

1aart.某一、一种The more a man knows,the more he is inclined to be modest.懂得越多的人越谦虚
2ablea.能、能干、To do all that one is able to do,is to be a men;做一切能做的事,是人
to do all that one would like to do,is to be a god.做一切想做的事,是神
3ablyad.能干地、熟练地This is ably done这事干得好
4aboutad.大约、到处、在附近Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be对大多数人来说,他们下决心有多幸福就多幸福
prep.关于、在周围、在身边Fame usually comes to those who are thinking about something else荣誉通常属于那些不想成名的人
5abovead.在上面、上述、上文These are exactly the same planets as we have just mentioned above这些正是和我们刚才提及的行星一样的行星
prep.在..之上、超过True science teaches,above all,to doubt and be ignorant.真正的科学首先是教人怀疑和知道自己无知
The man is admired above all men,who is not influenced by money不为金钱所左右的人,最受人们尊敬
6acceptv.接受、同意The accepted and betrothed lover has lost the wildest charm of his当少女接受了情郎并定下终身时
maiden is her acceptance of him.对这位情郎来说,她已失去了少女野性的魅力
7accidentn.意外事件The greatest pleasure I know,is to do a good action by stealth,据我所知,最大的乐趣是暗中做好事
and to have it found out by accident.又被人偶然发现
8accordingad.按照、符合From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.各尽所能,按需分配
9achievev.取得、达到If names be not correct,language accords not with truth.名不正则言不顺
If language accords not with truth,affairs cannot achieve success.言不顺则事不成
10acrossad.从一边到另一边、宽He spoke for a long time, but his meaning did not come across.他说了很久,但还是没把意思讲明白
prep.穿/跨过、交叉、遍及The blind man smilingly declined to be helped across the street.那位盲人面带笑容地谢绝别人扶他过马路
11actn.行为、一幕、法案Anyone who acts by himself for himsesf alone harms our common cause我行我素的人势必损害我们的共同事业
12active a.活跃、主动、现役The wise man delights in water,the good man delights in mountain.知者乐水,仁者乐山
The wise man is active,the good man tranquil.知者动,仁者静
The wise man is happy,the good man enjoys a long life知者乐,仁者寿
13actorn.男演员The fans screamed with excitement when they saw the famous actor那些影迷看见那位著名演员时,激动得大喊大叫
14actressn.女演员The actress was confronted by a large group of reporters as she left当这位女演员离开剧院的时候,遇上一大群记者
the theater.
15actulaa实际、现实、事实上The smallest actual good is better than the most magnificent 最微小的实际好处也比无法实现的最堂皇的许诺强
promises of impossibilities.
16addv.加、增加、附言We're here to add what we can to life, 我们要尽可能为生活增加一些东西
not to get what we can from it而不是从中索取什么
17addressn.通讯处、地址The policeman demanded his name and address警察要求他说出姓名和住址
v.写地址、演说、称呼If a man wants his wife to pay attention to what he says,要妻子留心自己所说的话
he addresses his remarks to another woman男人只要把这话对其他女人说就行了
18admirev.赞赏、钦佩、羡慕We always like those who admire us我们往往喜欢那些赞美我们的人
we do not always like those whom we admire而未必喜欢那些我们赞美的人
19admitv.允许进入、承认、容纳Nature admits no lie自然界不容假象
20advancev.前进、提前、向前移Knowledge advances by steps,and not by leaps知识的增长靠日积月累,并非一蹴而就
n.进步、货款、预付之款Men who do not make advances to women 不追求女人的男人
are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them就容易成为追求他们的女人的牺牲品
21adventuren.冒险、奇遇Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly婚姻是懦夫能参加的惟一的冒险
22advicen.劝告、忠告、建议To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it采纳好的忠告比提出好的忠告更加需要智慧
23affairn.事、事务、事件A woman does not want her love offairs talked about.女人不愿让人谈论她的风流韵事
Yet she wants everybody to know someone loves her却愿让每个人都知道有人在爱她
24affordv.有时间(金钱)做某事There is no comfort in adversity sweeter than art affords世上没有任何一种东西比艺术会给身处逆境的人
25afraida.害怕、畏惧In this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it在这个世界上,对于害怕危险的人总是有危险的
