

The 5 Best Bak Kut Teh in Singapore | TheBestSingapore.com

Bah Kut Teh is a Chinese soup that is always listed as one of top must-try dishes in Singapore. Literally translated as “meat bone tea”, Bah Kut Teh consists of meaty pork ribs simmered in a complex broth of herbs and spices. This dish is usually coupled with tea in a belief that tea will help dissolve large amount of fat in the soup.

In Singapore, there are two styles of Bak kut teh served – teochew style and Klang style. What makes these two bak kut teh styles different is definitely the broth. While teochew version features clear soup with peppery taste, Klang version has thick, cloudy soup with herbal taste. In our lion city, the former is more popular than the latter.

People usually have bak kut teh for breakfast in the old days. But now this dish could be eaten for any meals of the day, from breakfast to lunch, dinner and even supper.

This bak kut teh soup would probably be the “soup for the soul” on a rainy day.

But what if it doesn’t rain on your visit days to Singapore? Don’t worry! Bak kut teh will be the soup for boosting energy after a tired journey.

And here are the 5 best bak kut teh places for you to enjoy one of the Singapore’s traditional dishes. These places are highly recommended by local foodies.

See also: Top Things to Eat In Singapore

Ng Ah Sio Pork Ribs Soup Eating House

(Image: Ng Ah Sio Pork Ribs Soup Eating House)

Key attractions
The strongest flavour of peppery bak kut teh soup in Singapore: The peppery soup at Ng Ah Sio Pork Ribs Soup Eating House is definitely the best option for those who love the typical flavour of Teochew-style bak kut teh. You just need to sip some spoons of soup to feel a peppery blast. The right combination of pepper, garlic and fresh pork ribs in its ingredients makes the soup really fragrant and tasty.

A place to enjoy kung fu tea: Tea is something could not be missed out while having bak kut teh. They are the perfect match. And it is even better if tea is enjoyed in a special way like fung fu tea as it helps maximize the tea and meat tastes. Follow the sequence of eating bak kut teh and drinking tea, you will get the best tastes of both. Among the restaurant’s special tea, Xiao Yue Gan is highly recommended.

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Founder Bak Kut Teh Restaurant

Key attractions
One of a few bak kut teh places for supper:
People who have a bak kut teh craving in the middle of the night must appreciate the operating hours of Founder Bak Kut Teh as it opens till 02:30. Nothing beats a cold rainy night like a hot bowl of bak kut teh.

Excellent braised pig trotters in black sauce: It is a big surprise when the braised pig trotter dish is the one that wins people’s hearts at a bak kut teh place. No matter what case it is, braised pig trotter is a must-order at Founder Bak Kut Teh. The meat, fat and skin are so tender that you will feel they melt in your mouth.

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Song Fa Bak Kut Teh

(Image: Song Fa Bak Kut Teh)

Key attractions
Bak kut teh in central location:
It is not the best of the best, but it is the best option in the central area. Located near Clarke Quay MRT station, Song Fa Bak Kut Teh is convenient for those who are around the place and want to have a good bowl of bak kut teh to boost energy.

Reasonable prices: A bowl of standard pork rib soup is priced at S$6.50. But the number itself is not the thing that makes the meal value for money. The three meaty pork ribs in flavourful peppery soup are the ones that delight and satisfy diners. With around S$10, you can always have a comfortable meal at Song Fa.

Quick service: Diners will be attended immediately after being seated and foods will be served in a couple of minutes after order is placed. But the best part of Song Fa’s service is that the waiters regularly refill your bowl with hot soup.

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Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh

Key attractions
Best herbal style bak kut teh in Singapore: Leong Kee Bak Kut Teh is a find for those who love Malaysian-style bak kut teh as in our lion city, most of the bak kut teh shops follow Teochew style. Leong Kee’s soup is rich in herbal flavours, thick in texture and cloudy in colour. The bak kut teh is always served piping hot in clay pot with generous amounts of pork ribs, vegetables and bean curd skin. Add some fresh minced garlic into your soup to bring out all the best from your bowl.

Outstanding stewed pork leg: It is simply pig trotter dish, but it is cooked in a different style, leaving it tender, sweet and sticky when it is presented on your table.

Located at Geylang – one of the most vibrant areas at night and opens till 01:00: When the temperatures cool down in the middle of the night, it is time to have a hot bowl of bak kut teh, especially for those who enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of nightlife at the area.

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Outram Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh

(Image: Outram Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh)

Key attraction
A bak kut teh place for revelers after clubbing:
 Outram Ya Hua Bak Kut Teh opens till 04:00. The stall is a popular late night dining site where revelers usually gather to have a bowl of peppery bak kut teh to boost energy after a night of clubbing and drinking.

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Categories: Eat & Drink
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