

Toolbox  |  Blockly  |  Google Developers


The toolbox is the side menu from whence the user may create new blocks.The structure of the toolbox is specified with XML, which may be either a treeof nodes, or a string representation. This XML is passed to Blockly when it isinjected into the page. If you don't like typing XML manually, we recommend that you check out Blockly Developer Tools. With it, you canconstruct a toolbox and automatically generate its toolbox XML using a visualinterface.

Here is a minimal example, using a tree of nodes:

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <block type="controls_if"></block>
  <block type="controls_whileUntil"></block>
  var workspace = Blockly.inject('blocklyDiv',
      {toolbox: document.getElementById('toolbox')});

Here is the same example, using a string representation:

  var toolbox = '<xml>';
  toolbox += '  <block type="controls_if"></block>';
  toolbox += '  <block type="controls_whileUntil"></block>';
  toolbox += '</xml>';
  var workspace = Blockly.inject('blocklyDiv', {toolbox: toolbox});

Both of the above create the same toolbox with two blocks:

If there are a small number of blocks, then they may be displayed without anycategories (as in the minimal example above). In this simple mode all theavailable blocks are shown in the toolbox, there are no scrollbars on the mainworkspace, and the trashcan is not needed.


The blocks in the toolbox may be organized in categories. Here are twocategories ('Control' and 'Logic'), each of which contain three blocks:

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <category name="Control">
    <block type="controls_if"></block>
    <block type="controls_whileUntil"></block>
    <block type="controls_for">
  <category name="Logic">
    <block type="logic_compare"></block>
    <block type="logic_operation"></block>
    <block type="logic_boolean"></block>

Below is the resulting toolbox, with the 'Logic' category clicked so that thethree logic blocks in the flyout may be seen:

The presence of categories changes Blockly's UI to support larger applications.Scrollbars appear, allowing for an infinitely large workspace. A trashcanappears. Context menus contain more advanced options such as adding comments orcollapsing blocks. All of these features may be overridden using theconfiguration options.

Each category can be assigned a colour using the optional colour attribute.Note the British spelling. The colour is a number (0-360) defining the hue.

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <category name="Logic" colour="210">...</category>
  <category name="Loops" colour="120">...</category>
  <category name="Math" colour="230">...</category>
  <category name="Colour" colour="20">...</category>
  <category name="Variables" colour="330" custom="VARIABLE"></category>
  <category name="Functions" colour="290" custom="PROCEDURE"></category>

This colour appears as a rectangle to the left of the category, and ashighlighting for the currently selected category:

Dynamic categories

There are two categories that have special behaviours. Variable and functioncategories are defined with no contents, but with a 'custom' property of'VARIABLE' or 'PROCEDURE' respectively. These categories will be populatedautomatically with the appropriate blocks.

<category name="Variables" custom="VARIABLE"></category>
<category name="Functions" custom="PROCEDURE"></category>

Note: The word 'procedure' is used throughout the Blockly codebase, but theword 'function' has since been found to be more understandable by students.Sorry for the mismatch.

Developers may also use the custom property to create dynamically populatedflyout categories. For example, to create a flyout with a custom set of colourblocks:

  • Create a category with a custom property.

    <category name="Colours" custom="COLOUR_PALETTE"></category>
  • Define a callback to provide the category contents. This callback should takein a workspace and return an array of XML block elements.

     * Construct the blocks required by the flyout for the colours category.
     * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace this flyout is for.
     * @return {!Array.<!Element>} Array of XML block elements.
    myApplication.coloursFlyoutCallback = function(workspace) {
      // Returns an array of hex colours, e.g. ['#4286f4', '#ef0447']
      var colourList = myApplication.getPalette();
      var xmlList = [];
      if (Blockly.Blocks['colour_picker']) {
        for (var i = 0; i < colourList.length; i++) {
          var blockText = '<xml>' +
              '<block type="colour_picker">' +
              '<field name="COLOUR">' + colourList[i] + '</field>' +
              '</block>' +
          var block = Blockly.Xml.textToDom(blockText).firstChild;
      return xmlList;
  • Register the callback on the workspace.

      'COLOUR_PALETTE', myApplication.coloursFlyoutCallback);

Tree of Categories

Categories may be nested within other categories. Here are two top-levelcategories ('Core' and 'Custom'), each of which contain two sub-categories,each of which contain blocks:

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <category name="Core">
    <category name="Control">
      <block type="controls_if"></block>
      <block type="controls_whileUntil"></block>
    <category name="Logic">
      <block type="logic_compare"></block>
      <block type="logic_operation"></block>
      <block type="logic_boolean"></block>
  <category name="Custom">
    <block type="start"></block>
    <category name="Move">
      <block type="move_forward"></block>
      <block type="move_backward"></block>
    <category name="Turn">
      <block type="turn_left"></block>
      <block type="turn_right"></block>

Note that it is possible for a category to contain both sub-categories andblocks. In the above example, 'Custom' has two sub-categories ('Move' and'Turn'), as well as a block of its own ('start').

