

七年级上Unit 7 词汇、句型、语法专练

七年级上Unit 7 词汇、句型、语法专练


1. Thanks a lot for your great help. You’re w_____.

2. This sweater is too short. Can you show me a l_____ one?

3. What color do you want? I like the sweater in y______.

4. Alan’s mom b____ her nice clothes every birthday.

5. How m____ are those socks on sale? They're $5 each.

6. Hua Xing Clothes Store sells t-shirts in all c_____ today.

7. Can I h____ you? Yes, please. I want  a blue sweater.

8. Does you father have s________ every day?

9. This is a c_____ store. It sells T-shirts in all colors now.

10. Jack is 20 years old now. Today is his t______ birthday.

11. What’s the p_____ of your new pants? It's $ 58.

12. Come and see for y______. All the clothes are on sale here.

13. We have sports socks and we only sell for $ 5 e______.

14. We have sports clothes at a very good p_________.

15. Anybody in our class can a_____ an English dictionary.

(1. welcome   2. long   3. yellow   4. buys   5. much  

6. colors    7. help   8. sports   9. clothes   10. twentieth

11. price   12. yourself   13.each   14. price   15. afford)


1. 以便宜的价格__________________

2. 需要运动用包__________________

3. 各种颜色的体恤衫________________ 

4. 付得起钱______________________

5. 亲自_________________________ 

6. 让某人做某事__________________

7. 从……到……  _________________

8. 在……方面帮助某人_____________

9. 帮助某人做某事_________________       

10. 廉价销售;出售________________

 (1. at a very good price  2. need bags for sports

3. T-shirts in all colors   4. afford the prices

5. for yourself          6. let sb. do sth.

7. from…to…          8. help sb. with sth.

9. help sb. (to) do sth.    10. on sale


1. How much ____ the sports shoes in black, mom? It's $56.

    A. are   B. is    C. am    D. be 

2. Come ____ buy school things ____ Bai Yi’s great sale.

   A. to; in    B. to; at    C. for; at    D. for; with   

3. What do you usually eat ____ breakfast ____ 7 in the morning?

   A. on; at   B. about; around  C. for; at   D. at; or

4. Look. Those pants ____ all colors are  ____ sale this weekend.

   A. with; on    B. in; for   C. of; at   D. in; on

5. Some people take a bus to work, because  they can’t _____ a car.

   A. afford    B. play    C. have    D. like

6. Eric doesn’t really want her mom ____ any clothes on sale.

    A. buy    B. buying    C. to buy    D. buys

7. Thanks a lot for ____ me with my homework.

    A. help    B. helps    C. to help    D. helping

8. Miss Miller will ____ some new music CDs.

    A. want    B. like    C. bring    D. take

9. Can you show us how ____ things online(网上)?

     A. to sell    B. sell    C. selling    D. sells

1 0. Each of us ____ healthy food every day.

      A. want    B. needs    C. need    D. needing

11. —____ people like to buy clothes on sale?

     —Around 280.

A. How much          B. How about   

C. How many          D. How old

12. ____ of them has a big collection of sports.

      A. Some    B. Many    C. Each    D. Every

13. The new store sells pants ____ all colors  ____ only $50.

      A. in; at   B. in; for   C. for; with    D. for; at

14. —____ kind of ball games do you like?

      —Volleyball and tennis.

     A. What    B. Which    C. When    D. Where

15. What ____ the price of these new socks? $15.

      A. are    B. be    C. am    D. is

(1-5: ABCDA  6-10: CDDAB  11-15: CCBAD )


1. The two T-shirts are around $30. (划线)

2. How much are the pants in black. (同义句)

3. Miss Miller wants blue. (划线)

4. Can I help you? (同义句)

5. The shoes  in black are on sale. (划线)

6. She likes listening to music CDs. (划线)

7. Pauls father is teacher. (划线提问)

8. They do sports at school every day. (划线)

9. Your friends can help you with math. (划线)

10. Jim is good at playing the piano. (同义句)

(1. How much are the two T-shirts?

2. What’s the price of the pants in black?

3. What color does Miss Miller want?

4. What can I do for you?

5. Which sweaters are on sale?

6. What does the girl like doing?

7. What does Jim’s father do?/ What’s Jim’s father’s job?

8. Where do they do sports every day?

9. Who can help you with math?

10. Jim does well in playing the piano.)


ACan I _____ you?

BYes, please. I ____ a sweater.

AWhat color do you want? We have sweaters in all _____.

BGreen. How _____ is this one?

AWe sell it ____ $280.

BThat sounds too much. Do you have any on ____?

AYes. We have many on sale for $90 ____.

BOK. Can you ____ me the green one?

A____ you are.

BIll ____ it.

help; want/need; colors; much; for; sale; each;

show; Here; take/have


1. 你妈妈想要什么颜色?

2. 那两件蓝色毛衣多少钱?

3. 我把算买了这两本英语词典。

4. 这些裤子和毛衣都在廉价出售。

5. 我们以很便宜的价格出售各种颜色的体恤衫。

6. 你需要运动用包吗?亲自来看看吧。

7. 任何人都付得起我们商品的价格。

8. 在我们商店大减价期间来买衣服吧。

9. 所有这些东西都在已很低的价格出售吗?

10. 红色短裤在降价销售,25美元一条。

1. What color does your mother want?

2. How much are the two blue sweaters?/

What’s the price of the two blue sweaters?

3. I will take the two English dictionaries.

4. These pants and sweaters are all on sale.

5. We sell T-shirts in all colors at a very good price.

6. Do you need bags for sports? Come and see for yourself.

7. Anybody can afford our prices.

8. Come to buy clothes at our store's great sale.

9. Are all the things on sale at a very good price?

10. The red shorts are on sale for $25.

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