mr Smith livedthere?

7. Tomhas already found his dictionary.(否定句)

   Tom _______ _______ his dictionary_________.

8. Hehas been to Shanghaitwice.(划线)

   ________ _________ __________ has he been toShanghai?

9. BothLucy and Lily have been to Hangzhou.(同意句)

   Lucy has been to Hangzhou,_________ ________ Lily.

10.It'stwo days since Mr Green arrived in Shanghai.(同意句)

   Mr Green _________ _________ _________ Shanghai _______

   two days.

11.Doyou know the boy's name? He asked me.(句子)

   He asked me ________ _________ __________the boy's name.

12.Howmuch does a double roon cost? Could you tell me?

   Could you tell me_____________________________________?

13.What'sthe price of a round-trip ticket? He asked me.

   He asked me_______________________________________.

14.Howmany tickets would you like to book? he wanted to know.

   He wants toknow______________________________________

15.Whattime does the plane leave? Could oyu tell me?

   Could you tell me__________________________________?

16.Howdo you get on with your friends? Please tell me.

   Please tell me___________________________________.

18.Doyou want to go anywhere warm? He asked me.

   He asked me__________________________________.

19.Canyou search the internet by yourself? I wanted to know.

   I wanted to know ________________________________________.

20.DoesHaikou lie in the northeast of Hainan Island?he asks me.

   He asks me__________________________________________________.

21.Areyou waiting for your parents? She asked me.

   She asked me ____________________________________.

22.I'mthinking about whether ______________(go) straight along

   the road.

23.Hetaught us how _________________(drive) a car.

24.It'sanother way of _____________(say) TV.

25.Hefailed ______________(pass) the maths exam.

26.Nododycan make me _______________(change) my mind.

27.Heis the first person ______________(cross) the channel.

28.Whereverhe ____________(go),the dog follows him.

29.It'sour duty ________________(protect) the environment.

30.Wemust stop them from _______________(pour) waste water

   into the river.

31.He_______________(not,go) to bed until he finished his homework.

32.It'svery kind of you _____________(helk) me with my English.

33.Wedecided ____________________(not,take) part in the match.

34.Heis thinking about ________________(go) on holiday.

35.Ittook him a year and a half ____________________(open) up

   his own lab.

36.Thereis a truck ______________(collect) rubbish over there.

37.Wemust make a contribution to _______________(take)

   care of the Yellow River.

38.Thefilm began half an hour ago.

   =The film __________________________ forhalf an hour.

39.Hebought the computer two years ago.

   =He ___________________ the computer sincetwo years ago.

40.Theyarrived in Beijinglast Sunday.

   =They ___________________in Beijing since last Sunday.

41.Shecame back two years ago.

   =She __________________ for two years.

42.Hejoined the army five years ago.

   =He ________________________ for five years.

   =Five years _________________ since he_________ the army.

   =He___________________________ since fiveyears ago.

43.Howare you getting on with your friends?he asked me.

   He asked me ________ ________ _________getting on with my friends.

44.Wheredid you do your homework? I want to know.

   I want to know ________ _________ ________your homework.

45.Whenwill you go surfing? Please tell me.

   Please terll me __________ __________________ go surfing.

46.Doyou clean your room every day? I want to know.

   I wanted to know ________ __________ __________your room.

47.Haveyou ever cut down trees? Please tell me.

   Please tell me _________ ________ _______ever cut down trees.

48.Doeshe smoke? he didn't tell me.

   He didn't tell me __________ ____________________.

49.Ihope that I can find a good job.

   =I hope _______ ________ a good job.

50.Hesaw a boy playing on the tracks.

   =He saw that a boy _________ __________ onthe tracks.

51.Didhe win first prize? could you tell me?

   Could you tell me _________ ___________________ first prize?

52.Hedidn't know whether he could get there on time.

   =He didn't know ___________ __________ getthere on time.

53.Shesaid they played football the day before yesterday.

   _______ ______ she said _____________________?

54.Hesays he likes tomatoes.

   _______ _______ he say _____________________?

  Complete the English sentences according to Chinese

1. 在植,在美化我的城市。

   They are planting trees.They are helping to______ _______

   ________ ________.

2. 不管他,我都不相信。

   ______ ________ _________ he says,I won'tbelieve him.

3. 如果有机去山,就住机

   If you get a _______ ________ _______ to Shandong, ________ it

4. 他以前到,但在他常是第一到校的。

   He _______ _______ be late,but now he isalways the

   ________ ________ come to school.

5. 他停下想了一会儿,然后又继续走。

   He stopped ________ _________ for a whileand then went

   _________ __________.

6. 如果图书馆了,须赔偿

   If you lose a __________ ___________book,you must ________  __________ it.

7. 好游泳最好的方法是多

   The ______________ _______________ to learnto swim well is

   to _______________ _______________.

8. 他不知道怎样使用电脑

   _________ ________ _________ that he doesn'tknow _________

   __________ _________ the computer.

9. 师经常鼓可能多的

   The teacher often encourages us ___________________ English

   as ________ as __________.


   The headmaster _________ _____________________ his composition.


   It __________ 100 dollars __________________ four tickets.


   __________ _________ _________ they had beenon earth for

   _________ __________ years.


   He usually goes to work ___________ his bike_________ when it rains.


   I'm ________ __________ he didn't come hereyesterday.


   There were many people __________ __________________ ___________ on the platform.

16 They__________________(乘出租) toBeijing West Station.

17 Theybought ________________(一些水果) and _______________________

   () before theygot on the train.

18.Their___________(sleep) car was very c______________, none of them


19.Itis enjoyed by people ______ ______ _____ _______(全世界).

20.Everyyear water sports _______ _______ _______ _______(吸引) tourists to Hawaii.

21.Waikikiis one of ______ _______ _________(最好的海) forsurfing.

   It is ______ ______ ______ ______ ______________(不太也不太冷)

   all the year round.

22.He_____ _________(去是) a librarian,but he _______ _______

   (放弃了) his jobin the San Fransico,he works as a ______________

   ()assistant in a surf shop. "_____________() I ________

   _________() a goodjob,Surfing makes me very fit."

23.They________________() Chengdu the next morning.

24.______________()thathe made a TV show which ran ________________(八年).

25.Ihave been in the Party ________________________(五年前).

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