

English 看图[生活篇]

看图学英语-Living room



Living room

1. clock 时钟

2. bookshelf

3. TV 电视机

4. videotape 录影带

5. speaker 喇叭

6. TV stand 电视柜

7. DVD (digital versatile disk) player 数位影音光碟机

8. VHS player 录影机

9. stereo system 立体音响

10. magazine rack 杂志

11. magazine 杂志

12. floor lamp 立灯

13. sofa 沙发

14. cushion 靠垫;坐垫

15. picture

16. potted plant 盆栽

17. armchair 扶手椅

18. coffee table 茶几

19. newspaper 报纸

20. rug 地毯

21. remote control 遥控器

1.  What's on? 现在在演什么?
2.  Could you pass me the remote?
3.  Pass me a cushion, please.
4.  Keep your feet off the sofa.
5.  This is boring -- change the channel.
6.  Have you seen this movie?
7.  Don't tell me the ending.
8.  Who stars in this?
9.  Is this a repeat?
10.  Is this live?
11.  There are no subtitles!
12.  Turn it up a bit, please.
13.  Would you like a snack?

俚語  Slang
couch potato
the box
the tube
chill out
kick back
a quite night at home
make yourself at home
成語 Idioms
pull the rug out from under (someone's) feet
当动词是「拉;扯」的意思。rug 是「地毯;门毯」。字面上看来就是从某人的脚下把地毯抽掉,想当然耳,某人一定会因为站不稳而跌倒。 后来用在「停止某人原有的支援或资源,而且通常是突然停止」,也就是「破坏(某人)的计划」的意思。
My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project.

Dialogue 1.

John:   What are you doing tonight? 约翰︰ 你今天晚上要做什么?
Mary:   Oh, not much. I was thinking of spending a quiet night at home watching TV.
玛丽︰ 喔,没什么。我想要在家里看电视,享受一个宁静的夜晚。 
John:  Is there anything good on TV tonight?
约翰︰ 今晚有什么好看的电视节目吗?
Mary:   There's a great movie on channel seven.
玛丽︰ 第七台有一部很棒的电影。
John:  Really? What time does it start?
约翰︰ 真的?几点开始?
Mary:   Nine. Why don't you come over and watch it with my roommates and me?
玛丽︰ 九点。 你何不过来和我还有我的室友一起看?
Dialogue 2.

Danny:  Hi Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home. 尼︰ 嗨,珊卓拉。请进,不要拘束。 
Sandra:   Thanks. What are you watching?
珊卓拉︰ 谢啦。你在看什么? 
Danny:  It's a DVD I rented. It stars Jackie Chan.
尼︰ 这是我租来的 DVD。成龙主演的喔。
Sandra:  Oh yeah. I've seen this one. In the end he . . .
珊卓拉︰ 哦,这一部我看过了。最后的结局是他……
Danny:  Don't tell me the ending! I want to find out for myself!
尼︰ 先不要告诉我结局!我要自己看! 



看图学英语-Kitchen stove



Kitchen stove


2pan fry ,

3deep fry 油炸

4microwave 微波炉


6bake 烘烤

7What's cooking? 在煮什么东西

8Something is cooking. 锅子里在煮东西

9Mmm, smells good. ,闻起来很香

10What are you making? 你在做什么料理

11Let's eat in tonight. 我们晚上就在家里吃吧

12He can't cook.他不会作饭

13He's a fantastic cook. 他煮东西一流

14Be careful, that's hot! 小心,烫哦

15Don't touch that. 别碰那个

16Here, taste this. ,尝尝这个

17Oh no, I burnt the food! 糟糕,我把食物烧焦了

18It's almost ready. 快好了

19It just needs a few more minutes. 再几分钟就行了

20Turn on the oven. 把炉子打开

21Turn down the gas. 把煤气关小点

22I'm making casserole for dinner tonight. 我在煮晚上要吃的火锅


1Whip something up 速成一盘菜

2Throw something together 拼拼凑凑一锅

3Make a mean hamburger 做一个很棒的汉堡

4Slave over the stove 在厨房忙着


Cook up ( something ) 构思,策划

cook up 原指把东西加热煮熟以便食用,所以形容一个人正在cook up something即表示着这个人正在计划构思着某件事

He's cooking up a way to make some extra money.


