

张源侠十句英语打天下第三课 我有…… I have …

张源侠十句英语打天下第三课 我有…… I have …

kira86 于2013-07-02发布 l 已有 1096人浏览
这是《十句英语打天下》的第3课,口语句型“我有…… I have …”,又会有怎样的

这是《十句英语打天下》的第3课,口语句型“我有…… I have …”,又会有怎样的会话魔法呢?

第三课 我有…… I have …

在美国做事,你最好要有“ID, Social Security Number, Driver's License, Degree, and working experience”。有了以上基本的东西,你就慢慢会有更多的“income, vacation, benefit, car, house, and fame”。

A: Do you have a driver's license?你有驾驶证吗?
B: No, I don't have.我没有。
A: Do you have any other IDs?有任何其他的证件吗?
B: Yes, I have a state ID.是的,我有州身份证。

A: What did you have when you came here?初到这里的时候你有什么?
B: I only had two hundred dollars.我只有两百美元。
A: How could you survive?你怎么能生存呢?
B: I immediately started to work as a waiter.我马上找了一份服务员的工作。

A: Now what do you have?现在你有什么?
B: I have a doctor degree and a formal job.我有一个博士学位和正式工作。
A: You must have more than that.你应该还有更多吧。
B: Yes, I have a house and a happy family.是的,我有一栋房子和一个快乐的家庭。

A: How many kids do you have?你有几个孩子?
B: I have three kids, one boy and two girls.我有三个孩子,一个男孩和两个女孩。
A: How are they?他们好吗?
B: They are the most lovable kids in the world.他们是世界上最可爱的孩子。

A: You have to be enough to win the game.你必须足够顽强才可以赢。
B: Yes, I have a lot of courage.是的,我有足够的勇气。
A: You also need more strength.你还需要更多力量。
B: I think I have the strength to be the best.我想我有力量做到最好。

A: May I ask you to do me a favor?我可以请你帮我一个忙吗?
B: Yes, what can I do for you?是的,我能为你做什么吗?
A: Could you lend me 5000 dollars?你可以借我5000美元吗?
B: I don't have that much money on me.我现在没有那么多的钱。

A: Do you have any questions or problems?你有什么问题和困难吗?
B: I have a lot of questions but no problems.我有很多问题但没有困难。
A: What are your questions?你的问题是什么?
B: One of my question is how to speak English without fear.我的问题之一是如何才能大胆说英语。

A: I didn't have the nerve to say what I thought.我没有胆量说出我想的东西。
B: Are you scared of somebody?你是怕什么人吗?
A: Yes, I am scared hell out of my mother.是的,我怕我的母亲。
B: A psychologist may help you overcome your fear.心理医生可以帮助你克服恐惧。

A: You have to make a choice.你必须做出选择。
B: If I don't make a choice, what will happen?如果我不做选择,会有什么事?
A: You may lose everything.你可能失去一切。
B: I see. I have no choice but to make a choice.我明白,我除了做出选择外别无选择。

A: I have a duty to care for the patients.我有关心病人的责任。
B: But you don't have a duty to care for your family?你没有关心家庭的责任吗?
A: Yes, I love you more than you imagine.当然有,我爱你超出你的相像。
B: But why do you come home so late every day?但你为什么每天回家这么晚?

A: I must go. I have a bus to catch.我必须走了。我要赶班车。
B: Don't hurry. There are plenty of buses.不要急,有很多班车呢。
A: I've got a lot of homework tonight.我今晚有很多家庭作业。
B: I sounds like I have no choice but let you go.听起来我除了让你走以外别无选择。

A: I had the impression that he was watching me.我觉得他在观察我。
B: You think he is falling in love with you?你认为他爱上你了?
A: I don't know, maybe.我不知道,可能吧。
B: If you like him, just ask him.如果你喜欢他,就问问他。

A: You see, he had his head in his hands.你看,他用手抱住头。
B: His girlfriend broke up with him.他的女友和他分手了。
A: I see. I had the similar feeling.我明白了,我曾有相似的经历。
B: Really? Were you dumped by a girl?是吗? 你被一个女孩甩了?

