


Unit 6   An old man tried to move the mountains.

 Period Three (Section 1a-1d) 


1.I wanted               (talk)to you about something.

2.The emperor was happy because his clothes would              (make)of silk and gold.

3.At last,the mountain               (move) away with the help of the gods.

4.As soon as the teacher finished               (talk),the pupilsrushed out quickly.

5.Sun WUkong used his stick               (fight)againstbad people.



1.        国王 n_______

2.        丝绸;丝织物 n____

3.        内衣n_______

4.        没有人 pron 小人物 n______

5.        愚蠢的 adj______

6.        欺骗;蒙骗 v 骗子 n______

7.        继母 n______

8.        妻子;太太 n______

9.        丈夫 n______

10.     全部的;整体的 adj______

11.     场;场景 n______

12.     月光 n______

13.     发光;照耀 v______

14.     光亮地;明亮地;adv明亮的adj

15.     地;地面 n______

16.     带路;领路 v______

17.     声音 n______

18.     勇敢的;无畏的 adj______


1.        致力于做某事___________

2.        ………… ___________

3.        从前___________

4.        继续做某事___________

5.        使某事发生___________

6.        试图做某事___________

7.        ……之旅___________

8.        讲故事___________

9.        穿上___________

10.     有点儿___________

11.     坚持做某事___________

12.     放弃___________

13.     代替;反而___________

14.     变成___________

15.     结婚___________

16.     主要人物;主人公___________

17.     在另外一些时候___________

18.     ;___________

19.      (书、电影等)出版___________

20.     ……感兴趣___________

21.     走到另一边去___________

22.     一个神话故事___________

23.     故事的其余部分___________

24.     让某人做某事___________

25.     筹划/计划做某事___________

26.     把某人领到某地___________

27.     迷路___________

28.     改变计划___________

29.     叫某人做某事___________

30.     在月光下___________

31.     找到某人回家的路___________

32.     派某人去某地___________


1. This story _________________ us that you can neverknow what’s possible unless you try to make it happen. 这个故事提醒我们如果你没有使其发生,你就永远不知道什么是可能的。

2. Thank you ____________ _____________me the stamps.  谢谢你送给我的邮票。

3.  —How long __________ you _________________ yourhomework? 

—______ two hours.

.—你做了多长时间的作业了?    —两个小时了。

4. She has been___________ ________ __________ since she ______________six years old.

  自从她六岁以来, 她一直弹钢琴。

5. That _______ me of the _______________between American English andBritish English.


6. My hair is too long, I__________ __________ it ___________tomorrow.

  我的头发太长了, 明天我将去理。


1.There is something bad happening outside.(改为否定句)

There isn’t ___________ ___________ happening outside.

2.We can’t have a sports meeting because the rain is heavy.(改为同义句)

We can’t have a sports meeting ____________ ___________ the heavy rain.

3.You must be quiet! (改为祈使句)

___________ ____________ please!

4.They have no more books. (改为同义句)

They ___________ __________ books ___________ ___________.

5.They boy is very clever. (what改为感叹句)

____________ _____________ ____________ ___________ he is !


(   )1. He is able to _________________ different animalsand objects.

       A. turninto     B. turn himselfinto    C. change into himself   D. turnhimself to

(   ) 2. _______________ her father died, the stepsistersmade her do all the chores.

      A. Unless    B.As soon as    C. So that     D.While

(   ) 3. Children all over the world _______________ theMonkey King!

      A. loves     B.love     C. loving    D. to love

(   ) 4. Don’t eat _____________ you get to the forest.

       A. before      B.after     C. when     D.until

(   )5. Listen, the bird _________________ wonderfullyoutside.

       A. sings    B.is singing    C. sing    D. will sing

(   ) 6. We like those who have only one idea but makeit ______.

     A. towork       B.working       C.work       D. works

(   ) 7. In Great Britain it isn’t polite ______ fromeach other’s plate.

     A. eat           B.to eat         C.eating       D. for eating

(   ) 8. That bag isn’t mine. It may be __________.

  A. somebody’s  B. somebody else  C.somebody’s else  D. somebody else’s

(   ) 9. They have been skating __________.

      A. for three hoursago   B. since three hours ago   C. three hoursago   D. since three hours

(   ) 10. _______, what’s your hobby?

    A. In the way  B. On theway  C. To your way  D. By the way


1. They heared their boss _______________ (plan) to take a holiday inEurope.

2.The patient told Dr. Smith that he _______________  (sleep)well the night before.

3.Mary kept _______________ (work) until midnight to write a report forher boss.

4.The boy got _______________ (lose) in the forest.

5.Eric ate three pieces of _______________ (bread).


Teacher: So what do you think    1      the story of Yu Gong?

Wang Ming: I think it’s really interesting. Yu Gong found a good      2     to solve his    3       .

Claudia: Really? I think it’s a little bit silly. It doesn’t seem verypossible to    4      a mountain.

Wang Ming: But the story is trying to show us that anything is possible    5      you work hard! Yu Gong kept trying and didn’tgive up.

Claudia: Well, I still don’t agree with you. I think we should try to find   6      ways to    7      a problem.

Wang Ming: But what could Yu Gong do instead of    8      the mountains?

Claudia: Well, there are many other ways. For    9     ,he could build a road. That’s better and faster than moving a mountain!

Teacher: You have different    10     about the story, and neitherof you are wrong. There are many sides to a story and many ways to understandit.

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