



1.        There were 20 votes for him and12 a____________ him. (反对)

2.        a____________ comes aftersummer, which is the coolest season in a year. (秋天)

3.        Jim wants to be ab____________. (理发师)

4.        I b____________ a dictionarylast week. I have already b____________ it to school. (购买、带来)

5.        Hefei is the c____________ of Anhui Province. (省会)

6.        If I make a lot of money in thefuture, I’ll give much money to c____________. (慈善团体)

7.        There are all kinds of skirtsin the shop. I don’t know which to c____________. (选择)

8.        I have been c____________ stampssince I was 10 years old. (收集)

9.        Students often c____________about doing too much homework. (抱怨)

10.    Jim had a bad c____________. Hehad to go to see his doctor. (咳嗽)

11.    We have made a greatd____________. (决定)

12.    I d____________ that the mostrequirement was to speak English well. (发现)

13.    There happened a terriblee____________ in Yushu of Qinghai Province on the morning of April 14th,2010.

14.    My head teacher oftene____________ us to work hard. (鼓励)

15.    24 young singers from across Chinae____________ a contest by singing popular English songs. (参加,进入) 

16.    I always get nervous when I seethe e____________ from school in the mail. (信封)

17.    We should protect oure____________ as much as possible. (环境)

18.    I want to travel, e____________to English-speaking countries. (特别地)

19.    Singaporeis an e____________ place to try new food. (极好的)

20.    Could you please e____________why. (解释)

21.    Many f____________ travel to Mount Huangin China.(外国人)

22.    We need time and f____________to relax. (自由)

23.    Hainan is a beautifuli____________ (岛屿). It’s aw____________ place to take a h____________. (极好的,度假)

24.    You can’t i____________ howstrange it was! (想像)

25.    Computers, space rockets andeven electric toothbrushes seemed i____________ a hundred yearsago. (不可能)

26.    There are too many people inthe park. Let’s go to the library i____________. (代替)

27.    My mother is washing the dishesin the k____________. (厨房)

28.    I want to be a l____________when I grow up. (律师)

29.    Could I take a m____________for you? (短信)

30.    Computers are used more in them____________ office. (现代化的)

31.    Government is trying to preventthe school garden m____________  fromtaking place and protect children’s safety. (凶杀)

32.    Mary’s new skirt iso____________. It’s in style this summer. (新颖的)

33.    Would you please help meo____________ my birthday party? (组织)

34.    My dream is p____________. Tocome true, I have to word hard again and again. (完美的)

35.    I want to have a p____________computes. (私人的)

36.    Air p____________ is gettingmore and more serious. (污染)

37.    China hasthe biggest p____________ in the world. (人口)

38.    We made great p____________ byreading English aloud. (进步)

39.    A q____________ to eight isanother way of saying “7:45”(四分之一)

40.    The students are skating tor____________ money for charity. (筹集)

41.    What’s the best gift Joe hasever r____________? (收到)

42.    Jim wants to be a s____________.(科学家)

43.    I have s____________ snowglobes in different shapes. (几个)

44.    We walked home ins____________. (沉默)

45.    We have had a goods____________. (解决方法)

46.    Why don’t you get her a photoalbum? That’s not s____________ enough. (特别的)

47.    I don’t like to stay in a s____________place. (陌生的)

48.    You were s____________ to meetat the bus stop this morning. (认为、假定)

49.    Have you taken yourt____________? Not yet. (温度)

50.    They enjoyed t____________ lastweekend. (他们)

51.    There are less than onet____________ students in our school. (一千)

52.    There will be an i_____________this weekend. (面试)

53.    Microsoft is a great computerc_____________. (公司)

54.     I have 3 t_____________ to the movie Avatar()

55.    E_____________ teaches us many things. (经验)

56.    There was a traffic a_____________ last night. (事故)

57.    Don’t be n_____________ when the teacher asks your questions.

58.    He is a good i_____________ on the children. (影响)

59.    8 v_____________ to Shanghai World Expo from Anhuibegan to work in Shanghailast week.

60.    I lost the c_____________ to get that job. (机会)

61.    Great changes took place in my h_____________ in the last ten years. (家乡)

62.    She fell off her bike. L_____________, she wasn’t hurt. (幸运的是)

63.    Because the financial crisis (金融风暴) is growing now, the students from the colleges feel greatp_____________. (压力)

64.  good night!said Jim with a p_________ and then went out. (有礼貌的)

   THE      END  


Best Wishes and Have a Good Summer Vacation!

Warm Tips: Edited by Mr. Yao and Class 4 in Shaxi Junior School.If you have some good advice, keep in contact with us when needed.  QQ: 1215362584           June 10th.2010



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