

箱龜窩 Blue Water Turtle

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Blue Water Turtle Tub:

Category: Turtle Tubs


Yes BLUE ! We've made our "super tubs" in blue...Same super durable, super long lasting tubs - now in a really

 cool color. Your turtles, plants, logs, gravel etc. have never looked better - against this pretty blue back drop.

 Perfect for outdoor use in hotter climates because they won't absorb the heat from the sun like black will. 

To create this pretty deep blue color, these tubs are actually made from first run plastic - so they will last even

 longer. We're very excited about this really cool innovation in turtle keeping & when you set one up yourself, 

you'll see why! . . . Same impressive description otherwise...

Simply the finest turtle tub made. Perfect for all water turtles up to 7 inches shell length. This tub is 55 inches

 long, 25 inches wide, and is twelve inches high. This allows for a depth of 6 - 8 inches of water depending on

 the angle you set the tub up on. Our black tubs are made of 100% fully recycled high density polyethylene. 

They are both chemical and U V resistant. They withstand extreme temperature changes, making them excellent

 for outdoor use. They are built with easy grip access ramps and have non stick surfaces that clean up very

 quickly. With a seperate section for a land area, gravel or mulch can be used to create an nice land

 mass/basking area - or, sand can be added during egg laying season - giving female turtles the perfect place

 to safely lay their eggs .

We've used these same tubs for over 15 years, both indoors and out, and they are still going strong. They are

 more than durable, they are virtually unbreakable. We use them for hatchlings, juveniles, young adults and 

full grown breeders of smaller species. Consider this: You can keep a turtle for several decades, consistency

 of habitat is one of the most important aspects of a turtle's long life - so why not set them up in a habitat that

 will last for several decades...

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