



1. She will be a teacher       two years.

  A on             B after                 C in            D at

2. Please pass me two         .

  A pieces of paper      B pieces of papers     C piece of paper     D piece of papers

3. –Will this kind of trees live        1,000 years?  -Yes, they      .

  A to; are             B to be; are           C to; will           D to be; will

4. If there are       people driving, there will be       air pollution.

  A less; less            B less; fewer         C fewer; fewer       D fewer; less

5. We will use       people and       money to finish the work.

  A fewer; fewer         B less; less           C fewer; less        D less; fewer

6. –Did you go shopping on May 1st?  -No,        too many people in the shop.

  A There is              B There are          C There were       D There was

7. The book is very        to us.

  A useful               B use               C usefully          D usefulness

8.–Let me help you to carry the box.   –No, thanks. I can do it by        .

  A me                  B my               C mine            D myself

9. Though she lives in the forest       , she doesn’t feel       .

  A lonely; lonely         B alone; alone        C lonely; alone     D alone; lonely

10. I hear that         an English contest in our school next week.

  A there is               B there are           C there will have   D there will be

11. –Do you know        ?   -Sorry, I don’t.

  A where does Jimmy work                     B where Jimmy works   

 C How does Jimmy go to work                 D What does Jimmy do

12. I don’t know        .

  A when they will come               B when will they come  

  C when they to come                 D they when to come

13. The old man left his house         a cold winter morning.

  A in                    B at                C on              D of

14. –Who is         running star in your college?  - I think Philip is.

  A famous                 B more famous     C the most famous   D less famous

15.         people are watching the football game on TV.

  A Two thousands         B Two thousands of     C Thousand of    D Thousands of

16. The sign made us       safe.

  A feel                 B feels              C felt           D to feel

17. He seemed       what had happened.

  A to know             B knows             C know          D knowing

18. It seems         everyone loves to bowl.

  A if                   B when              C what           D that

19. The window          by someone last night.

  A break                B were broken         C is broken        D was broken

20. The boy is interested in       model planes.

  A make                 B makes              C to make          D making

21. If they come, we        a meeting.

  A have            B will have            C had             D would have

22. He       to us as soon as he gets there.

  A writes            B has written           C will write         D wrote

23 If it       tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.

  A isn’t rain          B doesn’t rain         C won’t rain        D don’t rain

24. There       a birthday party this Friday.

  A will have          B will be            C are going to be     D is going to have  

25. It        the year of the house next year.

  A is going to be       B is going to          C will be            D will is

26. -       will the new school be finished?  -In two years.

  A How long           B How far            C How often        D How soon

27. Julia is busy         the plan for the sports meeting.

 A to make            B making          C make        D makes

28. My best friend gave me        about my study.

 A some advice        B some advices     C many advices    D lots of advices

29. I need        some money for my family.

 A to get             B gets             C getting          D got

30. –What should I do?  -       you could you get        part-time job.

 A Maybe; a           B May be; /        C Really; a        D Really; /

31. You shouldn’t       here. The baby      .

 A play; sleeping     B to play; is sleeping   C plays; sleeps    D play; is sleeping

32. Would you please      this evening?

 A cal up me         B call me up         C call on me        D call me in

33. He doesn’t want to talk with me      the phone.

 A in               B on               C with             D for

34. He often goes to school by bike       it rains.

 A besides           B except            C beside          D except when

35.-Can you hear me? –No, I can’t. Would you please speak       ?

 A clearly enough        B clear enough      C enough clear      D enough clearly

36. It is      to work out this problem. You needn’t go to ask the teacher.

 A enough easy         B easy enough       C easily enough     D enough easily

37. –Do you study Japanese or French?  -      , I like foreign languages.

 A both             B all               C either            D neither

38. –The books are so nice, which one can I take?

   -Oh, you can take      of them. I’ll keep none.

 A both                B all              C neither           D either

39. Here are two apples. You may take       of them. But leave one for your brother.

 A both                B all              C either            D no

40. -Oh, my God, I really don’t know       next. –What’s wrong? Can I help you?

A what to do it       B how to do        C what to do        D how going it

41. The style of you dress is      mine.

A as same as         B the same as        C same as       D as same

42. The room is big enough for 20 people      .

 A living             B to live            C to live in       D lives

43. Last time you      the umbrella at school. Today you mustn’t      it any more.

 A forgot; leave        B left; leave        C forgot; forgot    D left; forget

44. Sorry, you speak       quickly     I can’t follow you.

 A too; to             B so; that            C as; to         D such; that

45. Yesterday I went to the library. Henry went there,      .

 A either               B too              C also           D as well

46. Your friend is      than you, so you should be as      as him.

 A popular; friendlier                 B more popular; friendly  

C more popular; friendlier            D popular; friendly

47. Charle’s cousin is the same age        him. They get on well       each other.

 A for; in                B as; on           C as; in          D as; with

48. I am looking for Mrs Green. She forgets to       her bill.

A cost for               B pay for          C pay in         D cost in

49. –I’m sorry I broke the window. – I’m afraid you have to        it.

