

张源侠十句英语打天下第五课 我觉得…… I feel...

张源侠十句英语打天下第五课 我觉得…… I feel...

kira86 于2013-07-02发布 l 已有 1065人浏览
这是《十句英语打天下》的第5课,口语句型“我觉得…… I feel...”,又会有怎样的会话

这是《十句英语打天下》的第5课,口语句型“我觉得…… I feel...”,又会有怎样的会话魔法呢?

第五课 我觉得…… I feel...


A: How are you feeling? 你感觉怎样?
B: I am feeling good. 我感觉很好。
A: Anything exciting? 有什么精彩的事吗?
B: Nothing special, just so so. 没有什么,平平常常。

A: How's your first day at school? 你第一天感觉如何?
B: I felt like a complete idiot. 我感觉像一个白痴。
A: Why do you say that? 你为何这么说?
B: Because I proved how poor my English is. 因为我证明了我的英语有多臭。

A: How do you feel?你感觉如何?
B: I feel sad.我感觉悲哀。
A: Anything to talk about?有什么想谈的吗?
B: I want to discuss my feeling about my mother.我想谈一谈我对我母亲的感情。

A: How did you feel when you were fired?当你被解雇时,你是如何想的?
B: I felt that it was the end of the world.我感到好像到了世界末日一样。
A: There is no hope in the end of the world.世界末日没有希望。
B: Exactly, I felt hopeless and helpless.正是,我感到无望和无助。

A: I feel sick, and I want to ask one day off. 我觉得不舒服,想请一天假。
B: Are you okay? Do you need to see a doctor? 你没事吧?要不要去看医生?
A: I just feel tired and weak. 我只是感到疲劳和虚弱。
B: You'll feel better after a good rest. 好好休息,然后你会感到好一点的。

A: My mouth felt completely dry. 我的嘴很干。
B: Why don't you drink some water? 你为什么不喝水?
A: I have been drinking water all day. 我一整天都在喝水。
B: You might have diabetes. 你可能有糖尿病。

A: Don't you feel cold here? 这里你不感到冷吗?
B: No, I don't feel it. 我不觉得冷啊。
A: How come I feel so chilly? 我怎么感到这么冷?
B: You might catch a cold. 你可能受寒了。

A: Help me, I can not feel my legs.帮帮我,我的脚失去知觉了。
B: What happens? Should I call the ambulance?怎么回事?我要叫救护车吗?
A: Yes, please. I might have a stroke.是的,我可能中风了。
B: Calm down. Let me call the ambulance immediately.不要急,我马上叫救护车。

A: How are you feeling today?你今天感觉如何?
B: Never feel better.从来没有这么好。
A: You may be discharged tomorrow.你明天可以出院了。
B: I am glad that I can eventually go home.我很高兴我可以回家了。

A: I felt cheated by my best friend. 我感觉被我最要好的朋友骗了。
B: I know exactly how you feel. 我完全知道你的感受。
A: You also have the similar experience? 你也有同样的经历?
B: Yes. Sometimes, the best is the worst. 是的。有时最好的就是最坏的。

A: I didn't mean to hurt him so much. 我无意伤害他这么多。
B: But you did, you should do something. 但你是伤害他了,你该做点什么吧。
A: I felt (that) I had to apologize.我感到我应该道歉。
B: So go apologize to him sincerely. 那么久真诚地向他道歉。

A: You look so excited. What happened? 你看起很高兴的样子,什么事?
B: Nothing, I just feel like a king.没事,我只是感觉像皇帝。
A: You hit the lottery or what?你是中了彩还是怎么回事?
B: The most beautiful girl at my school smiled to me.学校里最漂亮的女孩向我笑。

A: How's your first date?你的第一次约会如何?
B: I could feel my heart beating all the time.我可以感到我的心一直在跳。
A: How about her?她呢?
B: I found that she blushed all the time.我发现她一直脸红。

A: What's going on?怎么回事?
B: I feel sad all day. 我一整天都不高兴。
A: Any bad things happen? 有什么坏事发生吗?
B: I broke up with my girlfriend. 我和女朋友分手了。

A: Did she feel betrayed? 她有没有被背叛的感觉?
B: Yes, she cried and threatened to kill herself.是的,她哭并威胁要自杀。
A: Would you go back to her? 你愿意回到她身边吗?
B: I feel guilty, but I would not go back to her. 我有罪恶感,但我不会回去。

A: You know what? He asked me to marry him.你知道吗?他向我求婚呢。
B: That's great, he is such a nice guy. 真太好了,他人很好啊。
A: But I actually don't feel ready for the marriage.可我还没有准备好结婚。
B: Oh, really? You should take more time. 是吗?那你可以再等一等啊。

A: I can feel our baby is moving .我能感受到我们的孩子在动呢。
B: Really? Let me touch.是吗?让我摸一下。
A: Can you feel it? She is kicking.你能感受到吗?她在踢呢。
B: Ouch, she hurts my finger.啊哟,她踢到我的手指了。