Dialogue one

Jim: What are you cooking? 吉姆,你正在煮什么?

Lara: It's a surprise.  萨拉,这是个秘密

Jim: Well, it sure smells good. You really know how to cook. 吉姆,恩,闻起来很香,你很会煮东西哦

Lara: Thanks, Jim. Cooking is something I've enjoyed doing since I was young. 萨拉,谢谢,吉姆.我从小就喜欢煮东西

Jim: So, can I taste the surprise yet? 吉姆,那,我可以尝尝这个秘密了吗?

Lara: It'll be ready in a few minutes. Go sit down! 萨拉,再几分钟就好了,你去坐好啦。


 Dialogue two

Mom: Honey, I have to go now. Could you finish cooking the soup? 妈,亲爱的,我得走了,你可以把汤煮了吗?

Larry: Sure, mom. What do I need to do? 赖瑞,当然,妈妈,我要怎么做。

Mom: Just wait ten more minutes, then turn the gas down a little. 妈,只要等上10分钟,然后把煤气关小一点。

Larry: What do I do when it's ready? 赖瑞,然后呢?

Mom: Just turn the stove off. 妈,把炉火关掉就行了。

Larry: OK mom, no problem. See you later. 赖瑞,好妈妈,没问题,再见。






1Ouch! This water's hot! ,这水好烫

2Go take a shower. 去冲澡

3Go take a cold shower. 去冲个冷水澡

4I'll just take a quick shower. 我很快洗个澡

5I really need a shower. 我真的需要冲个澡

6We're out of shampoo! 洗发用完了

7Don't use all the hot water! 不要把热水都用完了

8It's about time! 是时候了

9Could I borrow a towel? 我可以借条毛巾吗?

10A shower would be nice. 洗个澡应该满舒服的


1I'll be out in a jiffy.我一会儿就出去了

2There's soap in my eyes! 肥皂跑到我的眼睛里了

3You've been in there for ages! 你待在那里已经很久了


as clean as a whistle 干干净净的,清清白白的

象哨子一样干净,从字面不容易看出他的意思.这个成语的来源已经有点模糊,有种说法是cleanclear的笔误,意思是清清楚楚的,到今天as clean as a whistle 主要作非常整洁的解释

Wow, look at Andy! He's as clean as a whistle! ,你看安迪,他真干净

Dialogue one

Kyle: Judy? Nicky is on the phone. 凯尔,朱蒂,尼可打电话过来

Judy: Oh, I'm just getting out of the shower. 朱蒂,哦,我正要从沐浴间出来

Kyle: Should I tell her you'll call her back? 凯尔,要不要我告诉她你等会回她电话

Judy: Yeah, tell her I'll call her back in about ten minutes. 朱蒂,好,告诉她我10分钟后给她回

Dialogue two

Mike: Ah, a cold shower would be really nice. 迈克,啊哈,冲个凉真的很爽

Cara: Yes, it has been so hot recently and you've had a long day at work.


Mike: Yeah, things were just crazy at the office. 迈克,是啊,公司的事乱七八糟的

Cara: Go ahead and take a shower now while I prepare dinner.


Mike: OK. 迈克,好



看图学英语-Bathroom sink
[ 2008-3-24 11:00:00 | By: 永恒的选择 ]


Bathroom sink

1Don't forget to brush your teeth before going to bed. 上床前别忘记刷牙

2Did you floss your teeth? 你用牙签剔牙吗?

3Does my hair look OK? 我的头发看起来怎么样?

4You look great! 很不错啊!

5Gosh! I need to get my hair cut. 天啊!我需要去剪个头发了

6Don't forget to pack your toothbrush for the trip! 别忘了带牙刷

7Stop looking at yourself in the mirror! 别再照镜子了

8Have you washed your hands?你洗手了吗?

