

Outspoken Tokyo Governor Resigns to Run for P...
Tokyo's nationalist governor announced he was resigning to run for a seat in the national parliament, as he seeks to push the issue of a disputed group of islands to the top of Japan's political agenda before an election promised in the near term.民族主义者东京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara)宣布将辞职谋求国会职位,以求在不久之后可能进行的选举之前,将岛屿争端推向日本政治议程的顶端。
'I have decided to resign today,' said Shintaro Ishihara, the man widely seen as having triggered the current flare-up in the territorial dispute between Japan and China. Speaking at a hastily organized press conference Thursday, he told reporters he hoped to create a new party with 'like-minded' individuals.Associated Press石原慎太郎周四宣布将辞职谋求重回国会。图为今年九月,石原慎太郎在一次新闻发布会上。当前中日领土争端升级,石原慎太郎被普遍视为始作俑者。他说,我已决定今天辞职。在周四这次匆忙组织起来的新闻发布会上,他对媒体表示希望与志同道合的人一起组建新政党。
It would be the seventh national political party created in the past year, many of them formed by lawmakers defecting en masse from Japan's two largest parties in a scramble to hold onto their seats in the next election.这将是过去一年内组建的第七个全国性政党。在这七个政党中,好几个都是那些急于在下次选举中保留职位而从日本两大政党集体出走的议员组建的。
Mr. Ishihara's announcement comes as opposition parties mount pressure on Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda for a general election before the current lower-house term expires next August. Opposition parties have taken important bills hostage, demanding an early dissolution in exchange for their cooperation. Mr. Noda has so far refused to name a date, merely promising an election in the 'near term.'石原慎太郎公布辞职决定的时候,反对党正在向首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)施压,要求在现届众议院任期于明年8月份结束之前举行大选。反对党绑架了重要议案,要求用提前解散议会来换取他们的合作。目前为止野田拒绝给出一个日期,只是承诺将在“近期”进行大选。
The 80-year-old governor, explaining his decision to step down more than two years before the end of his term, cited the national government's reluctance to build infrastructure on the disputed isles. Located in the East China Sea isles, they're known as Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, which also claims them.石原慎太郎现年80岁,其任期还有两年多才结束。他解释辞职决定的理由之一,是中央政府不愿意在争议岛屿上修建基础设施。这些小岛屿位于东中国海(East China Sea, 中国称东海),在日本称为尖阁列岛(Senkaku)。中国也声称拥有岛屿主权,称之为钓鱼岛。
The controversial but highly popular governor's surprise announcement in April that the Tokyo metropolitan government would purchase the islands from their private Japanese owners is largely seen as the catalyst for the central government's decision to step in and buy them instead. The purchase triggered a wave of anti-Japanese sentiment in China, with some demonstrations turning violent.石原慎太郎在日本是一个饱受争议的政治任务,同时也受到本国人的广泛欢迎。今年4月份,石原慎太郎突然宣布,东京都政府将从日籍私人岛主手中买下争议岛屿。外界普遍认为这一声明是日本政府决定插手购买并对这些小岛实施国有化方案的诱因。购岛之举在中国引起强烈的反日情绪,部分游行示威演变成暴力活动。
'I hope to oversee the creation of a safe harbor for local Japanese fishermen and a lighthouse' on one of the islands, Mr. Ishihara said.石原慎太郎说,我希望由我负责,为当地日本渔民修建一个避风港,并在其中一座岛屿上修一个灯塔。
The government has dismissed the idea of constructing anything. Analysts say construction would infuriate Beijing, exacerbating the tense bilateral relations.中央政府已驳回修建设施的提议。分析人士说,搞建设将激怒北京、加剧双边的紧张关系。
Mr. Ishihara, who left parliament in 1995 after nearly 30 years, also described Japan's pacifist constitution, the work of U.S. occupying forces after World War II, as a 'horribly written document' that 'embodies and epitomizes the contradictions' the country must overcome.石原慎太郎曾在国会任职接近30年,1995年离开。他还说,二战后美国占领军制定的和平宪法体现、概括了日本必须克服的一些矛盾,写得相当糟糕。
Mr. Ishihara said the party is preparing 30 to 40 candidates to run in the next election. He is likely to join forces with the conservative Sunrise Party of Japan, which has just two lower-house members. Mr. Ishihara has had ties with that party since its formation.石原慎太郎说,新党将安排30到40名候选人参加下次选举。他可能会与只有两名众议员的保守政党奋起日本党(Sunrise Party of Japan)联合。从奋起日本党组建开始,石原慎太郎就与该党保持往来。
But it is the potential for alliances with more significant political forces that attracts greater interest. The focus has been on Mr. Ishihara's relationship with the new and burgeoning Japan Restoration Party, led by popular Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto.但引起更大兴趣的,还是他与更重要政治势力结盟的可能性。石原慎太郎与新兴政党日本维新会(Japan Restoration Party)的关系受到关注,该党党首是人气颇高的大阪市长桥下彻(Toru Hashimoto)。
Mr. Ishihara said his new party will collaborate with the JRP, but acknowledged major differences on issues including nuclear power.石原慎太郎说,他的新党将与日本维新会合作,但他承认在核电等议题上双方存在重大分歧。
Smaller parties are likely to play a key role in forming the next administration, as neither of Japan's two largest parties is expected to win an absolute majority in the next general election.
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