



1. It is _______ outside. Lets put on our raincoats and go out, Tom.

A. cold            B. hot             C. sunny          D. rainy

【解析】误为A。因为这里有put on,如果不注意raincoats这个词那就很可能草率地选择Araincoats是“雨衣”的意思,而不是一般的衣服,那不是因外面“冷”,而是因“下雨”才穿“雨衣”。正确答案D  

2. _______ do you _______ about spring?

The flowers and the green trees.

A. How, like      B. How, think    C. What, think   D. What, like

【解析】阱选项为ABC是由于忽略境造成的。由答The flowers and the green trees. 可知,所的是“春天的什?”而不是“你觉得春天怎么样?”。正确答案D

3. Whats your sister like?


A. She is a worker                   B. She likes pears

C. She is very thin                  D. She is like her father

【解析】阱选项为BD。有很多考生一看干中的like然地选择BD。其句的意思是“姐姐怎么样?”因此,正确答案CWhats like? 这个句型常常用来询问某人的相或某事的情(包括天)

4. Its too hot. Would you mind _______ the door?

_______. Please do it now.

A. to open, OK  B. opening, Certainly not

C. opening, Of course              D. to open, Good idea

【解析】阱选项为A。一方面是由于不了解mind的用法,另一方面的由于忽略造成的。mind后面接动词时要用其ing形式。由答中的Please do it now. 可知“不介意”。正确答案B

5. If you have any trouble, be sure to call me.


A. I am glad to hear that           B. I will. thank you very much.

C. I have no trouble                D. I will think it over



 1. We should keep _______ in the reading-room.

A. quite            B. quietly        

C. quiet           D.quickly


2. The light in the room wasnt _______for me to read.

A. enough bright B. brightly enough

C. enough brightly                   D. bright enough

【解析】容易误选ABA的人是受的汉语的影enough bright译过来正好是“足明亮”的意思,其实这并不符合英习惯,在英enough形容或副词时一定要后置;B的人有注意所缺的成分是表,作表语时应该用形容而不用副。正确答案D

3. She is _______of the two.

A. the cleverest B. the cleverer 

C. the clever     D. cleverest


4. How far is the factory from here?

Its about 4 kilometres _______.

A. far              B. long           

C. away           D. near

【解析】容易误选A是由于受到汉语的影,因为译汉语正好是“大4公里”。其距离可以用How far is . ?,但是far不能表示具体的距离用,此时应该away。因此,正确答案C

5. Do you have enough men to carry these chairs?

No. I think we need _______ men.

A. another        B. other two    

C. more two      D. two more

【解析】容易误选ABCA的同是由于草率做造成的,因为这里空格后面是个复数,而不是单数,因此不能ABC的同是由于汉语的影引起的,汉语“另外两个”,但是英中要other twotwo more这与汉语习惯不一。正确答案D


If you give us another twenty minutes (= twenty more minutes), we will finish the work. 如果二十分,我就可以完成这项工作。

6. He is taller than _______ girl in his class.

A. any             B. other          

C. any other     D. another

【解析】容易误选C是由于思引起的。平大家都熟悉这样的句子China is larger than any other country in Asia. Shanghai is larger than any other city in China. 于是than any other这个结构在同学们头脑中已根根深蒂固了。其,到底要不要other, 关键是看主是否也在比的范;如果在范,就必other, 以此避免自身行比;如果不在范不能用other, 为没有必要把自身排除。里主hegirl in his class之列,不能用other, 因此正确A

7. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _______ voice.

A. the best       B. a best        

C. the better     D. a better

【解析】容易误选A是由于思引起的,多同学认为最高前加了定冠the肯定没错。其是一暗含比较级省略了一些我楚的西,句子的完整形式应为I have never heard a better voice than her voice. 因此正确答案D




1. _______ fathers made them have piano lessons.

A. Peter and Anns                   B. Peters and Anns

C. Peters and Ann                  D. Peter and Ann

【解析】容易误选AC错误的原因是由于受思的影。平考生做多了“This is Lucy and Lilys bedroom. 这样,那一看到这样就想到只是在后面一个单词后面用所有格。其,到底用一所有格,是用两个所有格,取它们所修的名:如果所修的名单数,就只在后面一后面用所有格;如果所修的名复数,就两个都用所有格。正确答案B

2. There are a lot _______ people today than yesterday.

A. of               B. /                C. most           D. more

【解析】容易误选A。有不少考生因受“ a lot of +一思的影,一看到a lot,就选择A。其句中的a lot是用形容的比较级more的,than的是比较状语从句。正确答案D

3. Excuse me, are you _______?

No, we are _______.

A. American, Englishman            B. American, Germans

C. American, Germen                D. Englishman, Americans

【解析】从词看,American German 可以用作名也可以用作形容,用作名词时,其复数形式分别为Americans Germans选项中的Englishman只能用作名,其复数形式是Englishmen

先看第一空:如果单从Excuse me, are you _______?看,要是Englishman,就应该在其前加不定冠,即Excuse me, are you an Englishman? 但是,根据答中的 we are可知,句中的you 是指“”,而是指“你们”,所以如果用Englishman,就应换 Englishmen 。由此可排除选项D

再看第二空:由于German复数Germans,不是Germen,由此可确定C错误;再根据we are可知,其后若用名Englishman,必要用复数Englishmen,而不能是单数,所以排除A



1. A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _______ second.

A. /                B. the             C. a                D. an



2. _______ India and China are of _______ same continent.

A. /; the          B. The ; the     C. /; /             D. /; a

【解析】容易误选D是由于受汉语的影造成的,因为译汉语时这的意思是“印度和中在同一大洲”,汉语“同一”,在英中要the same”,就是此的陷所在。正确答案A




Youre very ______, arent you? Yes. Our team has won the game.

A. happy        B. worried C. sad      D. afraid

解答此题时你若只看句,任何一答案都是正确的,看到答句中的has won the match才知道只有答案A正确。



Your spoken English is much better! ______.

