


undu-, und- +

(Latin: > French: flow, wave, billow)

1. To be abundant, or plentiful; to exist in large quantities.
2. To be present in large numbers, or to contain something in large numbers or amounts.
3. To be rich or well supplied: "The area abounds in trees."
abundance (s) (noun), abundances (pl)
1. A more than plentiful quantity of something: An abundance of wealth is a great amount of cash.
2. Lifestyles with more than adequate material provisions: Barry's family has abundances of different homes around the world as well as all of the luxuries that can be obtained for them.
3. A fullness of spirit that overflows: The sermon by the preacher was filled with an abundance of goodwill and kindness.
4. The extent to which an element is present in the earth or in a rock: There is a rumor of an abundance of minerals hidden in the abandoned mine.
5. The proportion of one isotope of an element, expressed by number of atoms, to the total quantity of the element: Mr. Young, the chemistry teacher, urged his classes to study and to understand the abundance factors of the chemical elements.
6. Etymology: nothing suggests great abundance more vividly than overflowing waves; and that is the literal meaning of the word abundance.

In Latin, unda means "wave", poetically "sea". The Romans combined ab, "from", and unda into the word abundare, "to overflow"; literally, "to come from the waves" or "from the sea"; applied to anything very plentiful.

The stem of abundare resulted in the English verb "to abound", and a derivative provided the noun abundance. Inundate, "to flood", also comes from unda, as does undulate, "to move like the waves".

abundancy (s) (noun), abundancies (pl)
That which is plentiful, abounding, ample, and copious: The city has an abundancy of good restaurants.
Abundans cautela non nocet.
Abundant caution does not harm.

Also translated as, "You can't be too careful."

abundant (adjective), more abundant, most abundant
1. Present in great quantities; more than adequate; overly sufficient: Rainfall is more abundant this summer in some areas of the country; however, it is much less abundant in other areas.
2. Well-supplied; providing a more than plentiful supply of something: The prosecutor offered abundant evidence that the woman had committed the crime.

This has been one of the most abundant displays of beautiful fall colors that the city parks have ever produced in years.

abundant, redundant
abundant (uh BUN duhnt) (adjective)
Plentiful, present in great quantities: Some parts of the world are abundant in natural resources.
redundant (ri DUN duhnt) (adjective)
1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous: Rachel Crystal edited the report and removed any redundant information or statements.
2. Needlessly wordy or repetitive in expression: Too often student papers are filled with redundant phrases.
3. In Britain, dismissed, laid off, or fired from a job because someone is no longer needed: More than 500 of the company's employees have already been made redundant and it is likely that more will also be declared as being redundant.

Too often a politician's speeches are abundant with redundant statements; in fact, the mayor of of the town became redundant because people were fed up with his abundant unfulfilled promises.

abundantly (adverb), more abundantly, most abundantly
Descriptive of a fully sufficient, plentiful, and copious supply of something: It is abundantly obvious that the current economic situation will not be solved easily.
1. To over flow.
2. To inundate.
An overflow, or an overflowing abundance.
1. Flooding or overflowing.
2. Overwhelming with force, numbers, etc.
inundate, inundating
1. To overwhelm someone with a huge quantity of things that must be dealt with: "The newspaper was inundated with letters of protest."
2. To fill, to flood, or to cover completely, usually with water: "There was so much rain, that our basement was inundated."
1. A condition in which water temporarily or permanently covers a land surface.
2. An accumulation of an overwhelming amount of things that someone must deal with; superabundance.
1. Anything that fills, or covers, something completely, usually with water.
2. That which fills something quickly beyond capacity; as with a liquid.
1. A flood or an over abundance of water.
2. A condition of superabundance.
An instrument for graphically recording oscillatory variations, as in alternating currents.
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