9Don't let the faucet run! 不要让水龙头的水一直流

10Stop wasting water! 别再浪费水了

11My hair's a mess! 我的头发好乱了

12I need to freshen up.我需要梳洗一番


1To look great看起来很好

2To look tired看起来很累

3To look burned out看起来累极了

4To look like a million dollars 表面看起来很棒

5To check one's appearance 整理仪容

6To really suit somebody 真的很适合某人

7To look one's best呈现某人最好的一面


A close shave真惊险  shave用刀刮身上的毛发; close shave紧贴着皮肤刮毛发,很容易刮伤,引申为很惊险的状况

That was a close shave! That bus almost hit our car! 真的很惊险,那辆公车差点撞上我们的车

 Dialogue one

Gary: What do you think of my new haircut? 葛雷:你觉得我的新发型如何?

Sue: It really suits you! Hey, you're all dressed up. Is there a special occasion?


Gary: Oh, I have a date tonight and I want to look my best. 葛雷:今晚我有个约会,我希望我看起来很棒

Sue: Well, I think you look great. 苏:恩,我觉得你看起来棒极了

Gary: Thanks, I hope my date thinks so too! 葛雷:谢拉,我希望我的约会对象也这样认为

Dialogue two

Sam: How often do you brush your teeth? 山姆:你多久刷一次牙?

Lisa: After every meal. I want to keep my teeth healthy. 利莎:每次用餐后. 我想保持我的牙齿健康

Sam: Me too. But do you floss? My dentist says that's very important too! 山姆:我也是. 但你有使用牙线吗?我的牙医说那也很重要.

Lisa: I didn't know that. I think I'll start flossing as well. Thanks for the tip! 利莎:这个我倒不知道.我想我也要开始使用牙线了.谢谢你的建议.






1I need to use the toilet (bathroom).我想要上厕所。

2Someone's using the toilet (bathroom).有人正在用厕所。

3Someone's in the bathroom.厕所有人。

4Where is the bathroom?厕所在哪里?

5The toilet is too dirty!厕所太脏了!

6Flush the toilet.冲厕所。

7Clean the toilet.清洗厕所。

8The toilet won't flush.这马桶不能冲水。

9The toilet is clogged up. 这马桶塞住了。

10The toilet is plugged up.这马桶阻塞了。


1the john厕所

2the throne马桶

3the can马桶

4the pot马桶


go down the toilet 付诸东流,白费

All my work for the past year just went down the toilet when I was told that my project was cancelled.


Dialogue one

May: Excuse me, sir. Where is the bathroom? 梅:先生,很抱歉,请问洗手间在哪里

Man: Right over there, but, there's someone using it right now.


May: Is there another toilet I can use? 梅:还有别间可以用吗?

Man: There's one up the stairs but it's broken and won't flush. There's a public bathroom just outside and to your left.


May: Thank you. 梅:谢谢

Dialogue two

Child: Mommy, I need to go to the bathroom. 孩子:妈妈,我要上厕所

Mom: Do you need to take a number one or number two? 妈妈:你要上大号还是小号?

Child: I need to take a number two. 孩子:大号

Mom: OK, the toilet is right over there. I'll wait right here until you're done.


[ 2008-3-24 11:04:00 | By: 永恒的选择 ]




1bedtime story 床头故事

2I'm going to sleep, good night. 我要去睡觉了,晚安

3Where are my slippers? 我的拖鞋哪儿去了?

4Please turn out the lights. 请开一下灯

5We have to wash the sheets. 我们需要清洗床单

6Put your clothes on the coat hanger. 把衣服放在衣架上

7Stay on your own side of the bed. 睡你自己那边的床

8What time do you have to get up?你几点要起床?

9Stop snoring! 不要打呼了!

10Can you pass me another pillow?你能把另外一个枕头递给我吗?

