



accept 接受,承认,同意


对比:receive 强调客观收到的动作,不一定接受。

achieve 达到;取得

(指通过努力而获得成功或达到某种目的)(n .)achievement

achieve one’s goal/aim

act 行动,做,做事,扮演

act/work/serve as 作为,充当,扮演

(n .)actor& actress ; activity& action

take action to do 采取行动

add 加,增加,接着说 add…to

add to 增加add up 加起来add up to总计

(n .)addition in addition 另外,此外

admire 钦佩,羡慕,赞美 (n .)admiration

admit 承认,接收,让……进入 (admitted)

admit doing sth. 承认做某事

be admitted into 被录取

advance推进,促进 in advance 提前,事先(adj.)advanced高级的,高等的

advise 劝告,建议

advise doing /advise sb. to do

/advise that (虚拟语气)


afford 负担得起,提供

agree 同意,赞成 agree to do sth. 同意去做 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见

agree to sth. 同意某种意见、建议

agree on sth. 与某人达成一致意见

(n .)agreement

allow 准许,允许

allow sb. to do sth. / allow doing

announce宣布,宣告,通知(强调郑重其事预先通知) (n .) announcement

apologise 道歉

apologise to sb. for doing sth.

(n .)apology apologies(pl.)

appear出现,显得,好像(反disappear)(n .)appearance 外表外貌


argue with sb. over/about sth.

(n .)argument 论点,论据

ask ask for / ask sb. for sth.

astonish 使…诧异 astonishment

attack v./n. be under ~ 遭到攻击

an air ~ 空袭

attempt n./v.努力;尝试

~ to do sth.= make an ~ to do sth.

in an ~ to do sth.努力/尝试去做......

attend v.出席;照顾 attendant n.服务员 ~ to sb./ sth. 照料;从事;处理

attract vt .吸引

attractive adj.有吸引力的;迷人的 attraction n.吸引(人的人或物)

be attractive to sb.吸引某人

be attracted to sth. 被......吸引

bake 烘烤

bargain v. 讨价还价

n. 讨价还价;便宜货 a real ~ 便宜货

base n. 基地;基础 vt.以......为基础

~ A on B A以B为基础/依据

be ~d on以......为基础

be am/is/are/was/were/being/been

bear vt.忍受;承受(bore/born-borne)

He can’t ~ being looked down upon.

He was born in Shanghai.

They have borne three children.

beat(beat,beat) v.打;击败

become/became/become link.v.系动词

beg v.乞讨;哀求 begging begged beggar n.乞丐 ~ sb. for sth.

go ~ging去乞讨

begin/began/begun v.

beginning beginner初学者

Well begun, half done.


to ~ with首先=first of all

in the beginning at the beginning of

believe vt. belief n.信仰;信念

belong 属于

belong to 无被动无进行时态

bend/bent/bent v. 弄弯

~ over sth. 伏在......上面

be bent over......一心想/做

bite/bit/bit:bitten v.咬

Never bite off more than you can chew.


blame vt.责备

be to ~ (for doing sth.)因......而应受责备 ~ sb. for doing sth. 因......而责备

Don’t ~ the child for the broken glass. It was my fault.

I wonder who is to ~ for the broken glass.=I wonder who to ~ for the broken glass.

blow/blew/blown v.吹~ up爆炸 ~ sth. up把......炸毁 ~ ...away把吹走

boil v. boiling water在沸腾的水 boiled water沸水 boiling hot超热

borrow 借出

break/broke/broken v. ~ down出故障;破除 ~ up破坏;解散;开垦

~ into sp.闯入;侵占

~ the law/rule违反 ~ one’s promise食言 ~ away (of) 脱离

~ forth/out爆发 ~ off折断;突然中断

~ open撬开 ~ with与......断交

c.n.休息 take/have a ~

bring/brought/brought vt. ~ sb. up抚养 ~ sth. up呕吐;提出 bring sth. forward提出

broadcast/broadcast/broadcast vt.广播

~ sth. live现场直播 Cf. cast/cast/cast forecast/forecast/forecast

build/built/built vt.建造;建设 building n. ~ ...up建造 ~ A into B把A建成B

burn/burnt/burnt v. ~ sth. up烧光

~ sth. to the ground=~ sth down夷为平地 It’s ~ing hot.

burst vt.爆发;爆炸

~ sth. up =blow sth. up炸掉 ~ into tears/laughter/cheers

~ out crying/laughing/cheering ~ into...闯入

~ forth= ~ out= break forth= break out爆发

bury vt.埋葬 burial n.葬礼

~ sb. alive活埋

buy/bought/bought vt.