A: The water has a cold feel.这水很冷。
B: You mean that we cannot swim?你是说我们不能游泳吗?
A: I'd better not.我宁愿不。
B: Damn, I feel so disappointed. 见鬼,我很失望。

A: Can I use your phone? 你能用你的电话吗?
B: Feel free.请便。
A: Do you have the Yellow Book?你有电话黄页吗?
B: It's under the tea table.在茶几下面。

A: How do you feel after the test?考后感觉如何?
B: I feel exhausted and released.很累也很轻松。
A: When do you get the result?你什么时候能得到结果?
B: Maybe a few weeks later.可能几周后。

A: I felt a hand touching my shoulder. 我感到一只手在摸我的肩。
B: Who's that? 那是谁?
A: When I looked back, I found nobody. 当我回头看时,发现没人。
B: Wow, you mean you met a ghost? 哇,你是说你遇到鬼了?

A: I felt it my duty to tell the cop. 我觉得必须报警了。
B: So you got your best friend arrested?所以你使得你最要好的朋友被捕了。
A: Yes, I have no choice.是的,我别无选择。
B: Don't feel sorry about that, if he is really guilty. 如果他真的是有罪的话,你不必过意不去。


1. I am feeling good.
2. I felt like a complete idiot.
3. I feel sad.
4. I felt that it was the end of the world.
5. Exactly, I felt hopeless and helpless.
6. I feel sick, I want to ask one day off.
7. I just feel tired and weak.
8. No, I don't feel it.
9. How come I feel so chilly?
10. Help me, I cannot feel my legs.
11. I felt cheated by my best friend.
12. I felt (that) I had to apologize.
13. Nothing. I just feel like a king.
14. I could feel my heart beating all the time.
15. I fee sad all day.
16. I feel guilty, but I would not go back to her.
17. But I actually don't feel ready for the marriage.
18. I can feel our baby is moving.
19. Damn, I feel so disappointed.
20. I feel exhausted and released.
21. I felt a hand touching my shoulder.
22. I felt it my duty to tell the cop.
23. Never feel better.
24. I know exactly how you feel.
25. You'll feel better after a good rest.
26. My mouth felt completely dry.
27. Don't you feel cold here?
28. Feel free.
29. How do you feel after the test?
30. The water feels cold.
31. Did she feel betrayed?

1. I felt resentful when he rejected my proposal.当他拒绝我的提案时,我很生气。
2. I felt regretful that I did not listen to you.我遗憾当初没有听你的。
3. I feel that he doesn't really like me at all.我感到他其实一点都不喜欢我。
4. I felt the wind blowing on my face.我感到风刮在我的脸上。
5. I felt the heat when I got out of the car.当我走出轿车时,我感到一股热气。
6. My cold is gone. I feel much better now.我的感冒好了,我感觉好多了。
7. I felt exhausted after the long hike.长途跋涉后,我感到极度疲劳。
8. I felt small and insignificant in front of the stars.在明星前我感到渺小和卑微。
9. Don't look at me like that. You make me feel naked.那么看我,你使我感觉像裸体一样。
10. I made him feels different about himself.我使得他自我感觉不同。
11. Now he feel much more confident.现在他感到很有信心。
12. Everybody feels the effects of economic recession.每个人都感受到经济衰退的影响。
13. I feel his contempt of me.我感觉他很藐视我。
14. Feel the soft cloth.感觉一下这软布。
15. The cotton sheet feels as smooth as silk.这棉布的感觉就像丝绸。
16. I can feel my pulse when I run fast.当我跑得快的时候,我可以感觉到我的脉搏。
17. I felt my way around the dark room when the light is off.当光暗掉的时候,我在黑暗的房间里摸索着走。
18. It fees nice to be home again. 回家的感觉真好。


Experience 经受
1. I have been experiencing pain all my life.我的一生都在经受痛苦。
2. I experienced a lot of pleasure with you.和你在一起我体验了很多的快乐。
3. I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane.在登上飞机的那一刻我体验到了惊恐。
4. I experienced extreme poverty when I was young.我年轻的时候体验过极度的贫穷。

Be aware of 觉察到
1. Are you aware that something was wrong?你觉察到有些事不太对劲吗?
2. I am aware of my weakness after I have kept working for 20 hours. 在我持续工作了二十小时以后我意识到了自己的虚弱。
3. I don't think you are really aware of just how serious my illness is.我认为你并没有意识我的病有多重。
4. I was aware that she was trembling and looked pale.我觉察到她在颤抖并且面色苍白。

Sense 感受
1. Sensing danger, I started to run.感受到了危险,我开始奔跑。
2. I sensed a note of tension in his voice.我感觉到他的声音里有些紧张。
3. I sensed that you did not believe me.我感觉到你不信任我。
4. I sensed that my proposal was unwelcome.我感觉到我的建议并不受欢迎。


Patient: Hi, Doc., I don't feel improvement. Please tell me, do you think I am getting better?
病人:嗨,医生,我觉得并没有好转。请告诉我, 你认为我好一点了吗?

Doctor: I think so. But to be sure, let me fee your wallet.



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