A: Let's have a party this weekend.这个周末搞一个晚会吧?
B: That's great, so I'll have a lot of food to eat.那太好了,我就有很多食物可以吃了。
A: You will have more than food.你会有比食物更多的东西。
B: Really? Let me guess what I will have.是吗?让我猜一猜我会有什么。

A: How was your party last night?你昨晚的晚会如何?
B: I had a wonderful time.我玩的很好。
A: Really, do you make some new friends?是吗,你交了一些新朋友吗?
B: Yes, I made a couple of interesting friends.是的,我交了几个有趣的朋友。

A: How about having dinner together after work?下班后去吃饭好吗?
B: I'm happy to go.我很愿意去。
A: What kind of food do you prefer?你喜欢什么样的食物?
B: I prefer to have Japanese food.我喜欢日本菜。

A: Are you ready to order?你准备好点菜了吗?
B: Yes, I'll have the salmon and salads.是的,我要三文鱼和色拉。
A: Any drink? 要饮料吗?
B: Ice water is enough.冰水就够了。

A: Can I have the bill, please.可以把账单给我吗?
B: No, it's on me.不,我请客。
A: Okay, next time I will treat you.好的,下次我请你。
B: If you please.那就不客气了。

A: I'm going to have a lunch.我要去吃午饭。
B: Can I go with you?我可以和你一起去吗?
A: More than happy.当然。
B: I have some issues to talk to you.我有一些事和你谈。

A: I'm having the kids for the weekend.周末我和孩子们在一起。
B: That must be a lot of fun.那一定很有意思了。
A: I also had dinner with some friends last night.昨晚我也和几个朋友们一起吃饭。
B: You are busy. I'm jealous of you.你真忙,我真嫉妒你。

A: I had my bag stolen.我的包被偷了。
B: How come that happened?怎么会的?
A: A thief broke the window of my car.一个小偷砸破了我的车玻璃。
B: I will have your car repaired.我会修好你的车的。

A: You look pale. What's wrong?你面色苍白,怎么啦?
B: I have a headache.我头痛。
A: Do you have a fever?你发烧了吗?
B: No, I have constipation.不,我便秘。

A: I'm having treatment for my back problem.我在治疗我的背的毛病。
B: Have you ever tried acupuncture?你有没有尝试针灸?
A: I'm scared of the needles.我害怕针。
B: But it's very effective.但它很有效。


1. I have a state ID.
2. I only had two hundred dollars.
3. I have a doctor degree and a formal job.
4. I have a house and a happy family.
5. I have three kids, one boy and two girls.
6. I have a lot of courage.
7. I think I have the strength to be the best.
8. I don't have that much money on me.
9. I have a lot of questions but no problems.
10. I didn't have the nerve to say what I thought.
11. I have no choice but to make a choice.
12. I have a duty to care for the patients.
13. I have a bus to catch.
14. I had the impression that he was watching me.
15. I have the similar feelings.
16. I have a lot of food to eat.
17. Really? Let me guess what I will have.
18. I had a wonderful time.
19. I prefer to have Japanese food.
20. I'll have the salmon and salads.
21. Can I have the bill, please?
22. I'm going to have lunch.
23. I have some issues to talk to you.
24. I'm having the kids for the weekend.
25. I also had dinner with some friends last night.
26. I had my bag stolen.
27. I will have your car repaired.
28. I have a headache.
29. I have constipation.
30. I'm having treatment for my back problem.