A. Oh, no      B. Youre right     C. thank you  D. Not at all




Which of the following weather signs means windy?




1. I hear someone _______at the door. Please go and see who _______ is.

A. knock, he     B. knocking, he C. knock, it      D. knocking, it

【解析】容易误选AB是由于汉语的影引起的。大家都知道hear sb. do sth. “听某人做某事”,hear sb. doing sth. “听某人正在做某事”,这样很多人就会选择AB,因后面“去看看他是从汉语的角度看是的。其,在英中常常用it指代身(姓名、职业)的人。有人敲门时常常用英语问Who is it?”正确答案D

2. Lucy and I are classmates. We _______ in Class One.

A. all are          B. are all         C. both are       D. are both


3. There is _______ egg at home. Will you please get _______ for me, please?

A. no, some      B. not, some    C. not any, any D. not an, any

【解析】容易误选CD是由于死记语文引起的。因大家都知道some一般用于肯定句中,而any一般用于疑句或否定句中,这样AB首先就排除了。其,在表示求或建的疑句,如Would you like? / What would you like? / Could you/ I ? / What about? / How about? / Would/ will you please?等等疑句中习惯上要用some而不用any。又因no可以直接修,而not加上a/anany之后才可以接名。因此正确答案A

4. A latest English newspaper, please!

Only one copy left. Would you like to have _______, sir?

A. one             B. this             C. that           D. it

【解析】容易误选A是由于忽略境和造成的。里是在询问是否有报纸卖,很多同学认为这里最后一句的意思是“先生,是否想要一”。其,由上文中的Only one copy left. 可知,只剩下一份报纸了,暗示了购买选择,只能”了。正确答案D





1. Dont make any noise in the living room! My baby is sleeping.


A. Sorry, I wont                     B. It doesnt matter

C. Excuse me, Im wrong          D. Certainly, I wont

【解析】容易误选 C D。一方面可能由于不知道 Excuse me. Sorry. 区别,而误选为C;另一方面可能由于不理解境而误选为D里听者是做了事情,做的事情首先应该说 Sorry 表示歉意,然后表示不再那做了。正确答案A

2. I havent seen Jack for three days, is he ill?

_______. His mother told me that he was in hospital.

A. I am afraid so                     B. I hope not

C. I dont expect                     D. I am afraid not

【解析】容易误选BD。一般来说不希望人生病,如果不注意境的,就很可能误选为BD。由下文His mother told me that he was in hospital. 可知Jack可能生病了。I am afraid so. “恐怕是这样的”,常用表示一不太肯定的语气。正确答案A

3. Excuse me. May I use your computer?

_______. Its broken.

A. Sure            B. Yes, here you are

C. With pleasure                     D. Im afraid not

【解析】易犯草率答错误误选AB人的求大多要用肯定回答,如果有下文的Its broken. 选择AB那肯定是正确的。由下文的Its broken. 可知,应该绝对方的求,故正确答案DIm afraid not. “恐怕不行”。

4. Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith?

_______. I am thirsty.

A. Here you are B. No, thank you

C. Youre welcome                  D. Yes, please

【解析】容易误选B。因为当对自己是否需要某物可以Yes, please. 表示接受,也可以No, thank you. 表示拒。如果不注意看下文的Im thirsty. 就很可能误选为B。正确答案D

5. Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan!


A. thank you all the same          B. Not at all

C. Just so-so    D. thank you


6. What do you do? _______.

A. I am thirteen  B. I work hard

C. Im fine        D. Im a student

【解析】容易误选BWhat do you do? 的不是常“做什”,而是在询问对方的“职业”,Whats your job? 因此正确答案D

注意以下句型的意思What is he? (来询问职业)他是干什的?What does he do? (= Whats his job? ) (来询问职业) What is he like? (来询问长相或人品) 怎么样/他是怎样人? How is he? (来询问身体状况)他身体怎么样How old is he? (来询问) 他多大了?

7. Andy isnt going out this evening, is she?

_______. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother.

A. Yes, she is   B. No, she isnt

C. Yes, she isnt                     D. No, she is

【解析】容易误选C。答语应译作“是,不出去”才,因此受到汉语的影就很可能C,但是不符合英习惯。其,否定的疑句回答肯定的疑句的回答方式是一的,答案肯定的就用“Yes, + 肯定的省略句”;答案是否定的就用“No, +否定的省略句”。只不否定疑句的答Yes作“不”,No作“是的”,一点与汉语有点位。例如:是一名生,假如有人这样问你Are you a student? / Arent you a student? / You are a student, arent you? / You arent a student, are you? 么你的回答都应该是“Yes, I am.”。只不过应注意在回答第2和第4个问Yes作“不”。

8. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Wang?

Whos calling, please.


A. Im Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is here

C. This is Mr. Wang speaking     D. Mr. Wang is calling

【解析】容易误选ABD是受的汉语的影,因为汉语中在电话时常常“我是某人”,但是英中不I am / is here. ”而习惯This is (speaking). / Speaking. ”正确答案C

9. I fell and hurt my leg just not.


A. Be careful     B. It doesnt matter

C. Im sorry to hear that           D. Nothing serious

【解析】容易误选ABD里也很容易受到汉语的影,因时对方告们说他或她摔倒了,我们总会对他或她进行安慰一些“小心点”,“没关系”等等之。而在英中听到诉说一些不幸的事情往往要Im sorry to hear that. / Bad luck!”之表示同情或安慰,一点与汉语习惯不一。正确答案C

10. _______.

thank you very much. I will.

A. Congratulations!                          B. Best wishes to you

C. Please say hello to your family.     D. What a good wish to your family!

【解析】容易误选AB。因AB两项都可以用thank you very much. 回答,如果不注意后面的I will. ,那么选择AB的可能性是非常大的。正确答案CPlease say hello to your family. 代我向的家人好”。






在完成由“have / has+去分成。其中的have / has 动词成疑,可其提前;成否定句,可直接在其后加not



1. 已完成用法(性用法)用法的在完成表示一个过生的作在去已完成,这个过完成的对现在有影果,同时说话的或感趣的就是这个果。如:

She has left. 了。(对现在的影果:她现在不在这儿)

Has she found her car key? 找到车钥匙了?(对现在的影果:开她?)

