




请点击下面链接地址欣赏英文版《国际歌》  //v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODE5Nzc0OA==.html?firsttime=20



     Arise ye prisoners of starvation
     Arise ye toilers of the earth
     For reason thunders new creation
     `Tis a better world in birth.

     Never more traditions\\' chains shall bind us
     Arise ye toilers no more in thrall
     The earth shall rise on new foundations
     We are but naught we shall be all.

     Then comrades, come rally
     And the last fight let us face
     The Internationale
     Unites the human race. (bis)

     Arise ye workers from your slumbers
     Arise ye prisoners of want
     For reason in revolt now thunders
     And at last ends the age of cant.

     Away with all your superstitions
     Servile masses arise, arise
     We\\'ll change henceforth the old tradition
     And spurn the dust to win the prize.

     Then comrades, come rally
     And the last fight let us face
     The Internationale
     Unites the human race. (bis)

     No more deluded by reaction
     On tyrants only we\\'ll make war
     The soldiers too will take strike action
     They\\'ll break ranks and fight no more

     And if those cannibals keep trying
     To sacrifice us to their pride
     They soon shall hear the bullets flying
     We\\'ll shoot the generals on our own side.

     Then comrades, come rally
     And the last fight let us face
     The Internationale
     Unites the human race. (bis)

     No saviour from on high delivers
     No faith have we in prince or peer
     Our own right hand the chains must shiver
     Chains of hatred, greed and fear



     Stand up, all victims of oppression  
     For the tyrants fear your might
     Don't cling so hard to your possessions
     For you have nothing, if you have no rights
     Let racist ignorance be ended
     For respect makes the empires fall
     Freedom is merely privilege extended
     Unless enjoyed by one and all

     So come brothers and sisters
     For the struggle carries on
     The Internationale
     Unites the world in song
     So comrades come rally
     For this is the time and place
     The international ideal
     Unites the human race

     Let no one build walls to divide us
     Walls of hatred nor walls of stone
     Come greet the dawn and stand beside us
     We'll live together or we'll die alone
     In our world poisoned by exploitation
     Those who have taken, now they must give
     And end the vanity of nations
     We've but one Earth on which to live

     And so begins the final drama
     In the streets and in the fields
     We stand unbowed before their armour
     We defy their guns and shields
     When we fight, provoked by their aggression
     Let us be inspired by like and love
     For though they offer us concessions
     Change will not come from above


       国际歌歌词的原始版本是欧仁·鲍迪埃写的法语词,文中下面的那个Arise ye···的版本就是根据那个法语最初版翻译的,可以称之为“英语传统版”,文字也很古朴。而上面红字的那个版本是近年的红色摇滚歌手比利·布拉格重新填的词,歌词比较现代,可以称之为“英语现代版”。我个人更喜欢比利·布拉格的版本,因为那个传统版实在是太难唱了···

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