

Unit 1 What’s the matter?

Unit1 What’s the matter?

Section A(3a~4c)


1.Many ___________(乘客) got hurt in the accident.

2.—What’s your _____________(苦恼)?

—I have a cold.

3.A car _________(击;打) a little boy on this road yesterday.

4.Mr. Wang had a sore __________(背)last week.

5.Jane has a long __________(脖子).


6.Can you see some boys ___________play basketball on the playground?

7.We should ____________not talk in class.

8.Jim agreed ____________(go) to the hospital at last.

9.Ann often goes to school without____________ (have) breakfast.

10.To my ____________(surprised), he finished the work very soon.


(  )11.Don’t ___________ until thebus stops.

A.get in          B.get into               C.get off                D.getout

(  )12.Liu Ming expects her parents___________ him.

A.to see          B.seeing                       C.see                    D.sees

(  )13.Tom always walks to school, __________all the way.

A.sings            B.sing                   C.sang                 D.singing

(  )14. _________ the passengers,the doctor saved the man’s life in time.

A.Thank to        B.Thanksto                  C.Thank for            D.Thanksfor

(  )15.My father agreed __________me a new bike.

A.to buy        B.buying                 C.buy                         D.bought



I’ll _______ _______ the bus at the next stop.[来源:学科网ZXXK]


_______ ______ _______, Tony passed the exam.


_______ _______Lily’s help, I finished my homework on time.


My mother never_______ ______ herself.[来源:__]


She doesnt want to ______ _______ ______.



A Fat Woman In a Hospital

Mr. Blackworks in a hospital. As a good  1  , the people in the town like him. He’soften  2  to the patients and looks them over carefully. 3  he is always busy and has little time to rest.[来源:学科网]

Onemorning Mr. Black got to the hospital and saw there was a fat woman in the  4  .He called her in his office and asked, “  5 madam?” “It was my birthdayyesterday, sir.” said the woman. “My husband gave me a  6  .But I couldn’t push my way in(设法进入) it.”  7 madam.” said Mr. Black, “You have to lose some weight. You’ll be able to  8  your coat if you do all what I say.” “You are   9  ,sir.” said the rich woman. “He bought me not a coat, but a dear  10  !”

(  )1.A.doctor               B.farmer                      C.soldier                      D.cleaner[来源:Zxxk.Com]

(  )2.A.bad                        B.dangerous                  C.cold                        D.kind

(  )3.A.Or                         B.But                           C.So                         D.Then

(  )4.A.classroom             B.waitingroom             C.park                       D.zoo

(  )5.A.How do you do        B.How are you              C.What’s the matter        D.How old are you

(  )6.A.house                B.school                       C.shop                    D.present

(  )7.A.It doesn’t matter   B.It’sa pleasure            C.I have no idea               D.It’sa favorite

(  )8.A.show              B.wear                         C.sell                      D.wash

(  )9.A.right                       B.wrong                       C.easy                  D.safe

(  )10.A.bike               B.bus                           C.car                          D.train


Peter isill in bed. He doesn’t want to get up because he had a backache. He knows heshouldn’t play football very often, but he really likes playing football withBruce and his friends. After the game, he doesn’t feel well. He thinks he should go to see a doctor in a few days.

Peter’s brother doesn’t want to eat anything. He has a toothache. He worksvery hard. He has little time to rest and it gets him ill. He knows he shouldgo to see a dentist in two hours.[来源:学科网ZXXK]

11.What’s the matter with Peter?[来源:学。科。网ZXXK][来源:学科网]


12.Does he enjoy playing football?


13.What should he do?


14.Why doesn’t Peter’s brother want to eat anything?


15.Who should Peter’s brother go to see?


. 从方框中选择适当的句子,补全对话。

AWhat’s the matter?

B   16  

AHow are you feeling now?

B   17  

ALet me take your temperature. It’s a cold. Nothing serious.

B   18  

ADid you eat anything for breakfast?

B   19  

AWell take this medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and drink more water.

B   20  


A.I’m feeling even worse.[来源:Z*xx*k.Com]

B.No. I didn’t feel like eating anything.

C.This morning I had a pain in my head.

D.Really? But I don’t feel any better now.

E.OK. Thank you.




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