I have finished my work. 我的工作做完了。(对现在的影果:在我事了。)

He has eaten nothing today. 他今天什吃。(对现在的影果:他在一定很饿)

2. 未完成用法(性用法)用法的在完成表示一个过生的未在去完成,而是一直持在,且有可能继续下去(也可能到此)。如:

How have you been? 来怎样?

She has been a teacher for 20 years. 20年的老

How long have you lived here? 里住了多久了?

They have been married for ten years. 们结婚已10年了。

Ive known her for a long time. 认识她长时间了。


He has always gone to work by bike. 自行上班。

Ill go to bed when Ive finished my homework. 我做完作后就上床睡了。


在完成通常用的副already, never, ever, just, before, recently等。如:

We have finished our work already. 完成了工作。

He has never driven a car before. 开过车

Have you ever been a teacher? 你当过教师吗?

Shes just been to a party. 她刚参加一个晚会

Ive just had some photos taken. 照了几相。


He just arrived in Japan. 到日本。

Such things didnt happen before. 的事以前

I hear that he went abroad recently. 我听他最近出了。



I havent seen her since last week. 自上周以我一直未见过她

I met him in 1975 and haven't seen him since. 1975年我见过他,但自那以后就一直未到他。

We have been good friends since we met at school. 从读书,我一直是好朋友。


Its a long time since I met you last. 好久不了。

Its about six months since we arrived here. 里大有半年了。



Ive lived here for ten years. 我在里住了10年。(在仍住这儿)

I lived here for ten years. 我在里住10年。(在不住这儿)

Has he got up? 他起? (着眼在情)

Did you get up very early? 很早? (着眼作本身)

Ive got no news from him. 听到他的消息。(不知道他的情况怎样)

I got the news from Jim. 消息我是吉姆那听的。(单纯谈论动)


六、掌握have been to have gone to的用法区别


She has been to Europe twice. 洲去过两次。

She has gone to Europe. 洲去了。(在不在这儿)


He has been abroad many times. 他多次出

He has gone home. 他回家去了。




























1. 注意暗示的言信息


(1) Is there ______ food in the fridgeIm hungry.

A. some      B. any        C. something       D. anything

是考不定代的用法,从题干上可知CD不作定AB两个选项这时就需要领会附加成分Im hungry. 的含的意思是饿了。,言下之意希望冰箱里有食物,即希望肯定回答,故A

(2) ______ have you been to Xian


A. How soon                 B. How m any times

C. How often                D. How long


2. 注意思的影


(1) There are a lot ____ people today than yesterday.

A. of          B. most                       C.     D. more

有的同一看此,就会认为选A,因是固定搭配a lot of。如果我分析一下干可知,此句有一连词than的比较状语从句,较结构,排除ACB是最高级应排除,故答案理所应选D。本的考是副a lot较级m ore,意多得多

(2) Shanghai is larger than ____ city in New Zealand.

A. any other B. other      C. all other D. any

是考较级句型,很多考生就容易误选A,因较级than any other +名一比模式在生的思中已成定式,印象很深。可是新西兰这个国上海所在()不是同一地理范,上海不是的城市相比,而是与它国的城市相比,不必排除“自身”这个较对象。不必加other。故本题选D

3. 注意英语习惯,排除母


(1) Would you like some more fish

______, Im full.

A. Yes, please              B. No, thanks

C. No, I wont have it     D. Yes, I wont to


(2) You are a beautiful girl. _____.

A. NoI am not beautiful                    B. thank you

C. Not at all                                         D. Im not so beautiful as you.



4. 注意一些特殊的


(1) I will ring you up when I ____ Wuhan tomorrow.

A. will reach B. reached   C. reaches   D. reach

的是动词时态,有些同见从句后有tom orrow,就A实际上在我们学习语法知识时这样如果主句是一般将来时态、情态动词动词原形、祈使句,由if状语从句和whenuntilbe-foreafteras soon as时间状语从句用一般代替一般将来时。所以本题应选D

(2) He told m e that the sun ____ in the east.

A. rose       B. had risen                 C. rises D. have risen


5. 注意一些其他科知识对的影


(1) The Peoples Republic of China was founded.

A. on October 1, 1949                                 B. 1949, on October 1

C. in October 1, 1949   D. 1949, in October 1

(2) Which is ____, the moon or the earth

A. big         B. bigger    C. biggest   D. the biggest


6. 记语法知,注意习惯用法


The farm ers are all busy ____ apples.

A. pick        B. to pick    C. picking    D. to picking

根据法知be busy习惯用法是be busy后接动词-ing形式。故本题应选C。像这样的固定用法enjoy doing sth, keep(sb sth )doing sth, finish doing sth, cant help doing sth, feel like doing sth, mind doing sth, prerfer doing sth to doing sth 等等。



  1. What can I do for you?

  -- Id like two _______.

  A. box of apple B. boxes of apples C. box of apples D. boxes of apple

  答案: B. (选择的同要注意仔.不要, box apple都是可)

  2.Help yourself to _________.

  A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chicken D. any chicken

  答案: C (选择A的同要注意chicken当鸡讲时不可)

  3..________ it is today!

  A. What fine weather B. What a fine weather C. How a fine weather D. How fine a weather

  答案: A. (选择B的同要注意weather不可. 选择CD的同要注意weather是名, 要用what.)

  4.Which is the way to the __________?

  A. shoe factory B. shoes factory C. shoes factory D. shoes factory

  答案: A. (选择D的同注意里不是指名所有格, 而是名作形容的用法.似的用法如: pencil box; school bag.)

  5.This class ________ now. Miss Gao teaches them.

  A. are studying B. is studying C. be studying D. studying

  答案: A. (选择B的同要注意, 当这种概念名词当 “人”候要做复数处.似的: the police are running after the thief)

  6.We will have a _________ holiday after the exam.

