









1、听对话和每段对话后的两个问题, 选择问题的答案。在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(10%)


(   ) Question 1): What is the woman looking for?

A. A restaurant.       B. A hotel.          C. A bank.     D. A school.

(   )Question 2): From whom does the lady ask for help?

A. A waiter.          B. A bank clerk.      C. A policeman.   D. A teacher.



(   )Question 3): What does the man think of his French teacher?

A.         He thinks she is nice.

B.          He thinks she is worried.

C.          He thinks she is hard-working.

D.         He thinks she is too strict.

(   )Question 4): Which of these is true?

A.         The man is ill.

B.          The man is learning a new language.

C.          The man is worried about his French teacher.

D.         The man is good at French.



(   )Questions 5): What does the man want to do?

A. He wants to see a flower show.              

B. He wants to buy some flowers.  

C. He wants to plant some flowers.

D. He wants to paint some flowers on the tickets.

(   )Questions 6): How much do all the man’s tickets cost?

A. 85.    B. 90.    C. 105.    D. 155.



(   )Question 7): What is the boy doing?

A. He is reading a book about snakes.        B. He is watching a snake in a zoo.

C. He is feeding a goat on a farm.           D. He is playing with some toy animals.

(   )Question 8): Where are the woman and the boy?

   A. They are at home.            B. They are in a library.

   C. They are in a bookstore.       D. They are eating out.



(   )Question 9): What does the boy think of his first working day?

A.     He enjoyed it very much.

B.      He thought it was boring. 

C.      He did not like the boxes and bottles.

D.     He liked the fruit juice.

(   )Question 10): Which of these is true?

   A. The boy’s job was to move the shelves.    B. The boy broke one of his arms.

   C. The boy worked in a supermarket.        D. The boy was one late for his job.


2. 听一个生词和含有这个生词的对话,选择生词的意思,在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(10%)


(   )11) climate     A. 烹调方式       B. 一年四季      C. 气候        D. 城市人口

(   )12) tour guide   A. 游客          B. 导游          C. 飞机师      D. 门卫

(   )13) alone       A. 清静          B. 独自         C. 悠闲          D. 长期

(   )14stranger    A. 怪人         B. 盲人        C. 陌生人          D. 新人

(   )15) ladder      A. 梯子            B. 屋顶        C. 汽车           D.球门

(   )16) miss        A. 想念         B. 错过         C. 乘坐        D.追赶

(   )17promise    A. 忙碌         B. 计划          C.承诺          D. 记得

(   )18) storm        A. 暴风雨     B.  一个著名的电视节目    C. 热带雨林     D. 风雨衣

(   )19) tarts         A.一种口味     B.一种甜品     C. 一种色拉     D. 市场的名字

(   )20) curiosity      A. 淘气包      B. 多动症      C. 好奇心       D. 怪癖


3. 听段落,根据段落的内容选择问题的答案。在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(18%)

Passage 1

 (   )21) Nancy is in ___________ now.

A. Shanghai.           B. Hong Kong.          C. New York     D. Tokyo

(   )22) The main(主要)idea of the letter is ___________.

   A. Lily’s aunt will visit Lily at Christmas

   B. Lily can’t go to Hong Kong for Christmas

   C. Nancy does not have many friends in Hong Kong

   D. Nancy does not like Hong Kong


Passage 2

(   )23) What was the weather like when the girl and Gorge watched the football match?

A. It was raining.       B. It was very hot.

C. It was windy.        D. It was snowing and it was very cold.

(   )24) Which of these is NOT true?

A. The girl does not like football.          B. The girl is not happy with George.

C. The girl is stupid.                    D. The girl did not have a good time at the football match.


Passage 3

(   )25) How many players are there in a polo game?

  A. One.             B. Two.         C. Four.       D. Eight.

(   )26) Which of these is NOT true?

A. Polo is a game on horse.         B. Polo is a game for horses.

C. People play polo with a stick.     D. In polo the players try to hit a ball.


Passage 4

(   )27) When was Mother Teresa born?

  A. She was born in October 26th, 1910.   B. She was born in October 27th , 1901.

  C. She was born in August 26th , 1901.   D. She was born in August 27th , 1910.

(   )28) Why did Mother Teresa leave her teaching job in 1946?

  A. Because she did not like teaching.               B. Because she was a poor teacher.

  C. Because she wanted to help the poor people.       D. Because she wanted to go back home.


Passage 5

(   )29) What is this passage mainly(主要)about?

A. It is about the shape of the clouds in the sky.     B. It is about the colour of the clouds in the sky.

C. It is about the weight of the clouds.            D. It is about how fast clouds can move.

(   )30) What is in clouds?

A. Wind.           B. Snow.       C. Nothing.        D. Water drops. 

Passage 6

 (   )31) Why does not Uncle Wang ride his bike to work today?

A. Because he does not have a bike.

B. Because it takes too much time to ride a bike.

C. Because his home is not far away from his workplace.

D. Because his bike is broken today.
(   ) 32) What time does Uncle Wang get to the book shop today?

A. At 7:50.           B. At 8:10.       C. At 8:30.     D. At 10: 08.


Passage 7

(   ) 33) What was the passage mainly about?

