

it 的用法

一. 指代时间、距离、自然现象等。

   1. It is half past two now. (时间)

   2. It is 6 miles to the nearest hospital. (距离)

   3. It is very cold in the room. (温度)

   4. A lovely day, isn’t it? (天气)

二. 指代前面所提到过的事物、群体、想法、性别不明或性别被认为不重要的人或动物、未指明但谈话双方都明白的事物或情况。

   1. --- Who is knocking at the door?

       --- It is me. (不明性别)

      --- Who is making so much noise?

        --- It must be the children. (it 可以指复数名词)

   2. --- I’ve broken the plate.

     --- It (= Breaking the plate) doesn’tmatter. (指前面所提到的事情)

   3. The Parkers bought a new house but it willneed a lot of work before they can move in. (指双方都明白的事情)

三. It 可以用作形式主语或宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放在后面,真正的主语或宾语往往由从句、动名词、不定式充当。

   1. He found it not easy to learn a foreignlanguage well.

   2. We think it no good reading in bed.

   3. It is said that all of them have gone tothe cinema.


   1. 我认为开这个会是必要的。____________________________________________

   2. 劝他没用。_________________________________________________________

   3. 我们是否需要建一个实验室需进一步讨论。


四.It 可以用来替代整个句子或句中谓语部分所表示的意思。

   1. He hates children, and it is strange.

   2. ---- When can we come to visit you?

     ---- Any time you feel it.





  1. It+ takes/took (+sb 或其他某些抽象名词)+ some time 或其它 + to do

   eg:1) It will take us two hours to get thereby air.

      2) It takes much patience to do the work.

   2. Itis/was + adj/n + doing  (这类名词、形容词常见的有 no good, no use, uselessworth )

      eg:  Itis no use doing so.

   3. Itis/was (about/ high) time + that 从句 (虚拟语气)

eg: It’s time we went/ should gohome.

   4. Itbe the first/second time + 从句 (用完成时) ( it 可换成this/that

     eg: --- Do you know our town at all?

        --- No, it is the first time I havebeen here.

   5. 用于 it doesn’t matter Does it matter…? 句型

     eg: 1) Does it matter if he can’t finishthe job on time?

        2---I’msorry I broke your mirror.

           --- Oh, really? It doesn’t matter.

   6. 用于 take it for granted + that 从句中 :认为…… 理所当然

     eg: We all took it for granted that hewould agree with us.

   7. I takeit that you don’t agree with me.(我的理解是)

   8. I hateit when I have to speak in French on the phone.(讨厌…)

   9. I likeit when she sings a song for me. (喜欢…)

   10. I can’thelp it if he is always late. (没办法)

   11. I will appreciate it if you can help me. (感激…0

   12. I don’t mind it if you are late. (介意…)

   13. Please see to it that ( make sure that ) you bring enough money when yougo out.(确保)

   14. You can count on it that he is very smart. ( 相信)

   15. As someone puts it, practice makes prefect. ( 所说的那样)

   16. You needn’t go if you don’t feel like it. (愿意)

   17. Whenit comes to drive, she’s got more than any of us.(当谈论到、涉及到…)

   18. You may depend on it that they are of much value. (相信…)

   19. I makeit a rule to walk 3 miles a day. (固定)

   20. It is/ has been + 一段时间 + since + 句子 did

     It was + 一段时间 + since + 句子 had

      It was/ will be + 一段时间 +before +句子 did/ do

      It is/was + 时间点 + when +句子 (时间状语从句)

      It is/was + 时间状语 + that + 句子 (强调句)

六.It 用于强调句中

   Itis/was +被强调部分(除谓语动词以外)+that +句子


1. I wasdisappointed with the film. I had expected_____ to be much better.

  A that B those  C them  D it




2. Tom’smother kept telling him that he should work harder, but____ didn’t help.

  A he  Bwhich  C she  D it

3. Some companies havemade manufacturing of clean and safe products their main point andemphasize_____ in their advertising.

  A them B why   C how  D it

4. Infact ____ is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important footballmatch.

  A this  B that  C there  D it

5. I don’tthink ____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.

  A this  B that  C its  D it

6. I hate____ when people talk with their mouth full.

  A it  B that  C those  D them

7. ---What was the party like?

---Wonderful. It is years_____ Ienjoyed myself so much.

A after   B before C when   D since

8. It isfive years ________ we saw each other last time.

  A before B since  C after  D when

9. It wasthree o’clock ____ we finished the work.

  A that B at which  C when  D since

10. Itwas not long _____ I forgot it all.

  A then B when  C after  D before

11. Don’t __________that all those who get good grades in the entrance examination will prove to bemost successful.

  A take as granted  B take this for granted  C take that for granted  D  takeit for granted

12. Ourclub is open to adults only. __________ your children have entered withoutpermission.

  A There seems that B It seems to be C Thereseems to be  D It seems that

13. Itwas about 600 years ago____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand wasmade.

  A that B until  C before  D when

14. It was for thisreason _____ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.

  A which B why  C that  D how

15. Manystudents in this school make____ a rule to come to the evening classes even onSundays.

  A this  B that  C it  D them

16. Iwould appreciate______, to be frank, if the goods could be delivered as soon aspossible.

   A you B this  C it  D myself

17.---Why are you making so much noise?

  --- I just can’t help_____.

   A so  B that  C this  D it


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It 句型归纳总结
see to it that...句式的分析
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