

人教新目标八年级上Unit 5 单元基础知识测试

一、 词汇练习

1)词组互译1.才艺表演              2查明              3.乐于做某事

4打扮                   5. 代替               6.干得好

7.try ones best             8. come out            9.face any danger

10. such as                11.expect to watch the news         12. cant stand

2) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1.I think Xi Yangyang is as  __________  (famous) as Mickey Mouse.
2.I hope __________ (watch) the action movie one day.
3.There    _____  (be) some exciting news in today’s newspaper.

4.At weekends, Nancy enjoys ___________ (read) comic books at home.

5.Jim loves sports now, so he is much ___________(healthy) than before.

6.How many times do you brush your            (tooth) every day?

7. Listen! Someone_____________(ring) the doorbell.

8. Where do you plan  _________  (go) this Sunday?
9. Sally thinks soap operas are ________________ (educational) than sitcoms.
10 The Yangtze Rover is the      ___   (long) river in China.   

1.They are trying ______  what is going on around the world.
     A. look for    B. to look for    C. to find out   D. find out
2. If you plan ________a movie, choose Mulan.

  A. watch    B. to watch    C. watching    D. watched

3. We hope ________good grades.

  A. get    B. to get    C. getting    D. got

4. I hope you ________a nice weekend.

  A. have    B. to have    C. having    D. had

5. Can you ________when the train will arrive?

  A. look    B. look at    C. find    D. find out

6. Hi, Jean! You look unhappy. ____________?

  A. What did you happen  B. What you happened

 C. What happened to you  D. Did you happen what

7. I didn’t expect ________anything enjoyable at all.

  A. saw    B. see    C. seeing    D. to see

8. —Well, you look so happy!  --Because I got a good ________.

A. work B. news C. job

9.—What do you  _______  the movie? —It is very educational.
      A. think of      B. like     C. like of    D. think
10. We waited an hour for Jack, but he didn’t ________.

  A. appear    B. get    C. arrived    D. come out

11. His new book ________last weekend.

  A. came out    B. came up    C. came in    D. came to

12. It’s cold outside. You’d better _________more clothes.

  A. put on    B. wear    C. dress    D. dress up

13.At the party, Lucy  _______  like a Mickey Mouse to make us  ________  .
     A. dressed up, laugh     B. dressed up, to laugh C. dressed on, laugh      D. dressed on, to laugh
14.There isn’t  ______  in today’s newspaper.
      A. something new      B. new something  C. anything new       D. new anything
15.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons  _____ ,he became ______  .
     A. successful, successful     B. successfully, successfully

 C. successful, successfully   D. successfully, successful

16.My roommate often asks me ______ her to play chess.

A. teach           B. teaching          C. to teach

17.--- Don’t forget ______ my parents when you are in Beijing.  ---OK! I won’t.

A. to see            B. sees             C. seeing

18. They arrived ________Beijing _________the morning of May 10.

  A. at, in    B. at, on    C. in, in    D. in, on

19—Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I ___  on the phone.

  --Oh, sorry ,mom. 

A. talked B. talk C. am talking

20--The cake is too expensive. Would you like to show me a _______one?

   --Sure. Here you are.

    A. cheap       B. cheaper C. cheapest


1.talk, shows, do, what, of, you, think


2.find, on, the ,I, is, out, around, hope, world, to, what ,going

3.news, you watch, do, the, want, to


4.best, always, he, was, others, to, try, to, help, ready, his

5.hope, I, to, day, reporter, a, one ,TV, be

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