

一个人 静听 【Al Conti作品集】目录 (2006-2013)(阿根廷)(5CD)
名称:【Al Conti作品集】目录 | 艺人: Al Conti
唱片公司:Shadowside Music | 发行时间: 2008年-2013年 | 资源品质: MP3/560MB
音乐风格: New Age, Enigmatic, Etnic, Vocal | 专辑数目:5CD
"2006 - Shadows (256 kbps)"
"2007 - Poeta (320 kbps)"
"2008 - Scheherazade (320 kbps)"
"2010 - Northern Seas (320 kbps)"
"2013 - The Blue Rose蓝玫瑰 (320 kbps)"
Al Conti is a Grammy nominated composer, arranger, producer and multi-instrumentalist. On May, 2013, Al released his new album, 'The Blue Rose,' on the Shadowside Music label, and it immediately rose to the top of the ZMR Top 100 chart for two consecutive months. His album 'Northern Seas' garnered a GRAMMY? nomination, made Amazon's Top 10 list for Best New Age Albums of 2010 and reached #2 in the Zone Music Reporter's Top 100 chart for October 2010. His album 'Scheherazade' topped the Zone Music Reporter Top 100 Chart at number 1 for three consecutive months, in October, November and December, 2008. The album also garnered four ZMR Lifestyle Music Awards nominations, including Album of the Year, and won Best World Album of 2008. 'Scheherazade' also headed many radios 'Top 10' and 'Best of' lists,' as well as charting #5 on the ZMR's Top 100 Airplay Chart for 2008. His album 'Poeta' was used as part of NPR's fundraising efforts in 2007 and his recording 'Quest for Orpheus,' from the same album, received a “Best of 2007” Award from Mystic Soundscapes Radio.
In 2008, Al Conti joined Kevin Bacon, Jessica Alba, Will & Grace's Shelley Morrison and other celebrities lending his name to the Until There's A Cure foundation to help raise funds for HIV/AIDS awareness and research. Conti is also a member of Artists For Human Rights, an organization founded by actress Anne Archer.
Conti has traveled widely and has lived in South America, Europe and the United States. As an actor, he has appeared on television shows including the CBS daytime drama “As The World Turns,” in films, in numerous radio and television commercials, and on-stage in theatre productions in cities including New York City, Philadelphia, Tampa and Buenos Aires. Born and raised in Argentina, Conti comes from a family of artists with notoriety in many fields. Conti, who has composed music all his life, released his first album, Shadows, in 2006, Poeta, in 2007 and the critically acclaimed, award winning Scheherazade in 2008.
Al Conti 出生在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯,母亲是芭蕾演员,父亲是音乐家。Al Conti 从小就感受到来自家庭的艺术氛围。他现在生活在美国从事新世纪音乐的创作,虽然深知自己属于录音室音乐人,但他立志以 Loreena McKennitt 为榜样,不为商业利益诱惑,独立的进行音乐制作。于是,他成立了自己的唱片公司 Shadowside Music,并于相继发表了《Shadows》(2006)、《Poeta》(2007),2张专辑出版后,获得听众和乐评家的高度推崇,在著名的新世纪网站 New Age Reporter 的年度最佳专辑的排行榜中名列前茅。2008年《Scheherazade》专辑更是获得了 New Age Reporter 的年度“最佳世界音乐专辑”大奖。
【Shadows 影子】Al Conti (2006)(阿根廷)
【Poeta】Al Conti (2007)(阿根廷)
【Scheherazade天方夜谭组曲】Al Conti(2008)(阿根廷)
【Northern Seas】Al Conti(2010)(阿根廷)
【The Blue Rose蓝玫瑰】Al Conti(2013)(阿根廷)
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Al Conti《The Blue Rose》
Last Suitor - Al Conti
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New Age Style
新世纪东方音符蓝玫瑰【Al Conti 阿尔孔蒂】阿根廷
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