

Oracle -RMA Sales Order

Q1. What is RMA?

A: RMA stands for Return Material Authorization. RMA functionalityallows user to authorize return of goods delivered against a salesorder. RMA also authorizes returns for replacement, as well asreturns with or without credit. Returns from a customer occur for avariety of reasons including damage, shipment error, orsampling.


Q2. How are Return MaterialAuthorizations (RMA) entered?

A: Return Material Authorizations (RMA) can be entered and updatedusing the Sales Order Window in Order Management. An order can beentered with both return material and outbound material or returnmaterial only.


Q3. Should an RMA line alwaysrefer to a Sales Order Transaction Line?

A: No. RMA lines without referencing an originating sales ordertransaction line are allowed. However, the pricing information forthe return item needs to be available to calculate the credit forthe order appropriately. If referencing an existing transaction,the originating transaction information such as the order number,order line number, option number, component number, and shipmentnumber is required.


Q4.What ItemAttributes should be set for an Item to be allowed for customerreturns (RMAs)?

A: For an item to appear on RMAs, following item attributesshould be set:
Returnable = Yes (OM Tab)
Shippable Item = Yes (OM Tab)
To create credits for return items in Oracle Receivables:
Invoice Enabled: Yes (OM Tab)
For Items that require inspection before delivery intosubinventory:
RMA Inspection Required = Yes (OM Tab)


Q5.How is anRMA received?

A: RMAs are received in Oracle Purchasing / Oracle Inventory,the same way any other receipt is received. Upon receipt creation,Oracle Purchasing calls an Order Management API to pass the amountreceived to Order Management as well as invoke continue activity’for the workflow of the RMA line.



Q6.Can a RMAline be partially received?

A: Yes. When a RMA is partially received, system splits thereturn line on the sales order:
One line will be generated completely fulfilled and
An additional line will generated as unfulfilled and awaitingreturn.


Q7.Can a RMAline be over-received?

A: Yes. It is possible to receive more quantity than what is onthe RMA line. How much, depends on the value of profile OM: OverReturn Tolerance.


Q8.Can a RMAline be cancelled after it has been received?

A: No. Once the receipt has been created, the RMA line cannot becancelled and its quantity cannot be decreased to below thereceived quantity.


Q9.How is thestatus of RMA line affected during the receiptprocess?

A: The Flow Code of RMA line is updated as the RMA line goesthrough the receiving process depending on the receipt routing ofRMA. Following table shows the status before and after a receivingstep.

Receiving Transactions

RMA Line Status - Before

RMA Line Status - After


Awaiting Return

Awaiting Return Disposition


Awaiting Return Disposition

Awaiting Return Disposition


Awaiting Return Disposition



Q10.Is itpossible to return / correct a RMA receipt?

A: An RMA receipt that is received, but not delivered intoinventory can be returned to customer or corrected using ReceivingReturns or Corrections form.
Note: A Return To Customer transaction on an RMALine to return all the quantity back to the customer doesn'tautomatically progress/close the RMA line. To progress, RMA linemust be manually cancelled from Sales Order Pad in OrderManagement.


Q11.Is itpossible to re-receive the RMA line that has been Returned ToCustomer using Receiving Returns form?

A: No. An RMA provides authorization for a single materialreturn. It is a one-use type of transaction. When the initialreceipt is done, it has fulfilled the purpose of this RMA. After aReturn To Customer is done, the subsequent receipt of the samematerial would require second authorization for return -- a secondRMA.

And technically, once the flow code of RMA line changes to AwaitingReturn Disposition after Receive transaction is completed, there isno mechanism in Workflow to change the status back to AwaitingReturn. Thus the status of the RMA line is not eligible for receiptanymore. ReferenceNote416151.1- RMA Cannot Be Re-Received:APP-PO-14094


Q12.Is itpossible to receive RMAs via Receiving Open Interface(ROI)?

A: RMA receipts can be received via ROI only in release 11.5.10and above. Below 11.5.10, there is no support for RMA receipts viaROI.


Q13.How isthe receipt routing for RMA line determined at the time ofreceipt?

A: Receipt Routing for RMA receipts is determined based on acombination of the Item Attribute of 'RMA Inspection Required' andthe value of Receiving Option 'RMA Receipt Routing'. For the tableof all combinations, seeNote258994.1- RMA Receipt Routing Defaults to Standard Receipt,Subinventory Field Gray or Disabled


Q14.How areLot and Serial Numbers entered on RMA lines?

A: On the Sales Order form, after you have entered the headerand line information, click on the 'Actions' button.>From the LOV choose 'Return Line Lot/SerialNumbers'.

Note: Since Order Management supports integration with other legacysystems, there is no validation for revision, lot, or serialnumbers against inventory tables. Also, if the RMA line refers to asales order line with serialized items, there is no validationagainst the serial numbers shipped on the sales order line.


Q15. How does the 'ValidateSerial Numbers on RMA Receipt' option work?

A: Validate Serial Numbers on RMA Receipt is a receiving optionset at Receiving Inventory Organization level.
(N) Purchasing Responsibility > Setup> Organizations > ReceivingOptions

This option decides how the serial number validation takes placefor RMA receipts of serialized items. Refer toNote421320.1for complete details.


Q16.How doesprofile “INV: Restrict Receipt of Serials” affect RMA receipts ofserialized items?

A: In Oracle Inventory, the same serial number is NOT allowed tobe received during an RMA receipt for an item with serial control'At Sales Order Issue' and the profile "INV: Restrict Receipt ofSerials" set to "Yes".


Q17.Is itpossible to create an RMA for an Internal Sales Order?

A: It is not possible to create an RMA for an Internal SalesOrder. Order Management does not provide this functionality.

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