

2017-2018年 九年级 英语科Unit4-6试题(满分100)

2017.10.27 陕西



班级:_________ 姓名:__________座号:__________ 成绩:___________


一.   选择 20

(    ) 1. —Is the ring made of ______silver?   —Yes.It is made of ______ bestsilver in our factory.

A.A, the     B/, the     Ca, /     D/, a

(    ) 2.No matter ________ you do, you should try your best to do it well.

      A. that        B. what       C. when     D. where

(    ) 3.She could speak _______very well and she found a good job in _______.

     A. German; German    B. Germany;German    C. Germans; Germany  D. German; Germany

(    ) 4.If you try your best, we will ____________  you even you may fail againand again.

         A. be pride of       B. take proud of      C.be proud in    D. take pride in

(    )5.Who were the shoes with special heels invented __________?

      A. with          B. of               C. for           D. by

(    )6. My grandma ______inthe country. Now she  ______ in the city.

         A. used to live; lives        B. used to living;lived

C.uses to live; is living       D. was used to live; lives

(    )7.—Idon't believe the toy is made ______ hand. The patterns(图案) are really fine.

—Idon't believe it, either. But no machine is used during the whole process.

A.for       Bwith     Cby      Din

(    )8.—AreJiangsu and Zhejiangfamous for silk?

—Ithink so.______ I know, more than half of the silk in China is produced in Jiangsu and


A.As long as  BAs far as  CAs many as  DAs little as

(    )9.Ittook him three hours ______ the exercises.

A.finish     Bto finish    Cfinishes      Dfinishing

(    )10.We have many _______things and we have to do them well ________.

A. everyday; every day       B. everyday; everyday   

C.every day; everyday        D. every day; every day

(    )11. He met me ___        in a busy street.

      A. by accident        B. by mistake          

C. all of sudden       D. without doubt

(    )12._________peoplelost their lives in the accident.

A.Two thousands   BTwo thousand of   CThousands of  DThousands

(    )13. It ________discovered _____the17th century.

      A. wasn’t until      B. didn’t until     C. didn’t before     D. doesn’t till

(    )14.Inthe past few years, great changes _________in Lianyungang.

A.take place    Btook place    Chave taken place     Dhave been taken place

(    )15.Theboys in most schools are not allowed ______ long hair.

A.having    Bhave       Chad         Dto have

(    )16----Howdifficult the road to _______is!    ---Soit is! You need lots of hard work to _________.

      A.success, succeed   B. success,success   C. succeed, succeed   D. succeed, success

(    )17----Sarah is never absent ________school.   

---That’s one of the reasons whyshe usually gets good scores _______examinations.

      A. from, on      B. from, in      C. to, on       D. to, in

(    )18.I promise I won’t make such mistakes ________.

      A.no more     B. anymore      C. any longer      D. no longer

(    )19.Ifind ______ hard for me ______ doing so much homework in such a short time.

A.it, finishing  Bit's, finish   C. it, to finish   Dthat, to finish

(   )20. It snowed heavily last night andthe ground was ______ snow this morning.

A. filled with   Bcovered with  Cused for   Dasked for

. 完形填空15

Look around in your 1 , and you’ll see 2 inventions. These inventions have 3 our lives a lot. For example, the light bulb, the microwave oven, thealarm clock, the TV, the 4 . I think all these inventions are very 5 . The light bulb is used for seeing at night, so we have more time towork and 6 every day. The microwave oven is used for 7 meals. The alarm clock is used to 8 us time. Sometimes it can wake us up. The TV lets us know more 9 the world and brings uspleasure. The computer is used for playing games and studying. What do you think is themost 10 invention? Can you tell us?


(   )1.A. family       B. house         C. desk         D. bed

(   )2.A. much          B. a lot           C.many               D.lot of

(   )3.A. change       B. changing      C. to change    D. changed

(   )4.A. computer      B. car            C. plane        D. train

(   )5.A. use         B. useful           C. used          D. help

(   )6.A. play          B. toplay          C. playing         D. played

(   )7.A. make         B. cook          C. made               D. cooking

(   )8.A. tell          B. telling          C. ask            D. asking

(   )9.A. with          B. to             C. into           D. about

(   )10.A. help         B.Helped        C. helpful         D. helping


三、用适当形式填空, 词数不限。(5


1. Inautumn,________(leaf) turn yellow and look beautiful.

2. The songis so popular that it is________ (wide)sung by young people.

3. As astudent, you should avoid________ (fight)with your classmates.

4. In our________(day) life, wemay have some trouble but it will be alright soon.

5. Mary is a__________ (live)childand popular with everyone.  


. 完成句子,每空一词(25


1. He is                                  毫无疑问one of the beststudents in our class.

2. Teenagers under 18 ________ _________ _________(不允许)to drive a car.

3. ­­­­__________(不管哪里) I go, Ican no longer find ______(如此) excellent a cook likeyou.

