



One thing I love about the spring andsummer months is that they have us outside at every possible moment.


Of course we could use the beautifulweather as an excuse for falling off of our workout game… or we could use it asmotivation to do just the opposite. In my opinion, the outdoors is the bestplace to work out. I can surround myself with the beauty of nature, breathingin fresh, clean air as I strengthen and tone my muscles to the sound ofchirping birds and crashing waves.


It just so happens that my sister Charlotteis a personal trainer and group fitness instructor – and all-around beautifulmotivator – so I turned to her to share some ideas on workouts to try outsidethis season. You can actually do these inside, as well. All you need is onepiece of (non-gym) equipment – like a chair, a bench, or even a big rock. Takeit away, Char!


1、Single-leg Lunge

Form:Elevate one foot behind you on a flat surface.Lower yourself down into a lunge, keeping your shoulders back and chest up theentire time. Your knee should never extend past your toes. Pause for a second,and return back to the starting position.(注意;胸部正直,动作整个过程不要发生变化,膝盖不要超过脚趾)

What it works:Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus.(健身主要部位,股四头肌、腘绳肌和臀大肌)


2、Incline/Decline Pushups

Form: For beginners, the incline pushup isextremely important. It familiarizes your body with proper pushup form, andallows your muscles to feel exactly what’s working. Place your hands on anelevated surface with your thumbs wrapping around the edge to ease the pressureon your wrists. Hands should be a little wider than shoulder-width apart, andyour entire body should be flat. Slowly lower yourself down, forming a90-degree angle with your arms. Squeeze your core to keep your back flat, andreturn to the starting position. If you’re more advanced, switch the positionof your hands with your feet, so your body is on the decline. Slowly loweryourself down the same way, forming a 90-degree angle and keeping a flat back.


What it works: Chest, shoulders, triceps,core.(主要发展肌肉;胸大肌、三头肌、腹部肌群和肩部)


3、Tricep Dips

Form:Place your hands on an elevated surfacedirectly under your shoulders, fingertips facing forward. Walk your feet out ifront of you. For beginners, legs should be slightly bent with feet flat on theground. For more advanced, legs come straight out with heels on the ground andtoes pointed up. Bend your arms down so your elbows form a 90-degree angle,making sure that your elbows point directly behind you and not out to the side.Slowly return to the starting position.(动作注意;起始姿势双手向后至于身体后侧,双脚到身体前侧,里身体重心越远越好,刚开始距离近点,此外你的肘关节伸直后至于肩关节下部呈一条直线。)

What it works:Triceps, chest, shoulders.(肱三头、胸部肌群和肩部肌群)


4. Isometric Hold and V-sit Crunches

Form:Sit on an elevated surface and raise your legs,keeping them as straight as possible. Make sure your back stays flat, and holdthe bench behind you. Keep shoulders, back, and chest up. Hold your position toisolate the muscles in your core. This is an isometric hold. For V-sitcrunches, use this same position to start. Crunch your knees in towards yourchest, making sure to keep a flat back. To make this more challenging, releaseyour arms from behind you. To make it easier, keep legs bent the whole time.(动作注意;举起双腿伸直膝盖,使得背部笔直,这是一个两头起的仰卧起坐,整个过程中都要求你的双腿伸直)

What it works:Abs, lower back, coordination, balance.(腹部、下背部和整个身体协调性)


参考文献This 20-Minute Workout Will Change the Way You Think About Resistance Bands



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