

养生陕菜 Regimen of Shaanxi



说到饮食与养生,早在2000多年前我们的先民就已经认识到了它的重要性,正所谓:“养生之道,莫先于食。” 合理的饮食可以使人身体健康,延年益寿。现如今,随着人们消费观念的进步,对饮食的要求越来越高。饮食不再是为了果腹,而是如何吃得营养,吃得健康,甚至吃的有情趣。这样就必须考虑饮食的合理调配,充分保证人体所需的各种营养素的摄入量,饮食与养生就显得格外重要。





Diet and Regimen

Liu Qiang

Diet is an essential element in our daily life. As the saying goes, “Human is iron as if the meal is steel, you will be hungry if you don’t eat.” People have three meals a day in their daily life to absorb essential nutrients through eating, in order to maintain the body's normal metabolism and vital movement.

Since reform and opening up, with the improvement of people’s living standard, reasonable and healthy diet has been aware of by people. Eating scientifically can not only give us the energy that needed for life, but promote good health. Otherwise, it can cause kinds of discomfort, even diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, stomach problems, gout and so on. It will cause harm to people's health. In this way, how do we adjust the appropriate food dietary collocation, to make it more beneficial to human health? Nourishing and regimen are the most popular topics people concerned about at the moment.

Speak of diet and regimen, our ancestors had recognized the importance of it as early as 2000 years ago. As it is so called, “Nothing can be more important than foods in regimen.” A reasonable diet can make people be in good health, and prolong their lives. Nowadays, with the progress of people’s consumption concept, people have high demand of diet. Eating is no longer to satisfy their hunger, but how to eat quality food and food with nutrients, even have a taste for it. In this way, we must consider the reasonable allocation of diet, to ensure a variety of nutrients intake that the human body needs. Diet and regimen appear to be particularly important.

The word “regimen” first appeared in the “The Internal Canon of Yellow Emperor”. It says: “The regimen for wise man, will surely conform to the four seasons, fits cold and heat, harmonize joy and anger, settle down peacefully, adjust Yin and Yang, and blend softness and hardness.” It is clear that since ancient times, the relationship between diet and regimen has long been known to people very well. As the saying goes, “Food cures better than medicine.” “The Internal Canon of Yellow Emperor, Plain Question” says; “Grain, meat, fruit and vegetables are enough for our health, but not too much.” The King of Medicine, Sun Simiao of the Tang dynasty said in his “Precious Prescription”, “Any treatment, dietary therapy first, medical therapy last if diet not effective.” He claimed that everything begins from diet. Regimen through diet, praised not only by medical experts through dynasties, but has been proved by modern medicine.

According to traditional theory of health preserving, we are influenced by the changes of nature directly and indirectly. The ancients had the idea of “harmony between man and nature”, and conform to nature. We must comply with the change of seasons in our diet and daily life. Nourish Yang in spring and summer, and maintain Yin in autumn and winter. “Regimen of Shaanxi Cuisine” is based on the theory of healthy food, combine the principles of modern science to analyze, and explain the effect of varieties of ordinary food in categories according to season. In accordance with the principles of diet and regimen, people should have a balanced diet, rational allocation, conforming the seasons, blending of five flavors, suitable temperature, three meals a day and regularly.

Chinese dietary culture is broad and profound. We eat every day, but how to eat takes a lot of learning. The secret of regimen and longevity lies in how to adjust diet. As what it is called: “Homology of medicine and food”. By reading this book, while a little attention in their daily diet, it can achieve the purpose of nourishing health.

“Regimen of Shaanxi cuisine” is a global concept. Generally speaking, the food that is green, pollution-free, good for health, can be called healthy food. It conforms to the development of times. That is people are becoming more and more concerned about their health, focus on green food, nutrition, and the trend of regimen. It pays both attention to the culture inheritance of Shaanxi Cuisine, which is natural and original flavor, and health care of the dishes. Through rigorous of cooking, presents picturesque, high quality and healthy food. It has created a new legend of Shaanxi Cuisine. The new force of Shaanxi Cooking rises and is remarkable. Therefore, it has gained popularity. Let people enjoy good food, get the effect of health preserving at the same time.

This book describes what are the benefits of it, and the relationship between diet and nutrition, basic knowledge of cooking as well. It can make each gourmet get the appropriate knowledge, and put into practice.

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