

八年级下Unit 7&8 单元检测

八年级下Unit7&8 单元检测

满分: 100    时间:80分钟    姓名:         评价:


(   )1. Tom is taller than ___________ studentin his class.

A.    any  B.the other C.any other  D.other any

 (   )2.—Did you know Chinais one of the oldest countries in the world?

—Yes, I did. It’s________ than the US.

A. much older B.more older C. much elder D. more elder

 (   )3.Youare ________ now, Victor. So you should wash your clothes by yourself.

A. enoughyoung  B. young enough C. enough old  D. old enough

(   )4. Yao Ming is one of________mostpopular________in China.

      A.a ; players  B.the ; players  C.an ;runners D.much; runners

(   )5. Amy ________ the windows already, so theroom looks much brighter.

        A.cleans     B. cleaned C. is cleaning   D. has cleaned 

 (    )6.It will take you ________ time to travel toJapan than to the USA.

    A. little           B. few                   C.less              D. fewer

(    )7.—Are these books _______?

        —No, they are not mine. They belong to________.

A.your, her     B. yours, her    C. you, hers       D.yours, she

(    )8. Didyou know that the Earth is home to _________animals?

A. million    B. millions      C.million of    D. millions of

(    )9. Ibegan watching here an hour ago, but now nothing _________yet.

A. happens    B, will happen   C. happened    D. has happened

(   )10.Shanghaiis______the east of Chinaand Japan is _____the eastof China.

       A.in;in   B.to ; to   C.to ; in  D.in ; to


It was Sunday. Little Tom 11  earlier than before.  Two of pandaswere on show in Londonfor the first time.  He didn't see suchanimals before. So he asked his father, Mr. Black, to take him12   them. After breakfast the father and son 13    to the bus stop 14   _.After a while, a red bus came and Mr. Black got on it 15     his son in his arms. But there was16  in it. He had to stand by the door. A young man 17     andsaid, "Please take my seat, sir. ""Thank you very much,"Mr. Black said and sat down. And little Tom sat on his father's knees."Try to be a gentleman, Tom ." said Mr. Black. "The young must18     for the old and must ask women19   their seats." Just then, a woman got onand stood by Mr. Black. Little Tom jumped off his father's knees at once andsaid, "Please take 20   seat, madam!"

(    )11.A. gets up       B. got up       C. will get up     D.is getting up

(    )12.A. to look for    B. to look at    C. to look        D. to see

(    )13.A. hurries       B. hurried      C. run         D.walk

(    )14.A. on foot       B. on feet      C. by a bus      D. by a bike

(    )15.A. behind        B. in front of    C.with        D. from

(    )16.A. not seat      B. not any seat   C. no aseat      D. noseat

(    )17. A. stand up      B. stands up     C. stood up     D. standing up

(    )18.A. makes a room  B. make room    C. make a room   D. made room.

(    )19.A. has           B. have         C. to have      D. having    

(    )20. A. my          B. mine         C . I          D. me

. 阅读理解七选五。(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)

Australia is the largest island in the world. It isa little smaller than China.It is in the south of the earth. Australia is big, but itspopulation is small. 21._________

Enough laws(法律) have been made to fight against pollution.22._________  The sky is blue and the water is clean. Youcan clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well.

Last month we visited Perth, the biggestcity in Western Australia, and went to a wild flowers’ exhibition(展览).There we saw a large number of wild flowers we hadnever seen before. We had a wonderful time. 23._________ In spring every year Perth has the wildflowers’ exhibition. After visiting Perth,we spent a day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path atthe foot of a hill. 24._________ Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top ofthe hill. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car asquickly as we could. There were about three hundred sheep coming towards usdown the path.

25._________After a short drive from anytown, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhereare sheep.

A. We saw animalseverywhere.

B. It was quietand we enjoyed ourselves.

C. The populationof Australia is nearly aslarge as that of Shanghai.

D. Perth is famous for itsbeautiful wild flowers.

E. The cities in Australiahave got little air or water pollution.

F. Australia isfamous for its sheep and kangaroos.

G. Australian hasthe smallest population in the world






























































四. 单词拼写


1.      What’s the ________(人口) or French?

2.      Thousands of ____________(游客)come to visit this beautiful village every year.

3.      The main reason to build The Great Wall wasto ________(保护)China.

4.      We should ____________(挑战)ourselves in the face of difficulties.

5.      The spirit of the climbers shows us weshould never give up trying to ______(实现)ourdreams.

6.      There is an ___________(岛屿)called Mushan in the Chao Lake.

7.      Sally is interested in science and_____________(科技).

8.      While she was studying __________(海外),she missed her family and friends.

9.      The car __________(属于)to my uncle.

10.  Failure (失败)is themother of __________(成功).

B) 写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分。)

do______ ________  go______ ______­­­       write_______ ______

be______ ________  find ________ _________ read_____ ______

build _____ _______ see______ ______      cut__________

bring______ ________ teach______ ______    give_____________

leave______ ______ have_____ ______      come______________

五. 语法填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分。)

When I first arrived on this island, I hadnothing. But I  1   (find) the ship and made a small boat. I’vebrought back many things I  2   (use)—food and drink, tools, knives andguns.   3   I have lost everything; I have not lost mylife. So I will not give up and I 4  (wait ) for another ship. Ihave already cut down trees and built a house. I go out with my gun almostevery day   5    (kill) animals and birds for food. I’m evenlearning to grow fruits and vegetables.

A few weeks ago, I found the marks ofanother man’s   6   (foot) on the sand. Who else is on myisland? How long have they been here ? Not long after that, I saw somecannibals  7    (try) to kill two men from a  8   (broke)ship. One of them died but the other ran towards my house. I helped him killthe cannibals. This man now  9   (live) with me and helps me. I named himFriday because that was the day I met him. He is smart and I have already  10   (teach)himsome English.




六. 汉译英 10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)。

1.珠穆朗玛峰是世界上最高峰。(Qomolangma than








5.一只大象比一只狗重很多倍。(more than








9.他们已经在这儿多久了?(have been




七. 短文改错(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

Oneof the world’s most dangerous sport is mountain climbing, and one of thepopular places for this is the Himalayas. TheHimalayas runs along the southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains,Qomolangma rises the high and is the most famous. It is 8844.43 meters high andso is very dangerous to climb. Thick cloud cover the top an snow fall veryhard. Even more serious difficulties include freeze weather conditions andheavy storms. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.(错6处)

Thefirst people to reach the top was Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary on May29,1953.The first China team did so in 1960, while the first woman to succeedwas Junko Tabei from Japan in 1975.(错2处)

Whydo so many climbers risk their life? One of the mainly reasons is becausepeople want to challenge them in the face of difficulties. The spirit of theseclimbers show us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. Italso shows that humans people can sometimes be stronger than the force ofnature.(错7处)

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