11I can't fall asleep! 我睡不着

12Have you set the alarm clock?你设好闹钟了吗?

13Turn off the alarm! 把闹铃关掉



2hit the hay上床睡觉

3out like a light睡的很沉

4early bird早起的人

5night owl夜猫子

6sleep like a baby睡的很甜

7forty winks小睡片刻

8nod off打瞌睡

9hit the sack上床睡觉


Get up on the wrong side of the bed.早上起床心情就不好

get up 起床; get up on the wrong side of the bed 直接意思是起床起错边,起床为一天中的第一件事,从一开始就不顺利,心情多少会受到影响,所以get up on the wrong side of the bed 表示早上起床心情就不好,动词可代换为wake up 意思相同

Why are you in such a bad mood? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? 干嘛心情那么槽?早上起床心情就不好啊?

Dialogue one

Husband: Oh no! Look at the time! I overslept. 丈夫:噢,,看看几点了,我睡过头了!

Wife: We forgot to set the alarm clock. You'd better hurry or you'll be late for work! 妻子:我们忘记了设闹钟.你最好快点,要不然你上班就迟到了

Husband: I know. Where are my pants? 丈夫:我知道,我的短裤哪去了?

Wife: They're over there in the dresser. And your shirt is on a coat hanger. 妻子:在那边衣柜里.你的衬衣在衣架上

Dialogue two

Mom: Tony! Turn off the light and go to sleep. 妈:托尼,关灯睡觉了

Tony: But I'm not tired. Can I go watch some TV? 托尼:可我还不困,我能看会儿电视吗?

Mom: No, it's way past your bedtime and you have to get up early tomorrow. 妈:不行,你上床的时间已经超过了,而且你明天还要早起

Tony: Well, Ok. Can you read me a bedtime story before I go to sleep? 托尼:恩,好吧,那睡觉前,你能说个床边故事给我听吗?

Mom: Sure, honey. 妈:当然,宝贝


At the Gym

1. height chart 身高表

2. jump rope 跳绳

3. barbell 杠铃

4. dumbbells 哑铃

5. running machine 跑步机

6. sweatpants 运动裤

7. scale 重计

8. sweatshirt   汗衫

9. sweatband 吸汗带

10. running shoes 慢跑鞋

11. ice pack   冰敷袋

12. towel 毛巾

13. a snack 小点心

14. membership card 会员

15. sports bag 运动

16. water bottle 水壶

17. Walkman 随身听

18. locker 置物柜 


1.  stretch out 伸展运动
2.  warm-up
3.  How much do you weigh?
4.  He's a well-built guy!
5.  How much can you bench-press?
6.  Can I see your membership card please?
7.  Do you work out?
8.  Don't forget to warm up and stretch!
9.   Excuse me, is this machine free?
10.  Can you show me how this works?
11.  Is this your first time here?
12.  She's got a great figure.
13.  He's got a great body.
俚語  Slang
   My arms are killing me.
  I'm totally pumped!
  He's in shape.
  I'm totally out of shape!
  No sweat!
简单啦!( sweat︰汗;流汗)
  Piece of cake!
  He's a couch potato. 
他是一个电视迷。( couch 是「沙发椅」,potato 其实是指 potato chips「洋芋片」;长时间坐在沙发上拿著洋芋片吃并盯着电视看的人,我们称之为 couch potato 「电视迷」) 
  He's a fitness freak!
  Wow! Check out his six-pack!
成語 Idioms
 pull someone's leg
这句成语从字面上看来是「拉某人的脚」,本意就是拉扯某人脚上的其中 一样东西(如︰鞋带)而使某人跌倒,后来引申为「跟某人开玩笑;开某人玩笑」。 
I didn't win the competition -- I was just pulling your leg ! 

Dialogue 1.