4.____________ _________(根据) thelatest news, another twenty doctors were sent to help the patients.

5._________ ________ _________(据说) aChinese ruler called Shen Nong was the first ______ ___________(发现) tea as a drink.

6.China _______ ___________ ________(...而闻名) tea, right?

7.After drying, they are fired _______ _______ ________ ________________(用很高的温度).

8.The cup ______ _______ ________(被用来) drinkinghot water.




    The word “shanzhai” originallymeans “mountain village”,  but it means“copy” in Chinese now.

I started to research this topicand found a whole new shanzhai world. There are shanzhai products and onlinegames, even shanzhai culture.  It is so popular that some people say toeach other “have you shanzhaied today” ? Like it or not, shanzhai has becomepart of our life in China.

I even met an American IT professionalrecently who has just had his shanzhai mobile phone. He was so proud of it andwould not stop talking about all the functions while showing off the look ofhis phone.I could hardly see the back cover as he had stuck fake logos (假冒标记)  “iPhone”, “Nokia” &  LGon it.

But why has shanzhai become so popular in China? Why doover 50 percent of the people surveyed by CCTV support it? Firstly, many maynot realize it but for Chinese people, the word “shanzhai” also reminds us of“the heroes of Liangshan”. Secondly, there would be no shanzhai without theInternet. Shanzhai has caught the interest of millions of Chinese online.

There are also shanzhai celebrities. Manyshanzhai singers can be seen performing in some remote places where peoplecannot see performances by the actual “real” stars. These events are verysuccessful, even though people know that they are not getting the “real” thing.

(   )1.Shanzhai means ______ today.

A. copy          B.mountain village              C. terribleaccident        D. the heroes of Liangshan

(   )2.Shanzhai is a popular wordin _______..

A. Japan         B.America            C. China                D. England

(   )3.Shanzhai appears because of _______

   A. the telephone     B. thetelevision     C. the radio           D. the Internet  

(   )4.What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “remote”?

 A.虚拟的              B.遥远的             C.真实的             D.近处的

(  )5. Which statement is NOT trueaccording to the passage?

A. Many people are interested in shanzhai.

B. Shanzhi has become popular on the Internetthese days.

C. Some shanzhai singers perform well andpeople love their performance.

D. People who watch shanzhai celebritiesdidn’t know they are false





(   )66.Kate likes to buy a house to live with her family in Guangming Road.Which message is she interested in?


(   )67.Michael wants to go to the hospital.Which information is he interested in?


(   )68.Ivy wants to have a pen pal in China.Which message will draw her attention?

(   )69.Molly wants to learn French.Which 
message will interest her?

(   )70.John loves animals.Which
 information will Draw his attention? 

A.Do you like children?Can you help children with their homework?We need teachers here.
Please call Allan at 020-88115278.
B.Go down Renming Road.The hospital is on your right.It’s between the bank and the park.
C.If you want to see our cars here,come at 10:00 on Monday morning.We are waiting for you.
D.Do you like animals?We have all kinds of animals here.Come and see for yourself.
E.Do you want to learn English?Do you want to learn Chinese?Do you want to learn Japanese?We have very good language teachers here.Come and have a look.
F.Hello,my name is Chen Lina.I am Chinese.I want to have a pen pal.
G.I need to go to the United States for my further study.Anyone who interested in my house in Guangming Road can call me at 13938705671.



. 看图填空,请填在答题线上。(15


Sam isa farmer. He has a very big__1__. On the farm, he grows oranges, grapes andbananas. Many people come to __2__ his farm. He is a successful young man andbecomes very famous.  Several years ago,in 2003, he went back to his hometown after he finished high school. “What canI do?” he said to himself. Then he had __3__ idea. “I’m _4___ in farming. I cangrow fruit!” He began to watch many programs about growing fruit___5__ TV.  He also read a lot of books about it. Then hewent to __6___ on Mr. Smith’s farm for two years. He learned a lot there. In2005, he started his own fruit farm. At that __7___, Sam’s farm was small. Butnow, his farm is much ___8___. His fruits are very good .He sends them to manybig ___9___ in China, suchas Shanghai, Beijingand Guangzhou.He also grows vegetables and raises ___10___ on his farm. Therefore, his familyeats their own vegetables and chicken. They have a very healthy lifestyle.

答案:1. ____________2. ____________3. ____________4. ____________5.____________

   6.____________7. ____________8. ____________9. ____________10.____________

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