  A. two month B. two-month C. two months D. two-months

  答案: B (选择C的同要注意two months; 选择D的同要注意名有 “— “ 后的词当作形容词来, 因此就不用所有格形式了.)

  7.________ trees are cut down in the forests every year.

  A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D. Thousands of

  答案: D. (选择C的同注意词组记忆的准确性)

  8.Our sports meeting will be held ________.

  A. on 24, Tuesday, April                                  B. in April 24, Tuesday    C. on Tuesday, April 24                                    D. in April Tuesday 24

  答案: C. (B的同是受到中文的影,要特注意中英文的差)

  9_________ people here are very friendly to us.

  A. The   B. /   C. A   D. An

  答案: A. (选择B的同要注意里的people是特指里的, 因此要用定冠the)

  10..There is no enough ________ in the corner to put the table.

  A. place B. room C. floor D. ground

  答案:B (根据句意知道,里表示有地方放子。A的同要注意place表示地点,是可)


  11.Some people like to stay at home, but ________ like to go to the cinema.

  A. another B. other C. others D. other one

  答案: C. (选择B的同要牢: some., others.)

  12.-- Is this your shoe?

  -- Yes, but where is _________?

  A. the other one B. other one C. another one D. the others

  答案: A. (选择C的同要注意鞋是, another指的是三者或者三者以上)

  13. When shall we meet again next week?

  -- _______ day is possible. Its no problem with me.

  A. Either B. Neither C. Every D. Any

 答案: D. (选择C的同要注意every指的是每一天都, any指的是任何一天都可以.注意中文的干)

  14.Have you ever seen ________ big panda before?

  A. a such B. such a C. so a D. a so

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意词组记忆的准确性)

  15.-- _______ do you write to your parents?

  -- Once a month.

  A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far

  答案: C. ( 选择A的同要注意中文的干. 由回答知道里指的是信的, how often表示.)

  16.Robert has gone to _________ city and hell be back in a week.

  A. other B. the other C. another D. any other

  答案:C (选择的同要注意,只有座城市,因此不能用.)

  17. A latest magazine, please.

  -- Only one left. Would you like to have ________?

  A. it B. one C. this D. that

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意里指的是上一句中提到的那本志,不能用表示泛指的不定代one )

  18. Which book would you like to borrow?

  -- ________ of the two books is OK with me.

  A. Either B. Both  C. Any D. None

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意is 表示单数.)

  19.He knows _________ English ________ French. But hes very good at Japanese.

  A. either; or B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; nor

  答案:C (选择AB的同要注意.)

  20. What do your parents do?

  -- One is a teacher; _________ is a driver.

  A. other B. another C. the other D. that one

  答案: C (选择个选项的同要注意, one is , the other is …的用法)

  21.Mrs. Lee teaches ________ math. We all like her.

  A. we B. us C. our D. ours

  答案: B (选择C的同要注意, teach ++科目, 而不能用teach +某人的+ 科目)

  22.There are many trees on ________ side of the street.

  A. either B. any C. all D. both

  答案:A (选择D的同要注意side为单数选择B的同要注意:街道只有两边,因此不能用any)

  23.________ is the population of the city?

  A. How many  B .What  C. How many people D. How much

  答案:B (到人口是多少,其是在“人口是什”,因此不能用A,要注意排除中文的干)


  24.Japan is ________ the east of China.

  A. in  B. to C. on D. at

  答案: B ( in 表示在范里的, on表示挨着的; to 表示在范以外的)

  25.The postman shouted, Mr Green, here is a letter ________ you.

  A. to  B. from C. for  D. of

  答案: C ( 选择A的同要注意to 表示作的方向, for表示有从属关系或者利益)

  26.We cant do it ________ your help.

  A. with B. of C. under D. without

  答案: D. (选择C的同要注意中文的干, 借助某人的助要用with,反之用without)

  27.He hasnt heard from his friend __________ last month.

  A. since B. by the end of C. for D. until

  答案: A (选择B的同要注意B选项为过去完成时间;选择C的同要注意, for+时间; 选择D的同要注意不是notuntil 句型.until + 句子)

  28.I didnt buy the dictionary yesterday _________ my aunt would give me one.

  A. until B. because C. if D. before

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意)

  29.Im going to look for another job ________ the company offers me more money.

  A. after B. unless C. when D. for

  答案: B ( 选择的同要注意, 里是指除非公司我更多工,我就要找其工作.)

  30.Dont hurry. The bus wont start ________ everybody gets on.

  A. since B. as C. until D. when

  答案: C (选择D的同要注意前面是否定.)

  31.Please show me _________ to send an e-mail, John. Its the first time for me to do it.

  A. how B. what C. when D. where

  答案:A (选择C的同要注意认真里的time不是时间,而是指第一次)

  32.Youve passed the exam. Im happy ______ you.

  A. on B. at C. in D. for

  答案:D (选择A的同要注意记忆词组的准确性.)

  33.I wonder ________ they finished so many different jobs in such a short time.

  A. why B. how C. when D. where

  答案:B (选择A的同要注意境,里指他们怎么能在如此短的时间里完成如此多的困的工作.)

  34.-- Do you speak English?

  -- Yes, I speak _________ a little English _______ some French.

  A. neither, not B. both, or C. either, or D. not only, but also

  答案:D (选择C的同要注意.)

  35.______ the maths problem is difficult, Ill try very hard to work it out.

  A. Though B. When C. Before D. After

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意.不能说当题候,我努力.而是说尽,但我努力解.)

  36.The accident took place ________ a cold February evening.

  A. on B. in  C. at D. for

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意,在特指的早上、下午、上,不用in要用on)

  37.He turned ________ the radio because his father was asleep.

  A. on B. down  C. up  D. over

  答案:B (根据境:他爸爸睡着了,因此不能用A-,也不能用C-.D表示反过来)

  38.I dont know the homework _______ today.

  A. on B. in C. of D. for

  答案:D (选择C的同要注意of表示从属关系,要注意中文的干.)

  39. Oh, its raining heavily.

  -- Please dont leave ________ it stops.