John is at the health club reception desk. 
Clerk:   Good afternoon sir. How can I help you?
柜台人员︰ 午安,先生。我可以为您服务吗?
John:  Well, I'm a bit out of shape and I was thinking of joining your gym.
约翰︰ 嗯,我身材有点走样考虑加入你们的健身俱乐部。
Clerk:   Great! That's what we like to hear at Florida Fun!
柜台人员︰ 太好了!我们很喜欢在「佛罗里达俱乐部」听到这样的話!
John:  Yes, but -- how much is the membership?
约翰︰  是啊,可是──加入会员要多少錢?
Clerk:  Let me check. It's three hundred dollars per year.
柜台人員︰ 我看看。每年三百元。
John:  That doesn't seem too bad. Can I have a look around before I decide?
约翰︰ 似乎挺不错的。在決定之前我可以先四处看看吗?
Clerk:  Be my guest. Just let me know when you're ready and we'll get you signed up.
柜台人员︰ 请随我來。当您准备好请告訴我,我们将会让您加入会员。  
 Dialogue 2.

Tommy and Alison are at the health club. It is Alison's first time. 
Tommy:   Hey Alison! What are you doing?
汤米︰ 嘿,艾莉森!你在做什么?
Alison:  What do you mean? I'm going to do some bench presses!
艾莉森︰ 你这是什么意思?我正要做一些举重(杠铃)运动! 
Tommy:  But you should warm up first -- and stretch too.
汤米︰ 可是你应该先做暖身──和伸展运动。 
Alison:  How come? What difference will it make?
艾莉森︰ 为什么?有什么差別?
Tommy:   It will stop you from injuring yourself and you won't wake up tomorrow morning with sore muscles.
汤米︰ 那可以防止你受到运动伤害,而且明天早上起床的時候才不会肌肉痛。
Alison:  Oh I see. Thanks for the tip Tommy!
艾莉森︰ 哦,我懂了。多谢指教,汤米!



看图学英语-At the clinic



At the clinic
1. thermometer 温度计
2. syringe 针筒
3. height chart 身高表
4. blood pressure gauge 血压计
5. eye drops 眼药水
6. eardrops 耳药水
7. medicine 药
8. pills 药丸
9. antibiotics 抗生素
10. painkillers 止痛药
11. beaker 烧杯
12. stethoscope 听诊器
13. scale 体重計
14. swab 棉花棒
15. antiseptic cream 消毒药膏
16. rubber gloves 橡胶手套
1. Roll up your sleeve. 卷起你的袖子。
2. Let me check your blood pressure. 让我来帮你量血压。
3. Does this hurt? 这样会疼吗?
4. How long have you had this problem? 你这个毛病有多久了?
5. Take these three times a day. 这个一天服用三次。
6. My back hurts. 我的背痛。
7. How are you feeling? 你觉得怎么样?
8. Deep breaths please! 请深呼吸!
9. You have an infection. 你得了传染病。
俚語  Slang
My leg is killing me. 我的脚痛死了。
I've been feeling a bit under the weather. 我觉得身体不太舒服。
I've got the flu. 我得了流行性感冒。
I have a runny nose. 我流鼻水。
I have the runs. 我拉肚子。
成語 Idioms
just what the doctor ordered 正合我意;正是所要的
这句成语字面上的意思是「正是医生所吩咐的」,原来是指医生所开的处方正符合病人的病情需要。日常生活中我们会用这个成语来表达对方所提供的正是我们所需要的, 也就是「正合我意」的意思。
Two weeks in Bali -- that's just what the doctor ordered.
 Dialogue 1.
Larry doesn't feel well, so he has gone to see a doctor.
Doctor: Hi, Larry! Have a seat -- what seems to be the problem? 医生︰ 嗨,赖瑞!请坐──有什么问題吗?
Larry: Well, doctor, my back hurts and I am feeling a bit under the weather. 赖瑞︰ 嗯,医生,我的背痛,而且我觉得身体有点不舒服。
Doctor: How long have you had this problem? 医生︰ 你这个问題有多久啦?
Larry: About six months. It started when I started my new job with computers. 赖瑞︰ 大概有六个月了。在我刚开始在新工作中用电脑的時候就开始了。
Doctor: It's possible that you're not sitting properly at your desk. I think you should get a new chair. 医生︰ 那很有可能是你的坐姿不良。我想你应该买一张新的椅子。
Dialogue 2.
Larry goes back to his doctor one month later.
Doctor: Hello, Larry! How are you feeling? 医生︰ 哈罗,赖瑞!你觉得怎么样?
Larry: Oh, much better. I bought a new chair as you suggested and I feel great. 赖瑞︰ 喔,好多了。我照你的建议买了一张新椅子后就觉得不错。
Doctor: I'm glad to hear that, but I would like you to come back in six months. 医生︰ 我很高兴听到这个消息,不过我希望你六个月之后再来一趟。
Larry: But I'm fine. I can assure you. 赖瑞︰ 可是我很好。我向你保证。
Doctor: You probably are, but it's still worth monitoring your progress. 医生︰ 你也许觉得不错,可是还是值得做追踪。
Larry: OK, doctor. And thank you so much for your help. 赖瑞︰ 好吧,医生。谢谢你的帮忙。

