

Muscles of Facial Expression


Muscles of the mouth
The Orbicularis Oris Muscle are responsible for closing your mouth, kissing and pouting as well as blowing a horn
Orbicularis Oris Muscle
The Orbicularis Oris is the muscle responsible for closing your mouth, kissing and pouting.  As the name suggests the fibbers of the orbicular oris muscle encircle the mouth is a sphincter muscle. It has an origin points at the maxilla and the the mandible the lips and the buccinator muscles and it’s insertion points encircle the mouth.
Buccinator Muscle
The buccinator is the muscle of the cheek and assists in chewing motion by holding the cheek close to the teeth. It is also the muscle used for blowing such as playing a trumpet. It has origin points at the maxilla, the mandible, and the superior constrictor pharyngis muscle. The insertion points are the orbicularis oris and the modiolus, beneath the risorius muscle.
Levator Anguli Oris Muscle
The Levator Anguli muscle assist the naso-labial fold in the cheek. It lifts the upper lip to expose the teeth when smiling. The origin point is on the maxilla just below the infraorbital foramrn and has an insertion point at the modiolus.
These muscles combined are responsible for laughing and smiling
Zygomaticus Major Muscles
The zygomaticus major muscle works with the risorious muscle to assist laughing and smiling by lifting the corners of the mouth. It’s origin point id from the Zygomatic bone and has insertion points at the orbicularis at the modiolus.
Zygomaticus Minor Muscle
The zygomaticus minor muscle also works with the risorius muscle lifting the lip to assist laughing and smiling. It’s origin points from the malar surface of the zygomatic bone and has insertion points on the orbicularis oris just next to and above the zygomaticus major .
Levator Labii Superior Muscle
The levator labii superioris muscle is one of the muscles responsible for lifting the upper lip. It has origin points on the cheek bone near where it meets the bones of the nose and insertion points into the skin of the nose and skin of the lip.
Levator Anguli Muscle
The name of the levator anguli oris muscle lifts the mouth at corners. It has origin points just outside and beneath the orbital rim and insertion points  at the modiolus. It lies beneath them, coursing under the levator labii superioris, then arising just outside of and beneath the orbital rim.
Levator Labii Superior Alawque Nasi Muscle
The levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle is responsible for the facial expression allowing you to sneer. It has an origin point from the upper frontal process of the maxilla and insertion points at the skin of the lateral part of the nostril and upper lip
Depressor Anguli Oris Muscle
The depressor anguli oris muscle is located on the lower lip and aids in drawing the lower lip downward. It  has origin points out of the fibers of the platysma muscle and has insertion points at the modiolus, mingling its fibers with the risiorious and the orbicularis oris,
Depressor Labii Inferior Muscle
The deppressor labii inferioris muscle is primarily responsible for depressing or drawing down muscle of the lower lip. It’s origin point is from the mental region of the lower mandible and has an insertion points on the orbicular oris.
Risorious Muscle
The risorious muscle is primarily responsible for the facial expressions of laughing and smiling. It’s origin point is in the fascia of the cheek and has insertion points into the orbicular oris.
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