I won’t ~ your story.我才不信呢

call v./n. ~ for请求;要求;需要;呼吁 ~ at sp.参观 ~ on sb.访问 ~...off取消

~ out大声叫喊 ~ forth...唤起;鼓起(勇气等) call (on) sb. to do sth.号召

camp v.宿营 n.帐篷

go camping去宿营

can 能,能够 could

care v. ~ for...喜爱;关心;照管 ~ about...关心;顾虑

care n. take ~ of...照料;照看

take ~当心;保重 under the ~ of在...... with ~ =carefully小心地;慎重地 careless 粗心的

carry vt. ~ sth. in one’s arms抱着 ~ sth. on one’s back背着

~ sth. in one’s hands捧着

~ sth. in one’s hand拿着

~ sth. out实施;执行

~ ...away带走;冲昏...的头脑

~ sth. on继续下去

~ through坚持到底

catch/caught/caught vt.抓住

~ sb. = ~ up with sb.追上

catch sight of突然看到 ~ hold of突然抓住

~ (a ) cold得感冒

~ sb.’s attention/ eye吸引的注意力

~ sb. doing sth.

be caught in a rain遭遇风雨等

be caught in/between the trees卡在树中

celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n. ~ one’s birthday/Christmas/Easter/New Year’s Day (=mark/observe/keep)

change v./n.变化
~/turn A into B 把A变成B

~ trains/planes/clothes换车、飞机、衣服

~ for the better/worse边得更好/坏

~ with...随着......而变化 ~ oneself=get ~d换衣服

Great ~s have taken place in China since the reform and opening up in 1979.

charge v.收费;控告;冲锋 ~ some money sb. for sth. He ~d me $10 for the book.

~ sb. with (doing) sth.

He was ~d of sealing books from the newsstand.

n.主管;收费;控告;冲锋 in ~ of 主管 in the ~ of由......主管 free of ~免费的

chat 闲谈 chatting

clap v. n.拍(手)

climb 爬,攀爬

close 1 a. 亲密的;近,靠近 ad. 近,靠近 close 2 vt. 关,关闭

come (came, come) vi. 来,来到

compare vt. 比较,对照

complete v. 完成

connect vt. 连接,把……联系起来

consider vt. 考虑

contain v. 包含;包括;能容纳

continue vi. 继续

correct v. 改正;纠正 a. 正确的,对的;恰当的

cost (cost, cost) v. 值(多少钱);花费

cure n. & vt. 治疗;医好 cure…of …

couldmodal v.



count vt. 数,点数

cut (cut, cut) v. n. 切,剪,削,割 伤口

damage n.& vt. 毁坏,损害

dare v.& aux.(后接不带to的不定式;主要用于疑问,否定或条件句)敢,敢于

decide v. 决定;下决心

declare vt. 声明;断言

defeat vt. 击败;战胜

defend vt. 防守;保卫

delay v.& n. 拖延,延误,延迟,延期;耽搁

destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏

determine vt. 决定;决心

develop v. (使)发展;(使)发达;(使)发育;开发 vt. 冲洗(照片)

devote vt. 把……奉献;把……专用(于)

deliver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等)

demand vt. 要求

depend vi. 依靠,依赖,指望;取决于

describe vt. 描写,叙述

die vi. die of/from 死亡

( died, died, dying )

dig vt.(dug dug digging ) 挖掘

disappoint vt. 使失望disappointed/disappointing disappointment

discover vt. 发现

discuss vt. 讨论

disturb vt. 打扰

dive vi. 潜水

divide vt. divide into 划分

do (did done doing )

draw ( drew drawn )

dream vt. ( dreamed/dreamt, dreamed/dreamt ) dream of

drink vt. ( drank drunk )

drive vt. (drove driven )

drop vt. ( dropped dropped )

drown 溺水

earn vt. earn one’s living

eat vt. ( ate eaten )

employ vt. 雇佣 hire/take on employer/employee employment

op. fire/dismiss/lay off

encourage vt. encourage sb to do 鼓励 n. encouragement

enjoy vt. sth/doing sth

escape vi. from 逃跑

enter vt. 进入

envy vt. 羡慕,嫉妒

examine vt. 检查

excuse vt. 原谅 n. 借口

exist vi. 存在

expect to do/expect sb to do 期望

explain vt. sth to sb/to sb sth 解释

exploit vt. 开发

express vt. 表达

fail vi. 失败

fall ( fell fallen )

fasten vt. 拴,系

feed vt.( fed fed )

feel ( felt felt ) feel like doing

fetch vt. 取回

fight vi. ( fought fought )

fill ~ in 填写

find ( found found )

finish vi. sth/doing sth

fly ( flew flown )

float vi. 漂浮

fix vt. fix one’s attention on

flow vi. 流动

fold vt. 折叠

follow vt. 跟随 as follows

forbid vt. ( forbade forbidden )

forbid doing/sb to do 禁止

force vt. force sb to do 强迫

forget ( forgot forgotten ) to do/doing

forgive ( forgave forgiven ) forgive sb for sth 原谅,宽恕

found vt. 建立 founded/founded

freeze ( froze frozen ) 凝固,结冰

freezing cold 冰冷

frighten vt. 吓唬 adj. frightened/frightening

fry vt. 煎

gain vt. 获得

gather vt. 聚集 gathering 集会

get vt. (got got )

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