





It is a pleasure and an honor to have this opportunity to deliver(讲话发言) the keynote(重点) dinner address at this timely workshop on risk management sponsored by the Institute of International Finance, Price WaterhouseCoopers and, most notably, the Bank of China. After dinner speeches are always a challenge for speakers since sustaining the attention of an audience at the end of a long day is never easy. Because the topic of my address tonight-"Building a Culture of Credit"-is as much philosophical as it is pragmatic,my challenge is expecially daunting(使沮丧).
On the other hand, the subject matter is absolutely central to the long-run effectiveness of the Bank of China, the Chinese banking system more generally and thus also central to the long-run economic and social progress of the People`s Republic of China. That emphasis on credit risk is entirely appropriate since I am hard pressed to think of any major banking sector disturbances(弄乱动乱) or crises anywhere in the world over the past two decades in which the core problem did not reduce to credit related problems.
IBM has been doing business in China for 65 years, and we now employ over 2,000 people here as well as 3,000 business partners. I have personally visited China many times, and have had the privilege to meet and discuss business with some of you in the audience.But, in my judgment, there has never been a more exciting time to be with you than right now.Today, as the world approaches a new Millennium, a new global networked economy is emerging. It`s changing everything, and brings great opportunity to China.
This flood of innovation, which is allowing everyone to become connected, is enabling a global networked economy. This is an economy which elimininates the traditional barriers of time, distance and geographical boundaries and allows businesses to reach out ot markets and customers around the globe as easily as around the corner. This networked economy also levels the playing field. Large companies, who traditionally enjoyed an advantage through size and scope, now face challenges from smaller companies who use the Net to conduct business globally.

later on过后,稍后。
lay aside搁置,储存,放下,把放在一边。
lay bare暴露,揭发,显示,展开。
lay down one`s life现出生命。
lay on提供,安装,安排,供应。
lay out花费,布置,摆开,设计,陈列。

     Returning to the moon is an important step for our space program. Establishing an extended human presence on the moon could vastly reduce the costs of further space exploration,making possible even more ambitious missions. Lifting heavy spacecraft and fuel out of the Earth`s gravity is expensive. Spacecraft assembled and provisioned on the moon could escape its far lower gravity using far less energy, and thus, far less cost.
     Also, the moon is home to abundant resources. Its soil contains raw materials that might be harvested and processed into rocket fuel or breathable air. We can use our time on the moon to develop and test new approaches and technologies and systems that will allow us to function in other, more challenging environment. With the experience and knowledge gained on the moon, we will then be ready to take the next steps of space exploration:human missions to Mars and to worlds beyond.

    Today, it`s evident that the Internet represents a transformation far more profound than online chat groups or access to sports scores and weather reports.
    It has emerged as a powerful means for parties of every type to conduct interactions of every type.For example, it`s changing the ways things are bought and sold. Electronic commerce is booming.
    At IBM, we talk about e-business to describe all of the vetal business transactions that will be conducted on the Internet. This is the real revolution in the networked world. It`s not just about information technology.
    When banks and schools and airlines, hospitals and governments use the Internet to allow people to carry out business transactions, they have to make fundamental changes to the way they currently do things.
As economic globalization constantly moves into depth, foreign direct investment is playing an increasingly important role and holding an ever prominent postion in the develoment of world economy. One after another, all countries including the developed ones have formulated effective policy measures to attract foreign direct investment so as to promote sustainable progress of their respective economy.
Against the present quickened world economic growth, foreign direct investment is ushering in a new growing period. The new round of global industrial restructuring featuring service outsourcing, manufacturing of high-end high-tech products with high added value and transfer of R&D is flourishing, and the new industrial transfer has generated new opportunities for various countries`development.
China`s basic medical insurance system also combines social mutual assistance programs with personal accounts. In principle, basic medical insurance funds come in the form of mutuanl assistance programs at prefecture(地方的) and city levels.
Basic medical insurance covers all urban employers and employees, all enterprises, state administrative departments, institutions, and other organizations and all employees have to pay a basic medical insurance premium.
At present, part of the insurance preminums paid by employing units goes to the funds under the mutual assistance program and the rest to employee`s personal accounts. Personal insurance premiums go entirely to personal accounts.
Mutual assistance funds and personal accounts are used to pay for different types of medical costs:The former mainly for hospitalization and outpatient services in the case of certain chronic diseases, and the latter mainly for general outpatient services.
    Siemens was a pioneer in Asia. What about in China?Our records show that we delivered pointer telegraphs to this country as early as 1872.
    In 1879,the Chinese government ordered Siemens"light machines"or dynamos. That same year, we provided a 10-horsepower steam engine with generator to light up the port of Shanghai. It was China`s first electrical lighting system.
    We built Beijing`s first power plant. The electricity was used to light sections of the city and run the electric railway. The line opened in 1899 and was the world`s fastest train at the time-making up to 20 kilometers an hour!
    For 150 years, Siemens has led the industry and maintained a fine reputation built on trust, quality, and reliability. And for all those years, we have relied on strong partnerships with our customers.
Until the lat 1940s,when television began finding its way into American homes, companies relied mainly on print and radio to promote their products and sevices. The advent of television brought about a revolution in product and service.Today the Internet is once again transforming promotion.In any case, the purpose of advertising is to sell goods.This means that the advertiser is going to try to make you think you want something whether you need it or not. In other words, the advertiser is creating a demand for his product.
This is fine. Remember, all the goods being produced today have to be sold. And you cannot buy something if you do not know about it. Let us see how advertisers try to reach the teenage consumer. All consumers have certain basic needs or wants:food, clothing, and shelter. But the basic needs of most teenagers are provided for by their parents. Even here, though, advertisers appeal to teenagers because they know that the kind of food Mom buys or the furnishings in a teenage girl`s room will be partly determined by teenagers.

