

【中英對照】The Master Key System 24週財富金鑰系統Week 4

【中英對照】The Master Key System 24週財富金鑰系統Week 4

                【圖】1912出版的原版The Master Key System ,當時被視為禁書,而只被一些富人壟斷。
Enclosed herewith I hand you Part Four. This part will show you why what you think, or do, or feel, is an indication of what you are.
Thought is energy and energy is power, and it is because all the religions, sciences and philosophies with which the world has heretofore been familiar have been based upon the manifestation of this energy instead of the energy itself, that the world has been limited to effects, while causes have been ignored or misunderstood.
For this reason we have God and the Devil in religion, positive and negative in science, and good and bad in philosophy.
But this process of eliminating consists in rising above and beyond limitation of any kind. He who has strengthened and purified his thought need not concernhimself about microbes, and he who has come into an understanding of the law of abundance will go at once to the source of supply.
It is thus that fate, fortune, and destiny will be controlled as readily as a captain controls his ship, or an engineer, his train.


1. The "I" of you is not the physical body; that is simply an instrument which the "I" uses to carry out its purposes; the "I" cannot be the Mind, for the mind is simply another instrument which the "I" uses with which to think, reason, and plan.
2. The "I" must be something which controls and directs both the body and the mind; something which determines what they shall do and how they shall act. When you come into a realization of the true nature of this "I", you will enjoy a sense of power which you have never before known.
3. Your personality is made up of countless individual characteristics, peculiarities, habits, and traits of character; these are the result of your former method of thinking, but they have nothing to do with the real "I."
4. When you say "I think" the "I" tells the mind what it shall think; when you say "I go" the "I" tells the physical body where it shall go; the real nature of this "I" is spiritual, and is the source of the real power which comes to men and women when they come into a realization of their true nature.
5. The greatest and most marvelous power which this "I" has been given is the power to think, but few people know how to think constructively, or correctly, consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile(不成 mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ(病菌) of defeat is in every selfish thought.
6. The trained mind knows that every transaction must benefit every person who is in any way connected with the transaction, and any attempt to profit by the weakness, ignorance or necessity of another will inevitably operate to his disadvantage.
7. This is because the individual is a part of the Universal. A part cannot antagonize any other part, but, on the contrary, the welfare of each part depends upon a recognition of the interest of the whole.
8. Those who recognize this principle have a great advantage in the affairs of life. They do not wear themselves out. They can eliminate vagrant thoughts with facility. They can readily concentrate to the highest possible degree on any subject. They do not waste time or money upon objects which can be of no possible benefit to them.
9. If you cannot do these things it is because you have thus far not made the necessary effort. Now is the time to make the effort. The result will be exactly in proportion to the effort expended. One of the strongest affirmations which you can use for the purpose of strengthening the will and realizing your power to accomplish, is, "I can be what I will to be."
10. Every time you repeat it realize who and what this "I" is; try to come into a thorough understanding of the true nature of the "I"; if you do, you will become invincible; that is, provided that your objects and purposes are constructive and are therefore in harmony with the creative principle of the Universe.
11. If you make use of this affirmation, use it continuously, night and morning, and as often during the day as you think of it, and continue to do so until it becomes a part of you; form the habit.
12. Unless you do this, you had better not start at all, because modern psychology tells us that when we start something and do not complete it, or make a resolution and do not keep it, we are forming the habit of failure; absolute, ignominious failure. If you do not intend to do a thing, do not start; if you do start, see it through even if the heavens fall; if you make up your mind to do something, do it; let nothing, no one, interfere; the "I" in you has determined, the thing is settled; the die is cast, there is no longer any argument.
14. But when you have learned to control yourself you will have found the "World Within" which controls the world without; you will have become irresistible; men and things will respond to your every wish without any apparent effort on your part.
15. This is not so strange or impossible as it may appear when you remember that the "World Within" is controlled by the "I" and that this "I" is a part or one with the Infinite "I" which is the Universal Energy or Spirit, usually called God.
16. This is not a mere statement or theory made for the purpose of confirming or establishing an idea, but it is a fact which has been accepted by the best religious thought as well as the best scientific thought. 、
17. Herbert Spender said: "Amid all the mysteries by which we are surrounded, nothing is more certain than that we are ever in the presence of an Infinite and Eternal Energy from which all things proceed." 。
18. Lyman Abbott, in an address delivered before the Alumni of Bangor Theological Seminary, said: "We are coming to think of God as dwelling in man rather than as operating on men from without."
