

This Map Shows You The Drone Laws For Every Countr...

This map is now available in app form! DroneMate is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Many travelers buy a drone to shoot videos of the places they’ll be visiting but when you’re crossing international borders, not being aware of the local laws can cost you fines, hassle, the loss of your drone, or worse. Some countries, even those very popular with tourists, prohibit unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs e.g. drones) from being imported at all.

Many travelers have been caught off guard at customs and having traveled around the world with my drone, can say the rules are often confusing. A big part of this is due to a lot of hearsay and misinformation floating around online, so I got in touch with the appropriate governing bodies in every country in the world to put together this map of official laws for recreational droning worldwide.

  • Last update: November 17, 2019

You can also bookmark the map or this page to keep up with any future updates.

The map is updated regularly and only applies to recreational drone use – commercial drone use requires a permit in practically any country you can think of. I’ve also included links to registration forms and any other relevant contact information you may need before you fly your drone in a given country.

U.S. States And Special Circumstances

Several U.S. states have additional (to the Federal Aviation Administration; FAA) rules governing drone use, those have been included in the map above as well. Additionally, some specific tourist sites, parks, and other areas have their own rules concerning drone use, those have been noted as well.

Help Me Clear The Grey Areas

I’ve tried to organize the map into four main categories:

  • Green: Drone use is generally allowed.

  • Yellow: Drone use is limited or may require cumbersome registration processes.

  • Red: Drone import or use is prohibited or otherwise heavily restricted.

  • Grey: No data or there are no defined or applicable UAV laws.

Of course, not all drone regulations fit neatly into these categories so please feel free to comment if you have any questions – and in many countries, the law may say one thing, but travelers experience another. I hope that you’ll help add to this map by commenting about your experiences below. Lastly, although I’ve done my best to get the most accurate information but it’s informational and ultimately it’s your responsibility to know the rules and not get in trouble. I hope this map helps serve as a valuable guide as you travel with your drone around the world!

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