






 (   )1. Shoes with lights are used for       in the dark.

        A. see          B. seeing           C. saw           D. sees

(   )2. The sofa is used       a bed sometimes.

        A. for          B. of               C. to            D. as

(   )3. It       that the tree is 300 years old.

        A. says         B. said             C. is said       D. was said

(   )4. Usually, we don't know how important something is        we lose it.

        A. or           B. until            C. as soon as    D. after

(   )5. In our school library, there        a number of books on science and the  number of them        growing larger and larger.

        A. is; are      B. are; is          C. have; is      D. has; are

(   )6. My cousin has been happy since he        to spend more time with his friends.

        A. will allow   B. will be allowed   C. allowed      D. was allowed

(   )7. We should allow students        their own choices.

        A. make         B.  makes           C. making        D. to make

(   )8. ―Can you hear me?

        No, I can't. Would you please speak      ?

        A. clearly enough   B. clear enough   C.enough clear  D. enough clearly   

(   )9. The house is        us to live in.

        A. enough big for  B. enough big as   C. big enough for  D. big enough of

(   )10. Mr Smith asked us to stop       . So we stopped        to him at once.

         A. talking; listening           B. to talk; listening 

         C. talking; to listen           D. to talk; to listen     

(   )11. -Mr Liu is very strict        his students.

         -You are right. He is also very strict        his work.

         A. with; in    B. with; about   C. in; with    D. to; in

(   )12. Are your shoes expensive?

         No. I only        five dollars on them.

         A. used        B. cost         C. spent         D. paid

(   )13. It's nice of you to        so much time showing me around your school.

         A. take        B. spend        C. cost          D. have

(   )14. Everyone knows that Taiwan       China.

         A. belongs to  B. belonged to  C. is belong to  D. is belonged to

(   )15. -Mary said the CD didn’t belong to      .

         -It must be      . She always listens to classical music.

         A. her; Carla  B. hers; Carla  C. her; Carla’s   D. hers; Carla’s


(   )16. -Who is singing in the garden?

         -It        be Mr Brown. He always practices singing at this time.

         A. must           B. can’t       C. need         D. mustn’t

(   )17. The jeans       be Michael’s. They are too short for him.

         A. must          B. mustn’t     C. shouldn’t    D. can’t

(   )18. -Is Jim coming by train?  

         -I’m not sure. He       drive his car.

         A. must          B. may          C. need           D. can’t

(   )19. We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun        in the sea.

         A. surf          B. surfs        C. surfing        D. to surf

(   )20. During the Spring Festival, the heavy snow stopped many people from    back


         A. go            B. goes         C. went           D. going

(   )21. Every student loves the teachers       make their classes lively and         interesting.

        A. what          B. which         C. whose           D. who

(   )22.-You look so worried. What’s the matter with you?

        -The door      . Can you help me?

        A. won’t open    B. can’t open   C. won’t be opened   D. can’t be opened

(   )23. I’d like to go to the place       has a wonderful beach and warm weather.

         A. where         B. that           C. who          D. what

(   )24. Have you found out the answer       I asked you this morning?

         A. who           B. when           C. what         D. /

(   )25. I don’t like fruits       taste sour.

         A. what          B. that           C. /            D. who

(   )26. ―Do you prefer grapes         bananas?

         I prefer grapes        bananas.

         A. to, or        B. or, to         C.than, to      D. or, than         

(   )27. What a heavy rain!

         So it is. I prefer        at home        on such a rainy day.

        A. watch TV; to go out              B. watch TV; go out

        C. watching TV; to going out        D. to watch TV; going out       

(   )28. My parents        walking home from work to taking a bus, which they think  is good for their health.

         A. prefer        B. love           C. enjoy         D. like  

(   )29. They preferred        rather than        a bike.

         A. to walk; to ride  B. walking; riding  C. to walk; ride   D. walk; ride

(   )30. He doesn't feel like        anything today.

         A. to eat        B. eating         C. eat            D. eats

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