19. Science goes a little way in its search and stops. Science finds the ever-present Eternal Energy, but Religion finds the Power behind this energy and locates it within man. But this is by no means a new discovery; the Bible says exactly the same thing, and the language is just as plain and convincing: "Know ye not that ye are the temple of the living God?" Here, then, is the secret of the wonderful creative power of the "World Within."
20. Here is the secret of power, of mastery. To overcome does not mean to go without things. Self-denial is not success. We cannot give unless we get; we cannot be helpful unless we are strong. The Infinite is not a bankrupt and we who are the representatives of Infinite power should not be bankrupts either, and if we wish to be of service to others we must have power and more power, but to get it we must give it; we must be of service.
21. The more we give the more we shall get; we must become a channel whereby the Universal can express activity. The Universal is constantly seeking to express itself, to be of service, and it seeks the channel whereby it can find the greatest activity, where it can do the most good, where it can be of greatest service to mankind.
22. The Universal cannot express through you as long as you are busy with your plans, your own purposes; quiet the senses, seek inspiration, focus the mental activity on the within, dwell in the consciousness of your unity with Omnipotence. "Still water runs deep;" contemplate the multitudinous opportunities to which you have spiritual access by the Omnipresence of power.
23. Visualize the events, circumstances and conditions which these spiritual connections may assist in manifesting. Realize the fact that the essence and soul of all things is spiritual and that the spiritual is the real, because it is the life of all there is; when the spirit is gone, the life is gone; it is dead; it has ceased to exist.
24. These mental activities pertain to the world within, to the world of cause; and conditions and circumstances which result are the effect. It is thus that you become a creator. This is important work, and the higher, loftier, grander and more noble ideals which you can conceive, the more important the work will become.
25. Over-work or over-play or over-bodily activity of any kind produces conditions of mental apathy and stagnation which makes it impossible to do the more important work which results in a realization of conscious power. We should, therefore, seek the Silence frequently. Power comes through repose; it is in the Silence that we can be still, and when we are still, we can think, and thought is the "SECRET" of all attainment.
26. Thought is a mode of motion and is carried by the law of vibration the same as light or electricity. It is given vitality by the emotions through the law of love; it takes form and expression by the law of growth; it is a product of the spiritual "I", hence its Divine, spiritual, and creative nature.
27. From this it is evident that in order to express power, abundance or any other constructive purpose, the emotions must be called upon to give feeling to the thought so that it will take form. How may this purpose be accomplished? This is the vital point; how may we develop the faith, the courage, the feeling, which will result in accomplishment?
28. The reply is, by exercise; mental strength is secured in exactly the same way that physical strength is secured, by exercise. We think something, perhaps with difficulty the first time; we think the same thing again, and it becomes easier this time; we think it again and again; it then becomes a mental habit. We continue to think the same thing; finally it becomes automatic; we can no longer help thinking this thing; we are now positive of what we think; there is no longer any doubt about it. We are sure; we know.
29. Last week I asked you to relax, to let go physically. This week, I am going to ask you to let go mentally. If you practiced the exercise given you last week fifteen or twenty minutes a day in accordance with the instructions, you can no doubt relax physically; and anyone who cannot consciously do this quickly and completely is not a master of himself. He has not obtained freedom; he is still a slave to conditions. But I shall assume that you have mastered the exercise and are ready to take the next step, which is mental freedom.
30. This week, after taking your usual position, remove all tension by completely relaxing, then mentally let go of all adverse conditions, such as hatred, anger, worry, jealousy, envy, sorrow, trouble or disappointment of any kind.
31. You may say that you cannot "let go" of these things, but you can; you can do so by mentally determining to do so, by voluntary intention and persistence.
32. The reason that some cannot do this is because they allow themselves to be controlled by the emotions instead of by their intellect. But those who will be guided by the intellect will gain the victory. You will not succeed the first time you try, but practice makes perfect, in this as in everything else, and you must succeed in dismissing, eliminating and completely destroying these negative and destructive thoughts; because they are the seed which is constantly germinating into discordant conditions of every conceivable kind and description.