Categories are shown collapsed by default when Blockly is loaded, but acategory may be expanded with <category name="..." expanded="true">.

Block Groups

The XML may contain customized blocks, or groups of blocks. Here are four blocks:

  1. A simple logic_boolean block:
  2. A math_number block that has been modified to display the number 42 instead of the default of 0:
  3. A controls_for block that has three math_number blocks connected to it:
  4. A math_arithmetic block that has two math_number shadow blocks connected to it:

Here is the code to generate these four blocks in a toolbox:

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <block type="logic_boolean"></block>

  <block type="math_number">
    <field name="NUM">42</field>

  <block type="controls_for">
    <value name="FROM">
      <block type="math_number">
        <field name="NUM">1</field>
    <value name="TO">
      <block type="math_number">
        <field name="NUM">10</field>
    <value name="BY">
      <block type="math_number">
        <field name="NUM">1</field>

  <block type="math_arithmetic">
    <field name="OP">ADD</field>
    <value name="A">
      <shadow type="math_number">
        <field name="NUM">1</field>
    <value name="B">
      <shadow type="math_number">
        <field name="NUM">1</field>

The XML for these customized blocks or groups is the same as Blockly's XML saveformat. Thus, the easiest way to construct the XML for such blocks is to use theCode applicationto build the blocks, then switch to the XML tab and copy the result. The x,y, and id properties are ignored by the toolbox and may be stripped out.

Shadow blocks

Shadow blocks are placeholder blocks that perform several functions:

  • They indicate the default values for their parent block.
  • They allow users to type values directly without needing to fetch a number or string block.
  • Unlike a regular block, they get replaced if the user drops a block on top of them.
  • They inform the user of the type of value expected.

Shadow blocks cannot be constructed with the Code application directly. Insteadone can use regular blocks, then change <block ...> and </block> in the XMLto <shadow ...> and </shadow>.


Adding a <sep></sep> tag between any two categories will create a separator.

By default every block is separated from its lower neighbour by 24 pixels.This separation may be changed using the 'gap' attribute, which will replace the default gap.

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <block type="math_number"></block>
  <sep gap="32"></sep>
  <block type="math_arithmetic">
    <field name="OP">ADD</field>
  <sep gap="8"></sep>
  <block type="math_arithmetic">
    <field name="OP">MINUS</field>

Adjusting the gaps between blocks allows one to create logical groups of blocksin the toolbox.

Buttons and Labels

You can put a button or label anywhere you can put a block in the toolbox.

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <block type="logic_operation"></block>
  <label text="A label" web-class="myLabelStyle"></label>
  <label text="Another label"></label>
  <block type="logic_negate"></block>
  <button text="A button" callbackKey="myFirstButtonPressed"></button>
  <block type="logic_boolean"></block>

.myLabelStyle>.blocklyFlyoutLabelText {
  font-style: italic;
  fill: green;

You may specify a CSS class name to apply to your button or label.In the above example, the first label uses a custom style, while the secondlabel uses the default style.

Buttons should have callback functions; labels should not. To set the callbackfor a given button click, use

yourWorkspace.registerButtonCallback(yourCallbackKey, yourFunction).

Your function should accept as an argument the button that was clicked.The "Create variable..." button in the variable category is a good example of abutton with a callback.


Blocks in a toolbox may be inividually disabled using the optional disabledattribute:

<xml id="toolbox" style="display: none">
  <block type="math_number"></block>
  <block type="math_arithmetic"></block>
  <block type="math_single" disabled="true"></block>

Disabling blocks may be used to restrict the user's choices. Perhaps advancedblocks might be unlocked after certain achievements.

Changing the Toolbox

The application may change the blocks available in the toolbox at any time witha single function call:


As was the case during initial configuration, newTree may either be a tree ofnodes, or a string representation. The only restriction is that the mode cannotbe changed; that is if there were categories in the initially-defined toolboxthen the new toolbox must also have categories (though the categories may change).Likewise, if the initially-defined toolbox did not have any categories, then thenew toolbox may not have any categories.

Be aware that at this time updating the toolbar causes some minor UI resets:

  • In a toolbox with categories, the flyout will close if it was open.
  • In a toolbox without categories, any fields changed by the user (such as a dropdown) will revert to the default.
  • Any toolbox so long that it extends beyond the page will have its scrollbar jump to the top.

Here is a live demo of a tree with categories and block groups.

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