[ 2008-3-24 11:17:00 | By: 永恒的选择 ]


Christmas Tree

1. fireplace 火炉

2. candle 蜡烛

3. cookies 小饼干

4. gingerbread man 叶饼娃娃

5. snow

6. Christmas lights 圣诞灯饰

7. coal

8. milk 牛奶

9. gingerbread house 叶饼

10. star 星星

11. Christmas tree 圣诞树

12. ornament 装饰品

13. tinsel 金箔装饰品

14. stocking 长袜

15. candy cane 糖果棒

16. tree stand 树架

17. presents 礼物

1.  Christmas is coming.
2.  Merry Christmas!
3.  Santa Claus
4.  Father Christmas
5.  The North Pole
6.  Santa's helpers
7.  What would you like for Christmas?
8.  Have you done all you Christmas shopping?
俚語  Slang

"Expressing appreciation" 表达感激之情 
  What a nice thought!
  How kind of you!
  You shouldn't have!
  How wonderful!
  Thank you so much!
成語 Idioms
 burn the candle at both ends
I'm exhausted. I've been burning the candle at both ends recently.
Dialogue 1.

Tina and Jason are at the office. 蒂娜和杰森在办公室里。
Tina:   Hey Jason! Are you going to the office party?
蒂娜︰ 嘿,杰森!你要参加办公室派对吗?
Jason:  No, I'm going to bed early tonight.
杰森︰ 不了,我今晚要早点睡。
Tina:   How come? The party will be a lot of fun!
蒂娜︰ 怎么啦?派对会很好玩的!
Jason:  I know, but I've been burning the candle at both ends lately and need some sleep!
杰森︰ 我知道,可是我最近体力消耗过度,我需要补充睡眠!
Tina:  I know what you mean . . . Christmas is a very busy time of year.
蒂娜︰ 我懂你的意思了... 圣诞节是一年中非常忙碌的時节。
Dialogue 2.

Sarah is visiting her friend Adam. 莎拉拜访她的朋友亚当。
Adam:   Hi, Sarah! Come in!
亚当︰ 嗨,莎拉!请进!
Sarah:  Hi, Adam! I just came over to drop off your Christmas presents!
莎拉︰ 嗨,亚当!我特地来送你圣诞礼物! 
Adam:   Wow, Sarah! How kind of you.
亚当︰ 哇,莎拉!你真好。 
Sarah:  You're welcome, Adam . . . but don't open them now.
莎拉︰ 不客气,亚当... 可是,不要現在打开。
Adam:   No way! I almost forgot . . . my wife and I have something for you as well.
亚当︰ 当然不会罗!我差点忘了... 我太太跟我也有礼物要给你。
Sarah:  Hey, thank you, Adam. I'll put these under the tree when I get home.
莎拉︰ 嘿,谢啦,亚当。我回到家会把这些礼物放在圣诞树下。