  A. when B. after C. since D. until

  答案: D (选择它选项的同要注意读懂句子, 只有把搞清楚才能答对问题.)

  40.Jane said she would come here ________ 9:00 and 9:30 tomorrow morning.

  A. from B. at C. between D. around

  答案: C (选择B的同学没有把体看完整; 选择A的同学没有注意到fromto…的搭配.)


  41.My father went to Shanghai yesterday. He ______ back in two weeks.

  A. comes B. has come C. will come D. came

  答案: C ( 选择D的同要注意in +时间, 表示在未的一段时间,将来时)

  42..Its spring now. The students ________ trees these weeks.

  A. plant B. are planting C. will plant D. planted

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意 these weeks 不表示常做某事,而是强调这星期同学们一直在种树.)

  43..-- __________ you ________ your book to the library?

  -- Yes. I returned it yesterday.

  A. Did, return B. Have, returned C. Will, return D. Do, return

  答案: B ( 选择A的同学过分注意回答用了一般, 但在上一句中, 并没去的时间,调你现在是否还书, 在完成.)

  44. Must I finish it now?

  -- No, you ________.

  A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. shouldnt

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意mustnt意思指不允, neednt指的是不必要.)

  45..Though its cloudy now, it _________ get sunny later.

  A. can B. may C. must D. need

  答案: B ( C的同要注意, 里强调过候也许会晴天, 表示推.)

  46.It is in the library, you _______ talk loudly.

  A. may not B. cant C. neednt D. mustnt

  答案: D ( 选择B的同要注意中文的干.cant表示不能)

  47..If anyone wants to say something in class, you ________ put up your hands first.

  A. must B. may C. should D. can

  答案: A ( 其他三个选项的同要注意境,anyone暗示出语气。表明是一个规定,而不是建)

  48. I called you last night but no one answered the phone.

  -- I ________ dinner with my friends in the restaurant.

  A. have B. had C. was having D. have had

  答案:C (选择BD的同要注意分析.里指我当时正在和朋友在饭馆.)

  49..If you have lost a library book, you have to _________ it.

  A. find out B. look after C. pay for D. take care

  答案:C (选择A的同要注意)

  50..He will call me as soon as he _________ the city.

  A. reaches B. reached C. will reach D. is reaching

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意主将从)

  51.The pen _________ him ten yuan.

  A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent

  答案:B (选择C的同要注意took通常用在时间上;选择AD的同要注意,里的主是物品,因此不能用paid spent)

  52..The train _________ for twenty minutes.

  A. left B. has left C. is leaving D. has been away

  答案:D (选择B的同要注意,用完成表示持续动,要选择可持续动词,不要用瞬间动词.)

  53.. How many books _____ they ________?

  -- Five. But they havent finished reading even one.

  A. didborrow B. hadborrowed C. willborrow D. doborrow

  答案:A (选择B的同要注意,里只是问过生的一件事,不是时间之前生的.)

  54.He _________ his bike so he has to walk there.

  A. lost B. has lost C. had lost D. loses

  答案:B (选择A的同注意句子并没现两个时间点,因此要注意时态的前后一致.)

  55. Why did the policeman stop us?

  -- He told us not _______ so fast in this street.

  A. drive B. driving C. to drive D. drove

  答案:C (里考的是tell sb. not to do sth.)


  56.The population of the world in 20th century became very much _________ than that in 19th.

  A. bigger B. larger C. greater D. more

  答案: B.(选择的同要注意population的固定搭配是large)

  57.Miss Li is one of _______ in our school.

  A. a popular teacher                    B. more popular teacher         

C. most popular teacher                 D. the most popular teachers

  答案:D.(选择的同要注意one of + 复数的用法.)

  58.The magazines are ________ easy that the children can read them well.

  A. such B. so C. too D. very

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意easy是形容,要用sothat, 而不用suchthat)

  59. Would you like ________ more tea?

  -- Thank you. Ive had ________.

  A. any, much B. some, enough C. some, much D. any, enough

  答案:C (选择B的同要注意enough是形容, 不能had enough)

  60.I think basketball is _______. I like to watch it.

  A. boring B. bored C. exciting D. excited

  答案:C (选择D的同要注意basketball本身很令人激excited表示被什所感染而激)

  61.This dinner looks _______ to me, and I like it.

  A. terrible B. good C. badly D. nicely

  答案:B (选择D的同要注意look里是系动词,后面要加形容)

  62.The math problem is so hard that ________ students can work it out.

  A. a few B. a little C. many D. few

  答案:D (选择AC的同要注意境,里指有什么学生能做出)

  63. Whats the weather like tomorrow?

  -- The radio says it is going to be even ______.

  A. bad B. worst C. badly D. worse

  答案:D (选择A的同要注意,even+比较级)

  64.Though she talks ______, she has made ________ friends here.

  A. a little, a few B. little, few C. little, a few D. few, a few

  答案:C (选择A的同要注意境,里指怎么说话,但有一些朋友.)

  65.He never does his work _______ Mary.

  A. as careful as B. so careful as C. as carefully as D. carefully as

  答案:C (选择AB的同要注意work 是行为动词,要用副词来.)


  66..If it ________ tomorrow well go to the park.

  A. will not rain B. doesnt rain C. is not raining D. didnt rain

  答案: B (选择A的同要注意if状语从句主句用将来时, 句用一般.)

  67.The radio says the snow ______ late in the day.

  A. stops B. will stop C. has stopped D. stopped

  答案: B. (选择A的同要注意, late in the day表示 “候”, 要用将来时)

  68.The nurse told the children the sun ______ in the east.

  A. rises B. rose C. will rise D. has risen

  答案: A ( 选择B的同要注意, 然主句中用了told, 但太阳从东方升起是理性事, 用一般表示.)

  69. Are you sure you have to? Its been very late.

  -- I dont know ______ I can do it if not now.

  A. where B. why C. when D. how

  答案: C ( 选择D的同要注意, 根据境知道里强的是必先在做,时间)

  70.- Could you tell me _______ she is looking for?