Most shops in Britain are closed on Sundays but open all day Monday to Saturday. Many towns and villages also have a half day closing during the week from about 13:00, but they may stay open later on another evening.
There are one or two shopping customs in Britain which may differ from your practice at home. Bargaining is not customary in shops;customers are expected to pay the marked price for goods.
The famous British queue applies particularly when shopping.You may not always see a queue,but those waiting are expected to take their turn.
In self-service shops and street markets, remenber to take your own shopping bag because many shops charge you for carrier bags. In self-service shops, however, always put the goods in the wire baskets provided by the shop first.
When people buy stock, most doso through one of the securities exchanges or marketplaces for stocks and bonds. These marketplaces are commonly called stock exchanges. To understand why such securities or stock exchanges are important in the purchase and sale of stocks and bonds, consider what would happen if you, and everyone who wanted to buy or sell securities, had to fend a buyer or seller. How would you know what a fair price is?More importantly, how would you find out who is interested in selling what stock to you or buying it from you?
In order to handle this marketing problem, securities exchanges sprung up. These exchanges are nothing more than locations where stocks are bought and sold. And since there is a common meeting place for these transactions, people interested in buying and selling go there or send their representative. The result is a very systematic market process, where transactions are handled in an orderly manner and the operations are both supervised and regulated by law. In this way, the buyer or seller is ensured that they are not cheated in any way.

The United States has become far more dependent than in the past on foreign trade. There is an increasing need for merchants, bankers, diplomats, and soldiers able to communicate in foreign tongues.
Yet this country has been remiss in educating a sufficient number of men and women with the requisite linguistic skills. Yielding to demands for"relevance,"American schools, colleges, and universities have long ignored language requirements.
U.S.schools and colleges contain too many youngsters who cannot speak, read, or write any second language correctly-regardless of their national origin or native language.
Compared with such countries as Switzerland or Holland, the Unite States is poorly equipped to teach foreign languages, The United States must seek to turn the tide of linguistic ignorance.
It is interesting to observe how people of different cultural backgrounds conduct themselves at parties. In some countries men and women respectively drift to opposite ends of the room and talk to one another;in others they sit in large chairs around the edge of the room and talk only to the people on either side of them,or silently eat and observe the scene.It is normal in some lands for a person to remain patiently silent until introductions have been made,then to talk only to those she/he has been properly introduced to.
As you would imagine,American move about a great deal at parties. At small gatherings they may sit down, but as soon as there are more people than chairs in a room, you will see first one and then another make some excuse to get to his feet until soon everyone is standing, moving around,chatting with one group and then another,Sitting becomes static beyoud a certain point.We expect people to move about and be"self-starters".
It is the responsibility of parents to teach their children to be polite,courteous,and forbearing. It is one of their most fundamental responsibilities to impart to their children the values of integrity,decency,and respect for others.
Teachers and school administrators should, however, never become, ethical bystanders. If we wish to educate our students into valuable assets to society, we must not surrender the idea of maintaining a moral community at our school.
Some individuals believe that school personnel should not interfere with the behavior of students unless it is directly related to learning or it affects the safety of individuals who are inside the school building or somewhere on campus.
But good teachers and administrators do teach values-not personal,private values but common values of courtesy,mutual respect, persistence, responsibility, and self-reliance.
The mobile phone and the World Wide Web did not yet exist 20 years ago. Today, almost all of us here have a mobile phone with which we can reach another person in another part of the world instantly.
In this case, the world has become one. What does this mean to all of you?First, it means you must be able to adapt to rapid changes in order to cope with modern life.
An adage from The Book of Change, "The celestial(神圣的) bodies are regular in their motion, so should the superior man labour unceasingly to strengthen his own character,"is still very applicable today.
Second, in this complex world with so much information,it is essential that we learn to discard(废弃、丢弃) irrelevant information and acquire genuine knowledge that can help us make sound decisions.
Je pars pour la capitale de France.我前往法国首都。
Je partais pour la capitale de France.我前往法国首都。
Je suis parti pour la capitale de France.我去了法国首都。
Je partirai pour la capitale de France.我将前往法国首都。
Je partirais pour la capitale de France.我将前往法国首都。