1. 你的“自我”並不是血肉之軀,身體只是“自我”用來執行任務的工具;“自我”也不可能是心智,因為心智又是“自我”用來思考、推理、謀劃的另一個工具。
2. “自我”一定是某種能夠控制並引導身體和心智的事物;一種能夠決定身體和心智的事物;一種能夠決定身體和心智如何去做、怎樣去做的事物。當你認識了“自我”真實物質,你就將享受到以前從未感知過的充滿力量的感覺。
3. 你的人格是由數不清的個人特征、怪癖、習慣和性格特點所組成的。這些都是你以前思維方式的產物,它們和平你的“自我”並沒有真正的關聯。
4. 當你說“我認為”的時候,“自我”告訴心智應當怎樣認為;當你說“我去”的時候,“自我”告訴身體應當去向何方。這個“自我”的真實本質是精神上的本質,這種本質才是真正的力量之源,當人們開始認識到其真實本質時,這種力量就會降臨到他們身上。
5. “自我”被賦予的最偉大、最神奇的力量,就是思想的力量,然而極少有人知道什麽是具有建設性的、或者說正確的思考,所以人們就得到了不同的結果。大多數人允準它們的思想停留在自私的層面,這正是幼稚的心智不可避免的結果。當人們的心智變得成熟時,就會懂得:失敗的萌芽,就潛藏在每一個自私的想法之中。
6. 受過訓練的頭腦會明白,做任何一宗事務,都必須讓每一個與這宗事務相關聯(不管以什麽方式)的人能夠從中受益,任何一種試圖利用他人的軟、無知或需求而讓自己受益的舉動,都將不可避免地致使自身受到損害。
7. 這是因為,個體是宇宙的一部分。同一個整體的兩個部分之間不能相互敵對,反之,每一個部分的幸福都建立在對整體利益的認知的基礎之上。
8. 那些認識到這一原理的人,在生活中就擁有了巨大的優勢。他們不會讓自己精疲力竭。他們能夠敏捷地消除一些遊移不定的想法。他們能夠輕而易舉地在最大限度上把註意力集中到任何一個主題上。他們不會在無益的目標上浪費時間或金錢。
9. 如果你做不到這些,說明你迄今為止還沒有付出所需的努力。是時候了,努力吧!有一份耕耘,就有一份收獲。為了增強你的意誌、認識你的力量,你可以借用一句強有力的口號:“我要成為怎樣的人,就能成為怎樣的人。”
10. 每一次你重復這句話,都應該清楚地知道這句話中的“我”是誰,是什麽;試著去理解“自我”屬性的真正內涵;如果你能做到,如果你的目標和意圖是具有建設性的,並且與宇宙的創造原理和諧統一的話,你將無往而不勝。
11. 如果你使用這句口號,那就經常不斷地使用它,不管白天黑夜,只要你日間想起它,就重復一遍,持續這樣做下去,直到它成為你生命的一部分,成為一種習慣。
12. 如果不這樣做,倒不如壓根就不開始,因為現代心理學告訴我們,當我們開始做某事但不把它完成的話,或是做了某項決定卻並不堅守的話,我們就形成了失敗的習慣。徹頭徹尾的、可恥的失敗。如果你不打算做一件事情,那就別開始;如果你開始了,即便天塌下來也要把它做成。如果你決定做某事,那就動手去做;不要受任何人、任何事的幹擾。你身上的“自我”已做出決定,事情已經板上釘釘,骰子已經擲出去了,沒有討價還價的余地。
13. 如果你采納這種意見了,那就從最小的事情做起,從那些你能夠掌控、能夠不斷努力的事情做起,但在任何情況下都不要容許你的“自我”被推翻,你將發現你最終能夠戰勝自己。要知道,許許多多的男男女女都曾悲哀地發現,戰勝自己,並不比戰勝一個國家更容易。
14. 當你學會戰勝自己,你將發現你的“內在世界”征服了外在世界;你將攻無不克、戰無不勝;人和事都會對你的每一個願望做出回應,而在你這方面,卻無需任何明顯的努力。
15. 這一情形的出現,並不是天方夜譚,只要你能記住:“內在世界”是由“自我”掌管的,而這個“自我”正是那個“無限之我”的一部分,這個“無限之我”即為宇宙精神或宇宙能量,人們通常把它叫做“上帝”。
16. 這些並不僅僅是為了證明或建立某種觀點而提出的一種陳述或者理論,而是一種被最優秀的宗教思想和科學理念接納的事實。
17. 赫伯特.斯彭德說:“在我們身邊的所有奇跡中,最令人確信的是:我們一直身處萬物由此而出的無限而永恒的能量之中。”
18. 萊曼.艾博特在班戈神學研究院畢業典禮上的致辭中提到:“我們所要思考的上帝,是那個居住在人們內心之中的上帝,而非從外部操控人類的上帝。”