  -- Her cousin, Susan.

  A. that B. whose C. whom D. which

  答案: C (选择的同要注意,里是指找Susan这个)

  71. When are the Shutes leaving for New York?

  -- Pardon?

  -- I asked ___________.

  A. when are the Shutes leaving for New York    B .when the Shutes are leaving for New York

  C. when were the Shutes leaving for New York  D. when the Shutes were leaving for New York

  答案: D ( 选择B的同注意到了宾语从句的,但同要注意时态要用相.)

  72. Would you please tell me ________ next, Mr Wang?

  A. what should we doB. we should do whatC. what we should doD. should do what

  答案: C ( 选择A的同要注意宾语从句的为陈.)

  73.Mr. King didnt know _______ yesterday evening.

  A. when does his son come back   B. when his son comes back

  C. when did his son come home    D. when his son came home

  答案: D ( 选择C的同要注意考虑宾语从句的)

  74.Alice has gone to the classroom and she didnt say ________.

  A. when did she come back   C. when would she be back

  C. when she came back      D. when she would be back

  答案:D (选择C的同要注意境,里要用将来时.)

  75.. Im sorry I broke your coffee cup.

  -- Oh, really? _________.

  A. It doesnt matter B. I dont know C. its OK with me D. Youre welcome

  答案:A (选择CD的同要注意中文的干.D是用回答人的致.)

  76. Would you mind calling me back tomorrow again?

  -- _________.    A. Not at all B. Youre welcome C. Youre right D. Nice to meet you

  答案:A (62)

  77.He hardly had anything to eat, ________ he?    A. didnt B. hadnt C. had D. did

答案:D (选择A的同要注意hardly表示否定;选择BC的同要注意,反意疑句要用助动词.)


1 What do you think ______solve the problem ?

A you can do     B can you do           C you can do to       D can you do to

2 In the past he often made his sister____, but now he is often made ___by his sister.

   A to cry; to cry          B cry; cry          C to cry; cry       D cry; to cry

3 The teacher told us that the sun ____in the east.

A rises               B rose          C raises             D raised

4 He lives in a village _____there are a lot of trees.                           

   A there           B where        C that               D which

5 He _________ Alice for ten years.

A married to   B has married to  C has married   D has been married to

6 We need fifteen more people _____our team to do the job.

A but       B except                C as well            D besides  

7 They wont allow us ________ at this beach.

A swimming                  B to swim      C swam             D swim

8 Is this factory ______you visited last week?

A that           B where        C the one           D in which

9 The reason ____he was absent from the meeting was ____his car broke down on the way.

 A that; because     B why; that    C that; that            D for; that

10 Is the river_____ through that town very large?

A which flows     B flows              C that flowing      D whose flows

11 The teacher told me that the students I wanted to see were seen___ football on the playground just now.

A playing          B to be playing   C play      D to play

12 The red rose is the only one _____I real like.

A which            B who      C that      D whom

13 All the apples _____ fell down were eaten by the pigs.

A those        B which        C what          D that

14 Dont forget the day ______you were received into the Youth League.

A when        B that      C at which    D where

15 I prefer________ at home to ______outside.

A staying, playing   B to stay, play    C staying, play   D to stay, playing

16 The box is _____what I saw in the shop.

A same as   B the same like   C the same that        D the same as

17 The pen _______she writes letters is broken.

A which       B that           C with which       D by which

18 Would you like to ______us in our discussion.

A take part in           B join           C taking part in    D joining

19 Im sure the red team will ______the game .

A win          B beat    C defeat            D succeed

20 Ahead of me I saw a woman ____I thought was my aunt.

A who          B whom        C of whom     D whose

21 _____your help, everything in the room is in good order now.

A Since   B Because         C thanks for        D Thanks to

22 He is known to the world and has a lot of friends_______

A in and out of abroad                     B at home and abroad

C at home and at abroad                  D in home and out of abroad

23 ---Are you going there with them ?

----If you go,__________.

A I also go         B so do I      C so I will           D so will I

24 -----The flower is beautiful.


  A So is it         B So it is           C It is so       D So it is

25 The number of people invited ____fifty, but a number of them _____absent for

different reasons.

A were; was                B was ; was        C was; were   D were; were

26 We havent had any success _______

A before long          B so long      C by far        D so far

27 Travellers  ____our country enjoy the beautiful sights in Beijing, Hangzhou and

many other places of interest.

A for      B to        C till        D by

28 If a man ______succeed, he must work as hard as he can.

A will           B should       C is going to       D is to

29 ----I am sorry I didnt do a good job.

-----Never mind. ______ you have tried your best.

A Above all             B In all    C At all    D After all

30 The best way to make sure that you can keep fit is to ____healthy eating habits.

A find           B create            C develop          D prepare

31 We have spent _____money on English books .

A a great deal of       B a good many    C a plenty of       D a number of

32 _______met, it wont be easily forgotten.

A If only        B When if      C Once             D Once you were

33 The differences_____ these two pictures _____ colour are easy to see.

A in, of        B from, of          C between ,in           D of ,in

34 You should put_____ s at the end of this word.

A a                 B /              C an            D the

35----Whats ______population of China ?

----China has_____ population of 1.2 billion.

A a; the                 B the; a        C /;/            D the; the

36 It`s _______here. We cant work long hours here.

A very much cold      B much cold  C much too cold       D too much cold

37 _______terrible weather weve been having these days!

   A How a     B What a     C How          D What

38 ----Have you decided when_____?

-----Yes, tomorrow morning.

A will you leave        B to be leaving     C are you leaving     D to leave

39 The song ____My heart will go on is liked by the young people.

A call     B calling       C called             D to call

40 Train services are now back to ______after three days of typhoon.

A usual        B common          C ordinary          D normal

41 He is the best ____English in our class.

A at            B in            C for       D to

42 The policeman caught hold of the thief and hit him ____the head.

A in the       B on his        C on the       D in his

43 Did John hit Bob _____eye ?

     A in the        B on the       C in his         D on his

44There is ____ interesting ____ todays newspaper.