Je dors dans mon lit bien chaud.我睡在我温暖的被窝里。
Je dormais dans mon lit bien chaud.我睡在我温暖的被窝里。
J`ai dormi dans mon lit bien chaud.我睡在我温暖的被窝里。
Je dormirai dans mon lit bien chaud.我将睡在我温暖的被窝里。
Je dormirais dans mon lit bien chaud.我将睡在我温暖的被窝里。

Je sors de I`usine a cinq heures de I`apres-mid.我下午五点离开工厂。
Je sortais de I`usine a cinq heures de I`apres-mide.我下午五点离开工厂。
Je suis sorti(e)de I`usine a cinq heures de I`apris-midi.我下午五点离开工厂。
Je sortirai de I`using a cinq heures de I`apres-midi.我下午五点将离开工厂。
Je sortirais de I`usine a cinq heures de I`apres-midi.我下午五点将离开工厂。
The 21st century is going to be a new century based on a knowledge economy. Alongside rapid development of information, computer network and telecommunication technologies, the trend of integrating world trade is both irrevocable and irresistible. It is bound to have a substantial impact on the revolution of world economy and trade. Today, based on network technology, electronic commerce is an important and very promising means of trade.
We can see from the on-line China Market that e-commerce has many advantages, including number of potential clients, wide coverage, large volume of information, long-term memory, rich presentation and lower costs,More and more enterprises are using modern computer network techology to transmit commercial information or even complete entire transactions.

II fait chaud.II fait tres chaud.天气热。天气很热。
II fait froid.天气冷。
II fait frais.天气凉爽。
II fait du vent.刮风。
II fait du soleil.出太阳了。
II fait tres beau.天气很好。
II fait beau temps.天气很好。
II fait mauvais.天气不好。
II y a des nuages.有乌云。
II pleut.下雨。
II y a des eclairs.闪电。
II y a du tonnerre.打雷。
Le ceil est couvert.天气阴阴的。
II fait sombre.下雪。
Le neige tombe.下雪了。

J`ai eu. Nous avons eu.我有。我们有。
Tu as eu. Vous avez eu.你有。你们有。
II(elle)a eu. IIs(elles)ont eu.他(她)有。他(她)们有。

Je me le dis. Nous me le disons.我告诉自己此事。我们告诉我此事。
Tu me le dis. Vous me le dites.你告诉我此事。你们告诉我此事。
II me le dis. IIs me le disent.他告诉我此事。他们告诉我此事。
Elle me le dit. Elles me le disent.她告诉我此事。她们告诉我此事。

Reste.Ne reste pas.留下来。别留下来。
Entre. N`entre pas.进来。别进来。
Mange.Ne mange pas.吃吧。别吃。
Accepte. N`accepte pas.接受吧。别接受。
Regarde. Ne regarde pas.看。别看。
Accorde. N`accorde pas.承认吧。别承认。
Imagine. N`imagine pas.想象一下。别乱想象了。
Aide. N`aide pas.帮帮忙。别帮忙。
Aime. N`aime pas.喜欢吧。别喜欢。
Appele. N`appele pas.喊叫吧。别喊叫。
Approche. N`approche pas.靠近些。别靠近。
Arrete. N`arrete pas.停。别停。
Avance. N`avance pas.前进。别前进。
Ecoute. N`ecoute pas.听。别听。
Leve. Ne leve pas.起来。别起来。
Decide. Ne decide pas.作决定吧。别作决定。
Couche. Ne couche pas.睡觉吧。别睡觉。
Leve-toi.Ne te leve pas.起床。别起床。
Lache-toi.Ne te lache pas.松开吧。别放松。
A lot of people think that Scotland is a part of England,as any Scotsman will tell you,it certainly is not. In fact, until the eighteenth century Scotland was an independent country. with a parliament of its own.
The English had tried many times over many centuries to bring Scotland under their rule. They succeeded at last in 1707,and some Scots have never forgiven them.
Scotland is now governed from London, but in some ways it is still a separate nation. It has its own capital city(Edinburgh),its own law, and its own stamps. It even has a language of its own, spoken now by only a few people in the islands.
In some ways southern Scotland is like England, with its good farmland and low green hills. But in certral and northern Scotland there are high mountains and deep valeys, fast rivers and cold lakes.
旅游路线tourist routs
旅游资源tourist resources
旅游观光团tourist party
旅游地图tourist map
旅游流tourist flow
旅游环境tourist environment
旅游商品tourist commodities
旅游中心tourist center
旅游价格tourism price
严肃的音乐weighty/serious music
听音乐to listen to music
音乐术语the nomenclature of music
音乐社会学teaching method of music
序列音乐sociology of music
感伤音乐sentimental music
浪漫主义音乐romantic music
音乐心理学psychology of music

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