


2023.01.14 海南


Day 1

Footsteps in the sea 

It is nice weather today . The blue sky is covered with thin clouds at green height . The midday sun shines on the beautiful white sands of a harbour beach facing the Pacific Ocean . There is no one else on the beach except a young girl , quietly walking westwards along the coast .
The girl is very bright , energetic person . She wears an attractive white skirt that fit her slim figure perfectly . As a mild wind blows her hair across her cheeks , the waves come and go ,touching the bare skin of her feet . The girl enjoys spending her time on the beach .

Somehow a footstep shows up on the sand in front of the girl . Up close she can see that it is a fresh human footprint , which is approximately 15 centimeters in length . Curious , she puts one of her feet in it . To her surprise , it is a perfect fit ! Is it her own footprint ? She then see the second , third , and fourth footprints .. New footprints magically appear on the sand , making its way to the deep ocean .

1.midday n .中午,正午 midnight n .午夜 at midnight 在午夜

2. harbour n .海港,港口

3 Pacific adj .太平洋的

4. westwards adj ./ adv .向西的

5outwards adv .向外,往外

6. energetic adj .精力充沛的

7.atractive adj .有吸引力的

8. attraction n .吸引人的事物

9.slim ad .苗条的,纤细的 slim down 变苗条,使减少

10. figure n .身材,数字,图开 v .认为,计算

11. mild ad .温和的,平和的

12. cheek n .脸颊

13. bare adj .光秃秃的

14. skin n .皮,皮肤

15. somehow adv .不知何故

16. anyhow adv .无论如何

17. footstep n .脚步

18. show up 出现,现身

19.up close 靠近地

20. footprint n .脚印

21. approximately adv .大概

22.centmeter n .厘米,公分

23length n .长度

24. curious adj .好奇的 

be curious about 对....感到好奇的

25. make one ’ s way to 前往,到....去

The girl wonders why she is shown thefootsteps that lead somewhere beneath the sea . She looks puzzled as she watches the endless waves rising and falling .

How is it possible to follow the footsteps into the deep sea ? She then hears a voice sounding in her head ,“ come to me .”

At the moment the girl starts to walk towards the sea , the water is being pushed backwards and aside . The separation of water creates a narrow path on the sea floor , spreading south - west into the blue sea .

Following the footprints down the path , the girl gets deep into the ocean .What a terrific view ! The surrounding water along the path looks splendid . It all occurs very quickly . She feels like being in the world of a magical tale .

26. beneath prep .在…之下

27. puzzled adj .困惑的 puzzling adj .令人疑惑的
28.puzzle v ./ n .使困惑,拼图
29. endless adj .无穷无尽的
30. ending n .结尾,结局
31. backwards adv .向后【反】 forwards adv .向前
32, aside adv .在旁边
33. aside from 除…之外
34separation n .分离,隔离 separate adj ./ v 单独的,使分离
35. create v .创造,创作
creation n .创造
creative adj .有创造力的 

creature n .牛吻,动物

36.narrow adj .狭窄的

37. south - west n ./ adj ./ adv .西南方,西南方的,在西南方

38.north- west n .西北

39. southeast n ./ adj .东南

40.northeast n.东北

41.view n .景色,观点 in view of 鉴于,由...看来

42 viewer n .观看者,电视观众

43. point of view 观点

44 preview v .预习,试演

45. surrounding adj.周围的 

surroundings n .周围事物

46. splendid adj .壮丽的

47. occur v .发生,出现

 occur to sb .浮现于脑海中

48.tale n .故事,传说

The girl keeps walking . Then , in the near distance , something with bright flashes on the sea floor comes in sight . As she approaches the spot , the girl sees a small wooden suitcase lying on the floor .

She bends forward from her waist , taking a closer look at the suitcase . Hesitating for a second , she then reaches out her hand to touch it .…

For that quick moment , the water along the path stops moving , and the entire surroundings suddenly become quiet. The girl does not hear any sound as if her sense of hearing is disappearing . But she feels a shaking in her heart , which is beating twice as fast in her breast . It seems that there is a natural connection between her and the suitcase . As dozens of seagulls fly overhead in the blue sky , the girl picks up the suitcase and starts to walk back towards the shore .

49.distance n .距离,远处 in / into the distance 在远处

50. distant adj .遥远的 flash n .闪光,闪烁 a flash of lightning 一道闪电

52. in sight 看得到

53. eyesight n .视力

54. approach n .方法,途径 v .接近,靠近 an approach to ..…的方法

55. spot n .地点,场所 v .沾上污点,弄脏 

on the spot 当场,在现场 

spotted adj .有斑点的

56. suitcase n .手提箱,衣箱

57, bend v .弯腰,使弯曲

58. waist n .腰部

59. hesitate v .犹豫

without hesitation 毫不犹豫

60. reach out 伸出

61. entire adj .整个的,全部的

62. hearing n .听力

63.breast n .胸膛

64. connection n .联系,关系

65. dozens of 许多

66. seagull n .海鸥

67.overhead adv ./ adj .在头顶上的,架空(的)

an overhead light 吊灯

68.shore n .海岸,海滨

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