Possess 拥有
1. I possess a Toyota sports car. 我有一辆丰田跑车。
2. I possess a shotgun with a license. 我有一杆带执照的猎枪。
3. I'm afraid this is the only thing I possess.恐怕这是我所惟一拥有的。
4. The gallery possesses a number of the artist's early works. 这家画廊拥有这个画家早期的一些作品。
5. I think it's important to possess a sense of humour. 我认为有一点幽默感是重要的。

1. I used to rent an apartment. Now I own my house. 我曾经租用公寓,现在我拥有自己的房子。
2. I don't own anything of any value. I'm broke. 我没有任何值钱的东西。我破产了。
3. Most of the apartments in America are privately owned. 美国的大部分公寓是私人拥有的。
4. He who is a Chinese owns an American company. 作为中国人的他拥有一家美国公司。
5. Does anyone own this coat? It was left in a classroom.这是谁的外套?它被遗失在一间教室了。
6. Don't tell me what to do - you don't own me! 不要告诉我做什么——你并不拥有我。

1. He holds an important position at the bank. 他在这个银行里占据重要的位置。
2. My husband and I hold conflicting opinions on this issue.在这件事上我和我丈夫的观点有冲突。
3. Employees hold 50% of the shares.雇员们拥有50%的股份。


Include 包括
1. He had included a large number of funny stories in his speech. 他在演讲中谈及了大量有趣的故事。
2. The tour included a visit to the Art Museum. 旅游包括参观艺术博物馆。
3. Does the price include tax?这个价格包括税吗?
4. Your duties include typing letters and answering the telephone. 你的职责包括打印信件和接听电话。

1. The review covered everything we learned last term.这次复习涵盖了上学期我们所学的所有的东西。
2. The survey covers all aspects of the business.这份调查报告涵盖了这项生意的所有方面。
3. The lectures covered a lot of subjects.这份讲义涵盖了很多的主题。

1. The house comprises eight rooms.这栋房子内有八个房间。
2. The collection comprises 327paintings.这个收藏内有327幅作品。
3. The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.这个委员会包括来自公众和私人方面的代表。


Acquire 获得
1. I have acquired a good knowledge of psychology.我已经掌握了不少心理学知识。
2. How long will it take to acquire the necessary skills of being a mechanic?要多久才能获得成为一个机械师必需的技术?
3. I have acquired a reputation for generosity. 我已经获得了慷慨大方的美名。

Obtain 得到
1. I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report.我最终设法得到了报告的一份拷贝。
2. Further details can be obtained by writing to the above address.更多的细节可以写信给上面的地址而获知。
3. To obtain the overall score, add up the totals in each column, 想得到总的得分,把每一栏的分数相加即可。

1. I attained the position of President of the company. 我获得了这家公司总裁的职位。
2. Most of our students attained five "A" grades in their exams. 大部分我们的学生在他们的考试中获得了五个"A"级。
3. I attained my goal of being a licensed psychologist. 我实现了成为一个执照心理医生的目标。

说笑话练习 时间不多了

"I am afraid I have some very bad news," the doctor said, "You're dying, and you don't have much time left."

"Oh, that's terrible." cried his patient, "How long will I have?"

"Ten," the doctor said sadly.

"Ten?" the patient asked, "Ten what? Months? Weeks? What?"


套路:我是...,我有...     。
      I am...     , I have...         .

1. 我是一个中国人,我在上海有一个家庭。我有一个孩子,一部车子,一栋房子。
2. 我是一个软件工程师,我有微软的证书,有五年在大公司工作的经验。
3. 我是一个中国厨师,我在曼哈顿有一家中餐馆。
4. 我是一个访问学者,我在纽约大学有一个研究项目。
5. 我是一个留学生,我有全额奖学金,还有一个兼职的工作来提供我的生活费。

1. I am a Chinese. I have a family, a kid , a car, and a house in Shanghai.
2. I am a software engineer. I have the Microsoft certificate, and five-year working experience at a big company.
3. I am a Chinese chef. I have a Chinese restaurant at Manhattan.
4. I am a visiting scholar. I have a research project at the NYU.
5. I am an international student. I have a full scholarship covering my tuition, and a part-time job supplying my living expenses.

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