   A. It is about a baseball player.       B. It is about a children’s park.

   C. It is about a baseball game.        D. It is about an airplane.

(   ) 34) What was Clemente’s dream in the passage?

   A. To become a great baseball player.     B. To build a park for the children of his city.

   C. To fly an airplane.                  D. To make a lot of money.


Passage 8

(   ) 35) What is a flying fox?

   A. It is a kind of fruit tree.          B. It is a kind of fox. 

C. It is a kind of bat.              D. It is a kind of bird.

(   ) 36) Which of these is NOT true?

  A. A flying fox is a small fox.       B. A flying fox looks like a fox.

  C. A flying fox can fly.            D. Fruit farmers do not like the flying fox.


Passage 9

(   ) 37) How much did the manager want to give her in the second month?

A. 27 pounds.      B. 30 pounds.       C. 54 pounds.    D. 60 pounds

(   ) 38) Why did Kate want to start working three months later?

A. Because she was still in school.

B. Because she had to look after her mother.

C. Because she wanted to get 30 pounds.

D. Because she was too young.

Passage 10

(   ) 39) Which of these is the best time to see cheery blossoms in Japan?

A. April.       B. July.       C. October.          D. November.

(   ) 40) What weather is good for Cherry blossoms?

A.         Warm and sunny days.

B.          Cool and rainy days.

C.          Warm and wet days.

D.         Cool and windy days.



(   ) 41) Which of these is true?
    A. Sandwich was the name of a restaurant.
    B. Sandwich was the name of a rich Englishman.
    C. Sandwich was the name of a card game.

  D. Sandwich was the name of a food in the 18th century.

(   ) 42) What did the Englishman like very much?

  A. He liked playing cards very much.

  B. He liked making food very much.

  C. He liked eating bread very much.

  D. He liked eating meat very much.

(   ) 43) Which of these is true?             
     A. Sandwich had no time to eat when he played cards.
     B.  Sandwich often brought some bread with him to play cards.
     C.  Sandwich never ate anything when he played cards.
     D.  Sandwich had no money to buy meals.
(   ) 44) Why did people like Sandwich’s idea of eating?              
    A.  Because it was cheap to eat like that.
    B.  Because Sandwich always won when he played cards.
    C.  Because Sandwich was an interesting person.
    D.  Because when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other.
(   ) 45) What does Sandwich mean today?

   A. The name of a man with interesting ideas.
   B. Two pieces of bread with meat in between.
    C. Not interested in playing cards.

  D. Good at playing cards.


(   ) 46) What was Mrs. Green’s telephone?

A. 28713634           B. 28713463        C. 28714636         D. 28713464

(   ) 47) What did people often want when they called Mrs Green?

A. Their office.         B. The supermarket.  C. The cinema.        D. The bookstore.  

(   ) 48) Who did not hear Mrs. Green on the phone?

A. Mr. Green.          B. The man.         C. The man’s wife.     D. Anybody.

(   ) 49) Why was Mrs. Green very surprised after she answered the telephone?     

A. Because the man dialed a wrong number.

B. Because the man said sorry to her.

C. Because the man didn’t answer her and said other things.

D. Because the man was tired.

(   ) 50) How did Mrs. Green feel when she heard the man ask about film?

A. Surprised.         B. Angry.       C. Not happy.       D. Not strange.




(   ) 51) Everest is a ___________.

A. country          B. river           C. town            D. mountain

(   ) 52) Before Rebecca climbed Everest, she worked for ________.

A. a bookshop       B. a library        C. a travel agent     D. a TV station

(   ) 53) Rebecca went to Everest __________.

A. with her family                     B. with some other climbers      

C. without anyone                     D. with her boy friend 

(   ) 54) Rebecca didn’t take luggage(行李) with her because she ________.

A. didn’t have many things               B. had a pain in her back

C. had to carry it herself                 D. did not need many things

(   ) 55) Rebecca didn’t wash on Everest because ________.

A. it was too cold                B. there was not enough water      

C. she was a dirty person          D. there was no wash room on the mountain

(   ) 56) Rebecca became famous when she ________.

A. got to the highest place in the world          B. wrote a book about her trip

C. was on a television programme              D. made a lot of money

(   ) 57) After her trip, Rebecca _________.

A. earned (赚取) the same money          

B. stayed in the same flat     

C. did the same job

D. wrote the same book 



(   ) 58) English people usually do not shake hands(握手) when _______.

  A. they meet for the first time                           

  B. they meet very often

  C. they will be away from each other for a long time          

  D. say goodbye to a new friend.

(   ) 59) The German students went to England _________.

  A. to learn English

  B. to shake hands with English people

  C. for holiday

  D. to work

(   ) 60) The German students put their hands behind their backs because ________.

  A. their teacher told them English people seldom shake hands

  B. their hands were dirty

  C. they did not like their English friends

  D. their English friends did not want to shake hands with them


















6、读对话,选择适当的单词填空,在答题卡中把相应的字母涂黑 (5)

ADo you like your school and teachers?