26afterprep.在.之后、追赶/求、依照It is as hard to get a man to stay home after you're married him婚后要男人呆在家里就像婚前要他回家一样难
as it was to get him go home before you married him
ad.之后、在后面、后来I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after我只知道所谓道德就是你事后感觉良好的东西
and what is immoral is what you feel bad after.所谓不道德是你事后感觉不好的东西
27againad.再一次、又一次、重新Lost time is never found again,and what we call time enough always时间一去不复返
proves little enough.我们常说时间充足,实际证明却总是不够
28aginstprep.反对、逆着、冒着The desire for safety stands against every great
预防、靠着、与.对比and noble enterprise对安全的渴望依赖于每一次伟大而崇高的探索
29agen.年龄、老年、时代The future is just old age and illness and pain …未来是年事已高、疾病和痛苦…
时期、很长时间I must have peace and health.我一定要拥有平和与健康
This is the only way这是唯一的路
v.变老、长大One cannot help being old,but one can resist being aged人无法不老,但是可以抵制衰老
30agoad.…以前It is thought that millions of years ago this liquid mass人们认为,数百万年前
pushed upward through cracks in the earth's crust这些液态熔岩通过地壳的裂缝部出地面
31agreev.赞同、与…相符、投合The man who agrees with everybody 对于一切都同意的人
is not worth having anybody agree with him不值得任何人去同意他
32agreementn.同意、一致、协定It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom保持活力的是冲突而不是绝对的一致
alive.In a free country there will always be conflicting ideas,在一个自由的国家里总会有各种相冲突的思想
and this is a source of strength.而这正是力量的源泉
33agriculturen.农业、农学In most of our country,我国的大部分地区
agriculture still depends on whether there is enough timely rain农业仍然要依赖有无充足的及时雨
34aheadad.在前面、在前头、向前It is always wise to look ahead,往前看总是明智的
but difficult to look farther than you can see但要高瞻远瞩却是困难的
35aimv.瞄准、计划Don't aim for success if you want it如果你想成功,不要去追求它
just do what you love and beliveve in it,做你喜欢的工作并相信它
and it will come naturally.成功自然会到来
n.目标、目的An aim in life is the only fortune worth finding.人生的目标,是唯一的值得寻找的财富
36airn.空气、天空、气氛Politeness is like an air cushion:礼貌像只气垫
态度、神态、风度there may be nothing in it,里面可能什么也没有
but it eases our jolts wonderfully但是却能奇妙地减少颠簸
v.发表、Their new findings will be aired at the Glasgow meeting他们的新发现将在格拉斯哥
on the therapy of AIDS举行的爱滋病疗法的会议上宣布
37airfieldn.飞机场Soon afterwards,后来不久
the balloon began to descend and it landed near an airfield那只气球开始下降了,结果它在一个机场附近着陆
38airportn.飞机场I live near an airport and passing planes can be heard我住在一个飞机场附近
night and day白天黑夜都能听到飞机飞的的声音
39alivea.活着的、有活力The tree is happy because it is scarcely sentient;树木是幸福的,因为它没有知觉
充满…的the rock is happier still,it feels nothing,岩石更加幸福,因为它甚至没有感觉
there is no pain as great sa being alive,而活着的痛苦则巨大无比
the burden is heavier than that of conscious life其压力比生活还沉重
40alla.全部、整个、所有的Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries 工作是治疗人间一切疾病和厄运的灵丹妙药
that ever beset mankind
pron.全体、全部、一切All for one, one for all人人为我,我为人人
41allocatev.分配、配给Even though the Red Cross had allocated a large sum for 尽管红十字会拨出了很大笔钱救济灾民
the relief of the sufferers of the disaster,many people perished但是仍有很多人死亡了
42allowv.允许、同意给予、承认Stratagems ever were allowed of in love and war在爱情和战争中任何策略都是允许的
43almostad.几乎、将近、差一点就A marriage without conflicts is almost as inconceivable as 婚姻生活中没有冲突
a nation without crises就犹如一个国家没危机一样令人不可思议
44alonea.单独、孤独、只有If a man does not make new acquaintance as he advances through life,如果一个人在一生中不结交新朋友
he will soon find himself alone他不久就会发现自己很孤独
ad.独自、只有、仅仅All men are equal;所有的人都是平等的
it is not birth but virtue alone that makes the difference造成差异的不是门第,而只是美德
