


White-collar workers are busy with daily work, with little time to lose weight that cause their bodies gradually thicken slowly.They have some fear when see their bodies more fatter day by day,the following is the white-collar workers weight loss program.

(1)Morning sport

If you get up early in morning everyday,you may do sports in morning. But you need to note that should not immediately movement just finish breakfast. Morning up blood sugar is low, you need to add some energy before exercise,therefore,you need to drink a glass of honey water or a piece of bread after getting up early. 1 to 1.5 hours after exercise, eat breakfast. If time is tight, in half an hour after the end of the exercise, eat a small breakfast. The same time, the time of the morning snacks in advance,increase in the number of food.

In addition, it is important to note that the morning temperature is relatively low, and not in the early outdoor sports; you must pay attention to warm-up as the impact of blood glucose, temperature, etc in morning to prevent sports injuries, but also pay attention to maintaining a certain strength(more than 30 minutes)in order to achieve better weight loss results.

(2)Noon sport

Noon is less recommended exercise time.Because do sports this time will affect the normal lunch,lunch is essential important for weight loss.

Other periods is not good arrangements for the movement, then, can be arranged at noon diet and exercise:morning and afternoon snacks to increase component, on the contrary, lunch, reducing component, mainly light diet.

(3)Night sport

Night is the most flexible hours. If you can eat supper around 6:00, around 8:30 pm exercise is the best choice.Too late to affect sleep.

If you need to do sport in 7:00 to 8:00,you can eat less supper,and then add some fruits,vegetables,soy products,gruel,etc to avoid night hunger after one hour exercising.As far as possible not in the evening eat more after exercise,this will not only allow stomach burden too heavy,also affect the weight loss.

These are the white-collar workers movement planning,do not always busy with work,a little free time or can be used to lose weight. Time planning and work well,lose weight will be success!

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