

张源侠十句英语打天下第七课 我可以…… I can…

张源侠十句英语打天下第七课 我可以…… I can…

kira86 于2013-07-02发布 l 已有 829人浏览
这是《十句英语打天下》的第7课,口语句型“我可以…… I can…”,又会有怎样的

这是《十句英语打天下》的第7课,口语句型“我可以…… I can…”,又会有怎样的会话魔法呢?

第七课 我可以…… I can…  


1. Can I come in? 我可以进来吗?
2. Can I sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗?
3. Can I go now? 我可以走了吗?
4. Can I ask her about it? 我可以就这件事问她吗?
5. Can I have your attention? 请你注意了。
6. Can I ask you a question? 我可以问你一个问题吗?
7. Can I have some fruit? 我可以要一些水果吗?
8. Can I have a cup of water? 我可以要一杯水吗?
9. Can I be honest with you? 我可以诚实对你吗?
10. Can I get you a drink? 我可以给你饮料吗?
11. Can I come with him? 我可以和他一切来吗?
12. Can I read your newspaper? 我可以读你的报纸吗?
13. Can I take you home? 我可以载你回家吗?

1. I can do it. 我能做这件事。
2. I can do it for you. 我能为你做这件事。
3. I can do it by myself. 我能自己做这件事。
4. I can do a lot of work.我能做很多事。
5. I can be a leader.我能成为一个领导。
6. I can run fast.我能跑得快。
7. I can fulfill my plan. 我能完成我的计划。
8. I can make a success.我能成功。
9. I can actualize my dream. 我能实现我的梦想
10. I can finish the project in time.我能及时完成我的计划。
11. I can show you what to do.我可以示范给你看怎么做。

(Whatever happens I'm determined to fulfill it.不管发生什么,我都决心完成它。

A: It's a tough job. Can you do it?这是很难的工作,你能做吗?
B: Yes, I can do it.是的,我能做。
A: Are you sure you won't let me down?你确信你不会让我失望吗?
B: I'll never let you disappointed.我从来都不会让你失望的。

A: Can you hear me?你能听清我说话吗?
B: I'm sorry. It is still too low. I can't hear you clearly.对不起,还是太低,我无法听清你的声音。
A: I'm almost yelling.我几乎是在喊叫了。
B: Well, maybe you should call again.可能你需要重新打一次电话。

A: How can you resist such a temptation? 你怎么可能拒绝这样的诱惑?
B: What can I say? I have my own principle. 我能说什么?我有我自己的原则。
A: What is your principle? 什么是你的原则?
B: Never betray my friends. 从不背叛我的朋友。

A: Don't worry, I can do it by myself.不要急,我可以自己做。
B: Are you sure?你确信吗?
A: Trust me. I have enough experience.相信我,我有足够的经验。
B: If you cannot make it, call me.如果你做不了的话,打电话给我。

A: Oh, gee, I'm totally confused.老天,我完全搞糊涂了。
B: I can show you what to do.我可以示范给你看怎么做。
A: Thank you, my master.谢谢,我的大师。
B: You are welcome.不用谢。

A: Sir, what can I do for you?先生,我能为你做什么吗?
B: Can you tell me where this address is?你可以告诉我这地址在哪里吗?
A: Okay, I can give you a ride.好吧,我可以带你去。
B: Really? It's so nice of you.真的?你真是太好了。

A: What can I get you?我能为你带什么?
B: Would you bring me a sandwich?你可以给我带一个三明治吗?
A: Sure, anything else?当然,还要什么?
B: Maybe a bottle of water.或许一瓶水。

A: Can I have your attention please? 请你注意。
B: Yes, what's up?是的,什么事?
A: The building will be closed soon.大楼很快就要关门了。
B: I will be done in a few minutes.我几分钟就做完了。

A: Can you do me a favor? 你能帮我一下吗?
B: Yes, what can I do for you? 是的,我能为你做什么?
A: Would you let me see your notes? 你能让我看一下你的笔记吗?
B: No problem, you can take it home. 没问题,你可以带回家。

A: Can you call back tomorrow? 你可以明天打来吗?
B: It's an emergency. 这是紧急的事。
A: I can give you his cell number. 我可以给你他的手机号码。
B: That will be great. 那太好了。

A: I can't let you do everything by yourself. 我不能让你自己做所有的事。
B: Don't worry about me. I will be fine. 不要担心我,我行的。
A: No, you don't understand what I mean. 不,你不明白我的意思。
B: Yes, I understand. I'm not a kid. 是的,我明白,我不是一个孩子。

A: I believe that I can if I want. 我相信只要我想要我就行。
B: You are too optimistic. 你太乐观了。
A: Why not, sometimes I feel like a God. 为什么不,有时我觉得自己像上帝。
B: Wow, don't be too grandiose. 哇,不要太骄傲啊。

A: What can I say? I didn't do it!我能说什么?我没有做。
B: You did not do it. Who did it? 你没有做,那么谁做的?
A: It's none of my business. 这不关我的事。
B: I can say you have something to do with it. 我可以说你与此事有关。

A: Can I sue your computer to print an article?我可以用你的电脑来打印一篇文章吗?
B: Could you wait me a second? 你可以等我一会儿吗?
A: Sure I can. 当然。
B: Okay, I'm done. You can use my computer.好了,我做完了,你可以用我的电脑了。

A: Can you imagine what happened last night?你能相像昨晚发生了什么事吗?
B: I have no idea. What happened? 我不知道,发生什么事了?
A: She was totally drunk at the party. 她在晚会上喝醉了。
B: I cannot imagine how that happened.我无法相像那是怎么发生的。

A: You know what? I can always beat him.你知道吗?我总能击败他的。
B: How come you are so confident?你怎么会如此自信?
A: Because he is a loser, and I am a winner. 因为他是一个输家,我是一个赢家。
B: It's interesting to hear you say that.听你这么说很有意思。

A: I can't promise anything to you.
B: That's too bad.
A: But I'll do what I can.
B: Okay, I totally understand, please do it.