45alongprep.沿着A novel is a mirror walking along a main road一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子
ad.向前、伴随Along with success comes a reputation for wisdom伴随成功的是智慧的闻名遐迩
46aloudad.出声地、高声地No sensible person will read aloud in the library识大体的人是不会在图书馆出声读书的
47alreadyad.已经A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕的痛苦
48alsoad.也Anticipating pleasure is also a pleasure.预期快乐本身也是一种快乐
49althoughconj.虽然Although the world is full of suffering,虽然世界多苦难
it is full also of the overcoming of it但是苦难总是能克服的
50altogetherad.完全地、全部地Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy给人以爱的人,不应被看成是完全不幸的
Even love unreturned has its ranbow即使得不到回报,也有它的彩虹
51alwaysad.总是、永远A fool always finds a bigger fool to admire him傻瓜总能发现有比他更傻的人在赞美他
52amongprep.在…中间、被…所围绕Be tolerant among the intolerant处于偏狭的人们中间要宽容
是…之一gentle among the violent 处于风暴的人们中间要温和
and free from greed among the greedy处于贪婪的人们中间要恬淡
53amongstprep.在…中间The moral forces are amongst the most important subjects in war道德力量是战争中最重要的因素之一
54and conj.和、加上、那么A thought which does not result in action is nothing much如果说一个想法未付堵行动算不上什么
and an action which does not proceed from a thought is nothing at all那么未经考虑即采取行动就更算不上什么了
55angern.怒、愤怒Anger is seldom without an argument发怒总是有理由的
but seldom with a good one但很少有一个好的理由
56angrilyad.愤怒地、风雨交加地The gangsters advanced towards us shouting angrily暴徒们怒吼着向我们冲来
57angrya.愤怒的、狂暴的Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be,不要因为不能使别人像你希望的那样而生气
since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be因为你不能使自己像你希望的那样
58animaln.动物、兽性Animals are such agreeable friends动物是极易相处的朋友
they ask no questions它们从来不提问
they pass no criticism也从来不批评
59announcev.宣布、预告、广播The school principal announced the honor roll list校长宣布优秀学生名单
60anotherpron.又一个、再一个、另一个A passionate attachment of one nation for another 一个国家对另一个国家的感情上的依附
produces a variety of evils会使它犯各种错误
a.另一、又一、类似All progress is precarious,一切进步都是不稳定的
and the solution of one problem brings us face to face 一个问题的解决会带来另一个问题
with another problem
61answerv.回答、对..负责、He must very ignorant for he answers every question he is asked不管人家问什么问题都回答的人
n.回答、答话、答案Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers要判断一个人
62anxiousa.忧虑、不安、渴望Love is a thing full of anxious fears爱是一种充满焦虑和惶恐的东西
63anxiouslyad.We are anxiously waiting for the outcome of their discussion我们焦急地等待着他们讨论结果
64anya.一些、任何A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her男人只要不爱上女人
prep.一些、任何Diligence is the mother of good fortune,勤奋是幸运之母
and idleness,its opposite,而其对立面懒惰
never brings a man to the goal of any of his best wishes则不会使人实现任何美好愿望
ad.一些、少许、略微No man of honour ever quite lives up to his code,声望再高的人也无法完全实现自己的生活准则
any more than a moral man manages to avoid sin德行再好的人也必须避免罪恶
65anybodypron.某人、无论谁、任何人Anybody who is any good is different from anybody else任何一个有价值的人都是与其他人不同的
66anyonepron.某人、谁、任何人Anyone who acts by himslf for himself alone harms our common cause我行我素的人势必损害我们的共同事业
67anythingpron.某事、什么事、任何东西Anything will give up its secrets if you love it enough只要你爱得深
68apologizev.道歉I apologized to my friend for the delay in replying his letter没能及时回信,我向朋友表示了歉意
69appearv.出现、到达、似乎The greatest weakness of all is the great fear of appearing weak最大的软弱就是最害怕暴露自己的软弱
70applen.苹果An apple a day keeps the doctor away每日一个苹果胜过灵丹妙药
71arean.面积、地区、范围Although thi area is very poor just now,尽管这一地区现在很穷
领域its potential wealth is great但其潜在的财富是巨大的
72arguev.辨论、争论No honest man can argue both sides well诚实的人难以两面讨好
