

Configuring proxy settings for the Java Runti...
Configuring proxy settings for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
This article applies to: Browser(s):
Internet Explorer 5.5, Internet Explorer 6.x, Netscape 4.7x, Netscape 6.2x, Netscape 7 JRE version(s):
An applet does not load, and the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" shows the following error:
java.net.UnknownHostException: www.xxxxx.com
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
Or, you see an image that looks like a small white box with a Red X in it
Or, the browser cannot display the program, and shows the error message
"Loading Java Applet Failed..."
The JRE could not obtain proxy information from any of the following browser-platform combinations:
Internet Explorer on Windows Netscape on Windows Netscape on Solaris or Linux
Start the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" by following these instructions.
Click the Start menu Select Settings Select Control Panel Double click the "Java Plug-in" icon Click the "Proxies" Tab
Make sure that the "Use Browser Settings" checkbox is checked. If it is not, then check it and hit the "Apply" button to save your changes. Doing this will cause the JRE to use the Web browser‘s proxy settings for all Internet connections. Close all browser windows. Restart the browser and try to load the applet.
If the applet still does not load, and you see the same connection error, try to configure the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" "Proxies" Tab using your web browser‘s proxy settings.
The web browser proxy settings are set as either manual or automatic. Please choose from the instructions below to configure your proxy settings for the JRE.
Manual Proxy Configuration
Both Internet Explorer and Netscape support manual proxy configuration. Here is how you can configure them manually.
Internet Explorer
From the Internet Explorer menu bar, click Tools Select Internet Options Click the Connections Tab Click the LAN Settings button Click the Advanced button
If your setting shows "Use the same proxy server for all protocols" checked, please copy the HTTP proxy address and port number to the protocols field under the "Proxies" Tab in your "Java Plug-in Control Panel" utility.
Otherwise, copy each address and port number to its corresponding entry in the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" utility.
From the Netscape menu bar, click Edit Select Preferences Expand the Advanced menu by clicking the triangle sign Select Proxies
Copy each address and port number to the corresponding entry into the "Proxies" Tab inside the "Java Plug-in Control Panel" utility.
Automatic Proxy Configuration
If your network administrator provides an automatic proxy configuration script, your Sun JRE can use the same script to configure itself automatically. Please follow the instructions below to get proxy information from the proxy configuration script.
Internet Explorer
From the Internet Explorer menu bar, click Tools Select Internet Options Click the Connections Tab Click the LAN Settings button
Please input the same script name and path from "Use automatic configuration script" field into the "Proxies" Tab section of your "Java Plug-in Control Panel" utility, where you see the "Automatic Proxy Configuration URL".
From the Netscape menu bar, click Edit Select Preferences Expand the Advanced menu by clicking the triangle sign Select "Proxies"
Please input the same script name from "Automatic Proxy Configuration URL" field into the "Proxies" Tab section of your "Java Plug-in Control Panel" utility, where you see the "Automatic Proxy Configuration URL".
If you require further assistance, please make sure you check through ourHelp andFAQ sections thoroughly. We probably have a page that answers your question.
You may find information on the following topics in the Help section:
Installation Instructions
Error Messages
Applet Application
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