A anything in  B nothing. .in      C something. .on    D nothing.. on

45 Has your teacher given you any advice______ your study?

A in       B to             C on       D with

46 Its bad manners to laugh _____ others when they are _____ trouble.

A at ,in            B over ,at          C with ,on    D to, with

47 Betty doesnt have enough money to buy that coat. Its very ___.

The price is too_____.

A high, high       B expensive, expensive  C expensive, high   D high, expensive

48 This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen ______comfortably.

A wearing    B wear    C wears        D is worn

49 The diamond is _________.

A very valuable   B of great value       C great value      D A or B

50 Behind the dancer there was a woman _______a large diamond ring.

A carrying              B dressing              C wearing          D having

51 The young teacher who has a ____face can make his classes ____and interesting.

A lovely, lively  B lovely, lovely  C likely, friendly  D ugly, lively

52 They were still _____their friends after their childs long illness.

A in debt to       B in the debt to        C in debt with      D in the debt with

53 _______, my brother passed the exam.

A To my great joy  B To my great surprised  C With my joy  D With my surprise

54 I am all tears, ____,I am listening to you with all attention.

A in another words  B in the other words  C with other words  D in other words

55 He started early _______he could get there before nine.

A in order that    B because          C so as to          D in order to

56 As you know, whether the person will be elected president is matter of ___interest.

A general               B common     C ordinary          D mostly

57 I _______ by his story that he made up.

A was taken on   B was taken out  C was taken in     D am taken in

58 He didnt go into detail on the subject ,he spoke ______.

A in general       B in particular      C in common           D in short5

59 We designed the machine _____the purpose _______production.

A for, of increasing   B with, of increasing  C for, to increase  D A or B

60 Hospital doctors dont go out very often as their work ____all their time.

A takes away     B takes in          C takes over            D takes up

61 We offered him our congratulation ____his passing the entrance exam.

A on           B for            C with      D at

62 My mother _____classical music while I am ____rock music.

A is fond of, in   B likes, like    C is interested in; into   D interests; enjoy

63 We each _____ strong points and each of us on the other hand _____weak points.

A have, have      B has, have        C has, has     D have, has

64 He is one of the students who, I am sure, always do ____ best.

A his            B ones         C my       D their

65 The police ____determined to bring back the missing boy when his family____almost given hope.

A is, has          B are, have   C are, has    D is, have

66 More than one girl ____ late for class this morning.

A are           B is         C was           D were

67 Many a student _____ in the exam.

A have failed          B had been failed      C has failed   D will be failed

68 What he says and what he does _______.

A is not agree   B are not agree   C does not agree      D do not agree

69 Not only politics but also English is important. In other words , ___is important.

A English, as well as politics          B English as well as politics

C both politics and English                 D politics, as well as English

 70 It was at the very beginning____ Mr.Smith made a decision ___we should send for a doctor.

A what, that   B that, which      C which, that       D that, that

71 On the way back home from the ball, she suddenly found her necklace____.

A missed    B losing        C gone    D be stolen

72 He didnt go to the party not ______the time but _____he was ill.

A because of, because          B because, because 

C because, because of        D because of, because of

73 The teacher gave me a piece of paper________.

A to write on      B to be written on     C to write in        D to be written

74 I cant believe he could jump _____high.

A very much          B such     C that      D this

75 -----The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?


  A I guess not so     B I dont guess so    C I dont guess  D I guess not

76 The magazine is ______reading, so he advised me ____it.

A well worth; to buy                  B very worth; buying

C worthing , buying                       D worthy, to buy

77 She is on a special _____to lose _____weight.

A food; her            B food;/            D diet; her    D diet;/

78 Jenny_____ a rich man. She has____ him for 5 years.

A married with; married with           B married; married

C married to; been married                D married; been married to

79 I am _____hungry. Give me _______of milk.

A a bit; a little   B not a little; a bit     C little; a lit    D not a little; a little

80 A good friend is someone _____makes you ______.

A which; happy  B who; happily   C who; happy      D whose; happily

81 He was about ____when suddenly the telephone rang.

A to leave         B to starting        C leaving       D setting off

82 This task is _____difficult for us. We need ______people.

A much too; another three                B too much; other three

C much too; more three                   D too much; three more

83 He seems to ______to Jane. He knows her well.

A have been introduced   B be introduced C have introduced      D introduced

84 This is a film ______Spielberg used real actors instead of stunt men.

A which       B whose        C in which          D of which

85 He ____- much of his success and happiness _____his wife and children.

A thanks; to        B owes; to     C owns; to    D thinks; highly of

86 He will never forget the days ______he spent with you in Japan.

A when         B that      C on which         D in which

87 Which sentence is incorrect ?

A I feel interested in classical music      B I take interest in classical music

C I am not into classical music           D I dont fond of classical music

88 No one likes _______in _____public.

A to be laughed at; the               B laughing at; the

C being laughed at; /                 D to be laughing at; /

89 We are considering _______a sports meet next month.

A to hold      B holding    C to be held         D as holding

90 Which sentence is incorrect?

A He devoted himself to the work of childrens health care.

B He is devoted to his work.

C He devoted all his life to work hard in peoples interests.

D He is determined to make more money for his family.

91 He doesnt like classical music and_______ I .

A so do   B nor do  C or do   D nor am

92 Friends should ______happiness and sorrow _____each other.

A share, with       B solve, with       C share, from      D share, to

93 ---I missed the first part of the film .It was really a pity.

----You ________home half an hour earlier.

 A should have left    B must have left  C should leave  D must leave

94 The storm died away at last with the golden waves ____the shore in peace.

A beaten                B beat    C to beat      D beating

95 The whites are ___holiday ,but I dont know where they have gone __their holidays.

A in ,for             B on ,for            C for, in            D at, on

96 The river ____are covered with trees is very long.

   A which banks  B of which banks  C whose the banks D the banks of which

97 She likes to use words ______clear to her.

A of which the meaning                 B of which meaning

C whose of meaning                    D meaning of which

98 The price of this washing machine has been increased ____15%.

A up       B to        C by        D from

99 _____someones health, you raise your glass.