73armn.手臂、手臂状的东西I am a Queen,我是女王
but I have not the power to move my arms但我没有权力挪动我的胳膊
74armyn.军队、陆军、一大批An invasion of armies can be resisted,人们可以抵御军队的入侵
but not an idea whose time has come却无法阻止思想的传人
75aroundad.到处、在附近、向四周If we only had some God in the country's laws,如果我们国家的法律中只有某种神灵
大约、在..左右instead of being in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution,而不是殚精竭虑将神灵揉进宪法
it would be better all around总体上来说,法律会更好
prep.在..周围、在..附近、A lie can travel half way around the world 当真理刚刚穿上鞋子
绕过、各处、到处while the truth is putting on its shoes谎言就可能已经走了半个世界
76arrivaln.到达、到达的人/物A surprise awaits us on our arrival我们到的时候,等待着我们的是一件出乎意料的事
77arrivev.到达、作出、得出Take time to deliberate;做事要深思熟虑
but when the time for action arrives,但时机一到
stop thinking and go in 就要动手不要犹豫
78artn.艺术、技艺、技术Art, if it is reckoned as one of the values of life,艺术如果被视为人生中的一种有价值的东西
人文学科 pl.must teach men humility,它便必须使人谦逊
wisdom and magnanimity.睿智和宽宏大量
The value of art is not beauty,艺术的价值不是美
but right action是正当的行为
79articlen.文章、论文、物件A good article should be clear一篇好的文章应鲜明
条款、条目compact and concise紧凑、简洁
80artistn.艺术家、擅长做某事的人Art is not a handicraft艺术不是手工艺品
it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced它是艺术家所体验到的感情的传递
81asconj.像..一样、因为、同A poet looks at the world as a man looks at a woman诗人看世界犹如男人看女人
ad.和..一样、像..那样A little learning is a danerus thing,知识浅薄是危险的
pron.像..那样的人/物but a lot of ignorance is just as bad而无知同样糟糕
prep.当作…Patience serves as a protection against wrongs 忍耐可以预防错误
as clothes do against cold正如衣服可以防御寒冷
82ashameda.羞耻的,惭愧的The more things a man is ashamed of,一个人感到羞愧的事情越多
the more respectable he is越受人尊敬
83askv.问、要求、邀请Ask not what your county can do for you --不要问国家能为你做些什么--
ask what you can do for your country问一问你能为国家做些什么
84asleepa.睡着、麻木、麻痹Life at he greatest is but a forward child,再伟大的生活也不过像个孩童
that must be humored and coaxed a little till it falls asleep,得哄着骗着让他入睡,而一旦睡着
and then all the care is over便再也不用管他了
85assistantn.助手、助理、助教With regard to your request for an additional assistant,关于你要求再增加一名助手的问题
I can only say at this stage that it's being considered现在我只能说正在考虑
a.辅助、助理He became an assistant cook after he graduated from the 他在技校毕业后当上了副厨
technological school
86atprep.表时间地点  在..A married couple are well suited when both partners usually夫妇双方常常同时感到有必要争吵时
表方向  向、朝着feel the need for a quarrel at the same time他们是十分般配的一对
表动作起因  由于A fool at forty is a fool indeed人到四十还愚蠢那是真的愚蠢
在..情况下/方面A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected 一件盼望已久的事情在它终于到来的时候
表速度数量价价格 按照when at last it comes往往往是以意外的形式出现的
87attackn.攻击、进攻、攻打We don't believe in rheumatism and true love 真爱如同关节炎,只有在你初次尝到它的滋味时
until after the first attack你才会相信它的存在
v.攻击、进攻、侵袭Defend yourself when you cannot defeat the enemy,不可胜者,守
and attack the enemy when you can可胜者,攻
88attemptv.试做、尝试、企图If you are a man,如果你是个真正的男人
admire those who attempt great things,那就应去赞慕那些勇于干一番大事的人
even though they fail即便他们失败了也没关系
n.尝试、试做的事Dancing is a very crude attempt to get into the rhythm of life跳舞是追随生活韵律的天然尝试
89attendv.出席、照料、注意听There are infinitely more ideas impressed on our minds无数的思想铭刻在我们的脑中
than we can possibly attend to or perceive远远超过我们可能注意或察觉的数量
90attentionn.注意、专心If a man  wants his wife to pay attention to what he says,要妻子留心自己所说的话
立正之姿势he addresses his remarks to another woman男人只要把这话对其他女人说就行了
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