1. Yes, I can do it.
2. I can't hear you clearly.
3. What can I say? I have my own principle.
4. Don't worry. I can do it by myself.
5. I can show you what to do.
6. Sir, what can I do for you?
7. Okay, I can give you a ride.
8. What can I get you?
9. Can I have your attention please?
10. Yes, what can I do for you?
11. I can give you hes cell number.
12. I can't let you do everything by yourself.
13. I believer that I can if I want.
14. I can say you have something to do with it.
15. Can I use your computer to print an article?
16. Sure I can.
17. I cannot imagine how that happened.
18. I can always beat him.
19. I can't promise anything to you.
20. But I'll do what I can.

Can you...?
1. How can you know if it helps or not?你怎么知道它是有用的还是没用的?
2. Can you hold on a moment?你能等一下吗?
3. Can you believe it? 你能相信它吗?
4. Can you believe this woman? 你能相信这个女人吗?
5. What can you say about a girl like her? 像她这样的女孩你能说什么呢?
6. Can you come and give me a hand please? 你能过来帮我一把吗?
7. Can you reach him? 你能联系到他吗?
8. Can you tell me how long she's had that dog?你能告诉我她有那只狗有多久了?
9. Can you recommend a good, inexpensive hotel or motel? 你能推荐一家好的、不贵的酒店或汽车旅馆吗?
10. Can you hear me?你能听到我吗?
11. Can you tell me when she'll be back?你能告诉我她什么时候回来吗?
12. Can you tell me exactly what you do want? 您能确实告诉我你真正想要什么吗?
13. Can you get me out of here?你能把我从这里弄出去吗?
14. Can you count to ten?你能数到十吗?
15. Can you beat that?你能胜过那个吗?
16. Can you or can't you?你行还是不行?
17. Can you be sure that you'd be able to provide the same care that they're receiving? 你能确定你有能力提供他们正在接受的同样照顾吗?

Can I...?
1. What can I bring you?我能给你带什么?
2. Can I ask you a question?我能问你问题吗?
3. What can I get you?我能给你带什么?
4. Can I get you a drink while you're waiting?在你等待的时候我能给你准备饮料吗?
5. Can I have a word with you, please?我能和你说句话吗?
6. Can I come with him?我能和他一起来吗?
7. Can I get a cup of coffee to go?我能要一杯咖啡带走吗?
8. Can I come in and talk? 我能进来说话吗?
9. Worse than any of us can imagine.比我们任何人的想象还要糟糕。
10. Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention please?女士们先生们,请注意了。
11. How can I resist?我怎么能够抗拒呢?
12. I can't hide forever, can I?我不能永远躲着,对吗?
13. I can't take my eyes off you, can I?我不能把我的注意力从你身上移开,对吗?
14. I can't have her knowing that, can I?我不能让她知道那事,对吗?
15. Can I have some toast and a cup of coffee?我能要一些烤面包和一杯咖啡吗?
16. I mean I... I can't let you do everything by yourself, can I?我的意思是我...我不能让你什么事情都自己来,对吗?
17. What can I do for you? 我能为你做什么呢?
18. Can I have some fruit? 我能要一些水果吗?
19. Can I be honest with you? 我能和你以诚相待吗?


Be able to 会
1. I am able to swim after I gulped down many mouthfuls of water.在我吞下很多口水以后我才学会游泳。
2. I was eventually able to buy a house after saving money for so many years.我在积蓄了这么多年以后最终才能够买一栋房子。
3. I am not able to fix the machine.我没有能力修理这机器。
4. Eventually I was able to figure out what's wrong in the machine.最终我还是找出了机器的问题所在。
5. You must be able to speak English for this job.要胜任这个工作你必须能够说英语。
6. A viral illness left her barely able to walk.一种滤过性病毒的疾病让她几乎不能走路。
7. I didn't feel able to disagree with him.我认为我不得不同意他。
8. Will you be able to come?你能够来吗?

Be capable of 有能力
1. I can capable of speaking English, but I am afraid of speaking it.我有能力讲英语,但是我害怕讲。
2. Do you think I am really capable of doing it by myself?你真的认为我有能力自己做?
3. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. 我完全可以自己来,谢谢你。
4. I was very capable and independent even when I was kid. 甚至当我还是孩子的时候我就非常能干和独立。
5. I am capable of giving you a hand, but I wouldn't.我有能力帮你,但是我不能。
6. I am quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. 我很会用撒谎的手段从麻烦中解脱出来。

May 可以
1. May I come in?我可以进来吗?
2. May I say a few words?我可以说几句吗?
3. May I have your attention please?能请大家注意吗?
4. May I help you?我可以帮助你吗?
5. May I ask why you took that decision?我可以问你为什么采取那个决定吗?


Harold went to his doctor complaining that he was no longer able to do all the things around the house that he used to do. His doctor ran the usual gamut of tests.

When the examination was complete. Harold said, "Now, Doc., give it to me straight. I can take it. Just tell me, in plain English, what is wrong with me?"

"What can I say," his doctor replied, "Well, in plain English, you are just plain lazy."

Harold paused. "Okay." he said, "would you give me the medical term so I can tell my wife."


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