   A Drink to            B To drink to       C If you drink      D If drink to

100 Please ______me about the interview____ I forget.

A remind; in case          B remember; in case

     C remember, in case of      D remind of; in case of


15 CDABD        6-10 DBCBA      

11-15 ACDAA       16-20 DCBAA

21-25 DBDBC       26-30 DBDDC      

31-35 ACCCB       36-40 CDDCD

41-45 BCABC       46-50 ACCDC      

51-55 AAADA       56-60 ACADD

61-65 ACDDB       66-70 CCDBD      

71-75 CAACD       76-80 ADDBC

81-85 AAACB       86-90 BDCBC     

91-95 BAADB       96-100 DACBA






17    There be句型中考试题

    There be句型的基本用法是表示“某地(或某)有某人(或某物)”,其形式There be+代或名(短)+地点/时间状语”。there是引导词词义be谓语动词,代或名(短)是主be保持人的一致。否定句是在be后加not;一般疑句是be放在句首;反意疑句中的句是由“be(或其否定式)+there成。例如:

1There is a desk and two chairs in the room.(挨着be动词的主a desk,是单数,故be的形式要用is

2There aren't two chairs and a desk in the room.(否定句)

3Is there anything wrong with your ears?(Yesthere is./Nothere isn't.)

4There wasn't a meeting yesterdaywas there?(反意疑句)

    除此之外,有一重要句式“有某人在做某事”,要用“There be sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语”。例如:

There are several children swimming in the river.河里有几孩子在游泳。

There be 结构中常时态有如下几

    上表可知:各种时态化是通 be动词的。至于提到的两个句子我先不考虑对错,首要的问题是弄There behave所表示的意There be句型表示“存在”系,have表示“所系,者不能混合在一句子中。例如,要“明天有一。”(1There will have a class meeting tomorrow.(×)(2There is going towill be a class meeting tomorrow.(√)有表示“存在”又表示“所时两种都可以用。例如:Class Three have a map of China on the wall.(“地三班生所有)There is a map of China on the wall in Class Three.(“地”存在于三班)由此看There will have错误的。

    复习There be句型除了掌握基外,还应注意以下问题

1There be句型的考更多的是be动词与语结合在一起行的,即主的一致性。例如:

1There is _____ on the floor

2There are _____ on the floor

选项Acat Bwater Cboxes Dfootball解析:(1)由is可知主语应是可词单数或不可,而AD中都缺少冠a,故B,同理可知(2应选C

2.如果作主的是一常常考中的修饰语。可复数形式前可以用anysom efewa fewm any或用数词hundredthousandmillionhundreds thousandsmillions ofno等修;不可可以受anysomenolittlea littlemuch的修。例如:

1There were _____ students in our school

Ahundreds Beight hundred Ceight hundreds of

2There is _____ waterYou needn't get some more

Afew Blittle Cmuch



1)不定代在句中作主谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:There is nothing in the fridge.(2)不定代受形容饰时要放在形容的前面。例如:There is something interesting in today's newspaper

4There be句型的反意疑句,要注意述部分的形式。

    如果述部分含有littlefewnonobodynone等否定词时,后面的句中要用肯定形式。例如:There is nobody in the roomis there

    但有的含有否定意的形容不定代词时则仍看作肯定句式。例如:There is something unusual in the roomisn't there


    有的句子单独看其意义时,可能不止一个选项适合于,但如果系上下句的意思只能有一选项。例如:(1There is _____ foodYou needn't buy any.(2 There is _____ foodYou have to buy some.(Aany Bsome Cno从这两题中的第一句子看均可someno,但后面的句意合看,答案是唯一的:(1B,(2C

    There be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是一步加强的理解与运用方面的考。例如be动词与的一致性、名或代的修饰语、搭配系、含否定的反意疑句等。二是有可能出“有某人在做某事”一句型,即“There be sb.+doing sth.+地点/时间状语”。




中考英语语法考点系列导练(四) 数词



数词法。几十后面加ty, “几十几”,要用字符;几百几十几,hundred百位和十位andhundred, thousand, million, billion表示具体,用单数形式,在有确切目修饰时,可用复数形式,后面可以加of
数词变数词123尾字母t dd; 8后少t, 9e; 5 12ve, ve要用f替,再加thiey后再加th。序数词the,但表示“再一”、“又一”的意思,序数词前用不定冠a an
应为“月+日期+”。(2时间表示法:整点字后加“oclock”,几点几分;几点几分,要用past;几点差几分,用to;半小是“half”,15钟为quarter”。(3编号既可用序数词,也可用基数词。但、房间号页码电话号码等通常用基数词。(4)表示某人“几十”要用基数词复数形式。如:in ones thirties 三十多。(5日期(几月几日)的提常用whats the date对时刻(几点几分)的提一般用what time

半” 英中表“几半”有两种方法:“数词+and+ a half+复数)”和“数词+复数+and a half”。


1. There are about two ______ students in the newly built school.    
2006 杭州)
    A. thousand   B. thousands   C. thousand of   D. thousands of
hundred, thousand, million, billion前有确切词应单数形式。答案B
2. The ____question is much more difficult than this one.           (2006
  A. sixth         B. six          C. sixteen       D. sixty
3. In the past few years, many tall buildings have been built in our city. The tallest is an ______that stands in the center.                                      
A. 80-floor building B. 60-floor building C. 80-floor buildings D. 70-floors building

剖析:此题题the tallest然是最高building要用单数。再看an是用在元音音素前的不定冠,所以应选数词和名词单数字符成的合形容词来答案A
4. Time is not enough for so much work. ______ people are needed, I think.

A. Other two     B. Only two     C. Two more     D. Two others
6. The _______ man on the left is Beckham, a famous football player.
     A. two                B. second              C. three
序,序数词前用定冠the,而且名man单数形式,不能接受two three的修答案B


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