 A look for               B get back         C cut up          D pay for

50. Today is Thursday. I have       things to do. In fact, I am used to      it.

 A a lot of; doing            B a lots of; do     C a lot of; did    D lots of; done

51. Tom’s jacket is black.      is blue.

 A I                      B My             C Me           D Mine

52. I’m afraid there is       for all of us in the room.

 A not many room    B no rooms    C not enough rooms   D not enough room

53. –Can I talk to you for a minute?  -Sure. I have       time.

 A a few              B little             C few          D a little

54. Kate won the       race in the summer sports meeting.

 A 100-meter          B 100-meters        C100 meter        D100 meters

55. –Would you please      your storybook      me?

   -Sure, but you must return it to me before Wednesday .

 A borrow; from         B keep; for         C lend; to         D buy; for

56. In the future, people       to work. They’ll work at home on computers.

 A will go               B won’t go          C didn’t go          D went

57. The river is very dirty.       People go to swim in it.

 A Few                  B A few            C Little            D A little

58. –Will there be a few building near to school.   –Yes,       .

 A it will                 B there will          C they will        D I will

59. May I        your telephone for a while?

 A borrow                B lend              C use            D take

60. There will be       in the future.

 A more pollution          B less trees      C little pollutions    D many pollution

61. In the future kids will study       home       computers.

 A on; on                 B at; to           C at; on           D at; from

62. These magazines are      . You shouldn’t pay money for them.

 A free           B cheap           C expensive           D important

63. –When will your father come back?   -      a week.

 A For           B After             C At                 D In

64. It        them a year to build the tall building.

 A used           B spent            C took               D found

65. He is       a good teacher. We all like him.

 A a such          B such a            C so a               D so

66. Changjiang river is one of       in the world.

 A long            B longer            C longest            D the longest

67. Jim        in the library. I saw his there just now.

 A maybe           B may be           C can               D might is

68. His sister is too young to        herself.

 A dress             B wear            C put on             D have

69. He has the same haircut as Tom     .

 A has               B does             C is                D do

70. I think physics is      than math.

 A a bit difficult      B much difficult   C a bit more difficult   D the most difficult

71. He found      difficult      him to finish the homework on time.

 A that; to            B it; for           C it; of             D that; for

72. Does everyone      have something to say?

 A other               B another           C else            D others

73. Mr Smith eats       meat, so he is       fat now.

 A too much; too much B much too; much too C too much; much too D much too; too much

74. I have        homework to do tonight.

 A too much            B too many        C many too       D much too

75. There are        rules in my family.

A too much            B too many        C many too       D much too

76. She looks very busy. I want to help her, but I don’t know       .

 A how to do            B how to do it      C what to do it     D why to do

77. After the discussion, the students asked their teacher       next.

 A which to do           B how to do        C what to do      D where to do

78. I think you should borrow some money       your friends.

 A form                 B to              C for             D in

79. –May I use your dictionary, please?   -Of course, but please     it as soon as possible.

 A take                  B give            C bring           D return

80. –Why are you unhappy?   -Because I       the English exam.

 A passed                 B didn’t fail         C went through      D failed

81. He gave us       on studying English.

 A an advice               B some advices      C some advice       D many advice

82. –What good weather! Let’s go boating on the lake.  -      .

 A That’s all right   B Thank you very much   C It doesn’t matter  D That’s a good idea

83. -        ?   -Nothing serious, but a bit tired.

 A What’s wrong with you  B what’s matter with you   C what’s the up   D what’s this

84. Mary doesn’t like singing, and she doesn’t like dancing,     .

 A too                  B either            C also               D neither

85. I’ve got       to pay for a taxi.

 A enough money   B money enough    C enough moneys    D moneys enough

86. My friend is angry with me. What should I       to him?

 A say               B tell              C speak            D talk

87. –Please bring your homework to school tomorrow, Steven.  - OK, I     

 A will  B won’t    C do  D don’t

88.      girls took part in the Super Girl Competition, but only few of them succeeded.

 A One millions of       B Millions of      C Two millions    D Million of

89. –Look! The man at the gate       be our headmaster. He is always standing there every morning.

  -No, it      be him. He is holding a meeting in the office now.

 A must; can’t          B must; mustn’t        C can’t; can’t      D can’t; mustn’t

90. –Do you like drinking coffee?  -Yes, I do.     , my mother likes tea.

 A But                B If                 C However         D Or

91. At last, he      who broke the window.

 A find               B find out             C looked for        D found out

92. It rained heavily this morning, but      of my classmates were late for school.

 A neither              B none               C all              D each

93. We       them and        yesterday’s soccer match.

 A won; beat           B won; won           C beat; won        D beat; beat

94. –Have a good school trip!  -      .

 A You’re welcome       B Don’t say it      C The same to you     D Thank you

95. –Have a good weekend, Tom.