19. 科學在探索的道路上前進一小步,就止步不前了。科學發現了亙古常在的永恒能量,然而宗教卻發現了潛藏在這能量背後的力量,並把它定位在人們的內心之中。但這絕不是什麽新的發現;《聖經》中早已言之鑿鑿,語言平易簡樸、令人信服:“豈不知你們是神的殿,神的靈住在你們裏頭嗎?”這就是“內在世界”的神奇創造力的奧秘之所在。
20. 這就是力量的奧秘之所在,也是控制力的奧秘之所在。戰勝一切並不意味著目中無物。克己忘我不能和成功畫上等號。無所取,何以予?我們如果軟弱無力,也就無法幫助他人。無限意味著永遠不會破產,而我們作為無限能量的代言人,自然也不應以破產的面貌出現,如果我們希望對他人有所幫助,我們首先自己要擁有能量,多多益善。然而,欲有所取,必有所予,我們必須對他人有所幫助。21. 我們施予的越多,我們所得就越多。我們應當成為宇宙傳遞活力的渠道。宇宙處於不斷尋求釋放的永恒狀態之中,處於幫助他伯永恒狀態之中,所以它總是在尋求讓自己能夠最好的釋放的渠道,這樣才能做最多有益的事,能夠給予人類最大的幫助。
22. 如果你一直拘泥於自己的計劃或人生目標,宇宙就無法通過你而有所作為。你要讓所有的感覺安靜下來,尋求內心的熱望,把精力的焦點放在內心的世界中,與偉大的自然力相合為一,在這種認知中安居。“靜水流深”。密切註視各種各樣的機遇,找出萬有能量所賦予你的精神通道。
23. 把事件、場景、條件在頭腦中生成畫面--這此可能是精神通道助你生成的。要知道萬物的精華,皆在於它的精神,精神是真實的存在,因為它就是生命的全部;當精神離去的時候,生命也就消逝了,熄滅了,不復存在了。
24. 這些精神活動是屬於內在世界的,屬於“因”的世界;而一切環境和景況,都是由內在世界產生的,它們是“果”。正因為如此,你就是創造者。這便是極其重要的勞作。你所能構想的理念越高貴、越崇高、越宏偉,這項工作也就變得越重大。
25. 過度勞動、過度玩耍或者過度的身體活動,不管何種性質,都會產生精神倦怠,使其停滯不前,這樣就無法再進行一些更重要的實現意識力量的工作了。所以我們應當經常尋求適時的“寂靜”。力量是通過休息得以恢復的;在“寂靜”中我們才可得以安寧,當我們安寧下來,我們才能思考,而思考,正是一切成就的奧秘。
26. 思考是一種運動形式,遵循著與光波或電波一樣的共振原理。它遵循愛的規律,激情賦予它振動的活力;它的成形與釋放都遵循增長規律;它是自我的產物,同時也是神聖的、精神的、創造性本質的產物。
27. 由此可知,很顯然,為了釋放能量、財富或實現其他具有創造性的意圖,首先必須喚醒心中的激情,激情則可以讓思考成形。那麽,如何實現這一目的呢?這一點非常關鍵。我們空間應該怎樣做,來發展能夠使我們有所成就的信念、勇氣與知覺呢?
28. 答案是:通過鍛煉。精神力量的獲得同身體力量的獲得一樣,是通過鍛煉達到的。我們思考一件事情,可能在頭一次非常困難,當我們第二次思考同樣的問題時,就變得容易多了;當我們反反覆覆一遍又一遍地思考的時候,就成了一種精神習慣。我們持續思考同一件事情,到最後這種思考就變成自發性的了,我們會情不自禁地思考這件事情,直至我們對所思所想持積極的態度,再沒有什麽疑問了。我們確信,我們深知。
29. 上周我對你說要學習放松,學習身體的放松。本周我要讓你學習精神的放松。如果你上周做了我布置的練習,按照說明去做,每天十五到二十分鐘,毫無疑問,你一定能做到身體上的放松了。任何還不能有意識地迅速而完全放松下來的人,還不能算是自己的主人。他尚未獲得自由;他仍然受到外在條件的奴役。但我現在假定你已經熟練掌握了上周的練習,可以進行下一步了,也就是精神放松。
30. 這一周,還是采取往日的姿勢,完全徹底的放松,除去一切的緊張,然後讓精神中一切的不利因素離你而去,比如憎恨、憤怒、焦慮、嫉妒、艷羨、悲痛、煩憂、失望……諸如此類。
31. 你可能會說,你很難讓這些東西全部離你而去,但你能做到的;只要你精神上下定決心、自覺主動地堅持下去,你就一定能做到。
32. 有些人確實做不到,其原因就在於他們完全被自己的感情而不是智慧所左右。而那些被自己的智慧所引導的人將贏得勝利。你可能在第一次嘗試的時候沒有成功,但是,你會越做越好,不管是做這件事情,還是做其他事情。不僅如此,你還一定要堅持下去,驅除、消滅、徹底摧毀心中一切的消極負面的想法。因為這些想法是你心中持續不斷地產生各種筆墨可以形容或無法形容的不和諧狀況的種子。

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