

初二上期末总复习 八年级(上)UNIT10—UNIT12




1.上表演课                         2.成长                               

3.兼职                             4.在同一时间                              

5.举行艺术展览                     6.全世界                               

7.把…发送到…                     8.学做某事                           

9.组建足球队                       10.努力工作                             

11.保持健康                        12.下决心                           

13.举行欢迎会                      14.洗碗碟                                 

15.倒垃圾                          16.折衣服                              

17.整理床铺                        18.出去                               

19.洗慰衣服                        20.邀请某人去                            

21.照看                            22.向某人请求帮助                       

23.靠近…                          24.在乡镇                            

25.做一个…调查                    26.赢得…奖                         

27.在…北部                        28.砍价                                   


1.      He is going to move to New York.

2.      I’m going to do what I want to do.

3.      I want to be a reporter for a fashion magazine.

4.      I’m going to move somewhere intersting.

5.      I’m going to buy a big house with the money.

6.      They are going to exercise more to keep fit.

7.      They want to communicate better with their kids.

8.      She found a job as a foreign language teacher.

9.      I hate to do chores.

10.  I like to make breakfast , because I like to cook.

11.  Don’t forget to clean his bed.

12.  We need more drinks and snakes.

13.  It has the friendliest service.

14.  Jason’s has the best quality clothing.

15.  We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned.

16.  My sister Isabel is the funniest person I know.

17.  Eliza Clark won the prize for the best ferformer.

18.  He danced without music.

19.  Who do you think is the funniest actor?

20.  The price of the hotel room is about 320yuan a night. 


1. A:What are you going to be when you grow up?

  B:I’m going to be a basketball

  A:How are you goin to do that?

  B:I’m going to practice basketball every day.

  A:Where are going to work?

  B:I’m not sure. Maybe Beijing or…

2. A:Could you please clean your room?

  B:Sure/ Sorry, I can. I have to do my homework.

3. A:Could I please use the car?

  B:Yes, you can. / No, you can’t. have to go out.

4. A:What’s the best movie theater?

  B:Showtime Cinema.

5. A:Who do you think is the funniest actor?

  B:I think Jim Carrey is the funniest actor.



1. —Could I have your name please, sir?


A. Oh, no       B. You are polite   C.You can call me John   D.It’s my pleasure  

2. With a history of more than 1400 years, Zhaozhou Bridge is the _________ stone arch bridge in the world.

A. old         B. older           C. elder                D. oldest

3. —Excese me, could you help me carry the heavy box?

  —____________ .

A. Yes, I could  B. It doesn’t matter  C. With pleasure         D. Don’t mention it

4. —Do you like English?

  —Yes, but I think it’s __________ subject of all.

A. the easiest   B. the most difficult  C. the most interesting   D. the most boring

5. —Could you please do the dishes?

  —___________. I’m going to do my homework.

A. Yes, you can  B. No, I couldn’t    C. Sorry, I can’t        D. Never

6. He likes to ___________ dinner , because he likes to cook.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

A. do          B. make           C. have

7. —Could I buy ___________ drinks and snacks?


A. some        B. any             C. a lot

8. Don’t forget ____________ the lights before you leave the room.

A. to turn off      B. turning on      C. to turn on     D. turning off

9. They are going ___________ vacation the day after tomorrow.

A. to            B. on             C. for          D. with                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

10.What’s he going to do be when he                ?

A is gong to grow up    B grows up        C will grow up

11.             are you going to do that ?

A What               B Who           C How

12. The winner said he is going to build a Hope Project School           the money .

A with                B use            C to  

13. Everyone wants to find a good ___________ in the futrue.

A. work               B. job           C. dream

14. This math problem is much too difficult, _________ students can work it out.

A. few                B. a few         C. little         D. a little

15. Eliza sings __________ Isabel.

A. better              B. good          C. gooder       D. best

16. He thinks history is ____________ of all subjects.

A. boringest           B. most boring    C. most boringest D. the most boring

17. Who __________ the funniest actor?

A. you think is        B. is you think     C. do you think is D. do you think

18. There are some ____________ books in this book store. So you’d better not buy books here.

A. bad              B. worse          C. worst 

19. You may keep the book for a week, but you mustn’t lend it to ___________.

A. other             B. the others        C. others

20. He studies ______________ better than any other student in our class.

A. very            B so              C more         D much



The three children ________ their _________ _________ _______ _________ yesterday


Parents want to _________ ___________ __________ their kids.


We should __________ more exercise to __________ _________.


They often _________ some money __________ me.


My mother said she was going to ______ _______ _______ the world after she _______.


Could you please ____________ ___________ the trash?


Remember to __________ the dog __________ __________ ________ every day.


Ning Ning’s has _________ ____________ __________.


I’m sure you will _________ the ___________ __________ the best ___________.


Taiwan is _________ _________ ____________ __________ China.

11. 不要忘记清扫它的床。

__________ ___________ ____________ clean his bed!


Town movie has ________ ________ __________ , but _______ ________ __________.


1.      This photo album is Lily’s, __________ (I ) is in the desk.

2.      It’s not here . It must be _____________ ( anywhere ) there.

3.      They __________ ( build )a big garden in the park last year.

4.      A good ____________ ( read ) is good at reading.

5.      An actor must take _________ ( act ) lessons.

6.      You have to do the _________ ( dish ) at home.

7.      They often ___________ ( agree ) with you, because of your impolite behavior.

8.      Bruce went to school __________ ( with) breakfast today because he got up so late.

9.      In our class, my home is the ___________ ( far ) from school.

10.  The film is not as ___________ ( interesting ) as that one.

11.  Our classroom is ___________ ( beautiful ) in our school.

12.  I can enjoy ____________ ( swim ) in the river.

13.  We can’t play soccer now, it ______________ ( rain )

14.  Our English teacher is ______________ ( friend ) to us.

15.  Xiamen is a good place ____________ ( have ) fun.                                                          

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