BYes, I like the school very much because the teachers in my school are kind, patient and

 friendly. And they help us learn (61).

A: Do your teachers live with you?

B: No, they don't.

A: But about two hundred years ago in America, teachers took turns to live (62)  each child's

 family. Do your teachers punish(惩罚) you?

B: Never.

A: But about two hundred years ago children had to wear tall paper hats called dunce cap if they didn't 63) their teachers. Sometimes they ( 64) to stand in comer and faced the wall.

B: Did they have chairs and tables?

A: No, but the teachers did.

B: (65)_did they write?

A: There were no desks. Children sat on benches and wrote on slates (石板).

B: Did they have their own pens?

A: Yes, but children had to make them from turkey feathers.

B: How different our school is today!


(   ) (6 l) A. a lot

B. lots

C. lots of

D. a lot of

(   ) (62) A. at

B. on

C. for

D. with

(   ) (63) A. listen

B. listen to

C. hear

D. hear of

(   ) (64) A. wanted

B. had

C. should

D. must

(   ) (65) A. When

B. What

C. Where

D. Who






7. 阅读短文,选择适当的单词填空,在答题卡中把相应的字母涂黑。(5

   Look at the picture of our earth. You can see where the North Pole and South Pole are. The land ground the South Pole is the Antarctic. The Antarctic is still in an Ice Age: Cold winds blow blizzards () of snow to the sea. Sometimes the winds blow almost 200 miles an hour. The winds never stop blowing.

The Antarctic is "the home of the wind". Scientists from many countries go to the Antarctic. They want to know more about it. They study the weather and the way the ice moves. They want to know why an ice cap covers the land of the Antarctic.

   Some scientists think that if the earth warms up too much, the ice cap may melt (融解). The melted ice cap will fill the oceans. The oceans will rise and cover much of the land.  Some day our maps of the Antarctic may look very different.


(   ) (66) From the passage we can know that __________________.

    A. there is land under the ice in the Antarctic

    B. many people live in the Antarctic

    C. no one has been to the Antarctic

    D. it's too cold to live in the Antarctic

(   ) (67) The underlined "they" in this passage refers to (指的是) _______________.

    A. the scientists        B. the countries      C. the winds       D. the oceans

(   ) (68) --What will happen if the ice cap melt?     --_____________________

    A. A lot of land will disappear.

    B. The weather will become colder.

    C. The ice cap will wash the land into the ocean.

    D. The wind will blow the ice cap away.

(   ) (69) The underlined word "rise" in the passage means ___________.

    A. 上升             B. 下降            C.分解            D. 消失

(   ) (70) You can read this passage in _________________.

    A. a sports magazine           B. a menu

C. a storybook                D. a children's newspaper


8. 根据上下文和音标写出短文中所缺的单词,将答案写在答题卷相应的位置。(5)

   Here's an e-mail.

   I hope you're well. I'm on holiday in London with my friend Jean. We got here by plane last Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Jean didn't come with me because she was (71)/5tai[d/.

   Then on Tuesday we saw a clock, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. (72) / kwi:n/ Elizabeth lives in the palace, but We didn't see her! I bought some presents but Jean didn't buy anything!

   The next day we visited the (73)/5britiF/ Museum and had dinner in a Chinese   restaurant!

   Thursday was a (74)/ri5lAksiN/ day. We went to the Tower Bridge on the River Thames and looked at the city. What a beautiful and big city !

   Finally today I did some shopping and Jean went to a (75)/'kRns[t/in the park. I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper. Then I wrote some postcards and e-mails to my friends.

Tomorrow we're going to fly home. What a great holiday! Say hello to Mum and Dad.

Love, Mike

71.                     72.                     73.                       

74.                     75.                   



   Both men and animals live on the earth. But men are different (76) animals. Scientists once thought that men are cleverer 77 animals because they can think and learn. They know now that dogs, monkeys and birds can learn  (78) . Now scientists know that men are different (79) they can speak. Animals 0nly make noise (80).they are afraid or angry or unhappy. Apes (猿人) can understand (81) quickly than people. Some of them can learn a few words. But they 82 make sentences with words. They can't think 83us because they have no language.Language is a wonderful thing!


76._______________  77._______________  78._______________  79._______________

80._______________  81._______________  82._______________  83._______________



10. 根据中文意思完成英文句子。将答案写在答卷相的位置。(10) 

(84)“Mr Dongguo And the Wolf_________________________________    _.


(85) ____________________________________________ 1,500 million years ago.


(86) Don't talk to others_________________________________________________.


(87)Yesterday the policemen ____________________________________in the supermarket


(88) People in Guangzhou can ____________________________                   _.



11. 写作  

(89)  2010年广州运会即将到来以“What Can I Do for the 2010 Asian Games?为题写一段不少于50单词的短文。将短文写在答卷相的位置上。(7%)






















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Unit 8 Antarctica
2018 年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语及答案
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