A You’re welcome       B Don’t say it      C The same to you     D Thank you

96. –Would you like       to eat?        -No, thanks. I’m full now.

 A other something      B something other     C something else   D else something

97. What      did he do last Sunday?

 A others               B else              C other            D another

98.      the end of the day, we were tired but happy.

 A In                  B At                C Of              D For

99. Jake      the first prize in yesterday’s singing competition.

 A wins                 B won              C beats             D beat

100. Was the food      ?

 A well                  B good             C badly             D terribly

101.       my next day off, I want to go swimming.

 A In                     B Of               C On              D At

102. He       his coat and then went out.

 A is wearing               B wore             C put on            D puts on

103. –How long did you      drawing this picture?   -Five days.

A spend                   B take             C spent             D cost

104.-How long does it      you to get from your home to school?

A spend                   B take             C spent             D cost

105.        is very helpful and important to eat a balanced diet.

 A It                      B That             C This               D They

106. He didn’t       the football team last term.

 A take part in              B join             C  joined          D take part

107. Tom       an English party last night.

A took part in              B joined             C  join         D take part in

108. He is     unusual singer. He enjoys playing     golf and      guitar. (a/an/the/填空)

109. –Don’t you think all the programs are good?

-      . Some of the programs are interesting, but others aren’t.

 A Yes, I do        B Yes, I don’t          C No, I do         D No, I don’t

110. Mr Brown asked us to stop       and we stopped      to him at once.

 A taking; to listen   B to talk; listen    C talking; listening   D to talk; to listen

111. He could hum songs and difficult        .

 A piece of musics   B pieces of musics  C pieces of music  D piece of music.

112. He       born      April 4, 1978.

 A was; in          B were; on            C is; in         D was; on

113. The box is too heavy      .

 A to carry           B to carry it          C carrying      D carrying it

114.       the age of five, he started to learn the piano.

 A On               B With               C In           D At

115. I have never read        English story before.

 A such an            B so a               C good an       D a well

116. Mr Li       nothing at the meeting, because he can’t        English.

 A says; speak         B say; talk           C talks; say       D tells; speak

117. There are a lot      people today than yesterday.

 A of                B most              C many           D more

118. It’s raining hard. You’d better       home.

 A leave             B not leave           C to leave         D not to leave

119. It rained yesterday, and we stopped playing basketball        the rain.

 A because           B  because of         C so             D so of

120. we stopped playing basketball        it rained yesterday.

 A because           B  because of         C so             D so of

121. For      are you waiting?   For Tom and      ?

 A who, I            B who, me            C whom, me       D whom, I

122. I have too much homework to do today, so I        stay at home.

 A must               B have to            C has to          D must to

123.      late for the meeting next time. Sorry, I won’t.

 A Don’t               B Don’t be           C Won’t be       D Be not  

124. –Must I go home now?   -No, you      .

 A needn’t              B can’t              C mustn’t        D have to

125.      do you go to the movies?   -Every Saturday.

 A How often            B How long          C How far        D How soon

126. Tom is       in the book, because the book is     .

 A interest, interest  B interesting, interested  

C interested, interesting D interest, interested

127. Jim is      taller than John.

 A more               B a few          C a little            D most

128. Her parents      friendly      us.

 A are both, to          B both are, to      C both are, for       D are both, for

129. This problem is       that one.

 A as more difficult as   B as most difficult as  C so difficult as  D as difficult as

130. My jacket is longer than     .

 A her                 B him             C she            D hers

131. You speak English as well as Tom     .

 A is                 B speaks              C does          D do

132. I can type       than her.

 A much faster         B more faster          C fast          D fastest  

133. The weather is warmer in Beijing than      in Shanghai.

 A this               B that                 C those         D one

134. The population in Shanghai is larger than      in Beijing.

 A one                 B it                 C that           D those

135. The apples in this tree are bigger than      in that one.

 A one                 B it                 C that           D those

136. Tom is taller than       in his class.

 A any student        B any students    C any other student   D any other students

137. Shanghai is larger than       in Africa.

 A any city            B any cities         C any other city      D any other cities

138. Your pen is on the ground. Please      .

 A pick it up           B pick up it         C pick them up       D pick up them

139. –Would you like       ?  -Thank you, but I’m not hungry.

 A some tea           B some mooncakes      C any mooncakes      D any tea

140. There are many       in the hospital.

 A women doctors    B women’s doctors  C woman doctors   D woman’s doctors

141. There are some       in Wenzhou.

A shoe factories   B shoes factories       C shoe’s factories  D shoe’s factory

142. Here’s a recipe      a pizza.

 A with              B at              C for               D on

143.Korea is       the north-east of China.

 A in                 B to              C on               D at

144. Hong Kong is      the south of China, and Macao is      the west of Hong Kong.

 A to; to               B to; in           C in; to             D in; in

145. Of all the students, Li Ming is       to Mr Zhang.

 A close              B closer           C the closest         D the most closest

146. The Yellow River is the second       river in China.

 A longer               B longest          C the longest         D long 

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