1. ghost 鬼魂

2. witch 巫婆

3. zombie 僵尸

4. pumpkin 南瓜

5. knife

6. frying pan 平底锅

7. pumpkin seeds 南瓜种子

8. candle 蜡烛

9. lightning 闪电

10. black cat 黑猫

11. haunted house 鬼屋

12. fog

13. owl 猫头鹰

14. graveyard 墓园

15. candy 糖果

16. jack-o'-lantern (雕刻人面的)空心南瓜灯

 1.  carve
2.  eerie
3.  spooky
幽灵似的 spook︰幽灵)
4.  scary
5.  trick-or-treat!
6.  trick-or-treaters
7.  goblin
8.  costume

成语 Idioms
 cat got your tongue
字面上看来是「你的舌头被猫拿走了」,而沒有了舌头,当然就无法说话,哑口无言了。 原来主要是用在小孩子做错事而不敢说;现在已经通用在要求別人说话或发表意见,不要保持沉默。通常这句成语会以问句的形式表达。
  Why don't you say anything? Has the cat got your tongue?
Dialogue 1.
Joey:   Hey Sara! Halloween is coming up! Let's go trick-or-treating together!
乔伊︰ 嘿,莎拉!万圣节到了耶!我们一起去玩「不给糖,就完蛋」的游戏吧!
Sara:   OK! What kind of costume are you going to wear?
莎拉︰ 好啊!你要装扮成什么? 
Joey:  I'm going to be a ghost! How about you?
乔伊︰ 我要装成鬼!你呢?
Sara:   I think I'll dress up as a witch. Hey, let's go carve a jack-o'-lantern!
莎拉︰ 我想我会扮成巫婆。嘿,我们来雕刻一个空心南瓜灯吧!

Dialogue 2.
May:  Did you buy candy for the trick-or-treaters tonight?
Mark:   Yeah, I bought five full bags! It should be enough for all the kids in the neighborhood.
马克︰ 有,我买了满满五袋的糖果!分给所有邻居的小孩应该够了。 
May:  Maybe. But do you remember when we ran out of candy last Halloween?
Mark::  Ummm . . . maybe I should go buy some more candy now.
马克︰ ……也许我現在应该再去多买一点糖果。 



俚語  Slang

Last one there is a rotten egg! 最後一個到的是臭雞蛋! (兒童間競爭時的玩笑話。rotten︰腐爛的;惡臭的)
I"m all ears. 我洗耳恭聽。
Happy hunting! 尋寶愉快!(hunting 是指尋找所要的物品)

成語 Idioms

Put all one's eggs in one basket 孤注一擲
這個用字面意義是「把所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子裡」,與其用法相似的是 trust all one's goods to one ship ,都是指一個人將所有的資源都投資在一項事業,而這樣做所要冒的風險是極大的。因此 put all one's eggs in one basket 就是中文裡的「孤注一擲」。

When investing in the stock market, you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket.

Dialogue 1. Sue and her dad are going on an Easter egg hunt.
Sue: Dad, when can we start looking for Easter eggs? 蘇︰ 爸爸,我們什麼時候可以開始找彩蛋?
Dad: In a minute, honey. 爸爸︰ 過一會兒,親愛的。
Sue: I'm going to get the most Easter eggs. 蘇︰ 我會找到最多的彩蛋。
Dad: I'm sure you will. Here's your basket to put your eggs in. 爸爸︰ 我確定妳會。這是妳的籃子,把蛋放在這裡面。

Dialogue 2. Sue and Tim are on an Easter egg hunt.
Sue: How many Easter eggs do you have now? 蘇︰ 你現在有幾個復活節彩蛋了?
Tim: I have three. 提姆︰ 我有三個。
Sue: I'll trade you one for some jelly beans. 蘇︰ 我用一些彩色豆狀糖跟你換一個蛋。
Tim: I'll let you have one for one of your chocolate bunnies. 提姆︰ 我讓妳用一隻巧克力兔子換一個蛋。
Sue: OK! 蘇︰ 好啊!



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